Berkshire Chronicle Reading 02-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-02-1914_00005.jpg
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/ - - -......-CELEBRATE
Th o promll1cnt part "Inch !:he_ ReadlOg
IWomen's ConservatIve
A S9OC18otlOn
in securlJlg the tnumpllant eleohQO of
C"plalll Leslte W ilson 88 Member for tbe
borough of R e ndtng , WM o.cknow)edged.
not ollly by the exoout,ve of th e Readmg
Conservative Il.ud
AB80ClB,tIOD ,
h ill alBo b y othe r mfiuelltlal!atKllls
th o ughout th e OO Ul1try TIle annual mee t-
II \\", \l, e I n~B"'it gathe l'mg 01 wom en
U lI lOIIIsts ever h eld m R endmg, and llii
II I r ,l lIge m en t , \\Iuch In' oIl ed an i nfimte
t\UlOUllt of t i me a.nd l a bour. wns a tribute
W ilson, im prop08ln1l ' tho
~lecb l on of h-IrA Freema.n fiB hon seorotary po.ld oil g raoeful tribute to that la dy's
C'P~1oD Le..l,o
tant secr etary).
In I this an"a , there have b ~n 85,005
admISSions M compared With 102,370 III 1912,
109,334- I ~ 1911, and 137,644 III 1910, "hlOh
\WlU tho -lIas' yOlH belo-r e the 111lLltt.i lo n of
t h ⢠⢠br<>" d stat O<II and wa y t icket system;
68,820 bread and b read and chooso l.lckut.s
49 viay tlokets havo boon i SSUed du rmg 1913'
Eightee n, ctc ; the follOWing ward a ~: o f correspond"nce an<! o r ga,",lsntlon .
h on secrotarloS, :MI3 Bl llckwe~l, Nur86 Durl<", the r«x>"t
s polro wlhh l8.dlm IT&t1on of th~ smoo th ~ of
Bllrkodr, the M'!l~(IE Boyle, t he Ml5ElC5 Eight
the wolklJJlg of the asooci.,abLOn, Mod many
eM, M", Bruce Jonco, Mrs Klbblew illtu,
formed U10 oplInj-on tlUlIt On.rn.a.Ln Wi'l'50n's
K. Morn ..", MloSS Redma.n, etc
due to " burge enent to M...
OaptJa.n Wih.:>n apologl""c\ for the 6b- HCtory
Benco of M~ WiJoon on t hat m e m orable F le<'mall'6 offori:09
He was lllclm ed' to boheve tb ..t
t hoo th t
d f
peop C, W 0 wa.,c
e ren ~
events, who r ead Su Edwa.rd_
â¢â¢ on
M", Frooman urgod them not to
roI"x th",r <>lions as tb"l' n..,,(oo more
WOI k 1IO W th.,n they evDr did before
t hanked Iib<Jm h""'M;1Iy for elootlllg he r
bho nUlth YoCar 1.n SUOO~'OOlon
),flf A H
BuU proposod e. vow of thi3abks
Leslie WIlson
~IT Bull 8&1<1
n othmg wou ld BUlt the Tory
but the
of the Home Rule BllI for wh ich
they hod struggled
long, " nl for whtch
speeche s , and
narrow<lOB With the statesm anlike
utter -
a.nces of leaders like Mr. R ed mond, wero
Th o} J"CSoluuon WIU.S ca..rrled uDa mrnously
askmg Vibat the Tory pnrty
A polOR' I~ for 4.'Lhscnoo w anMre F~ SB.I<1 to be proposoed h;r \ we r e a.bout in s upporting and defendmg
l \oUofl'()('Q {room La.dy R\l.5SlO11 , Mrs
Mro Moun â¢. Mrs Joon 13J~Jv.h. Mr Boyl e, IJ",,,, Momb "r was th., tw,;g>ht of her amh,- the prUlClplf,s of a.n a.rchy, In th...t wa.y . 11
Mr and l'f~rs A S OoopC'r, MJllll Colv lU
111,.. Hod.,'1kln. M", Hianbu.ry, l>Lr C E
K<>ysor. l>tns Alf,,-od Pulime< 1\[, F. B lUfihby Mr o.r,d M", F A Simonds, and Mr
.M l'8
rrhe oommlttoc's r c-po.rt
wltoelJl t an th.o l)art of
"'''mbers of fJ'Q nBsoo.",t'<ln .n iJ,. 8'I-oa t
I',L,._1 q u<"SL'<"1e oi th" dar.' ..nd ⢠!won
dO::ILfC toO ('U d AleI the prUlOIlp 05 of I mporlill.J
T oo
seco nd {'d
t.' lO
00'Tn .
Ihe Pre-
rep o rt
rn.e mb~"&llip
h a.d
rl'oneB , £aid Mr. Mucnaghtoll, were ma k
t h" t a man was" p1uokv mBm who would
[,"'~ ",1'1 Ih<JGO InJl "" t h",t "V<.\II.I11j! us
oh"IrTThllIll (I"""hlm)
lI o su~po!-."<I ,t W'M
du e 170 O n,pt.a.lrn \V:11oou's tl"lLllI'l1ing Ion days
g n.J1.C b-v a.s
htlie) 'Ill C<mt.- T
came from a.nClent endowments before the r enewalt must. bu made. Probably t ho roReformatwn , b ef ore 1652
N ow h nd ilia newal w ill to bo ELSkecl for ann ua ll v
Clmre h any r ight to tbooe end owm ents! \Ve would oelIr our warm thanks to Mr N.
Bofore the 11efcr:matlon , tho Church of in Wa.lea was Roman CatholIc,
country to ca.rry Illlto a w, a
he. (Mr and so were the poopl~ \\,ho gave t.he
Morrell) oo uld say WIlB that t h.. pnee wae money , ' "nd If th ey hM! known that the
too heavy
Force mu s~, 1f necessary, be Church - of England In Will". was gOlllg
met b y force.
to b e w1lat she was to da.y It \yas 1I1l pOSBible to ' 8",Y \\ h",t Lhe glV<'~S of t hose enUNIONIST LAND REFORMERS
dowmellts would hav6 oold.
IM"hng Wlth the I&n~ question
Morrell BOld h e knew w at that mea.;lt. C8~
o r('la'SQ(I, the botlll.ll nu m ber on il,o ro1l of t'b~ A s..."OO!ation a\V:~ ~ bhc e wom~~ 'I p-ec lally .in South Oxfor dsh ll''e
1. h at
ll'3'S'OCiartlO'n b e ing 1,100
Increased at ~ 18~~OC a-t lWl for then cxccldent n . great statesm an a~r ~nar Law, called
tlon had ootm g'lvon t o t h e orga nasat lo n,
DU l lllg t h o cvonlllg Capia lll \V Ilson ex- J Into ,1e ri SlOD th e
h LUe brother of tile
'\ hlOh lllaod &clod UlroURhout the y~'lar 10 p rossed h,s tha nks to the wo mt'ln for the }lOor ; hut h o (th e
w()uld soon er
cl ooo OOruneotI<ln WltOl tho Contro l A SSOO1:l. splendld work thoy pu t 1lI at the election A) be a h ttle b r othe r
poo.r t h an a
tl Ol~ IlIlrJ rntWh olon oo. I work had boe n d ono 1111 go nil-moor of m en \\ C I'O leavmg these flu n key of the rich
a very lemal ko ,u.sUl~ t.ra.cJ. ng ofV r~ shoroo, cbscrvobCi Cnptam Wllllon , a nd ," ore I able fact tha.t Mr.
tn a cl<tlbod dto
George dul flot
Jl1 o~a 5 llJl
Is-tn, )u t on 0 i:l t oraturo· \ .. d I goIng fo r the m oot part to t:11 o BUtlSh appear t o be t h e
l a.nd r efo rmer .
" '" bmgs had OC"" systBnmhc" lIy hel d ,an Colo nic/! , to oou,ntrles w1ICre t1Ml wo rk lllg llI a ll Th ey llad neve r UOOII
to look
\J< u c.lri:vel.'Od In every part of fuc h d ~ I b
ed M h
I t t[
I Ii t I ' ,," a our protcd
uc o{ t >0 pre- upon Lord L ~llsdowne
Walter L ong
tf rOu ~ ,l~ " ~'fl.( I W[035 g r ab, YUJ0 1g ~ ~ bno.c
I fiC nt mdust~ lal '" D.S cauSobd by the fnet I an d Copta.m Pr A tyma~
ea.rnest la.nd
10 .a. . . IJU'I IIUl<i..IlQO 0
mCIll ~rs la.u
:!en fir I t hH.t tho oo.'1t o r tile nC<!0688.Tl es cf. Id o hnd
moro r ngubt tUHl..n (lve,r b :l (orc
Throu .ll;'oh I rI:lCn "hdo thero \\.zlf!. no co r('s r ondm Tl
re forme r s, but It \\ fi.8
of the mos t re1
t he " ' ndne,. o [ OaptaLn ..nd Mr. }Joslie
Th t
I fd
t h gF "'l malk..ble SIgns of the
. I II WIlS arge
0 r oo
(I. Bucoussfu.l
m.o took pIneo on 1111
T wagos
d bv ueh to
' nlory speech
Jun06 26tJl at tho M ainor H ou"3C
Wnltlh:n m ,,: a 0 P~adY PUI 6~C it y t 18 ~ b untry. t h e y had an
t h at what ever
f oun d t Il at
t lJ ey
St.. Lu.wrcmoo, \V'hQU 11 lktJ'gc nUll1b'e r of mom. ; \1 )Oth~n r151n a OI~~;:tJO;ln :~dche I~r ~~t:~ had oU j omoo t he
bers had t he opportuDtb,Y of ma.kmg tho t~ t. a UI th ~ g h Id
't tak
g t ⢠t
glad to kD OW t hat
noq, ntalllOO poo~o.n:aJ,hr o f tlu)l r h ost a.nd I
0 r ei ro n 0
~ a pa TI O )0
TJtCll"O WaB one event which th ey ' mtcre..q1 tn tho qUe<lll ons o f tho d a y, 80 t h.:l. t \tiO mue I su pport
were rab10 in rooord Cor t ho fi rs t hme In I ~hcn ~t? C,l ln ° to vore an~h U&Q tthclf
the hi story o f idlO a..'%OCla tJ on-t.he reburn th~onE
o y touJld d ) so In
C In e rotl a 0
!'" ceause e re
OIl(),) moro o f II Un.iolllst. :JIrlcmOOr 00
F ' OOhll'C tLP P a lls ' 1
faoe of -the waters
t eh datll.<·:lIU!Id tL~ darra ngements, wll10h a.j) was h enceforth
Houso of Oommons (a.pplaus o)
Or U
w'ore a t a cou
eSlroo, worv carrle d
THE ,.vO),lEN ·S P AHT
ou t bv the foJlow lDg comrrllt,toe
Mr and
'Diac :n.SSOOlo.t:.ion took t bnt tho fir at , op . ~t~ J Dry~n.nI~ Vas l a~ D[
.po"lJu.r Ity of OODVoO) IJtg bhOl r since re oon- : ~1r \'~ld l 1'\;u.s prr:.~JZ:r:mm: ~H~ruoo ~id ft.};
~ru.t.u ,nrtl\()ns to Oaptam \VI Ison upon t.15 M
S bI A
Ell P I Ib k M Y
aM bel
~P' Ionulld
\'lOtury lUn d t IIOlr a d m lr a tJ. on 0 f 1'1 ISS
bel v,
' ram ' ldI,,"'
F '
tlhc gl'alld fig ht ih c 00 9u~fu] ly oa.rrlOd Thll.o l ad;:;v~c~lc~, :~llo d~:sesa WIth l1r'i:t 80
o ut for tho J)nnCl pl t!!\ of U IlIl Olll SlTL
Tho bl
h Id
o.G6OO la tlo n prQud of tho Jlft..rt tn'll t 1t l u n S ou f"r 688 1
W llS a hlo to take I n holpltng to acOUl'O Cap I
Fll'orn a. lou nge, wto which thu d.:l.IS had
tlU' n W,llsoll's. r~tU!r ll .
Tholr thll..nk!l were ' ~n oonvort ed . C:'\ptUI!\ Leal ie Wilson, ~rs.
ng-a lln duo to those ~ntLc.mcm .......ho ltnd Mu rd och and ot11era "ntncasod t h o u.,
!=r non ",u:h1>OJ. blQ U.dOI'C$jt'S oUL tho m (>ob, scoTne
to tlll.O ollal rm c.n ~L n<i oomnllttccs fOI the \180
hrl'o ohpcr!'. wc r e g iven for Cu.nbun WIIo f rooms a.t tJho() clubs t.o t.ho o tfteors of the son, M r o,lId Mrs Rlls lc.m , and Mrs Ati."fOClintion, ..a nd t.() tili" ngc.nt (M r \ man
J F Cowles) for n il tho kind h ~l p and ooo- ! Th~ oonc~'trt \"l aB a.n Q.~t ra.ctJ v o f-l"a.turo ..
61.dor.a.tllOn rooeuved b v t hem III 8(.0 m!llJ'ly
rOHNd~~ WCT l tn greJ(J fon;n Mr
e t tl lllCC6
Y' e 6 po,,-or U
VOIOC WIn!l h9la4'<i 1:0
going to have
land agd,atlOu,
rash to
p :;
In- I
MN Rushhy mlbmtlloo th" cnanol ..l .tate- gN'<l.t r.,dv,,"n4"1!e, and Mr. S LI M,lJ.!s wee
!lmn.t, WhlOh 9h.ow·~.xl bh at tho .rOoOlpts, In ·
oluding £11 78 7d bal.a noo brouJght for
WIll.rd , &r:n.<nlint;ed be £60 123. 4<l. a [lw:i Ute
o~,.,hi1l"o to J:48 160
leavtng ..
b~Lfunoo '" hand of £11 160. 2d
qlP odlacd
t:e n
Ml!\3 N fJ be
R ltoon
h nr r ooltulO1l9, illLlld othors
wh o t ook p.n.rt'r ," o r? ~I.t.~ B ll!\DdfoNl. MU~.'l
fa.V011T'l t O
Ong1.y, ..nd
K oITV Mr \\ Hri\'<n, M,. F
Mr H G r"7"On
Dr Abr",m, I'll lOO'Vln g tho adoption o~
the report, 03.]90 GXpT'l.."SSlOd rugret at t:he a t>.:
,,-,noo of Mrs \'illson. And ",,,!oaIru>d th .. t
c vc>ru n.g t1l101r old f rJ<m.d Mrs M UIl'dooh.
m lod W(,"t back Olght Y' ago t.o '" meetmg of ..bout half" d07"," poople, hcld .. t SEQUEL
Mr CI"C'Od's o'Ld houtro . At Uw.t tlDle It w6.S l
u q UC<lbl'Oll w hether or n ot in woukl b.o po,
LADY ~ "
could lIOt hclp fooling bba.t
t o give thu ac\:us-ed 'kn toppor t u mty o f openHo had rooolved 8. letter
from the sohcitors 01 the """used saymg that
they dld not propOl!e to p i 00<>cd .Ibat day
filld tl18t tJrorc had DOt been c.n "'nth the d ofence, whIch t..l:lo prlsono r wou ld
adve~ bn:1.a.noe 51000 t h.e.. liJ\01,)pblOn of the r{)&()rve, LIl the event of tho m ag 6t r aWB com
1.'bc l'o " v~ an lIJUllitose futu.'N ffi lttmg him for tr Jal I ,
in s oo r.e for t,'he woman of England pohMr. H U H. Thorne, who a ppea.rod for
tlioaJd.y. H e Wll! not [f"6(urm:llK W tm<l. fact tho prosecution, )as kQd that Livock be oom>thel t1~ey m ight po""lbly. In the dl&tn.nt nutted for trial M th" Aesizos, III eustody
future g('ft lL ",ole
He d Id not know ibM
PrIsoner he was mnocent, nnd t bat
tfhat would be a polJ1tloo l advaJlta.go at oall, h e l'El90noo hiS defeboe
&00 he ~ qUlte sure llna.t It would otl<Jt be
Llvock was the re upon ~mmlttc<i for trial
... poll'M",l advl>n,Uo,g<> to the ooun'try
He, at the next ABOzoe.
behaved tho I nfiuenoe o f '\vom6J1 '\Ms becom
im.g more n.od more fel t ...00 ill o nly th~y
would OOID<! QUt a.nd usc that bnB u"",," in
~ rugM woa.y t h "'Y woul<l be doing good not
only to U,eir ,?WJI po.r1l1ow.a.r town , hut bpey
woW:! be b.eiP"'DII the p;roM oa.... 01 Umol>ism emd 'Imp<>ri~1 unity.
0010001 Keremgton 8<IOOndoo _
Ma.. 'PI>i)b"",k in p<oposins the re:oleo£1"" of Mrs w;.L,O;,.... president ....'d 1ibe 6"d " k..e n
M&OWallon ba.d now 1"\.'laJ.ised. itB.hi.ghcat 6ffi- ~HenrYI h~e
b han in. ham.'ntr t.hour Member's WIfe M ueen, h 0'<-":" 0'10("
p""",dant (app.! . use). L~ M... Wilson thq
e Gm e lady Woo took & Ueep- sllliareet loU th e motored from
",,,,,,,,,atH"". They w..,-., p l.....odi to _ Mn_ R,a-k, Twyford,
iC" .,i ,dOl'Oo
tMurdooh th..t eY01l!1Jlj1'. Mil!, MUoI'- Bar ker, where the mOf't
&n old
doo1. WM thrur p,-celd<mt for mnJJY yEofl",
and .hoy """" greutJ.v OndebWd bO her f'Or
>What .bo ba<!. 0000 ond l'W1lw>t ate'
MTII. Murdooll. in
1M 1..\" Mdl\'''·.
a.."""'~001 was tQ be~e
_,,,,,... 'U<" .
ea.!\nurt W'OII'k it p ut 'in
TI... r<!eCIlutlon - wu
tIIe..t lody
a.,~, ~"lI.
stables of Berksh ire, Buckm,gh.J.msh lr<!, O:t
fordshue , t h e City of O:dord, an d t he Coun ty
Borough of R ei..(hng for the Jr rcady a.nd un·
{lailing h.",tp ..
l.1he anB.lTma n . .US:, tak ing 1hc r o
suJt of t he scheme all ~h o w,'y th roug h, Ih oy
could cong ratulate th er'ruidvos on h lJ.\ Ing' sue
oocd~ In effectmg a. cQnSldmabto dlmmutlun
of tramps aOJ ~ t o th oir worl(h c u w.s From
a finaOCloU l pOint of View tho U ili o n .; wero
gl\ mlll~~ m oney by b eing In tha.~ comh mn4
uurmg the poet tear. they had adoptod
IS the act", ... whom
.udet sti li number of trllm p". In the nounty and Rean
lovos . Mme ~Cl oomtro IS r esto
to hoI' mg alono theroG worel 71 ,000 m~n tram ps lLl
r ghtful position , a n:l the judg hunaelf IS 1912, a.nd t h ey were , reduOO(t to 44 000 hU5t
In the s~ m o p"rlod ilhuo 5,700 wom l"U
proomotod , 1<I a h og1. JJO"l~lon
Thu g&y nctrf'...<!s and oap ~ J vatlOg woman WCI G reduced : t o 4,2QO fLnd t 110 1,200
QQbl!tto wall clovorl v pro..'ioelltl. b, MI& c11ildren to somethi ng over 1,000
Marrga LB. Rubin whil e Mrne T I~lnte WM - Tho rcp('Irt was p~, as alw was thl:'
played w,thl 8I11 m. I'on by MI B Barb~ra ba.Lance-sheet, whioh I showed a Elrght do:
G ott .
M,.. Estelle V", n G e
m. d.. a fiolency
An annual contnb~tlOn order of .£600 wa.
charmlDg D emse, wh Ie the h \a~i tl Infu.oo
< I
into the par t of Soph e b v MISS Irene mado.
Wdh Tegnrd- to tHe Question of on tramp
Hcnlsch..l '" m[<>chou. Iq the ~<>le of tbe
om.b:>.,.,.."..ed e.Dd tr"""tly - ,"g11laitOO J ud,.:e re.glswr , It was doo'oe<l t o t.a.k ~ n o act on 10
(rnootn!>e. Mr Fronk B1'&<\llo:x ",I rE6p<>nsib1e the matter.
I TM salary of M n I Booford, t.he assistant
tfor much r of the humour of tl!~ evemng
Tlw port.,aya l of Cypn.n GallQe, bv Mr 500rePaI y, WIE1.6 ralae:d f rom £10 to £20,
th rooe_vlOl{ a 5 per oont
ing h l~ de fence
officers, and to Ih (' chief con
lJ1here wo.s.. Domimon Iron and S tool Co ' s Bond, value
£200, the property IIf M.- Rioh ..rd Todd
. t"W8.rd to the L ord Lieute nant of B >,k'
sh iM (Mr J. H o -bert B enyon) well know.
IIlg the same to have boon .t olc~. Tbe bond
wore oorreotly botR<hlcd, wou ld he 1,1151.. Now is p a.rt of the p~ b f the burgla.ry wluah
we. committed IMt August ~t the Eng lo6e1d
eotat.. of tho - Lord L,.mtE>
Mr C H Dodd (mag,strntds' elerkl said
the mag,,;tr ..tee wo uld rome.nb" tru,t th"
oa.Be wo.s adjournod a fortmgh t. at'o In order
Board, t o thu oon t rlbutory boards of
t h o system of glVJng oread a.nd c heese, and
alt:h-.)ug h tha.t WM III htt~e moro expens., 0 ho
hopoo the r e6ul t wc-u\d Justify the m ·ans.
Many tramps ~ramp('d for t oo p urposo of
Muc h ourlCl61t
a.nd m te rest h as beon
ur{).useu by the YVJSlt lQ the ItolAl Cou n ty ~.bgma. and If only people wnuld stop glv;I'h >
P- ~
' k f'h
h 109 to \ tliem the n umbo:- of tra.mps wou ld
\ ca~rc, :1 ooU4(nng,
19 \\ C-O
... oU t mue
t alked of and critlc,cd play " Who'. tho bn mat'lrIally red uced. I For th at reason the
Lady? It ndaptW by Mr . J o >!o G Lov y hom committoo thoughb ths.t If thoy Wol'e n Ilttl~
t.he F,
M ada mo L'l. Prcsuient", by moro Indu igen g In t1w Iway of food it would
henf' fi clal, bec.nUSO I 1t would redu~ tho
Mm H cnncqulll a 'ld VebN
Tho 1'101, In bo
IIlciu ce me nte to bog. With only bren d thc-re
Cj la.rae t·uri conoo.£t lOr., an d 1du :\ , U qUt~> O
tho mduccm<lnt t~ beg f<lr oo ll1 .l hlOg 1<1
Fre nch, whll o 1vIi LoULB Meyer ha6 sen t 8.
go with It
They wanted t,o rC'd uco the
oom pany that
e very pralso for t he t r am ps w just thODe who could n ot h e' p bosuooessful r"prc&ent.a~'on of the piCCO t hut IS 109 tramps
tak ln l\ Lolldon b y storm a t t he Garrick
Major Poo lton said Ithcy mus t all bo v " ry
Thoatre The plltv .abo und s In amusmg 8 tu
ahoos, a nd lL ( ..'ontmual npp\~ or la.ughtor i s ploasod WIth. the roport Tho o nl v r . g rC'fl.Rb!e
o f it was th at the unions ot Ii' II I l..;dun,
to be h e nrd a& the 'I p lot It 15 unfolded Tho
et.ory bri eRy t R a.a fa1lows: M l.'nool.llul:!- lB a Newbl1ry nnd Woodstock had no ~ c o m ~ IIlto
str lot a.nd mor& Judgo of thtt:t proVl1loC 801 town line ,uth roga rd to t ~e r a.tton of brend a nd
f G
in F
H 10
f th
ch__ He thought it' was & little un~""e
~nd ~~mly ~~~dOuct o f ~ .fou~mg 6~~;?st ('0..1, · ho n olaced 1.hfl.t Fari n.gdon s roGobe tts, he ordeTS h e r expu lsion fro~ the d uctlOn w as 30 per coot, N ewbury 's 11 and
\Voodstock's D.6 much 1M 37 per cent ⢠He
o nly hotel in t hv town
G ob ctte, a prottv
a nd charmmg gl r1 , '\iL,,!t S Judge Tncomto, k ne w fr om P!l.5t historY tha.t 1ho falluN of
t hat .ystcm before W'l" the want of the co- f d >.
an d h ~D.nng 0 f >h
\I .e 8.b S(moo 0 f L'
lI.LIS WI e ,_, e uuroporatlon of all tho UDlOtlg conoornoo
m1D~ to pas,s the. nJght under the ma.g~- they began to drQI' out the t Iling wgan 1<1
kate IS roof rt.loomto obj oote vary strongly,
but the of Gobetoo ' ovcrcome his ob· fI "S', <llJ1.d ~ he q,id hO~ tIley would IIIduoe
j ootiOllil l and she prepa.f'Q8 to tako u p h e r thosn three unio". to iloin With thcm T he
quarte r~ In tho hou !;ott A very m o.ral and saving W8B qwte sufficient to JOdUOd them toO
upright Mmister of Ju~ tJCO Gaudet v 811"11 oo-opera.t {), b acaUoSe it l a mOll!1t6d to a vory
T I1I<lomtc suddenly, a. nd to ~ve the 81'tuat lOD In rge au.m, and morQ tha.n the 1 45d rato
Gobette 1 S mt loduood 8..6 Mada m e Tr lOomte whIch was bemg Mk-ed for ao n oon lnbutlon
'In e mnU.9Wr fa.lIs III lovo tho ch&l m Al t ho ugh t lluy m igh t W'Ul t r nth()r m ore! than
mg la.d~, whom h e lm agmes 10 be t.he j udge'" that for broad and oheese throug hou t tho
11w feclmg IS re turn ed, a nd no~t d~y year , tho b enefit wa s groal. 'l;he nll mb()r of
Gobetto VISits t htt m UlIsto r 1Jl lila offi ces at trnmps all p rehe nd~ <iurmg t he y ...lt8r was
the Mmtstry 10 Pa,W. Gobetto 18 8 d e~lIgn - 240, a ir" nst 271 the pr<>vlous }ear If they
mg minx, aild wJlil1!'"tho Mmis\<>' o i J'Urlroo cOIllp;ored tha.t number With tho.'ie of p.rev ou~
re n~w l ng hiS pa.sslOnato !ove-mn.kmg ye.aI'~ t hoy would find t hat t h e cnme com Gobotw's drooa fnlls off, a.nd t h o ImlOls t-er IS m ltt..d by hramps had dccrc ... eU to t he ex
d t800 VOrod In III very oompl'oDUsLng situ.MJi.on t ent <If 11 per oont With 1912, eo
-by the ush. r_ G<>beil,c'. dr""" I~ """,ned Boway' per cent campa rOO wllh 1910, and 47 p"r
and ",hlle IDsufficlQntly gal bed the rea.! blm~ 00n.t. compa red w,th 1909
A m omoor W ~'A n wa" this ~chem"" strl r tcd?
Trlcom to tu r ns .up, b ut the mmlstor mls
Majc'r P oul ton. In ,1910
Every p riao nor
take.s he r fo r t he brass polisher , and on
p romlSm!! h er tbat her hUJlba'~d w 11 b<> committed to the A snz e,!, cost th e county. on
committod t()
promoWd aho pa.rtq. with h e r ha1 and Qr<:8S
t o p rovido Gobette With outer oloth1~. Quarter Sess,IOn.s OCl6t ab:lut £8, I!I nd , If t hore
£11 or £] 2
Trloomt o turns up, and fi nds hiS ri f 0 in th llS
our 'Ous predicament
H o Im.a~.
nes she is From e. finane a.1 aspect, th~re(o "o, tl;!.cy Wen!)
but III 1113 end truth QSS rts i ~ elf- much to t.ho good 1£ 1 tney cou ld reduce t hlJo
b<>p\1y 8ug,ury In the f&at th.aJ: the memoo1'Ohlp had gOillC u,p to 1,100 Capoo.lO WIIeon's majOO'llty ' 'NUS 1,131, and be had no
.roubi tlhat lIOOi r actu.aJ .n..m'L.,m1l1P, If Lt
l;hey 00d t.o "",90 th.", mcmbe",lup to
2,000, .,nd Qa,pbam Wiloon wou1<l th<m he
""lnJ,nnoc\ ali the n.ext elect.ion by 2,000.
SpcoakL,,~ "" run old offi oor of the Centrii.l
A ~OCI a..tHon. h.e oould aE!fUlr e t hem that tih.ey
Iwd wa.tohoo r.ho growti11 of hh..e Woan00n's
'AssooL8.tHtm With t:ih.-e gtI"Oa~ {oohng"9 of
9ojt isfactl0<l, .amd I""d !<mnd tthM !!Jev }V'Ot'C
.. b",rd work ; nl! u90fu'l body It WS6 ...>t's-
H Olbert, In.'Poctor o[ t he Local GOlol n mo u\
d~ans Me thOIT
.sIble W lrc.s.usclta.~ t h o o!.d. PITl mrOSO League
I n Readmg, butt It
t:Ih.ought tJt4t It
wou ld be & W ISO pJ.181J1 bo Ol'ga.D16U women on
At tho ReAd1ng County B onch o n
1iho sa rno aVIlOs as tihG men
The ga.thol"llng da.:y J ohn L l vock. d eaoribed as an under:
that eyOl1l'1l~ Vl n.9 th e roouUt of bhat mooting, wrlt-er, of B ath Road, Chisw lCk, was cha'l"g'oo
ano vemerrt had b ecm .a. suocees
On OotO.Do:r: 1st we commenoed gl Vlng oh~SQ
WIth tho b l'ood toO all casuals at th eir fild .
day "meal, exoop t III the) UlllOl13 of Newbury,
F arlllg.don and 'VoodstoCk, "he re th-tt board,
of gua.rdlans declIned to Irna ka t ho a lteration.
'Ve {eel It t o- be B. leg atimate &OU I CQ of g ratLnoo.tio.n td us that the 6UC0t.\5S of our schem o,
1.0 tho firat two years of Its workmg, llss ls ~ed
the L ooaJ Go vernment B oard 111 oommg to
theIr <if)cls'on to rooommend tho general adopt io n of the way t .. kttt 'ilnd broad .station systom
O u.r sooemotJ has r coolvc d th o roeognt
tlon of the Local Govermncnt Boa..d till
Illg .. great cry ..bout the Bill, and said
that It W(LS robbmg God
'1"he mon e y Maroh 316t, 1914, when apph08tlOA.- fflr Its
hf" had .nlIwa.~ ondml red 1hoe g.nlln.nt OnIPta.ln
r.ccoTdod foOT hLS pluck . aM he SA\.o. With a.l\ S'lDOOrlty
all UOOUl1.lDlS] J<'<i
Untt y.
, Mr. Fane, the Tory candi<ln.te, In B
letter which, app eared in tile local papors ,
mu.d.. .. r emarka ble s t a tement-that t h o
Bill for the Dlsest",bh8hmcpt and D,selldowmellt of the Church III Wales would
cnpple the work of the ClJ'urch In Wal e.
..nd that the monoy which ought t o be
devoted to t he purposes of re:I!f101l would
be devoted to sec ular purposes
fori th ey beltevod th e} had the
authority of the
M ti&j('}
Th e t hird annual report conLl lIIed the 10110wlI;Ig '!D·urmg the Po.s t year a t th a pasu:ll
a.nd4'referroo bo tho groa t 9.BS l l:!'ta..n~
. he rono"red to t"," party
M", Freeman
10 t h e () l ga lllsmg a b llity or the 111d ef£l,tlg- I.., ",,-,d, ha d boon I1Q1l, ",,,,ret.""Y of tllO ....:
SQC.lnllon evOl' ~i noo lts i ncepbon M'bc:l
I\blc ho n sccr eta.ry. Mrs Freeman.
Ca ptJlln L e-:;l10 \Vllson,}.1 P, presided, they rooogl>lsed how the memb;'",llllp
[l.IlJ dlllOllg threo n.loo present " Oro ~l rs LO"""""'->di they would rcoognl.., bow h"'"
If M m_ F recrnnn. did
M uTClooh. 1\1 rs F ",lIlk RWfhby (hon. t,roo wOI-k ~ .d LIloroo . oo
fiu ro r) Mrs Froem.m (hon secretary ), 'Mr. not mM><i him ....yJl14l[ so. ehe g<>t yQUllg<>r
A 11 lluII DI G B Abro.m, IC<>I01l"] Kcn- .,,,ory day (appLe.""" and cramghter) .
l>1i.. Flallug!lJl .oocmded â¢.lId said tho they dl shkoo _
t>11lg1.on. M'I A. H. Po)a.Qh , Mrs
Mrs Mur rol' 'M", C A PI, 'Lbrl cl~, M"" IlCYU1:islnng .'!tat e of Lh'13 oSS<>Clabon W8S tiltO 1was not In U lster .'
LaTko..m M rs " 'aldan . l\1Jrs E D Heeila~, m ost OOnVlJlCung ptl"oof of tlhe tiJn,e IflJOO l a.- Mr. B Law and
[!\tlS'i4 \YDl1don, Mrs H
C Brown, MlbS bo~r MI1I. Froom6Jl had de voted to tile &S-jwere creating the .re8.r ~~~')U;~~,clL~~~'
'Whe work en.ta.lle d a belhon, or the threatened
Flal1l[l. ftlLn M rn and 1h~
Mrt! CaIr, ~la.h.on
Mrs J
Mr. G. F pr""doo, and wa. supported
by' Mr.- N. H erb ert. (Local GovernmOllt Boa.rd
I wpOOtor). Major
F P oulton (CllIcf Consta ble 'If Be, ksh , ). tHe , Rev. A J - P!llwphord (Bradfiel -Union), M r E 0 Farre r ('Rea.qtng l".u..nsh)J !M, F J. Patto n
(Windsor)! Mr _ J _ Ba,I..y (Wyoorub, ), th~
fW,' J -,B Wlutohurs, [ W<lIDI",il'_) Mr C. L,
S laillOr (, Md lIIr II E Bannard
(hon sec ret&ry) and Mr. J. R _ Bedfmd (~ssis
"h lOh Vo8.6 h eld o n Friday, Wa.s therethe occaSLOn of much reJolclng
n ~lt.iI th e L arge and th e SIllall rrown Halls
}uhl I)(,PIl engaged , tlw former for a meetl 'Jg,
f(l N
lIlg !\.n d a concert by the Nomads Concert
J '" I t.) u.nd t ho latte r l or u. dance , and a.
~r {'l1e o f mncll a11l1U8 LlOU was presen t oo
A g Nl ~If'y lng dec rc&8o d \"agrnnoy in B ~ rk.
~l_re was roported at tho ! nn,l uol meetlllg of
\...De &" k 9hll."c,
etc., JOint. V .l-g l'3. tlcy G'omnu~tee . h eld a\ th~ Board l1-oolll of tll.
Rending ~o!\r(l of Guar4uLll:& o n a.atu ida.y_
They could not P"",y Ml'rmo.nt ;' ..00 olt",,,,,,,tooriatiC' seve"al member. t ..mfyulJr to th.. admirable
anvtl,in,,, except
whil<> g"",/ wprk " d one bv Mr, F. Warwick manner In whwh ¥r Bodford had p erAnd Dj)t to the I Ward lUI - IBlon"", .. , Mr Ri ghard HICk. "" formed h l ~ -dutIes. 1
W.liloCh h-.J
_ Octavo !t<?samund , and Mr. Walter P emoor7
~ mlS
ton as p nr.'he
whlch wos mlsgov- __
r :.
Tbie cry of d islo yal .;",~=="..;==~=
it WI\/! humbug, "DIPLOMACY 10 AT W[NDSOR
than t he To.ry I
At th" mcotlng of the Co ,m cl1 of Un verB l t ~
D y the Klng's com mand a.
of Rea.dmg, It was nnno u ncC'd t h nt Mr
"J).plomacy" W!l6 g iven at -;WlDdsor Ca.atl o Leonard Sutton, of th o fi rm o f M~r~
n o t to un - -on M onday mght.. by .;Mr. Du M1l urJel ' s oom - S u tton .o n I is'JIlY , had g1ven n. d o nn.tlGn 01
were only _ pany
Wylldh..m'. Thealre_
£1000 to tho hmd wb en IS bell1g ra1S:-d fr)Jl
l eltlslat.v~' . indepenc:J..enoc. not r
fi ret t~eatrlca I p e rforman ce that th~
of 'p rovhhn.g ndeq'lato bU1ldtng«
t ho n.~ r1Cultural a nd
f-l"Om E.ugland . Mr '
Dot tho Cs. t 'e for fOJr ye~ r08, and
th e -college.
.Jlot vote for JUstIco '
b .Ilh.n o t f une "on
was Dot final, and
Queo n occupied sea.ts in
'there was fro nt;
a nd
por~Oi'ma nce
l1I.r. ,
, ..
Mr' l
'~'"' ~_ ~. tbo