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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-02-1914_00009.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-02-1914_00009.jpg

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enterPn8ing' •

burglar departed wllih
his ,. swag enclosNl in a. ba.njo case .i
Wmch""u", the other day.. I



The Reading Town COUllc il mst night hie present views were.
came to a momenteu:s decision, Tlz.. to -tune or ten }6&.r8 &go wlwm th
- 'eat the Reading ~d Kendriok W&8 tlrst mooted; ' tJ:HU~ WBS, , lD ill.:r~pl InSchools
They O<re thUB emba.rking on Ion a. faLl'
• policy which is fraught WIth t--ndoua
t' - , proepect 0 carrying It through'
WI h success.
A dIfferent pobcy WM
<lImeult",.. , owing to th<:l probable Ioes of adopted" and ... " re"ult the difficulties in
~dlOIR rB, and .heavy (X)Bt in a.da.pting Read- the way of m.ak1ll8 an entiN change had
!llg School, to say n.otlling oC provldmg been greatly lJlcrea&ed, ~nd It w"s a.boof or the masters who Wlll 1096 iJleLr employ· lute ly neceBSRry 'to . h ..ndle the problem
1D. not ,merely a bold, ' but i l l - 0.
eprl"lt. It 8UCcel:l8 was to be attained and
LAST NIGHT'S DECISION. . he added, unless the ono school I Pohet
,.... strongly supported and liberally
financed he beli<:lVed the town would not
10 rull dress d ebate teok pla<:e upon
obtain ", tbe l result a school worthy of
flllestlOn n.t last DJght's meetmg of
Its 1IJIpor.tan~.
The counCil, ha.,~iIl'g
HCI" l
Town Cou.ncil.
st..rted Rea.dIDg Scbool in .. bold and libSCHOOLS QUESTION.
era.! .p mt, they w ere not gOlllg
to throwaway a.! I that lust as the
Tile report of the Committee of th<:l ",,"ulbs of the libenllty of the ir policy
il t.. d
were being obtained, and to atart another
10 e
te that
the fo:Iowmg
new schem.. in .. "bold and II' ber -'
lei IRr
the s B01l.l'd
of EducatIOn
was H
_ Bp'l~t" I
ro",,"., ed : WIth reference to the 'conCere knew that hiB resolution Waf< a tliree(' lice between your 8.UiliOTItYJ representa- ba.rre lled treeolution.
There W8.B no use
tl\ CS .of Berkshlre EducMlOn ComlDlttee HI dlVlding itr-it must stand .or faJl tother
~Ild If M. InspectorB, I BJll dIrected U;
; o.nd ohey must deeide the questIOn
tltn.te Ulal the BoOa.rd. thl'llk It dooIrAble to
&L night.
The first pa.rt WM ~a.t. they
Ha.\ nt thfs · stage that, in Vlew of the contlDue their present scheme re secondnll-ered clrc'UmlStanooo, they do not WiBh ary educa.tJOJl i the €ecQnd part woo tha.t
they autho".ed proceeding WIth the buildthe aut.horIty's oonsiderabon of the qU<E!S- lng .of the nev. K~ lldrick Schools., o.nd
tlOn wh~iJlCr tile seCondary education of h
boy" III t ho borough BhO'"lld In future be I. 0 thU'd that they apPoint 0. committee
th e Jnana.gemen t an d the
out bl' two ~hoo'... 01. pre=llt to lllvootina.te
fi n.
f Read
Sch 1
or by only one cmnblOed school 10 bo n nces -0
00 .
at e
pl'QJu<hced in tmy way by the te.rms of wanted (waR n. committee OOllsistrng;uof the
t.I 10 0 ffi Cll...
'_ 1
Ie tter 0 f th e 14t1I '
F e b ruary, mayor
as cbairman),
wbo we""
~ nd three
_. __ tof .~
'TJ Ie major submitted a letter from th .. 01
severe a.nd
tbe wbo
the .chaol
Rev H Kenney, of No. 10, Bulmer.he fi
Rorwl. Rea.dlDg, tra.nslDllting 100
nances, to
appomted to 1I0 thoroughly
munlcatlOJlS 6lgnc<i by pare nts or
mto the queetione that dIsturbed the
f b
tte din R
mlllds of the ratepayers, and 1;0 r epQrt
la.n~ 0 oys & n g earling ~U)ol, thClr conduslone to Ule (lO'UJlcil
H e dId
urglng that. the school should not be oom- not My good r.cRults would come
bllloo WlUI the Kendrick School, and clr- from further po!Jtponement
The obioot
cu la.r -commun Ica.tIOns to the hke effect of the he proPQBed was not to
fr om the ll.ea.ding School Old Boys' Club d ecide wheiJler they sllOuld have one or
"lid the vld Kendric k s ' A 6SOClO.tlon .
two schoolil Cor 00,6, thll.t tiwy must
T he com mltf,ee reeolvcd to repol t to ti,e deCI de that wsht, but when It Wll8 d e<:lded
councIl that In i.heLr OpJ.fllOn th.e second- It would be for t he counCIl to go Illto the
a ry ed uea. t! on 0 f b oys In
iJIe b oroug h qu ootion whcthcr Re a.dmg Scbool m th<:l
Ul future be carried out b y one
Co.mbIIlOO Bchool lIlstea..d of b two schoola nExt few ye&rB oould. be] on bett
d th t tYh
Re d
ter or more eeonomlco.l hnes.



acceaa to
,, or







n 1118


Dr. Abram pointed l out
d that nelth""r
Alderman Chivers nor IAI erman Drylnnd
w .. on the oolUlcII at the time when tho

que8lion was prev lQusly dl..~eussed M.any of
Aldennan Dryland', , la.terYO.<'nta













E'Y d,1i'






&-...- .......


the OVtiDiDg Mr.

of Tho Royal


don Opinion. H

"I * •

Exchange, whtle sarvmg J:n t he bar, b e-a.\cl
cries of U MurQ~r! Pollee! Holp!" CQJnlllg
from the duect::lon o [ tho 'stable.
Slado went out to the back nnd recogJllsccl
the VOIce IB.& that of Mr. Pocock, who was
In tho ha.y loft.
Al arm't;d at t.ho stra.nge
bc-hll.\'iour of Mr. Pocock, MI. Slade scn t
for the pollee '
M ea.nwhde, Mr. Eocock, 10 an appJrent
paroxysm, of Ntg9, was )tskmg t he slnt<O.<. ; o ff
the roof of the b...'lV loft With a. pltobforl~,
th row rng them at thti orow.:], a.nd S' IOUtl1lg
wl ld !y. Sorgennt Phillips soon a rn voo, and
wa.e followed by a large .numb.:::r of pO!lce
cfficere, and 8. cro wd of c.: vIliaru
M t.
Munday, the rerievmg o fficor, was also

SufT1'Ingists n.rc refuBing to h ~ ve thl)
" Encyclopl'e(1ia- Amerlcnna." 111 their li brarIes, for unde r the s ubJcct Cf Eve I , i't
merely Bays: "800
Aqam "-' j EvenIcQ

Mr PQOo:X:k thre'w a.t thom
no one W.a& jnJurcd
Assummg a d efiant a't tude, Mr P ocock
.tood al tho ontenn"" to ,he hay lofl WI b
" pItchfork In Ill. hand and threa 01'<><1 to
put 1'0 through tho ', first ma.n \\ ho attemptoo to on oor. Every effort wa.s made
by h16 frIend"" to p ersua d e him to come out
.and go home~ but. h-o stood fi rm -and rcfu:: e d
to do 150
Then the orowd observed Hames lESUlllg
from the ha.y loft, whIch ",oon tniJ1cd t\ large
number of trusses of hay
'Eye-.w ltnosses

.. Th e re are three Kin(h of fri~ndoRo'
those who love you; tho se who are IndIf~
ferent to you; a.nd the nex t frle lds- thcso

IUlely faU..."oua. A, to Ir.ocommodahon, the
Board of Edunat on rocci n sed It &B a. .,hool
for 225 boya, including the 'lunior.. Whatever mighl be said, the jun,or ochool h od
been an unqu&hfied !lUOCe66, it btHng p~ac drola,.., Ihnt they ad uaUy saw Mr P ococ k
tica.lIy full the wholo ~ime It had been 80t firo to tho hay
t'hC1"6, and l.t WM a.chn~-M they w shed lt
PC. Bryant. went to t he fire 6ta tion III
to act- B! a f{'ooer faT Read;n~ Sohool. the Butta to mform thQ tho brIgade. Fire.
If he ecnt a boy to the l junior school, how- :man Handl!nde and Flremc n GI '~ and
ove r, I&nd wiehod him I toO proc-coo. to the Foster, With the chIef officor (Capt n.m
oelllor ""hool, ho lIS a parent ,vould ",quiTe :Pontin), '\:cre }:Jromptiy on t'h43 foenc WIth
,eourl,"" of tenure, nnd - if """unly wero a hose truck, a.nd at once got to work fro m
only given thc SOOlor .chool would fill gu.ta Ii. hydrant and soon extmgmshod the firc
Tho odvent 01 the fir e b"gade and tho
as.. Bure]y 8.8 tho Jun or now did. 'lru~,
Jets of water thrown Into the tiay loft had
they I hfld
H froo
p la..cOl et"
m h Readm.g
h d
uff'eal of makIng Mr. P ooock r Cin hso thu
00 - t ey were
e Ig to to ave lem
therotl', e.nd t.hey were ) sorno of tho best slwlliLlOn I It tran~p ' red thnt h o had closed




Post," New Yo!k.


• • •


A prominent Iris h M.P. &'l'S tllat in one
of hlB sIJ6eCh cs- he rCI'(ln.rI(OO, H !And now
I wj}~ a.jJk mysclf one tllIcstl(.tn. 'r.
nn e xpecteilly
voico f rom
b n,.c k,
/( Shure, it's a. SIlly answer you'] g-et"

came a
.... .

f'b e



La.rly to Ben try . "And what ;. that
stra.p under your ch III for f OJ
oalled Tho dcor of U,u sb:lble, padlocked , "Thn.t is a j"w-strap, mndall/, t o rest
from tho InsJde, wo.s barrIcaded .
It Wa.8 qU ito dnrk lJl the yard. a"d 'tb.'S our jaws when we are tlred out) with ans·
crowd were 1n Imminent. d ange r of bClIlg werlllg qUoCstlons. IJ_ " L a Bourn ," Paris.
struck by the ""laWs, bricks, aLe, w.uch




James Slatio, the landiord




About balf-p&5t five

boys they had got, and by keepmg t!bo
eohool a.e it was they would sloIll h'lvO freD
plMars thore (.ppl,usc).
They should
oombllled school.
appro&ch that questlon from T'tiasona of
Mr L ' G. Sut.ton movoo tJaa..t the report
Mr F. W;noor reoondcd the reeolubon sentiment, of econo my... a id of educatIOn
be not approved
H e ha.d hoped that TIley had a. rIgh~ to demand t ha t they The lmmedm.te resu lt of .arpulgo.m.n,tlon
last Thursday (when the council met In should h~'\e a dltc'lfiolta cel unate of the prob would bo th o loss of o. l con.sderable numb~r
commIttee ) the que t>tIQn wo uld have bean a.ble SllVI~ bo~oro tllom beforo thoy wero of tho high f~ paym~ l boY6, certa'nly, from
oCClded once ~nd for all, but the a.ttend- uSkf to voto 1n I~athur of glv.nt up the Roa.dwg School j a.nd, 1 onoe they ha.d cxflJICC Bt t h at meetwg wa.s swaH n.nd the -aXIB mg oY6tem
V V were to
ave ana hl\u..sted tho. Kendrick boys now 10 the
d ba.te
t n.ctcd th t
. 1 f bel
8Ohool With nn ~uftl numbor of boys toO school they would not 'gat tho 68mo number
60 pro r.
, .n. me..n} () t
Ore th080 now oou04led In tho two &ohoola, he of be'!
a. II
go ther~, SImply
the tIme Cor votins arrived, "hlle othel'6 dId not bello,·o thoy '/'iould ... vo anj,thlllg I b
) P Y 18 Id
II _~ t
Th y
te h h d
OCn.u.90 they oou
llO III 0['(1 I.
won. no t h ear d th e "t all. Ho folt thai in the Cuture Iho need would "ave to have two curtloul.. , on~ for
Pl'eVIOUS d I6cUAslon.
The arguments 00- for tW{} schools "ould bo groa.teT, and not boys leav mg to go 1n~o bua ne!5, the other
vu.nood. by those who dJd speak dTiftOO leBfl
for boys st9.ying to p~eed toO t he uniVltc'lrSlvery v."ld,~]Y from the ' J>OmU3 of the reso!u COS'l'
tie! , they would reqUl I'e two hea..d masterB.
tI() IJ .
the ma.yor, E\.8 he lllm~lf Slud,
one for each BIde a.nd a ls o a, supreme head
dre w a very powerful "re d
h ern,ng"
Alde rman Drylnnd aRId that dUrIng
mfl..Swr, an<J ave' y e:xpen6JVe .taft' to oarry
Il Cross t.hc trn.cK- that of e lementary edu- pa6t few weeks there hld ' a.ppeared In
on the two curncula. ~l:llcb th ~y would be
~"'<1tlon e:qxmd lture .
H.c hoped hIS WOf- ,Pre& ~omo bILLer and unColr attacks on bound to hav e. He ' considered that tho
s!u p ,~ould brUlg It up , but not t h at , thooe 1'I"ho only desIred to d u;.charge ilielr d\:pendlturc on R oad ang' School was extrn.VRmght..
T hey were t,herc to OltK!USB duty to th e t9wn they had the .honour 10 ~nnt It wa.s e. &urprlse to a. {cod many
:iL'coll<11\1y educa.tlon, ano h e tTusted coun- rcpresent H o W,IS somewhat 5u't' prioo-i a.t find t"kat th~y were p.~ylO~ a out £32 P dr
c111?1"B " ou ld OOn fl.ll6 th e ir thought6 to 1ho f.QrOl of the r esolutIOn wh ich hnd ~n boy At Rea.dlng School A dermn.n Drylnn
The councIl he b ehevell IUu,ci€ a. m.oHlod by tho chslr mn. n of tho Educat IOn sai d tha,t the wholel.~retl w
tho sant of
great m l~ta.kc w1ttm'they p a.asoo 'the n~o- Commilh."€'
Ho ro re rred to that p.!l.rt o f it boys. That was awo ~e y f
InllOn by one or t\\O votO';
for two "lUeh Bnld a committee shou ld 1>0 appolOted mg ,hey bad 175 fI·m~
° ld Y" ~b
8c hool's
hu t t.hey wou](l make a nother to 1fl,'(\st ignto. and r epo rt upon tho or~.aniRa- kep.t the _me at.. ,£t32~YtWOUb r £U0& e
2S per
tlOn and co~t of,. rymg n R d
S I I oost at once f rom
0 a ou l
rn:a.t -m~Bta.~e l{ t.h.e.~ pa~sed anot.her reoo- That .... 1Ui th e fi~:t thoy ~b~t boy. The reason why th ey ha.::l Dot got
lltton n. f\.J1 OllillS t e BC leme then ad opt- tha.t {, lLnd it wa."t Simply because tholkJ more boye &t. ReadlOg School waa prImarily
ed 60 soon aftar they hod com pl eted theIr III (avQUr of two schoo l81 war"" drivon Into bees-use the town COU'lCll were thtt governors
lmprovements at Ren.ding School. and be· lL cor n.c.:'
(Cnce of "Yea tI and .. No ") and took ,tI19 opportumty at almost every
for~ they hn.d glven the scho~l 1\ flur Thoy pro"'ld~d thnt year, 10 ro.tes, £3.844 council meetil"4l t.o Crl,h C1SO the _mae.ters and
chanc~ under tJw good condItIOns they Cor Rc>nding School In additIon to that tho result. of th~ exa.mll)"1 Dna. Shl!l(l(> the
had spent £22000 In obtaullng (Hcn.r, thoy ware ro061vmg back nothing in l'CSptiCt oo..'hool had been taken over by t e mum·
TI,e pOllllB he wanted the Coun- of th e loon of £16,000 wh ch W&B made oip.l;ty it, had not bad ..n
cll to IV k the msetvee were (1) W ere the y mn.ny yeare ago t o lh-e tr.usteC!I ().f thp find Ita ov.n po..O:Oltlon If Alderman
going to flJl}' money to the r o.t.epayerB fv.!hool If th.ab £ 'hn.d been PRld ~ back would a.oo~~:pt; tho o~qr . . pf _havln.ll .a. r ea.
now by t.hat one school sys tem f 1(2) If not by in staJmt)n re they wOllld haw) w e.n re stringent mqUlr).', toj ~of~~~~ld
oo upSc°n I
h00 I
h . ' ~ h~ 'ng
, .. hat n<lvanta,go wero they gomB to gct l' ' CotV Jn I(' a, cry v e a.r £765
R e ad Ing Sch no I 0 noc . M t,.o. thO' cond llIon'
was nlmo'30t co~tlnJZ' th !'! m 8. 2!d rate
The a'Qd If, bnytng d ono tnt, t 0 to\\n counCi
doputy.mayoT', whoso figures were gcnorany left the school alon~ for a few monthe or
noc u r n.tlO, t :>ld them tha.t tpe y.ohole cost o f years 10 ot"dor to ~ yur jtoolf, be ~gua.ra.n~
The chairman of their conference wlth tho two new bridges, the incorpora. Jon teed they would ne~:~r &JI!I_1b ~ve rea.~ on t
t.1H~ Boa.rd of Educatjon d IB tmctl y told scheme of w ld ~min.g, IUld 611 ex.pen~p.s con complam that Readl'(Lg ~{)ol WM w8nlmg
th em they could not hope to save more nectoo with It. would only C06t f\. 2td ra.te. In boys
'r~ ,
tIonn £l, OOO (barely a id rate) by a nne- Th. ' Kendrlok School had bt.en IRbouring
Tho dc puly -"!ayor (A)derm~n M.rllO) 'f
school scheme, &1ld GV6Il that W"<> prob- under a.lmost every pOB:lIblo di8ad\:antL'Ige. A oommlttee of mqulry !UJ !hIB ofI Q!lY
The buildin~~ wer~ a dI sgrace to any town That'" the weakest. pa.rt of tho reBO utlOn.
lematlcl..J ~ The Board to~d th~m ten thO' 81U, of R eadm'Jj{, and yot. tho 8Chool \Ve have given R eadmg Bohool l!l8.IlY ago that tlley <could · run the filII It had not had 8. tI the of tho mone y ch&ncea, and I .am very. mu?h dll,appomted
school at a coot 01 £500 a. year to the apent upon II tb.t lind beon 'pont on WIth it at. pr_nt. To gIve! It a oh,n"",. and
rat epa.Ye rs I
After that he Mked wha.t ~ea.dtnfr . Sc-hool. .And i j Wn.8 full ~use le~t go Ion for, eay. five ye8l'6 :Ie a fhmsy
re ]mnce was to be placed on the promise It liupphed the Cdllca.tlon noodod In the ars:umen~. A. to the ,own council mtoror that pod'lble savmg of £1 ,000
He oown
At t,ho pr",ont time m Reading CeflOg w;th the !",hool, I have n~ver heard
(lid not see wheN It ,v.n,s to be saved. Scb(){)l there ware olaS&0 8 contnlmn8' only any oaptIOQ,a crltIelllm or on~ unkmd remark
The new head maBter--they must hRve a from ~ to
boy., which W8S perfootly "~r
. d
good man if he was to make Q, good r idicu lous
Thoy were told th&t if they that r~ne
" f:r ::a,..c~h~ll:t
f+C hool-would want n. sa.l.n.ry 88 l&rge 8.8 ha.d one head master he was gol DS' to oost h
f i b
SOh 1 h d
much as two. W... It 6Uggeated th ..~ t mg o~ , •. town. ~ ng.
iJll}.t of Ule two present heads, tbey \.. Quld they should pay tWlce as much for the not be~~ hUT'ied by ~e councIl, ~t h:&d
:vrl nt near]y a.s 1f1rge a st.&ff M th<lY ha.d artlole tha.t thtly had now! He Jmagined btien g.v~ n every posslble opportunity
In t.he two sohools now . e.nd penelOns it W8J!! the f~ling that if they had such a.
M:'·. Howell 't hought they should not Rwap
would have to be 10und for severa.! of \ echool ". he oontemplated th0y' would h,"ve AOnoeo .. hon eroesing the strea m, and ' there
t.h06e who wore d ie plncod
With regard a Jle.a d mMtor of gree.tor oahhro tha n th!} WM &.~}lt to be .. grea.t cbange 10 ~b9
to capl t.o.l expen dltur~, he could not 800 present om,.
If that wer e tho 0&36 ~t.. eduoatlOlj1&.l world
th at there would be any s.n.ving ettb()l': If would 00 better for the c1uldren, ~oro
OtberS8Peec~e8 · ~:~l:rt1'!,
t.hey were to
only Ulose now in would attend the aohool, and the 00I!rt of
ulton 8 r
the two schoo!s t hey .must provide addl- runnmg tho SQhool would thO-lefors bt, r~ meetlng,1 re&d
tionn.1 accommodation for 100 more boys, duocd L et th odi. 65Sumo tha.t 'they rohw~t, De not ~P'~~~~:'nk
a.nd if the «hool W88 t-o s ucceed they the cXlsttng Kendrlok Sohool and _th~~,
would want. room for 450 at lea&t.
To! for 8. mu ~ b lower fee than ,at R eMhng!Teet tJ:I&t wo Id Ilbsorb the D'NIIo"'-t&r part 800001, B muoh ~lteT' educaho~ tb.J.o w~
. ?""'~
a.t present Klven m th"" Kendr~ck School.
of t~e Bav lng mooe 10 bwlding only Qt ~ result would be that oompetition would
gOTI. school
Thon c~e tbe. eecond be • ..t up between the tw~ IIOboola, and
que8tlon-we~ they deBl.lIlg llDf&.lrly to-!IWa.din g Sohool would have fM' Lt,ea pupils
wards I'lement..ry educatIOn by 6pendlng than now In a few .ye.", Reading School
proposed amount
Kendrick would booomo 8 whIte e16phnnt Wltll which
He said tlley were only doing ~hoy would bo able to do noihll1&' ~ all.
justIce to thplr l6econ~ry school system A POlDt on whioh conBiderablt, 8tr~se ~
in gwing that oomploment to their ele- been bid, and whlob : he th~ug"ht wa.
menta.ry 8yetem, 'Which enormollBly in- m c,>tl~ fof'C5) WhloOh was behind th060 'w~Q
creased the value of the opportunities for wero III favour of the two ·eohools IObelne,
those OOD1mg from elementary schoo's. was ettntlment.
f' No, No!"} SentlDlen t
I R adlng School they ,were now spend- w~ a vorl worth~ thmo:, but 16t them balo
h J
their aentltnents ~pon bote. It wa s not hie
lJIg £800 a yea.r OIh' I Uoo.t~~A 9C 0 t.J~ desiro toO mmlnllsC the diffioulties of doiJ;)H
from e 1em en!A>ry 8() 00
nce Wmvu
with tw<> 8Ohools.
I. boys oould g et In lew other towns.
Thiriily, was it II now or- neve r" jn ' regl'rd to mnking .. "bange! He contended
tllat tJley would have a. better cha.noo in
fiv e or ten years. ' The K<! ndrick b oys
sliould by then Mve la.rge J.y inc.reaeed in
numbers, aud if the Reading School wag
stIll Il()t a. BUOO68S he would not then ~ a8k
their votes for it:
'llIiey could l in that
case move the KendrieJ< boys
girls' scbool
·strong .
hers t.:>

School property should be ""00 lor tile

Mllgistrate: H The eVIdonee shows thllot
you threw a kettle! at your husba.nd."
Culprit: ~ I t It showe more tha.n tha.t. ym
honour; it showe th¥ I ' It ' im! " _ " Lon-







~1'. . .




Did you h( a.ny trouble witb



&'U.LLl 'V



yonr French whlle you were in Paris'" .
No, but the Parisia.ns · dld.""Boston TraD!f<mpt."

~n~ ~~--"-''' --- -~~&-~;-r.~~;~~~~~~





being the peonle who want BOm tlllng that
is yours. "_u A Thousand and One EPI'

grams," by



"Well, madam, if you don'
usual annual round of vUlits
Ca.rlo, Egypt, Norway. a.nd fl
ca.nnot enter yo" servlce.
I m


tamed to a f.n.shiono.ble style of lite," 61dd
the In.dy's matd.-" FJiegondo
Intter I I

·. .

ThlB ie the late st .tory"
Finck. who cnmposes hn.u.ntin melodiee.
On getting home the other venmg his.

littLe ~irl me t h Im . !\J1d lust
mol<e eouVc.rsBtIon, so to speak , he s (1: Ii W oll,
have you boon a good girl to-d y 1" MISS
FInck answered wit.h
un eo s ing
promptItude, U NQ."
And ev n the nimt he ent rance to the loft by plnmng a box ble-tongued H erman W&8 at" I06 S for a
o\Ter It.
In attempting to break hiS way retort.
tJuough thU' roof of tho loft, be was kn ocked '
OVOi' t'lncc t Imes b~ tho Jote of waler t ho I
C<>lumblls hlUl re. t lLrnoo to
Sremen were throwIng on tho bUlldlllg
A qun.nt tt v o f water 'VI<l~ d rod oo on tho
man WJth the obJect of mnkmg hIm I>urrcn
The dnrl(n&M, however, hand cappoo
tho .cftorote of the firem""n unitl one of them
we nt moo o,fL 1'OOm of 'l'h$ Royal Exchango"
which overlooks the h.ay loC,t , and locElt(ld
t he movements of Mr P ocook with a. Oas;h.

1 ing noey, s of wonderful new
the sea
Ho~ much sh ~ n I wTi
! quer
19 ma.rt
e re :,~__ 'J,
I I Cadlz . E ven mg
br~uRht ,10 th~ story.
]Jon t wrIte 1li1ly thmg ,
.. :u.t Columbus p, for
A cart wa..s drawn up oui.Blde .he d oor vertWng if he wn.uts any.
I is p~o ba b!y
of thti e In It wore two fnend6, whom a. l'l6&I-estate promotlon schen e "-<1 Noow~
Mr Pocock dId not a t tempt to molest., and a.rk News."
they dId what they ooukl to p hIm
to gol out of the buddmg From tho cart,
bo I me nness rrom
so our represe nobv6 was intorme.d ~ one of
cr~ 18 a. 8
r y n. ~,
th<tJ fTl&nds wae nble to OOIze .a hay fork I the 'Dn.Ily Sketch
Austrn. Ian
and removo a qu.antlty of hay whIch had sa,s he W-Ra aboul to sail fo ho~€ , and,
booome Ii:mted
before len.vmg London, wn.s B {JPPlng wlth
Evontun.lly ~fr
P-ocock , wct through, an Eng:ishman who WnB
Jumped mto tno cart· J ;om t11C WIndow of hIm
The Eng!lf;;hrnn..n purc! n,sef1 n {ountho loft. H o w::t.s secured by Serg-ennt tam pen for lOs. , and r emn. ked to tho
Phillips &nd p.e BrlR!1t and (l()O"\·cycd t o ShOPllllLlJ. <I You ladvertlse the&oe,
t h o workho.OJw, whcro n c ' Vdl"s d~t61ncd
.free registered to [idlY part f the world.
S""" by a .. Chromelo" mM, Mr. Slld. Do
get nllY ~educt,on If I tako It With
saId he "as ~tOt 8,\\ o f the prc60noo a!. ~e1"
The nstol1lshe.d s ho 'uu..n replwu.

I .. led




P ocock


tho .tablo until ho henr" "01

him cry .. Helo I Murder I POl co! "
" I
t f
.. MI 81 d
Q,!t'd d
~~Jld ~ ahlfo~I~~~f1, I s!,l"id, ,a F~r Cod' ~
SI\.k.e don't go 10 there, or Pooock WI !) 6tok
you! ' tr
M ,. oxp )atu.ed that Mr P ococlc W3:f3
not 10 Tho R 01:'.a l Exclla nge that evemng,
and hhfl,t he h~d not. been In the rt) fo r a.



/; ,..


.. Thell"



here 18 mv
ustrr,I<\n a dl"e<-'ls. I Pl~ase poet it -o'n for t,ne .
sh an't want to do any WrI Ing on t he
AustralIan friend
How's tha.t f" I
A correspon(lent ca.p s the 6 tory by'
a. mo." who tWice B week dID s into Chan·
eery Ln.n.c POdt OffiCI) to fill hi s fountR1nI




pell at tll& public mkpot, on his, way to
the tube .tnllOn ra nd home.



j• • •
A . , Pall Mu.H Gazette 01 r~.a,.rler in Scot!'!
hmd tells the f ()~low lllg sto~y .of the n.T~
rival of n. German VltllWr ~t a London

On P a.go 7 lpp<>are " <opol'! of It,e High- hotel "From P otsd1\.1l1 I vos come," he a.n~
ways Cttnmut{:-ee l'ClatlVe to tho questlbn
of oJ t11t) OO'UJLeld's C!TllJTloycee in llounced
"A fin-e 1>:a.ce.f' remarke·<1 the ma.nn.ger.
tlhat department On Po,ge 12 appeam •
,I D
VOB a petter. II
report of the oommitt~e relatIve to tho
qUESbian of lighl.1ng ;he fuwn.
A. tile
., Yea, Berlin? ,"
mmu«:tl of the Comonltt.ce wcro
" Neln, O h m " .
I...t night deierN>d Cor a w ook,
II Ohm f
In--e.r-German y, of oo~re.e 'T
l"P.'pOrt. sbaud. OV~ ror the oonsldle.mtnon of
It Nein
in tJlis oountTy-m Bnto.m. I
the coutlcid .uext 'Weeok
vos O(}m~ from Potsdam to see ' Ohm' I
Tb" report., of tbe .Watorwork., ,p.,~,
LibraorY, ar)d Borough Ex;teru<,,", C<>mm It · Va! a.t <ler goncert in Pots4am, .n.n(l I

WeTe alBo held


hear det great iEn~1I6h soprano 6ln~ dat
'Der is no blnde like Ohm ,' un all <le.r
Bpitu;h people
der goneert cry Ilke dor
habi.oB. I
Dot ' must be d<>r
wonderful blat Ohm, to make d~r
BritIsh cry.
&ink to ' mineeelf, I VIII
go and see dis la..ce Ohm vot der V(),S nQ
bl800 like.
Now, vIeh is dar vay 'to



