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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-04-1914_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-04-1914_00004.jpg

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- ~'lIEROES.



a~tended ' ~e

one could have
. given bl Mr. C. H, M.~re., ... With
Soott In tho Anmrotict' JP"(en on
a£tcrhoon and evenin in the Large

without' . an intens9
of. Ie Bacrifice
and others, of

"".lil",iiOl._ :


e](pooition Watt


zecretar:v of

value of tho
bertainly ncA;

the "Sunti

of the expedition ia

to The Arm,)
the office, , the hou.e

. senea of pictures brought,

so.nery of tho det!Olate polar

e animal a.nd bird, lifo existing

had been well-oonduoted rogions . e.nd

quiet· s;lleo he had

been there. Captain Scott was tho emt explorer to

the 4th 01 last September. make the art 01 photography an important>
. for the jUL!ltioos, laid
Mr. F.
H!,uf!lo. le.w-st.aEoner, 20, Blag. departmont of a. pola.r cxrOOiti.orl, by ino.' it ing
licence wa.a 'OPP0f300 rave -Street., sald the present cha.rncter . of and sccuring t.he co-operation of Mr. H r. rberb


wao dat Tho the hOll,e was totally difl'crcnt from wht it G. Panting, \Vh",e wanderings ,.in search o!

an ill~conducted

used to l be.


for his books and pictui'CB ha.d nl.

mkon him ovor more than" scorc 01
from the plains of Manchurj" to tllO

'collsider"ble time . CAN A HOUSE REDEEM ITSELF?
pr'l>St.itu~es SlDee 1009 the . .

Mr. Qo\'entry argt:ied that tho subsequent
of tho Tropice. "When th o wondorJuno of ~la'lJt year. character of the house had thoroughly re~ I~'~n:;~~~!lql';~ of Mr. P onting's 'pictur c~ i'3
Truman. In 1911 deemed the one ~apse.
Bricks and mortar T
is almost impossible to credit
tr.,flsfol·Z'OO - to a
named could redoom thelr ch:ll'actor; they were Dot
",.. ere in runny caSC'8 obulinetl
hke a mAD. v.:ho, havin~ been conv icted
and difficultiefl Heldorn
-ilia two or throo t1mes, got lutO 0. hopeless COD- PBnlllelled
of photogrup hy. Dan~
Ho 8ubmitt~ tha t conviction
nona tJle 1 ~3 rC'ni thnn
ought- not to be a judIcial rco.wn ror taking
once t he iuo broko
n.igllb(lw:hc>.od, B.w.ay & licence which the oVo'ners considered
I1ml On onc oc-ensio n,
a valuablo one.
' Scott's journa.1e. ho
Mr. Tur'rell repl~od that the case he ml\de
\Vh alcs,' 1he most
was ~hat the house' ha.d been frequented by
cren.ture.s, narrowly OSC.:l Poccupation lof , two


Pt:09t1t4-tee from 1909. until it got into the
hand's of Mr. Calder, who quite st.oppoo the
trndtt which was ,up to then being ca.rried on.

At the time.· tJie new Licensing Act into
As Mr. Filson Youn g iO well snys in an
operati0!l tho wna a~ il1cgi~imafe tr'; eloqu ent 12Assago : "I could Hut help thinking that these killema fLl1!18 WI'rO by far tho
most wonderlul of tho vi siblo ro~mlt.!i of
' cott s ntarchc expedition. And T could not.
cxerC!Be of the:r ...1ocn.1 k. nowloo<J'e and of their but ob~erve, further, how ontirt·\,Y wo aro
discretion, wcre~entiUed t o aa~y so.
losing the sense of wonder in Cf' rta lfl mattera.
There wo all were, sitting nft e r dinner in

and a. hou8d ;!lO sltuatod , 'and WhlCh had boon
put to that ' purposo £Or a number of years,
wus not a house in respect of which a. IIconce
ought to lie r(>newed j a.nd the ' just ices, in the




London, watching the actunl movement. of

The ~en~ rotired, and ~ tlleir return t.he
learnedT chairman said tho court had corisideroo 'the ca90 v~ry on:rcfully, a.nd had oomB
to tho unan!mOl.lf1· conclnsion t,hn.t the appeal
ahould be allowed. They could not make any
order for c~tB aglLinlJ!; the justices.

sea18 and pcngui(}g, t.he bl'en k ;ng of th o wavCB
against Antarctio icebergs, Ole C... ,U'l'r ju mping
of a sledgo dog for h:s dinn el', tho s1lnlight
on Mount Erehus, the very sUlil ns on tht)
faces of Saott and his co mrild('~ , {lnd t.aking
it all as a matter of coursn. Tlw,t t}ICY ~fCr()
real nno penguins, p oss:bl:y livin g still,
that this da.y's dinner \"0..8 n tiling n.ctllnt!y
oaten 60 ma.ny thou~rlll ds of milC!s nwny, t.llllt
the men who sm ile04::1 nnel died Ec I.hero still,
and will lie nnchang-Ofl, I SIIPPO!l O, for a th Oll IIGnd centuries, wo·, not rc~li ,cd by II A. It.\1
seo med unreal, Eke an cn j,-.rbtinmenl got IIp
to, fie(lt tlle passing honr. Things that never
happene<l 111'0 now mari Q so renl to 11 S thnt wo
be r'tho n.r~ unlLblo t,ruly to anp rchcnd tho I'cti.lity of



Jc The


Mi!;tl'C8S n .

' wi ;l

Easter attraction, and there l.iIl doubtle8B
trade ·wa.e do~~.w Th~mtu8tic~,
be .crowdt1d houses. This ~lu~i~n.l plIlY,
local knowledge to the houso, woro,
oon. wInd} haa packed th., Adelplu Th~"tre,
tended · right in saying that thi, house did London, for many montha, _18 " worthy Bue·
DO legItimate trade, .nd that the only' trad. oo""or to the over populnr .. Qunkc r Girl."
11 b t

things t.hnt. havo hal'llencd .. And how bittcrly,
how gtor ! ou~lr , r(>.-d ,... ere these tJling!\ I

are apt

think of Scott its


in life nnd grent in dellth.


m l\!1



Bill. th o' moro I

learn of him, the more (un I oonvin cC{l thl\u
it had done for" :coneidcTable period-as far 1 Tho music is by Ute snme oomposer, . Mr. h:R death was u.s nothing beside UlC grcatness
baek .. 1909-had boon thBt of serving pros., J.ion.,! !4oDckton; tho boolie and ;Yric. by oI his life."
titutel a,.nd their Basoc:atee. 'this was an at· tha same autHors, M€6srs. J. 1'. '1'nnner
tac~ upon t.he promise8•.&nd not in any way .and Adriail Ross. rrhe plot, which is in it- , Tho per(cct.ion in pose and d ctn il of tllG
agamst the present occupier.
self Qf !Strong interest, (lilals with the love pichlrc3 are Cf'ft~l jtllv [1. mngn iJ]cc nt tributB
story of a liW.. dl1ncing mistress, one to tho genius 01 r.r. Pontlllg nnd the im.
H Nancy Joyce, II in whose ac1vel!tures somemensa caro and pa.ticnco h e must havo
~ D _S. Wa.lters gavo1t ovic.lencc as to- the COTI'- thing will be found to 6Uit. nU tastes_ Tune- exerCised
Tho putllrcs of n. galo In thE)
,Jcsao Stanley Froudc, : 46. Granby Gardens,
jOf the hous~, a.nd the OOCB..!!:ons on which luI, ,taking numbers , tr~n.d upon
~ach South PaCific, of a tn~1I1[\r. Iceberg bl,cakIng
pleadod lI'uilty al Ihe, Roadi llil Borough .charged at Reading on Mondar. with otealhAd warned .\:In. Tru~rl.n a.nd LhI, and ~'t.he.r'a h.ee1s, and, ocr its name implies, ~way from tho parent g lac:cr, of all f~cberH
Polic. Cou rt on Monday to ateolmg 51b. 6cz :ng £1 belonging to Arthur J:! hlee, carrier. g.nerally boro out Mr. '1 urrell', . • mtemonl ~here ," p.enty of graceful dancing.
Qne m. tJ10 last stage~ 01 decay; tllO d'''lgh~fu l






o! W.llingford, on .March , wth. .
ae to tho trado 01 the house.
f th
d '
h b
. Arthur Bolton, 15,' .Ormabyl Streot, . man- .In croS8.~x)1!flinatlon by, Mr. Coventry, t ho : 0
M~ fl,nC€e 8.9 0011 H~ rn.g~ 0
onager at the Sw Tea Con1Pany's Stores, wlmess" 88.\d It wdl: of no a.dvantage to a. j d<in t-.R1~roomB , tC!r the pa6~. .sea8~1~, _RU~
Broad Street, !aid h~ sent the prisoner to a publican to have '!prostitotes i. his ' bousc '- ev~ryone wh,? WJ·g hcs t.o.he In t.he ewtm .
~r. Giles, the carrier at Th~ White
~art. they were a ver! difficult das8 [or a land-I ahou ld see th!ti.
There IS all abundn.llce of
With a, . box of grocory; value 118. 7~d., /for lord to deal
The law allowed aI
which h. wao to oollect the money. Prison· :. reasonable t,imo'" , {or imoh women to stay'
er did not -r.etu,rn, and wit.nes8 next 8&W him in a house fol'" T('rrc6hment.
He a.t first nd~
in custody.
• i
viaoo Dix to tAke oouneel's opinion 88 to what
Thomas JODOS, in the employ of Mr. Gil.., Wa.B ' a re&sonl\ble time. but ho would not do
said the box of grocery WM for Mrs.' Barker. 80 (lau,t!htor),
Witness tDld Dix tllo.t in '

of be.f, 4""s. of ,uet l ;nnd -.two neck bono.,
7~ ., tho ' property
Mary Edwarru, wife of Georg.' Edl'lar<is,
farm .Iabourer, Gravel- Hill, P.pp~rd .. . .
9.£ the value of 2• .

. M rl!. Edwards Mid we pu rohtl.6cd .. thc'··mett..t
&t, Mr, Fletche r's shop in Broad . Street, a.nd

tho butchM brought it ,down and loft il BI


tho cnrrier'g van.
A butcher's pOrler in tb. employ of Mr.
Fletcher deposed tu Icsvin'g the mCBt BI 0
carrier's van in. The '{Ion.r's Head YB.rd.
Dctcctiv('!,SMgcnnt 'Waltc-rs !laid on .BntuT·
dA Y nftcrnoc n he wn~ keeping observation
on the cl\rr i o r'~ cart.} ,in the coverod yard
o[ Tho Doa.r's H ead, wh"n ha M..v prisonilr,

of Streatl oy, a.nd it WILS brough,t to the van hiS! opinion fifteen mUlU'tos. was reasonablo. :
by the prl r.f)nor on the afl:erroon ' of March He ne.v er..... wnrned the ' owners of what waD
23th. . Witness had l no change with
taking pIneo in the hduSO; and he had a
to pay for the goods, and gave the
K~od reason [or that.
'l'he police in anoth~r :
a. sovereign to cha~.!o;e at the ~o .district did that sort of thin~. a.,nd the own~
loft the truck.
Witn... w
ers got rid of the tena.nt, who· theroupon
quarter8 of a~ hour, and as , e
bl'ou~ht 1"an llction, 8ayin~ " tha.t ho should
not appeo.r wltness ·'went to Ute
him8eli ha.v 9 bee.n proseClitcd, and. that the
Company'. Stores,
polico should not ha.vo gone running to thO'
He ' told Dix t~at_.if he were .n.
To Detective Purd:v; who ..reSted
wise man . he would mentIon to 'the brewet:~
in Mill Lane Ilt midnight on S.tllrjlay/ pris- whn.t was happening.
It waB the only Ii,
oner eaid
I was ):lard np, Imd COUld
censed house in JIIag"ve Street. When Dix
resist the ·temptation- Prisoner had lB.
went there -he was (L man of ,qooo cil!\J:fl.cter,
in h is p06'seSS!on,
and hMr held licenoos in the borough for '"
Prison er Dmv said he took the
sarno lear!. · ~1r. Cald~r and tne police ha.d
oc.uec he was huoG'l"Y.
h'elpe each otJter; anti he (witn,ess) mighi

biJ , ~ ridl"'g ' into the yard
on a bicycle. Opposito Mr. Tucker'. clirt
pr 'soner looked al tho ' parcel of meal. whjoh
W8.S then in the front , Of the cart. 'He rodo


, !



awo.y. but rptlJrnpo three minutes later, 118
lIlO ostler a nd another ,mnn wore ho.rncssing
a pony to 1\ (,.ltit.
Prisoner leaned up
a~a i nst the w",II, and JDada 60me n
. otE'S in a


After tho o,tklr and man 10fl

yal'd nrison or

was alone.



UJl to Mr. Tuckcr's vat. aoo. to'ok tho parcol
·which ho plJ\oed in d. carri("r on the, front
of his biryclc, . ~:,ic~ner then oovered it
Deteotive Pl1rdy
ovO<' with a meat tl'&Y,c"nd .;walked . away.
l,!-zy to work and

of bed .t the




W:tnes9 stopped the iprteoo-or, who sa:id he 28th, &nd went
to work.
WaB going . to to_
ko the parool back i to h ill
Prisoner WAS
mB,ter, and th.t ho put it in the wronR' van. pri~nmeJ?,t -with .
PrMOfK)r out Mr. T.u ~ ker's: Witncas t.he paTcel w~ d olivered to Mr. Tu'c ker,

altd th.t he did D()f,·deliver
arrostcd him.

pl\.rc~1s ha~

r Pn60ijer 8
lon'o behBviouT,
como homo late ".t


waa put


Iried to .....p •.


' noon, bul in t.hc evening lh e Ic...~tllrc wn8 ver~
poorly fUlpported, n. filet both surpr ising ~cI

: regrotta ble.


n.rrnntromr'!ll!S wero cnrricd out by
I"'8srs. Fnulk Att.\\'elh nnd Co,. unde r tho


Coventry, for ' the &ppellan~"

sJlPerintoien"" of Mr. H. V . Wilt, hiro.



bOen ono conviption
-- He ; wae *0.1 going
oonviction rl}'lfht DQI; under ·
Oir·c ul,,,ta,,ce,.,
.ufliclent ground to I
it ~ul3t· be' a ~ad c~sQ rea.l hllmouri tnere ar.e 0190 pler-,- ()f
.aga~ll(!~ ,the L1Q?n~ :ilg strong sltuat.ione and exciting" ",nes, ' in·
Act tbree oonvlc~lon. eluding a ~lL8b by an aeroplane over the
.,' on ~ )tcence. before .11 Alp& in midwinte.r. Th..··setting "11<1 scen . with a helpful
Ihe magLi·
'11 · t Th. e. 8f'<:>1nd
iONo douhtwhere
the're ery ~r6 .m p.gOl c~n .
a,'t 16
of entitled "Hints


timo, I hcn.rd
been miasoo"

. employ of'.
A number of
for his
he had

' ' riS

there: was renny no eare to I

and ' whbn in the "treet be

luiJ1ped on h '3 bi'(Yc;18
A' the police I!Itatton I
..-ery SOrTy. This is '
that several parce1s'
Pri..n.r had beon
butcher for hro




fOf the ro,pondents.

Th('l'o w~rfl. how~"rr. two t.rn.;; icaJly in terestiug pictul'(,s taken hv the ",ill of n litt~o
oa.11lCril h.v Linntnnn nt B owers , at the Soulh
Po l~, showing Captld n Scott and his faithful
oomraJo~ when t hC'v rC':llised tnat t]l r.y ha.d
heen supplanf,ed, [lIliI of tiwir planting Ule
f1aR' pre,onted by Queen A Icxnnci ro.
Tho lecture n~s dolin'red by J\.lr. C. H.
Moa re9. who was in c harg<1 of the d og!'!, rrhoro
no rit et.orie o r boa.8t ill,ll; tho st.ory was
told with morl ~sty nnd Rimn,io eloquenco,

which ronrlored the ""peal of the picturcs .11
. tlle m Ql'C impre,sive.
Th",:o WM a fnir . t tonnall ce in t.ho nft~r-

D .C. Charlr.a ' Henderson ~nd P ,S. . W,
Whippy w(tr(] also oalled by Mr . .Turrell, and

c... , '

Catalogue 'o f




liu c band u·n.mping- t hrou gh 1.ho V.H t wildoI'ncsst's o f snow tow.'lrd :; t h o goal of hi ~ hopeR ,
whence he wna desti ned never to return.

eipeot hi. a ..:.tnnco if-. th.~ licence ' was re·
newed. Dix did a ' small, r~.peetable trad.
in the eILTlier· hour. 'of tho day. .

. this wae the


T wo jl
nO/l t" Rf' nt

r t~js point no h ~a.vy n.1)rH\.l' (!o Hl l~ uo cnrned, as oVPrythIn~ haf Lo glV\J way 10 food.
Co.\lt.a·~11 S('!ott \va.n Sf'cn nt tho head of hi"



specta.l , lDte~t and

r orl~ma.hty_
too . !if~ at"





'little booklet
and Tips,"
is at t4.e disposal of : anyone

p<oduces faitb.fully
able Swiss viint6r ' resort. Here one sees
ski.j ng,l· ekating,. bob.fiteighing, ~d all the interested.
winter sp()rte in full ewins. It ie.. very'
eJihilar~tiug specl·a.cle. The drep~es are 01
If you bave thonght
great Tn.riety~ anti of , course the latoot
new. Motor Cycle this season
f ....hion.
.. .
. !tending playgoo1'8 are offered B special be sure and get these books,
·treat ' dur ibg.,the week commencing , April
they will be of immense
20tb. when ·.'lR"mee'· . lI.nd · "Whati hap· as
to Jonee" t(, be' presented . .This help to you in malcing a wise
, 'Reading's "flret opportunIty of .00·
.. Amateur ' CracksmBn, · and it and· satisfactory selection.
be misaed.
H.,.n;n.", book will
is 80 full



Broad Street,



Di 6chf\r~ ('d

OtJl or wi s~

Mo.unt.Er('bu3.; th e extraor~inar,y inl1Jll.,tto
senes lliust.ratl\'o of tiw hR.bIta of pClIguln!-f,
ISlJ'olls, anil Skun. glllh : and th o sc c u c~ tho harc1shinR nnd difficulties of polar
lifo, a nd tho comrn(l~~h i p whi,·.h sHch priynt,ions encou,rI\ge-:-a\1, these m ust l\flYO !ltimn..
lated tho lma glOatlo[l of Qt'<'r.YOIlC prrscnt.
Thn fin n.l 1iIr.~ne l'ecorl1 cd hy j !t\~1 CiIl CIl1 11tO'
grapll was made on th o G"I'~tt ((, l' Oarricr n.t

midnight on Novolllhor 2nd, 1911.

(11 ,

Placod ; 11
tiO ll 2)

glunpscs of the nlldfl!p;ht ,un and of slllokmg


then went


