Berkshire Chronicle Reading 06-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_26-06-1914_00012.jpg
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. [ ,.'
' ,!
A depressing morning, followed by ~a.
tb ' ma~nifi((ent 8fte:r;noon - and evening, sum~
up . 4 Ascot Sunday" on th e riv er thi.q y<'B.r.
to them I A~ ' Pad<l;11gton ,station quitc early in lh.
Th. old day ~e platforms w~ re besiep;ed by young
and if il men III straw hats and. spotles!! flann cl"
n hL. old and by/arties of pretty Slrls in frock., of
a plolUluro ..., sprigge muslin, with white stockings an d
He concLuc!ed s&.Oes l e.nd gossam~r . hats flnrlund cu with
four Readmg rooee.
It was
r"lOlOg with d epreR8ing
th"0ports . f{om steo.dineBs, and the sky looked hor.eless iu
(,.,oretM'v Dfo O:h & Ion . ita sullen tem,I?er. However, in th e hope.
' the :rr.flg'::: and belief that the sun would be shini n~
Il'VmkhfUla were weB ' at Maid~nhead the y ~ook thei r ticke ts, and
had been receivcd to- in hundrede ,and thousand, startcd on t heir
brief railway journey, Th eir op timism was
that he bad justified. Ere noon a bright patch of blue
with l...ord R oberts. showed- itself over·the riveL' at Mnidenh f" ad
tMt he had fi~OO the and this was follow ed bv a burst of
when ho would c ome shine and a sky of Itn.lian blue. a CI"()"'\ B
.f the veterans and No.- which there sailed argosiea of sHow.white
W&8 eXDreeeoo ~t tho rosignllt ion of clouds_
J.b e hon. treasurer, who has
It wa.s beautiful to watch the tran srormn-·
'1," IORLElTO.O.·i~A.
,va.luablc'> servioo to the R.."Isociation, tion "~! the Bcene~to see the river chf\ng~
IOI4,-'~''''''.Dlli·· .. , ,
under.tond that the queetion of tho from Its leade n hue to a mirror of silvrr
h... been 'l"tiMMtnrily adjusted, and nnd then to burnished gold, while the dark:
it i8 :,' 8I&o proposed to run a drum and. 8o)emn woods briFhtened .alld changed
, Llterpool
colour as the sunlight ch"""d the , h,dowK
across their foliage,
At the s ame time
'1 .
" "
hundreds of punts and FikitTs and C Illl OC 8
which had been lying hidden undor t he
shelter of the. trees shot Qut into t he ope n
waterway, and all the gi rl s who had con .
men were . aOoom·
cealed their river frocks beneath dust
Aid· Detachment
cloaks - and macintoshea ftun g ofT th ese
coverings a.nd revealed thei r b eauty to thfi
gaze_ From Richmond t o hfolesey
formed up
in column,
Thil Reading Football. ' Club have reo and Staines to Windsor, and right on to
voterans ' ::-, ~ ... -,'..!:-- . .returned, ceived the following letter from Mr. H. N. Oxford, by th-e beauti ful s hady re l\ch c:=! of
Cliveden and Cookham, Sonning and PIIng·
tho vetera.n8, at a quicker 6peed in Spalding:~
. ,
. :I"<,r column, :afterw"l'd.: forminll into , lirul
Dear t>ir,-When I went -to see the foot· bourne, old ·Father Tham es was crowded
â¢.chanoing in review order. . Tho â¢â¢Iute ban ground .: day Ot two ago, it struck me with merry trippers, and early in the arl~ r·
wao, taken ,b y M .. jor ;F:oloy. , The men then that the re was .no shelter alonf! the sOuth noon sco;r'hely a boat of any kind was oh·
formed up in n. hollow 8qua~, and Sir Peroy side, ' which muat make it very dlso.gTeeable binable in all the upper reachc-."\ of the
~=~"====:;,j=~=======9=======''=======;c====='=====:''==~==... '1SMoorson road to them\-oYJ o:dr8.ct from the when the weath,er is wet. It seems to me river.
War O'mee record., g ivln", '. ⢠,.brior de.scrip. very u.nrortun'a te that the man who pays his
lion of Ute B.tll. of Wdc~l~.;
r sixpence to BO in should not be able ti> ,The river at Cave rsham wo!o rrowded
. The' m en were then dia!'ni8~;e(l. lin ⢠rOc. In- e nJ'oy the ~.. me witho'1 t th..... risk of drench. h
f Ik .
in" on tho ",rass, partook ,.of the refreshments
Wit young 0 , who ,pn<:ked thc eSCllr.
that :\.lad been provide<) ,in .the shape of tea, irig, and t at it would , be a great improve· B~on Bteamers I{Qing up stream to Goring
bottled """,r, and b..,..d.,and checse.
ment to the . ground and increase the enjor' and down to H enley, and chMtere" rvr. ry
ment of many footbbll enthusi""ts if thiS punt and rowboat lhat waa avai lahle. Bril .
open sp ..oe, could be covored in.
liant sunshine , if not exactly tho ord er oC
Tllo'" ftmlual meeting of th e 8&.ooiation. was . I gather .that the director~ share this the day, gave more than 0. to uch oC s tqn .
held afler lea.
Sir P eroy S.nderso" pre·
but that' their difficulty has been to mer w"rmth. and the cloud. that .ped
eidod, al1d in his openipJ{ Temar~ exp ressed.
the necessary cash~about £500, I am across the l\zure sk y impurtcd f\ welcomo
on . behalf of t~e a,"octatio~, his grat itude to
if the 'wall at the back is also to b o eoohJ-es s to th e atmo~mhere_
About tC'aMajor F?Ley for a1lowillJ< them the. u.e of the
,I'n hand. It would give mo great
ground fbr the parade . He wu pleased. to
time t er{] wa,s a 6li g ht s hower , bn t it
toll them, that ..Major ~oloj was very', muob
if I could help ,them to ad<;l to the pRssed off , and tIle e vening, righ t up t ill
.truck by Ihe way the'; niarohed. and oopec· comfort of those who enjoy a good match'; dark. WM a mOOel of what the lon gest day
iall~v that first oompany who roprooentcd and I there fore : m,!>ke thp: foll owing aug· of the year ought to be.
thoso who were beyond activo service ' and ~e stion. ,I would adva,nce £609 at once at Bridge alld the Promenade were c rowded
had beon pla.ced on the roll of honour Ca.p· 3t per ~cent" and if the principal is repaid with p eople,
plawlc). As tar o.a that roll wo.e concerned, within three or four yenfs·"ihe . whole ' of the
thof regretted tho ,recent- Jo~ of so mo of omount pEloid in 'interest can be deducted
tlietr membera but thoro were othors. he wu f
th fi I
gl.d i.e> ""y, who, after biling ill, h.d r esolve<! rom
e no repaymen .
aid'e nbe"l the scene in th e after·
to e!ljoy Utoirpension. a little longer.
I Imagine that if your board accepts the noon more than equalled th nt of previous
work should be set about at once s o as to yoars. At B ond's every Ht e o.m rHId eleclric
of course; it was their duty to do. M
served in the wars 'fiftY years
be ready by the time the Beason com· launch w." booked on S.lul'day eve ning,
to drop ou.t from timo to time,'
menc-es .. ' There ' will be this addition'a" ad- Five launches hod to be oorrowed fro lll
liv~ it was 1ll8de'J'~ible for
vantage, that if ' there is 0. shelter 0. wet Sunhury ond R eading , and many punt..~ li nd
YeAb to bo opasse m somfort
aftetnoo n ' will n ot interfere 60 much with
aecurerl .from uown rivor.
After re£eri{nK td th9::-.;orma~ion ,
the ~ate money, and t}:le cl ub ~ay in time
,~raft pa!'lsed . t hrough Boulter',8 Lock
oiatioR a.nd t-it3 object, ' va'" to promote
be abl-e to go on i,mproying their m[\~nif\ ~
over tho mechanical conveyor, n.nd it;
fello,ydt ip and render mutua1 ',aasistanoa , cent ground, . Anyway;' I hope ,it w.ill , b c· 8pea.k~ well for · th~.. lock-keeper, Harri ~ln ,
ea.cb other, Sir Percy than"~ the committoo , come more and more sHcces"lul. ,
aud ,hls st.ff 'thai no mishan of any ki nd
TrU(SI:( you' r)"H
,' N '0 ,, ' '·"0
occurred. Lord
clmirma" of
illJ< their time and attention to tho woll.being
Illne d
. . ",p LDIN.
the 'l'hames Couservancy, came dOWll ill a
of tho assooiation. There wero difficulticlJ to
punt during th o Ulorlling, nIJd WI\ !'I sal isthe mombora
The following i:ett~r .has b een addr~55ed fl ed with the lock \~' orking a nd u.ll lh e al'con.tend with', and he uraod
to 6Upport their officinls .by <loin~ their P8.ct
I,r ... !~" ""' '''o . "
by 'aoting u Jl,.to thoirobligations, a.ndlhu8ren- to ~lr. Spalding by t e, sec r,e Bry· mo.nag{) r
on e time there must h f\.V{) been
doritl.R' the .work easier of accom plishmont. of ~ the R.F.e. : - ' "
twe nty thoU3FtonO people,on and nboll t th e
Ho lrusted the publio weuld nOliee what they
Dear Sir,-Y,our letter ,of y<>.sterday', river betweell Maid cn he.i d Bridge and the
were doing, and wpuld re,pond' with such 'aid date, ad4ressed ,to' ou,; chairman. : w.~ ' dljly end of Boulter"s Lock cut,
... they we.o "ble to ·r.onder (appl~U6e).
brought..before ·my boar<!. 'They deSIre mo
The police ' r ""ord ed 500 ca," .., p a,,,ing
Mr. Bennett read tHe' fifth annual repo·r!. to at once ',convey to ' you their acceptance along the main ro ad to Boulwr's Lo'c k
It stGteC:I th&t tho preseftt strength of the as· of your +;!xceec1~t;lgly generous 0n:~r. w~th b etween 12 a.nd l ,o' clock, while the nUm.
sodation waR: The pret!lidcnt , 33 vioe-p resi- their 'verv heo.rty ' t hD.nks. Y«;ll1.r ~nnd1y tn - ber up to 4: o'clock was 2,635.
and handsom , 'financial " , iliatance will
donts, 40 honorary t1)ember!. 3tr'b.nd, 929
members, ' making ' a tol.1 of 1,033' (applou.o): enabl. my ,dire ctors to carry , out a much
Bince the. laat Ilnnual -ttteetinJ{ death had reI P k
b' h
_-rod from tank. a vico.p're~ident, needed im'provement at E m ar, W IC
Th , passage throllgh th e lock it,elf callcd
Colonel Western, "l1d 15 members. , , Mos" of has been their very earnest des ire for some fo r what is p erhaps th e finest human vir·
th""e lived to a good age, and tbeir I.. t .d":,,,, conaidenbl.. time.
They feel quite sure tue, patie nce.
Notwith standing th c exer·
were made â¢â¢â¢ ier for them by the privileges that our ' 6d. supporters, the mainstay of ti ons of the lock.kecper, 'part of the up·
of 'tq,e uBociation . . A'· proP0681 would he the ,club, ' wiU truly appreciate your ex- comiDg fl eet; were so metImes kept wo.i li llJ:;
brought by tho cl'Ialrman, that no one be .p er. treme kindness. , Moreo,ver, it will also ~ oouple ot hours befor-c getting th rough
mitted to join the AMOOiation und~r tho &life assure the -club even in bad weather of a the gAtes. A large tImber barge, the mnn
of .40 years.
The Qu'e stion of ' & oluh hou1le
our. suppo~terB' In cha.rge of which chose Ascot Sundn.y for
1"0<! been:· discu...d "~ ' the committee
an, d th,!" finanCially taking hi. cargo through tbe lock, became
they. reoomm~nded , thot>': club ' should be
t h
,f onned, ,.'whero meni~~' oo.uld meet ,tog.iher,
, ~s you sugges , t e. rna er I the subject of r"marks not always compli·
and, generally ~p ...kti1~, further the . objects
, in ~and at once .so as to be mentary. One ,of tho p,ettiest things 0 11
for wbi,olll ,th;y , "!,f6C'l!alid~'tOKether. . 'Pte
)Jerore the commencement of the river were the electric calloes, dozens
firat thinK to be done 'w'" 'fo< all. members
season, Bnd ' we ~o'pe that upon , the of theae dAinty, crart darting hither and
' who were' deiiro'us cifDCcomi~ ~enibe1'1l of ocoasion of yQur first VISit to a ~atch th~re thither, skimming over the water so lightly
the 'cLub ~ . &end a ~tcardto, ~heit distr,ict you wiU :find yourself fuUy satlsfied wlth that they made ~car6ely a rippl-e,
oflioers ,as soon u p!)e8tble . .- rt.wa.e ndt'~known the. manner in ~'hich t~e various
larger la.unch e~o.nd there ware crowds of
.t ~resent ' ,!ha..t tM eontn"butions WDutd be.
' have been carrl~ out. . .
tl;tem, t oo--wer:e prettily painted, and in
but the· oomnllttee would make it 'aS small ,
add tha.t cyour 1tindne~9 Wl.ll
aorne cases were .floe.ting bouque ts of fl oral
.s· pOasible, &0 '& 8 to wit the majority of tho' sou,rce ' of ' permQ,nent help t~· t~e oLub, aa beaut1';' Some of them carried orche!;tras t
have to be'
run also 0. grea,t com f or t .- t 0 l oqr, 's up,p.0r t e rs ' and t ese , ming1ed. Wit,
. h
joint lines,
· the exp.&n8e.
s an
come lighter. ' :
' ,
hee.rl1ly thankmg you on beh~lf of other minor f9rms of lDstrllment, .dded
There had baen Borne oorrcsponde noo in a.
board, I am
conside ra.bly to the gaiety of the sceno.
l:Iu,!d~,. p ..per r"ll:8.
, .rdin,.. mem.ber. of tho lUI·
Â¥ours faithfully, ,
8OCiahon, and / wltii th), aanctlon of the com.
mittee tho matter hod 'been token up, and a
Secretai'y' Manager.
Lord and Lady Desboroush entertuined
suitable reply 8eot:' - It wa~ the wish of the '
th e followin g guesta at T.plow Court for
s:ommittee that ~ in' future no ,member of tho
th o weak·end: The Earl and Countess of
..... OCi.tion sbould communicate·, with.' the
The specifications Will be out 'shortly, Anm\Ster, the Countess or. Essex and Lady .
..'gnrdi1>ll:-' oo'o thor membe"r
and the ,york ,will be 'o ommericed at once. Iris C.pell , C<!unt ess Balllet·Lat our, VIS'
e.soe~tail\iDI{ the · full partioulars, of
Mr. J . R'. BlandfQrd, whose praotie~1 ex· count a nd Viscountes" Castl<reagh, Mrs,
. I
: '.
perience"in these lilat-t:era is of great 8ossis- L eopold ' de R oth schild, - Mr. and L ady
'.I .~!~~~~~:%1!~~!
lance to the club, hopes that . &Ccommcda- Kotharine Somerset, Mr. and Mrs. Har~y
tion will. be' provided ,und!lr , ~over hy the LindSJ\y, Mr. Balfour, L or<! Hugh CeCil,
I1ew' scheme fo~ ~,ooo speiit&tor.: .This will Lord R evelstoke, L ord Rlb"lesdale, Lord
brinll the covere$l' accommodatlon .of .R ead· D ootDond FihG'e rald, Viscount E <.l nn.m J Sir
ing ground tip to ;nearly 10,OOO-tbus sur· Philip 8assoon, and C<!lonel the H on. W.
passing most of . the Southef1\ League Lambton.
t\rounds, ~ . . "
,Others who entertained, and afterwards
teok their guest' on the river, were Lord
, h "
L outh Sir Edward and L ady Barry, Mr .
. Readi.ns' ave stgned ~ ', an .8ma~ur and Mrs. Waldorf Ast\)r, who had a 1(\1"1"6
G. Mmership~ . who ie , !gaviug' the' aervice u
' fi
oi"tlv: H
, e.has. pLayed in 'representa- party on boar~ his ~l\g1ll cen t c ectrlc
,,~, : _ '>T "'__ -I
launch; Mr: TrItton, SIr George and Lady
mat~hea, !)ond' can. :p ay at either C<!oper, who had a small ~eet. of motor
bl'ck. ".
boats at the disposal of the ir friend s ; Sir
~ gtl1ll1~got.iat~n,g .fora first· James McGrigor. Captain J ohn son, Mrs.
JII~.,, : .m<l ate in \Ouch with three Gordon, who .i; renting Princess Dolgoruld's place i Lord St. Oswald, Lady
'Mary Scott~ ,Bud Colonel Ric8.,rdo.
Among those on the Guards LaWI\ were
Prince· Alexander of Teck, tlte Earl or
Portarlington, Lord and Lady Glanusk,.
'Yiecount Marsham., Lord Robert Inne8: '
Ker, and Lord and Lady RlCliard Well~<
'. "
. ,.
,O Utera on t1ie
were Uti! Hon, H. '
Lawson, Lady
;81r iieorge
C<ipPer" Mr.
, _.-
~~~~~~~:,.~~e n"iri!~aft~e~~I~:d ~; :i~:
The lIardcn fete
~l'rllam~' 1 hclJ
. ....
.e aUBp'I/'" of
en ~l cx lLnd~:t.
cd clllld rc fI , In
, ayor T rel oa r
' . fWlCtioll '
ourcd . 8.~
' again
at Cint.ra
L oonard SULw n,
the day , The re
tcnnie tournn
ladioo' dOll " I",.,
mixed (Ia ublcs,
laken in th o :'
' la, ct>oon- nu t
. ~.nd tho new
was a sun
8upervi ~~d
the sale of ,
lads a t., Altoll .
t~in a. R(!fHJinR:
()()6t of £35 a ⢠.
has had t,h" ;
very m u ch i
presell t tho (:ot
lOP; boy.
The re