Berkshire Chronicle Reading 07-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-07-1914_00016.jpg
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OCR Text
. F.
ld~~ ,"''''
. ... Hunlon.
elootm' ohairman' for the
Mr. . ITeny6 Egginton, -of
elooted a. vice':cho.irmBU . .
Bu.c)<~!l . \l.pd .,Ary1!ur L ,
respectively r..,-.electod hon.
hon. ' aecret&~y.
, Three ~uinc... WM voted
Pri"",. to b~ offered !p' local
next . y~a.r·8 examinatlons, and five gumeas
!'II a dOQa~ion from th"" branch to the in-
H 'a sJaljl,
Mrs;" F.
C, Cooke,'
Den.cOlI', :F:
E. Holnies,. T. H.' Kni8ht.
A.. E. Prinoot
' . .
Ph.nt" S. _ Hornblow, H. W.
Smith, A. Tunbrid/!e, J. ,.T .
olliine and T, el8ey. 1.Jr.' A.
Abo,ut o'cloe!c on Tuesday evening a hay
Mr. C. Knights worked i,n· .rick ~t Folt Hill
Farm" Dunsdcn, the
hon. B~cretary and 'ilkmera~ .property of Mr. E. MIlY, of J'la~ Hate\!;
fete' ~retary'>d to be nlight. Efforts,
1'jl.e p'Togr .....m. included a paBtor,!! m&de I to .extmgUleh t~ fire with , bucket.
elay; entitl~ "The Y""qtre or the -X:WO .of " ..'ter·,t&til, the arrival of ,the Sonning
J:ltran8<'rs''' ~~ .rfO~,*ed by , p~l'ila" of Hem- ~tr.. ~rigade. ~ Thjl"" ...... rather .
dean' Hou ... · .schooL
The -.grrla
c.ty M!!, ho..eyer, "and the
mo",,' th.." ⢠, average amount of
,conthllld . ·the.r <lIforta ! to the'. pr,...,nt:lon
an4, deserve'· )Iluoh-- ·.praj8e for 'th<)ii' per· of th\t. spll6l1od of the fire, it
formallC<O. ' ,he · oharacter. were! ;!.oy,
...liss M. K"l1n~tt; .Laughter. '~is8 A. B~l'
cher; Sonl!, MlSS T. Bennett, Q$nce" MIM
B: Bnrron; Be.rvioe, Kiss ,C." R.eaau)p;;
·Miss K. Hendar80n; ·Hope,· .MI811
Herald. Mil. 1.'. Moap;y;
Misa G. Cond~111
D. Hunt; Fame , Mis« < 'I D .
Miss H. Falkner; PO"'l"r,
Miss G. Warburtpn.
also gave a musical eDoorthe direction · 'o f the DUiBic
~. Ga·rate.
, Collccrt
Btaridf')f(ll,J:~1j,s. B. Kcr~v.
E, Hiv.. , 8.
two ooncerts
a good hold of the rick. , alOO1"""r
the r~i-m. buildii!ilSi'w:"re
tlJDiI!, but the 'elror!.8 of the
8uQoeasful in sa.."ing th~se. . ..
which was oompl<l\.ely destroyed ;
tween 20' and SO tona aod is rully
One of thl) f~rm handa. states that
. fir~t
th"·.1hie th~rick (whioh
,o nly latJt .Monday wook) w...
th .. top. ' It is not known wlio
stitute 'benevolent ' fund.
Upon the motioR ' of Mr, W. Anker Simmons a oordinl vote of tb-~nk3 was accorded
to ):{r. S. R. Vernon.
~eychairmaD , ·in · reply, expressed t,he
grat.tUde ' he . felt to Mr. Anker Simmon.
aoll a1.~ , t~e .m"",bers f9r, their help aod
anil esp'e cially to ( his
&3tooIit~ , fri';nd; M. ·A. L. Lawrenca (Marlow), .~he hon. seere.t ary and tre,,"urer of
the branch.
. At .the Red Libn Hot..,l an I'excellent
luncheon · w ...· ·enjoyed.
Mr." Arthur Vernoll, J ,P ., i propo.'Ied
$( Sucooss to the Berks. Bucks t)nd Oxon"
Supe rannllR.t
Applico.tio ns
obtn.in9,hlo at
or by
"nvelo",,) not
<lay. th o 14 , h
branch ~t the institute," and coupl6d with
the tOiiBt--the name' of tb,e president, Mr.
Woolley. who suit.wly replied. .
Th" hEl'3lth of the ' chairmall \Vas gi v<ln
Mr. H. ' :D. ~UCkland (member of
"nnnnnill '
R. V.ernon nfterw8.rds acted
...the party.. Y;'hQ pr~ ecd ed in
conveyanoes to \h11" cluur . o.nd furnitllre
racto<v· of. Th'l". â¬lleniJter. Ltd.
Bv· kind invitation o~ Mr. Coningsby
Disraeli .. M·r. V"rnon th<ln took , the _m.
oors to ·HughendenMnnor. 'f/'e church
and · L ord : 1!'9 · graTe WCr{f 6t1Q& v!".~d. l'rid the pn~ty ultimat",ly
returnoo to th., ohairman 8 r.Rioence;
Montap.ue House . wh c r-o they 'we- roO rooei.,ed by M'1' , Y<lrnqn. The .'guests were
eoterta] ned to ~n. .
Thc" nAw baok whom
""cured is Angus Beed.
Whitburn. Stinderland.
'three monilia . of the
Loiooater ·· Foe!le; who put
fer. which. by the ,.ny.
lID;' 21. sumO. 5it.
!2st. nb,,' 80 ·t!iat · h ⢠.
physical'oo. Mr"
,tho 16 i.e . manager of the
with BwaNloa., speaks well
.houlddevelop into Ii. w.efti!
at'e '
well .
T HF.annSw,uli
koopin fC
Gard e ns
for n
gi ... ~ n tn
Th e C