Berkshire Chronicle Reading 07-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-07-1914_00009.jpg
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OCR Text
th<lre waa .. mao tbero
... :. a'w hat.
I Mr.
Garon er, M.P., who met
v.'itb a
:v~ry ' cordIAL rrecption, SBld he should ~I'
fO Iling
ordinary feeling "" well as
4Juty to those prcscnt, if he were Dot to
IJrst. me ntion the Irreparable 1056 tha.~
tiad taUen upon the movement tb which
t ll ey belonged, to the country al!d, to the
EmpIre as a wh ole, by the pS96IDg away
or that grea.t mM who for 80 many ycora
lilled so p rom ment a place in l>'1hlic life !
fl'o no one was It lowing more tn&n to th4)
'ate Mr. ChAmberlain
that the Empir4
o day pr_nted 80 solid a front to the
orld at large [H.a r, hear). It. Willi oop
00 much t.o say th ..t before he we nt ~
he Colomal Offic'e ther., we r. times. ,,:h.el'
t eDe moo within t ne bounds of possIbIlity
bat c ven a re w ye ars rolllbt brillg about,
not a separation, certaInly &. weakening
r the bonde t hat united US to our! &8 terrItories.
SinCf} hie time no such
h ough,t had entered the mInd of anyon<!;
nd· to; him. more than to all othera, they
51tlon of subJects of
!iib~ in the wrole world [Hear, hear).
wed 't he present
to rariff fR eftlrmera the'
of Mr
1. ~ hanJberl mUBt colne home more deeply
ha ll
Ito all othe rs.
the founde r,
nd righ t ~p to the time of hi., denth
he revered . head, of that gN>l>t movemeat..
stnking thB.t the
whi ch
.(having lost his bear- i
night, and trying to
'_- -"~---_ .i'-_.and ftlthy ch&rt):
we' re orl right.;
'.alp us !"-