Berkshire Chronicle Reading 07-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-07-1914_00010.jpg
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OCR Text
Road whose 'Il"~'
behold lhb
C<'-!oIPeI,,,ti~e Jam F.c tor~
ftn,." ,'. 'A4
the -lriver wi t h nny;:
..q,Ua,'iuu41r.1beC, U36 it int.Qr[crJ~
I a10X10u'~'il
rur·1 aspect
fro,l, '
what we ro l ond)
9 3e d wilhin irop
head. A n~lo,"
and regard It
on o[
\Vc hnvo
of il1(l u ~ lrr
cxpfin ~'iI
will h.\,e to go '
we , w1 s h. ' lo ~n j oy I
, I
nothing starllin g ~ o
:e<'?rd In the way : or cal'lureB t hi_ " '·c ~ :
It 19 not because the nve rs hh. \"{~ \),.. ,11 1
Rm,"" ⢠â¢
and ~rmed ' ~it? ew~ry. COJH :u l \' a1lln
of rod. Co?slde rable In "Cl1u il l' Iii
~ displayed Iby,. tpe ,juven iles in ° the r n'l1.
str'l,c tjon or :' rods, : \vith whidl lhey ,ri jip
the:s tr~aml eIther WIth a caddIS or a pi,·" ..
paste. I
Som e
h!lfll e ' lfI l! I. ,
ferrulr-s-COnBi~ting,.. of w ire wh ipP NI
of then. l!ary prey, they afl)
to the - rod _ w~th .~'Yi ne-aro quito wf)'lk,
of art. Rev~~U1ng ln' the s uns hIn e w it h ~IO \
o~her c,are l~ ~he worlu but the cap1\!r<,
R ': "
! ~':..
desert-ed by angl cljs, for the re the h :\ '1i" ,
c~:~~~' :;;e beeu j line d with angler3, youos; ; 1 d
the ~lappJe.t day.s of their lives. ·
s I' L- rH.l i~ p,
t ...
i. To ,th6 J!:ditor jof the "~,*"nicl;'. " _
.t Bir,-I note y~ur corre8po~Q:ent' s
. the, lower reach es of the Ke flOci may p ·r ·
Ul. ,reg.M to rudeness and . dls(."()urlesy ort· ho.l)S be r.egnrded as an o.nswer
1~he p,art;
'l'he pres<ln oe. of several small t r~ lll in
V l ~\
tro.m conductors_ Aa a very questip n which has so me time s b ee n n.. Iâ¢..d
; frequaut Jl&B8enger, I ' would like to give "" to whether
/my ,·experlence. , Scarc~ly a day passes but
"I .uS'<! the cars ' at least once. generally
f twice a day, v.ery often ta.king four jouron ' them. jfhis .1 . have done for a
, few -years. and .to f",rness t o the oon-
not the nativ e. frl'"! in '
~hiB pr.rl o~ the z;iver do r e-n lly br-f..~-U.
I. hardly likely 'that tlie small truli t
h ave worked down from pr j", [.1 I
waters. which are' restbeked I evc ry " 01 r.
and mar)cing th e fi sh h'''·1' ! I,>
kductors :I mU8~iv I have never found
of those wh:rih arc caug hl "
courtooy_ from any of .
:part of ,the river. Ii ,we ri ghl n
. rudenesll.
. ~m , OD · ejth~r ·
our theory t ha.t ·these 8.r e lIot u'l h wid- it
U" am
, parc els; I am' oUen ....isted up. the
bave migrated from the upo er r e:lel l".' If:
and I haTe f~:UeDtly seen conductors the ~ennett it i::l a ve ry ene-ouraging s:g I, \
l;elp" np old p eople 'a nd children . frequent- for If th~se small fish survive t he ol'dc'.J
Iy taki~gl .mall;' chi~d~en out of their
they bare to endure ,llI il y by ho)·.
-mothers I'rma ..nd lifting tliem out of or
for ' " twdle r,," they should gi've l\
. in ~ O&l'S. OM8. - on a ... e ry wet day,
. a lady W;~ . gettih out of fhe car with
c.d,a.t '6~ - an.d'd~aden with parce]s. and
I,' saw ~the l con~llc l' ta~6 ~~r umbrella and
: open ~t ' fpr~' her. I BPdmg lit to her whelT
., sne "8tep!iOO into l~he road. I belie~e th..
lady ,was la ISlf anJier, so the act was pure
i'ohl<lneas on lhe part, of til<! conductor.
. no
.a.ccount l of th omac1 yc3 in
b 'L
y('a r~
t hem rej ect tootl""mo
1'UI of pnHte : and
t he m,ost s uccu! c-u t
wo:ms. witl~out . movi ll~ a fi ll or 0. gi l~.
LYlng 111 th~ s haJlo ws d ose to t.he h.~nk â¢
these fi sh have haJ Iheir eye" open ed to
the wiles of t he anqlc r , 80 tl",~ lh ey "my
liv... long to ~: teU the t alc. "
In reg~ rd' t~ :~wo', or three cars running A ,MIXED BASKE'r .
so close ~ogether and then a long wait.
" 1 thlnk t~8t is d,ue. very often. not t o any ' Hot, sultry wea th er haR boen a gai nst
-c&re1eesne>'5 on. the pari of the mot ormen I spo~. except In . Ih e early m OrJl1l1 g or
but to .the . 8e~r&1 'publio themselv81'1' .l overung. Mr. H Bill " Lop h r..(1 0. Bp~ .... ltd i(1
'1'hey dellbleH;')eI';tl refuse to move out
I trout. from t he S~OUl'S reach all Frid"1
the wa..,... l.rid
, the tram ·to p....
morDlng. It turn",] th e ",,,,Ie lit
, the motorman ring repeatedly Mr. Long h " aho had four m ep. eelâ¢.
.II .,ehicles that they are One or two fine ch uu hav o heen land 'irl
and : 'want to pa.s, all to no from th e local rench. , .
Ex TllH IH,ct<;>r
orivers of vehid". often Lloyd. I ullder,land , 11,," had l\ n oth~r
of the way till the y trout from the Ke nnet, It weighed ah Uj,t I
.o,~ · ".111 ,i1UlUt.. b'Ulk to the motor- 71b_
hound to put I *LEMENTARY SCHOLARS' F1 Ril IN':G.'
tbe ~tor-. , . MATCH.
lost tIme. - ., 1
The .suggestfon '?"1e 60me time IIgo \lY
hoes. ,md tho Royal CountJes
AmAlgamatio n of
'to keep ,F ishili" Club. th.t the · risiM g"n"riIli~n
doing so should be encouraged in thei r ncqlli sili 9n
r "'.~
to Keep of knowledPle of the gen Ue art has a~"uJll t>d
a definit e form in n. resolu tion whi c h w ~ s
passed a.t tb~ mon t hl .., Imcp~ing . h eld at
0 , ... headqu.arters . the Whit e tf:lrt H Olel.
on W ednesday e venin,2. t hn t n. fi."hi !J~
co mpeliti{l n "hould 00 he ld 011 S"! lI 1'<b~, III
i . '.
-' - " .__---4--
atte nding
l he
e leme ntary schools ill lhe h o r(lugh. 'rho
match will b e held from th o C~v e rsh'\ln
r-e nc lt from 5 n.m. t o 7 p.m., and t.ho
tradesmen nnd other infhwntial ' rCKi d-c nt.<J
.are to b e invit ed te give prh,es for t ho
oompetiti on: The secretary wn.a in s t r1J ct~l
to write to tl16 h ea.{l m l\..~te rl{ ('If th s sc hools
in the area embraced by, the am 1\1 gIlTTl:l.·
reque.~t ing
88certni n
. out for p"""r number of .b ~Y8 ov er 12 yenrs of a~,: wl\o
many times 1 would be wllh~g .to e nte ~ th e oomp etltll"l:
tho con- .. nd also to 1I1vlte their co· operatiO n til
other way.
An_!"maki ng the e:~nt ? success. . The ob ject
the- way some of of th e compe tiilOll IS to educat.e .t11C yo ung
Di(~ki n,l{
up a ~no ri.smn. n to pphold the b es t interests 9f
On &0 much cur- the mort.
landed in 6omoâ¢
the car" much AT HENLEY. .
amlov,mcc ofoneself
u.~ other'I' M r .. " St an I B V' M ea,
d H <sn I~y. ~rl' l C!! :Id . Ek~ to ' Rell~tta . traffic has pu t 1\ S (01) lo nil
r egard to th o anglm~ 111 the home reach",. but "O lUO
I kno.... the fish have been cau~'ht d u ring earl ., morn'to prefer to· run. i n ,'t ft9liing, arid at th e wei rs l\i r. · 'I'h orna~
W 8 St.o
the elect rio Daws, flqhing with O ef'l'ge Arlett, fin b h c(l
[~~~:""~;~~I:'~ them.
in. my ·opinion · up on ' Monrlay at ~url c v r tnking somo
adopting a _looser harbel up to 51b. Gi,d ,Borne g{l"{\ 01,,11,.
ll(>thw who candnot the ' best bra"" 8c" linl( :ne a rly 101.\> .⢠11;'
0."' ,,.uu,r~
s ' ay I t fi h' . . "
. I ~..IS v e r ~ l~(lf;
. '
fou~,times .
8 . ~lg.wn,:(
I ' oz.
here would come in ' and dry down ~ ere, but I""~,, an<1 S111 ,\ I!
.not i8rmoQ.~ ~iiny .re- (.Bass" aro ' gomg well, and they're ..·.c ry
eaT. if ' I tako Q. nICe, too .
.~,. ~u,,'~ to th., Pond',Ho"se
" '~thisf;~~~~~:t,p~~ii
to anpl;, o n
to be "vail,l;J\e
one,c;W:,."o i BARCL,&rS
~~-,- â¢â¢-,.... .
1. ..-1 1'1' 1'<1·
d eall
jlfes,rsi B&rJ;I ~y and C", ~l" le t1 ml t.bey
have -entered ~nto ,aT! agreement for t nJong
'over th<L banking busm ""s of M,","r~.
Nevile Reid and Co.. of ~ina!iOr nll~
D ..tcl><it. I'" from Julv 1. The v abo notify
that a 'branch of tbeir bank wiJ.I be aD cntld
ne1<t :'Monday at 58~ ,C orll Stroot. Bristcll,
under ,~hfl mariagcme*t or l Mr.. A. C.
". I ,
r .>
Bafcl.v ! and Co. was incorporale d In
July, 1896. and · h... i ts bend olll e.. in
Lomb a
It b... 8,500 shareholders. and has ' paid dividend~ r.ngi'1l!
from 1
to 15 per cent.
It., branch,~
numher 348 and subiilranclles MO. In t~~
l ...t b.laneo-a~t Dlud·up capit al .tood at
£3 .600,000. !'<Ioerv"l i£1 600,000 " a nd <l<>I posit.. ' ''r'd current ,aoeounts ' £57 .883,000_
Cash in hand waB £lI6.087.QOO - 'b ills discounted. loans, elo.l!'£1'2.1lO9,OOO; and iilI vestme!l'tS £1l.B46,OW· .'.
The bankinR 1I""' lof Nevile Reid ' d
Co. wa'l 68t"'b!i8hed ~ n 117BQ lin IWin " r.
and has .. branch. at Datohe~ ' '. .
lin:' g
w\,.h fll f' \'
111 e ll r y
Oo n d
t or ... , j ,
witlt l\\'·
to hi " II
t tl
Fnd ·:- .-i{,\, .
n,~ fHli[ l ~
M :~d i l\ 'I'll