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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_08-07-1914_00005.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_08-07-1914_00005.jpg

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Quite" gloom was


over the

811e~ on Saturday by the <nrculRtlOD

&1 rum our, whlch unfor~unately proved
tk only too true, that & ~ady 4 ud
man b"d loot thel r hves while pUOllOg
l }n.ngbo urn e.
'1 he \ Idlm s of lhe tragedy were
Mr. Thoma.a PrLCe LlIles,
me l11 1>o r of Ihe finn of D,'nilstlho'lrp,, ~,.rjd

Co, so ll eltors, Great Swan Atley,
and resldlllg at 28, Queen's R oad,

nwndJ Surrey.
MISOI D~a J ames, 35, of Il kley Vlc~r
.gc, fY orkslllrc [hF br othe r OOIDg



t.he pBrHih},








Wlut.c bul' .. h
MISS l a mes, t ogethe r wILh he r


etaymg at the


I~S Amy James, and Mrs. Han son , jV f
1 ull , I",jd for the post three weeks befn
• aymg at the Bl1dge House Holel, Wh~t­

C lUrch. I On Satuuhy they I " c re Jowed y
1: 1 LlIlb8 and l another gentleman, a j d

I 61b ~eC! u ent1y fill w ent for ' a puntJllg tr.p,
! t \0 pUlit fl oo wg chartered.
The r et.uf n

J )Urney hau almost been complcled ~ whfu
t (! po le lIsed by MISS Dora James snrtp ·
l")£d and Rh ~ fell mto the \\ a~r. In fan
I!-g I t 1l " "s ulli ed that s he caught hold of
II r C01l1 pr. JJ1 0n , I\nd he, t.oO , f.ell o\ or·
L ;lld ..\,Irs Hanson, th e other occupd.nt
o the punt. on h eu,nll S the splash seIzed
n pa.u11l 8 and h eld It out to jt h cm, but be
j IN Iho) could grasp It they boLh sank
1\1< R"YllIo'hd de BUrgh Ls.yard, of Cliff
~ C IlC, winch l.B Sl t UU.t,OO OpposIte to the
spe ne of the t ragedy , made a gallant

th ough 1J1l8 u<;:cessful D.ttemy t to


lI~I "" ' James and Mr Price Lmes. H is at
ttlLIO II was dlfl.Wn bYI Lhe ' splaoh , a"d h e
n r\ rl y slMroo t he fafe o~ t he "lctIDJS. help
Dot move
It W8.8 qmtel
1 " '" undcr the Im[1r e SSiOn that ,MI S" 1'088 ble the lady ha.d hold 01 hlB loot, and t

.~t1l C q [1,1 d Mr. PrIc e Lines sc lzcd hlOl t htLt ",hb was 10. the weeds He W66 0. bt-'l ' a
by the leg" Ifi th eIr struggle for h fe. \U.n.
~j'r Laya,d was qUIte exha usted wheo he
gbt out of the rlll e r, t nnd . ho attrIb utes
\VlllJa.m Chld y, boatman In the employ of
h~ s re~cuc lo thc plp;:<!f1ee of IDlIId of Mr A.llley, P \%'bourne, .'Lld when bo wa.
~Ir 5 , R U.II !)OII. Ml<';S 'Jjn rnes and Mr PrIce mCorml'<1 of t.h oocur rence ho Jpmped lOto 8. handlCerc:hi" f
1I 1 et1 d tu not rlW ngnoi n , and effor ts rwe r o 1 bOM with tho 918ga and rowed to tJlO punt.
I ad o 1.0 recover t h o bodies.
W Chidsey, Ho got II1to th9 oraft, and after three Or four
I I tho ' cmplov of Mr A-hley, of the lioat- , mumtca h" 6."1 the bo<hoo IYI~t:lde l~ s,d~
usc (1,·ll.ggcd th o r\ver, 8.nd eventually on the bottom hi the rIVer
gan cma
'] 1
'I ihg the bodles Art)- WH6 lYing face ~oWnWo.rd6. whllo t he lady was
s cc-ce( LX m recme
, IYlDg on hor oaek With £nco upwa.rds. WIte! d ltl~p!lrn.tIon was resorted to, bu t to ness rccovcrccl l the bodICe.
'l'hol o was
o n""I1.
SIgn of H o III the gentleman but he thought
At t Il<) \fI ~ ucsl, \I h lCh waa h eld at Ash thore was in tho la.d but ho wa. not Buro.
I y's boathou se on M.ohday afternoo n , be· TllOle WaR u.lw.lY8 a
g cr m doublo puntm#{,
(9re Mr. R . S. Payn e, ~ good d-c!\J of com- BI.I very o(tcn t poro wn.s a great stram on one
rllcnt \\(\.5 mn.dc With r~g1\rd t.O t h e dange r polo Iw hen\ I t gpt stuck, and thE) other person
o'f th e we-c<lR ]\:h sST J ames J brothe r d ec)Rr-1 ,"ant on purttmg, and tho pole might get
lh g cmph~tl~ally tlll.t 1m sISter lost her ;under iha eidolof tho boot
T!t~t w •• what 'FINE FOR NEGl"IGBNT DRI
lIfe nWlng t o th e w~ cdS
JUry \1~rhaps hllpponed! It was not <luo t-q- Q, fla.w
l 'd n re 'o~d tho f plloWlllff rlder:UI Ihe wood. , ArllpelOl respJratlOn was reo
I nc e 0
A()rted. t o, but IWlthQj,l.t ~V&tl
'I'he pllnt was
to a_'l"n i.ion'
\Ve d oslre to put , 011 r ecord our con- hlTed from 1I.r Ae.lfley 8 And he te.eted tho
hoo.ld at tho ~~81",g
Vl cllO n Lhnl It is the duty of the Thame~ , poles before ttc p.rty .t~rtcd.
The pole 11\ was
Frlday\ III last week, when
ConS€rv~tors Lo h"vel the weeds m tillS , queatlOn w •• blQken about 4 ft. fr om tho 13, Pan bourne Str t,
r"'Jeh of the rl ~,cr eut l egu l~rly .n~ top
maned Ifor negligent! dnvulg a
k e pt down. At present
KUI~'. \Road on JU"1l 8th.
'rho DcputyJI'owu Clorkl who
du.ngel·, u,nd a SCRJ, d al to the ~onrd .
DL CharleJ Dlren, WhItchurch, 'Hud
I The coroner, in opeml"\R' th.e court, 8&19 It examwed t ho! bodIes on tho towpath, buL ,aid th~ dolondant -$' drIVIng a
King's Road, anq. il) or<1er to
e:oonlc<l 1.0 }1(l. \O ~cn {l. to ry enol aHtur1 and there were n o SIgns 01 life
Artlfic.nal ros
I lla.t one would dC8C1 ib':j a9 0. pure o.cOlucnt. plration wa.s l'reso rted to a.nd t he b o(hes rc· lUng mto another cW, swerved
gOIng w
Mrs Ivy il.i1ce HaJllIO'l' 6f Hull, 6t~ted moved to ClIII Done, whoro artifiCIal r .. pi.. - iuto 8. tra.m-par that
hf'-t on SIl'turday 6h.6 was out l~ 8. nunt bon was continued unt.ll 8:SO.
Dh rll1,ll lh16
\'Jth tJle tloooo.eed and j Mr, Prl~ e 1.1008 It1mo t here :tas ab~olutoly no sign of lifo dl~ct~n'DUmmer, employed by the Rea.dhe y le ft about noon, takl~lj;{ \u t h them lXlath wao due to <1rm\ nlng
An authorrty iD..g' CorFOratlOn as a ~ driver, Bald he wn.s
~U tl ()hoAOn ftlH:l ten. mUle punt MlS6 J a~e8 had ","rittc n book on tho subJect of drown - golng along Xmg'. IRood, and on p ..6l11g
pnd Ml Pnce Ltnc..,\ wero puntmg when they mg and &aId there wos httlo chapco for any- Abbey Stroet saw lstatrono. ry V.R'll ncar e.
lie noticed ... m otor-<lar,
[oochod Shooters llill uhon ihClr return to ono who "as undor w~ter for' m oro Ihon lour MOp OPPOSite
}lang- bourne
WltnCsa [ ,, ~ fntbng on the Ullll uteS. I
drivon by a MI\ Du ,oommg OVE\[ Orown
ODPOSJOO c lld"- of the punt ",nd WD13 leokIn.!{
Thomas A gUf3~U8 Lince idontlficd Thomas Bridge toward<. the ~wn, botween tho "an
t ow:trdB -tHb boathouoo to sec how near they Prfoo Lmcs ~ hts ~ 80n n.nd Mid h e h .st saw and hlS .AS he waa ascending the
}Vero to Po.ngbl)urne
'I'he Bun on Fru:fuy last after dlll ?er:
Deceased hill t oward.s tbp bndRe Ih.e. SIl.W the defend·
et r.on~ and she had 8. parMOJ
WtL.S u.ood tc( ~ho rlver, but Witness dId not ant oomlnS- ov~r t he brtdge In a 8m.a.1.1 twO;:
t horcCoro ISM h~ r cornpnmona
thu;lk h e ~OOlPO 8Wim
&eater. HH~ sp~oo w~ so fast that. t.he~ wa.e
Tlv er W tnct.s was ' first 8.",ue
Tho coron~, 10 9~mmmg up, said Mr Lay. dangor of h.lB car gomg mt.<> the baCk of
d"lIt by heallllg a spll\l'h
Ilrd did (lve ythlll!\ bo possibly could In the Mr Dunn's caT and to eave hmlBelf he
' Wor~
maltor, and 00 dnubt If Mr. How ... ha.d been t urnod to iha off "'Ido l and ral1 mto the tram.·
fl,blo to aWl
ho ·lwould ho.vo beon able t o oa.r, otnkln.g ltl on the /ron~ . off .. ide
but I
have got to the punt looner~ and might pCl&o n on b~ket carrylng the ,life.guard W&8
broken m two, and t,h e Iife-guord dropped 10
Slbly have .~ vcd ono or botll of the lives.
Tho J~ry Ir eturned a. verolCt. of lI.oCldentnJ Ihe ground. The Ir9ut olI-aldo wheel of the
death, eXI>r~ed their 8y mpo.thy ~lth UIO motor car WftEI ,mQ..BbJc.d WltneM bad &lowed
rolatlves, and thOlr h o.rt felt regret at t he his car down td o.bout. four mile. an hour ]n
' QOOun-cnce,
theu extreme pleasure a t the order to a llow Mr. IDunn to Ii..... The de..
fondant told witn_ thai hi. foot·brake had
l - 'N'OUlIJ)g !
noblo ~ion yf Qn~ of iheir re.jd.!nt~.
f8Jled to am.
" I
Eh Hoare, 37, G.\"!L14!'e Avenue, Readil\j!
Tho TIov W F ' J arne. ~eferred to the who was ridIng .. on tfP of . £b.eJ, ~
~~ da.ngC!r of tho weeds III the Thaim
Al- Chades B. Stebbmge,. 44. Kmg's. Road. :a.
t though th" loVldenoo waa <lot ahoolu~eb oon- dr~or's e.eeistant, oorrobOf(1ted.
TIle del"ndant that ",hen 'he got to the
wen clustye, he thought hIS sister WELB drowned
to 1 cnttr~ly the weed!!
Thnt was hll~ top rlf Crown B-noge h e put. hiG bre.kes
absol"te cO~I,v\CtlOn~
II the 'fh~m'.. Con. but they £0.1100 to nct. 1 Ho tried to
scn ancy hlJd powet to have the wCed~ cut--- car in front, and ~t"Cidentaily ran
and he belfved th.y had-thoy ought to be tram -cn.r
He was finod £1
made by t1 e .J;orce lof public ?'pmion to clear
010 weeds ut\ of tho ) riv~r. l anci so r ender it
Imp oo~lI ble 1 [or thole unable to sWim to lho
dragged in/k, a death trap.
' I
\ The\ forema.n of Ithe ~ury and M,r. ,",m~
agreed, tho forme rl!statUl-g that a f.ew uoa.nt
-.go dala o.f tho atrongOst lewlmmors ! wn.s
drowned ofmg to t/le























A resld,..,.t I s~lld ~o Wjrooo tq tb& Thainee

Con",rvall9Y 00 tho ,8ubj ~t, bu~ they did not
reply~ IThe JUTY Ti tumed !.he J'iaor ,referred
10 aoove,
'I -







th" -' T,kiliura\
proglre~•• : ~~.~~i~




A record nttcnd8dlc9

enjoyed a


evel~mg on the lawn on ~ lUrsday evemng,

July 20<1 when .. further dnnoo and ooncert
took Mr. Lawsol1 re~?ercd "1101<;1
your 'ha.nd out naughty boy
and Mr. S.

J O'Co.Uo.ghall'mado a dedded hit WIth
u'Who's your Jady fnond" and IIOh, 'To·
morrow NI ht"
Mr. ,,'Bort" Earley ~aa
heard to a~vaJlto..go m ~ I I hoa.r you oa.lIing
me" tlWe not perlDlthn of an enooro. Mr.
F 'D&vQY rendered a 60 ectiOn from H Tann·


h~u..r ~ IlBSI.ted by Mt . Eyre, and oth"",
contrih t_ to the progr amme meludll<l M.r
WIlklIl60D and Mr. Allwood.


A.rthur Bacon

Â¥eesra.. All.



actm~~ OIl

1. Ed·