Berkshire Chronicle Reading 10-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-10-1914_00004.jpg
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OCR Text
desc riptirJIl
or ll lo'
, adopted by Ill .! 11)( ,II
'~Ho t ge ' ~C L'(itl :-;, IJIlt
1"· · ··'' ' '·,. and m;~ )' be takul
gov er: Jl H
I,·! :1 4\ .
.,,·ith ~\' It ~dl it 1:-;
, called
Erne than ,
' nnture ' of Ia.n
l 1\u at
t li e j prull' lIl
' pursuit of HlLytl liH1 1L,
extl"avl~ga llt
I li t!
pU)I Cj . . 'I'h,;
cale de'c idcd I upon by the (;onl Jlll tee h
Ivery far fr'01';D pciI,18 ~ha t- jlld ccfl, )Y t-i0l '1(
n p"""n r," cf the members 'It IS l'ega rd-c,d <\ :-; I n.
fi;ufficiellt--,.-yet it appca r!-l to hp In II (J111>ht
Ii ful attempt
toi safeguarrl
t he
i ~ll e rc~t 'i
I,those who are l l1l1able to Hupp,u l' t l llllill .
""'fl"e~'rikm¥1 c~lves nnd their f6~ .. ili e, with oilt ".,~ IIIH
to Ioutslde
Il:;'91stall ce.
~,t,r.Plmn. princiIile of leo.ving t\tc IIlO rr m.\' t,) t. ,k. c
care of itself is impossible a t t h~ '1 ~I' i.I~1 III
the nation'!:! history. ""V e It Jl\'(! aJI'J\\ c(\
ollr~elves" ~o Be,t up on It loo lOll';! ill til l'
past7 nnd now we have t\wnkl' ll l!d If) Il lo
hct tho.t t b- Ji ve in th e pr{:~-C III ! l:"i Ji ll'll :l ~
(l8.ll g er ous [or the na tioll IlR I l l l~ j'nl' 11h.)
.:i:n<iividp nl. ~~'~1 ~ ~rtmc rorc t lru lIgh,l l \\ 111('"
, mnde ~jml' ,Dllht,U.::y
JCflclcrs 1:~~ 'lh ~l- e
di puttIng f\- Il Arm Y ' wlO
ing for. Sel'VICe 6ix mOIlLh fl h elle9I
I ll e c esslty
II 111<. t
C()rJ:e,mlun'Jll guvcrn l' the il nctio Il 8 of those who flrp (.! alh,cl
up on
deal with th e r elief
di ,' it l'C"li
home. No one min )ll'opli c'y with nll~ cl";,,,
II to necl/me}' 1the 'J umtion of th e gigarjilC 6J1,
Ri et wllich , iH row ill progr",", but tli ,'
~ f)ijority Qf ~ hlJJring m e n and wom 4n m,ul-' t
I1flve by tld~ time come t o the 0011c,h1810 11
\ that ita te rmin a.t iO IJ mlly be 10llg , f11t; ta,llt
there for.e, pehovct1 t h ose wllp 'fwd
se IY e-~]ll p oo it iolls of l'p.sp01ls ibilil y to
<llreac:, "wll,rdg theirl less ro r t ~\ l?r ot.he:l'il t~ 1 Hd
with cn.reruln N s and cone tdCl'<Lt,'lJi1.
those \vho ~HlY h e inc lin ed Lo r~fi(> 1 t. 1lllY of , gen erosit y on til p It' 11a r L f l' 1I'1II1 )('l'
tha.t tl~cy !lore nctmS! a.ft e r all,
Ib est jntccc.~t by tlOlJlg "ha t th('j' C ,\II 1<1
ill! LlI Ir
,provido' against di st t" 'S,'i heco llJing lll (.t rp
nnd more acute f\S t.ft C wf'('ks piliiH 'j'. J\ "
9f n puhl ic flllid the.Y 111 1/::;1 p(' r.
husb and the l 'C<':O llr c('s a t lht' l[' dl !'
to the Dest o f theiL' abilit y, nol ,\ I\ b
to minimi s p Vie
who need \l,,s,,is will cldrivl' rrom
it now ) but with Il "it'w to ,l ,t\' ol dill~
sufferi ng ill t he [utllr c,
ltl Or p si
lH'r !!~ fit ,I wldelt
Ul is
111(\ cll '\'d
(1 0 11 (',
!lI d ! .
, ! r."
'I i
I tlll
' j hI'
/I II ' ~ 11
kit 111
,;~~t~~I! 1::J~'jc ' h
nl,lgI:tn "oi l
I ~ ill ig- hi. I
ver y la r;.( 1
, und~ ;L1110
who hnd
Li otlf ,
I.h" ,\