Berkshire Chronicle Reading 10-1914
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-10-1914_00006.jpg
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OCR Text
rr om Lhoj l kd'"f. :I';)
LI t ~ L r::.,d
O~untal['V . A"S(ICJ:' t IOl_
f\it·! It . {'{)IJ~ ' liJ'l.
I\ SkH!g
unJ on to t he U~" O(~ ill\l j h
E. Shac kle to n 1l!'(IP" . . , r! .I: \1,
a. con t r ibu Lillll (, r ;:\0 \
were, he sa.1id , Oll ly b ·,.
\', :' ), 1
of ,d ealing w~ th the recb l e - lJli n'( k~l - ! h,· ' 1I'r")
being to 6upport 0. b ig irisL il ul i(l ll I.1l 1",,".,(
expe~~~" which 'r;night 11 0 d Ollht h '1 ':' ':',
effective ,; and tlie 'ot.h e r i",~'n ,"1 1.l!'1 t P " '1,1 (1
who had given 'attention lo I lJ(> I)] :!I :. ';"
thought they wigh~ begin lJ,:' !rl :d iill,J' t' ,I ru'
fuI observations; and Irnig/lt :I}I!I \ dl ll. \"l'\l llI'
t&ry vi sitors to, lJlquirc ~nd
\'l' t!lt l\"~ t:
whethcr lcas8S wero suila lilc [.0 ]' il l~, \.Jlu t ! "1 1
801 treatment or mig ht bo tl"{) [l l,r d In 'I , y
way short of h aving an i w:! l i tlfti l fll \'/' I::"
'1.'ho~ e WOl'Kera
migh t
fectly q';alified, "I~ of the1l),
HOt bl' " 1'1"
bllt 11 0 ,, ' . "':
d o SOme go od , r\ nd furu:,~ I: "',
inl:orrn"ii'on. In nnotHc,r ' .
I IjI.
tl1'o l
'] 11 I
give n ~ ' ~ " .'.
m·," '
Do,rs,on:.' :II. v': t h nt the ly() Pi.'~ I; " I
AS6OCinUon W ::lS; Uk ~ '; !;J
wjLi~ t he m:ltto l' !Jt p)', ' ~ " :;t.
bo r athcIl ' d if!eou rt.co1l 3 10 IL l
he· (the ape.ikor ) feli, if , nflc' r "
the m a~fc r up, th<':, (i,ld II C)t d o
b el\r),
1I," 'Uleullng
Th e w!t()l ~ {'oUJl l y
jJo p a.r<1iiic(1 if [H l n (J r
\tlwre:ls , if nil g:wo
it migh't work 'y(·1 1.
'lu Cfluion,
l l 'Ji
! Ii ',
,:. :i :i
p aid nnyt,hil:lg br'::o '; d
th e
f-p ocket e )( penf:lc~ , but t h ~r o w,'r.'
60me fHl ?-el"v hsl ng vis itors w h o' g pt .t2il I~
Y8 Rr , an~1 1 trny,elli ng ex peJl ses
who wero
1l10i., Ltll " :;l)
work ing Yolunta.rily.
I II 1110
â¬cheme *eIorc th o rn-QfJ lillg it , · \'[1:,,\ , p",),
pose d t.h at the dmn ty shou ld g' l'e .L:.rl. 1110
th - R ea.ding Irl'own Counc il £ :'::0, ' ;1 1,, 1 (' ;'( ') [ d i,"l
trict 9o~n<l il £]0.
ouL I" r
I;; <Ii ; ·
t rict cou nc ils in th county l"',ll Itl~ "' lldy
ng r(\ cd ~ 1<10 -t hat,
Mr,. I:3rd 5ni<.1 11 0 did not think UI P. pl l\n
Iii ,"
would be: nny gc;() d, bccnw;e he L ~, l i(),yed
t h at. tho peopl e who would d o ~ lIch fl Lh,inJI
efficIently would b OI t ho'c who would do ,.
wit.ho1Jt ~ Ilal·gillg any thing.
Mr. }''1nJ~c~ ob i3 c rn~d ,tlln.t. A lIr ~\y t h nit'
ic aJ. jo LEcer R und eyj ' lg (J1TI CI 'I' 1~1 ,
I'· g l~~" O every !\rlcntJon t{) lhr f i ,;, I,[I' ,
,mind ed. °1 He could no t eee how " lUi, of
lamatell~~~I' ovD n thotlgll tl tei r (lX p~l l f.;e" \1<\' 1"11
,' p aid, ICbu;Jd add tO l ~JW jll fo rm~ati olJ (.hey a.1·
I Mr.
A1<1ncIge also spo]fe lD OIlP(!.,'"
, The Rqv. C. E. . SI)nckletA)ri 'eaidlllO. kH f' W
of s evoral peoplo W ~to had n ot 3ppllC(1 (Cl r'
relief Wh~' ""ere of tile feebl c·mind ",] ,·1"1'.' ,
;a.nd b('o us a they lind not ' n.p ~!j {'rI , k::
rel~o ving office r did not go no ..' th e·!I1 .
Mr. ~~6gey: Thoy must b e vcry [,. ,.I,i."
minded ipdeed (Iuughtm·).
~'he rCfo lution , "' ~ J.eIcn.ted bYI [Ine " nl ~ ,
. : .
. P1Wr ()SA.L l'jOR EFFECp NG
1_ , . ECO~OMIEf'.
The. ~ hai .m'a n p r~gent ed a r c!)ori. of Ih,)
cPUl~j'ttee , which ~ad been I f\P!)Oi ll t'~I~ i It I.
Ico nsl(le r the appOl'tlOnrncnt of t hol ('(,li d I' d '[ I '
lioll to tho comDlOll fulld of' t h" 11 11 1011. 1i
~la.d, h e sn id, been ~gr-ceU to Wi t h tllll"! ...L 'I,
Is entie nt. ·
'fhe 't 'â¬'I.port s t,l\tO<.l thnt. t ho onl y w:\~' f,r
e econo mi e$ would np!1Ua,· to
for \Yok ingh;\m' ·'Vithin tO I d ' RC' O L! r Ig , '
pa up eri ~~ Jh ' ~lS w a~ d ono in tlt u NI.Jrl ll : rn
Divis:ion ,!
" Mr. 1I~1\"'6CY e~jd w hat Imd J'1'1 lli. l1 i I.)
~a I(Q fin IptO l'C S,t III ~h o matt'1r. Will", t! ll~ .,'n ·
courn.gell~{-~ nl gn'-e n to p n.U l.arl f: 11I III " oki'lI g hn.m . \ ~r() kin gJH! ;m pOllld nfiorcl to l h \
gc n em u-5 " nt the Ir ex p c n5:l?',
' Io f Lho wildIe thing.
th e
Th o · gl">ll
who w e nt viaitin g among I)w p orh---
cro dit il o tll em:.-jpstend of bUCJli ~ lg lI ~(l~O
p eople lip, orre r~ ~.o d o Bomc~h !ll? Ifor
them, but nlimy, a,t . someho(ly ~J.e "
and if they ~n il (l d to ge t money (or
th ey notu:fl1Y I senti pcol>lo '~ h().,
ot:ho:rwu. s would ~lOtl Jl a,"m i. h ~lU F h ~ of g<png 'l
to the reliDVill!; offie er to t he , Poor Law
in~titut io n . He kn ew that
th ..t the1
Be l!ttl." .
in that union as
p arieli,:inight help
fo~, th,{ rest of
Within was the
wbich was not
than that