Berkshire Chronicle Reading 01-1915
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_15-01-1915_00003.jpg
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OCR Text
.' Dr. Ho'de . ' police
.oen the body at the I Jl(,r<'I!""Y~
that dece ..s~ .had
. I r "ght l~rm b'ej!~g: tllJl
wan the worst case iH~
DtJath must lh'ave bee
wheele ' of the lra 'li
ac ro",~ the Itrunk,
Serge&lI~ WIlliam (
Serv,' ce Corps, 102n.
StraUieldsaye, staled
me mbe r of his
was rellortffi t
tee. Witnesa
Rt.eadv sooor , and
c ~ r ti tlcl\le wOllld h
punishm ent for ,be;
Jolt n Reea, . '''''!>''C<'\
dece .. , ed had ,
sion. It ~va &,
~O"" '"A "'O
migh t. !ta ~e ~een
ing. except .the g"'~"t,co :"h
shred.!: ::
p.e, Hebl)oh
nig~t .at ~1.35
believed to be
The im ..n ~. who liad
ing. inq.u ire d .{)f >w
poJ:<);l . Bt!itioD',
~G. Dac.JnBed .
'on th·e -b eer"
Witn'6IIB d :d not "" .....Oc,·
in a.qking the
d B,,,rter. ; Men
the night,
inl! .
George J.'I'cnOll â¢.
G.W.R.. said
g():ng to the
when he ' saw!'
lUall was
stretcher . Tl'e clothlng
and lhe bodYI hn.d aptJaren
.hout thirty yards.
George K irby, a: district
duoed a .plan show:J1( th~ spotJ at which I
d eceased ,w as fonnd , and .thls hu.ving been I P~:~~:~c~~~~~
ex platned t<? the j.ury. the , c!,roller 8umme41 ~1
up, remarkmg that .,there }Vas no ev;dence
to Rhow th~t R ees
depreeaedl· or
troubled. .
. . .
1,'he ,jury r eturned a.n open verd :",t, and
,: e~~8,ed ,their sympathy I. w:th the - reiI"
tIVe<!, the coroner concur ing. .