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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-02-1915_00012.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-02-1915_00012.jpg

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Strength .of ,liquor; .'
v:alue i~ is ~upetior .to any -:',
COIlr)pebDg t~a at' 1/6Â¥'at I /1.

tu::hness. of 8avour.

. '. the predominan~ of ' ~
. ~­

Teas_~~ess8ry Ito ~~e .j'
, In acru~ Tea value-It IS m



'tliaD' id. ' pei"' lb·:''. better dian
/6 grade:



, '

No other price.


, '


t I . ,.





- -+'- At tho. M
..idenhead C01 nty Polico Court Oil· T~g­

day Ma~la. Schi1c.lier. an :Austrian subject, had beeh.
8umrifonOd for travelling more than five mil",,· trom .
hor regijtored place
residenC0-" Pudsoy....
Oookham Dean- without a permit from the R.,gi •.
tration Officer of the district, "
The magistrate.' clerk Baid that the dcfendant waH
a ' governoae, and ~"as engaged at Cookham Dean.
Sho waa also an alien enemy and was registered IL8
Queh, and made ' applioation to the superintendont
of po1iee for a permit, to move from "Pudscys."
Cookbaffi Deall. to 73. Eccle.tone Square. London.
Tho ner,m it W!L'I obtai nod ·{rom tho Chiof COhstublc.
and a prlic~ sergeant attended at " PUMOY... to get
~he Qef~ndanL'• . siglllltur~ ~n I,n e permit, but he
Will! told tpat<BI",. had · al.~dy gone.
P.B. 'W oolford gave evidollCo to the effect that ho
oalled at "Puru.oys" on : January 18th to give tho
dwendant har pormit to travel to London the ned
day • . but h., was told tllat .he. had - gone ou the
Wednesd...!lY .previous. . ,
. Mrs. ' Watson, tho d efendant's mistr<'8S, said she
aooepted the rcaponlihilitY for tl.e offence. "Pud80YS '" w¥ her I country ~OUfJO and her London o.d~
dress waa 73. Eccl""tone Square. B. W. Tho defQIldwaH omployed hy her as a governess and' whon
to Gookham Dean ft'om London with the
vu,"u'c~u on January 1st sl\e reportcd tho fad to t be
police, and applied for .. pcqlllt for J'anuary 19th.
when she expected to return to London. ' J1'nr
family re,,"ono ohe WM obliged to send for !J'e children on January '13th. . I ~ doing 60 •• he (Mrs. Wat..on) overlooked the raot~ that the defel!,r"ut hnd
Ilpplied lor a permit for' the 19th and Miss Bohi!·
oher did 110t know, whab too. She had recej..,ed a
telegram Lo take ,the ohildien to London by, car a"ld
'.III!I-' decided /to ' o\}<\y her oti!ers:
It wae pointed lout that l tho defendant had made
a,veral journeys , between London and Cookho.m
n"an and must nave known


rosponsibilitfo8. -

.' The defendant 'said that! ao ahe had applied for a

Derrnit for tho 19th. lVlwnl ~h" rcr.eivod instruct!.?""

from her mistrOIn te go to London on the 13th she
decided to obey ordeni.
Sir George Young: wo ao not, 1001, upon this I'"
8. ~orioll8 0 ...0 ,' but hs.vil1J!; rngs.rd to tue ci~cum­
stan«oB _wo must take noto of Mly viol"tion of, :the
law. ' The ~ne wiU be 4os:f with cost.. (70.).



. C'GAR'ET~~ F,UN,D.
' M:: D~~GiAlIA.M'S
' .~
