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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_26-03-1915_00013.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_26-03-1915_00013.jpg

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ooun, 10,000


did not
fOf the cau...
• "yinli tl;>at he , knew
&I....t;on Army, o.nd


it hadthey
eel. dis·
ef ael! -denieJ
. tho peorle of

We ,regret
son, of tho
Mr. W
, Street.
wounds rel)ei11ed
Ri8eman Thomson
educated . ..t the
Christ'. , H~ital
Training , Corps), '
was employed, in ,
lit once enlis~,
Heme\ Hemsted, ' In',
went to -France, whe~e : they
ohiefly en!!agoo' in trench
. their trenc,,1'il were .about
mans. On o ne <>cca.8<ln 'i't1(')mBO'p
elJcapc when bringing in ..
\The deceased's mother has
in g leH-er :...
, Dear ¥!!odam,
I regret tha.t it Jis my .. ery p ..inful duty to
, h ....e to inform yoP of your eon's .death.
, died ~his m')rninsj fr?m 'I\'"u\;II.; received . in
. ad:(}n ' y e~terday. IIt , 18 very '" sad, 1111 he Willi
fiuch a ·nice 'boy, and well·. likj>d·-b;y , ....11, and .i,t
. ' is also a gr~ ..t
his comp .. ny, . ail he was
, 80 keen; aIIK), tq . ~h.e batt..lion. .
It may be a
' little consolation th ' you to know that he di,i!d
, gallantly d~fbndiD~ hijJ King 'and country, in 80
grea.t and good' " ,cause, a.nd I hope you . will
, find a little comro;rt in ,this thought_
If ever we ,get l,ome ,to Englanll I hope to be ,.----h-----...!,...---""':---"----''---able 'to let you kndw where his body was
, placed d re8t·. ~is. ·funeral tooJt! 'place' to:.iay.
, The Officer !(J(}m"landi'1g and some of', his
p ..nv were pre.sen~ .. , '!lhe Re~. 'H. Y. Webb·
. Peplow p erformed the ·ceremony. T~e et;rects
found on his pere<ln .will be , for.Wl!olded as early
as PoBBible. .•
Believe me to remai", 'in your gr~ ..t lOEB,
Y~>urs in deepest sympathy,
:, Ma.jor Tyrwhitt, of the regiJpent, writing nnder
date Ma.~ch ' 20th, 8I\oYS: "On Thursday your , ~on
W!\S , at ,hiB post in;' ihe
trench ...whe!) ,.a ,rifte
8~ ~ )lnde, fired by' t~e. Gorm.ans, ,huret · just
h,m " ,..EverythlDl! ' pOBslble . !lYas ' ..d<JIl~
!iim, but he du'lo tb.. followmg mormng 10


l08s .to



an ;Uus·
well ' I\S


He..r ;· hear).
e \ "''''empl.; ''n of

" ... incl ....


that all m en

Grnre " f God j .
l>ll\~l",,> THE BEST 'O~ HIM.
I,ad a cordial--r~ception, anid
of iJle inoo~ remarkable' and
{""tat-ion of .yinp..thy . " nd reo
the world, and l it 'had beep no
hie hee.·rt ~n?'-hand ' in o.s·
"" • .,..",~,_ "'L~
task whjch lJ~. lal\~n upon
th" more tJ,e.· kind, womB
the hOnplli:~d name


, " 'The War Cry"
j.ti~' description thi.·

a graphio ~nd character·
of th" 800nes ..t Reading

on.. the 'oecaeion

vmi( -of General BOoth.
that Re~ing ga.. e


'I'he writer reminds
to the Anny 8ucli' ..
riors as the late
adds: ' ..
,the Gen.....I .
....lem '-the
, with &

. now :glOrjfied war·
HI f'gins and Bees."





'at Jeru·
Mary', Butts-

and cx..aoldiers. and


service alJordod

t,he ~carnpa.iltn; mbreover, it

e.ontributed considerably to / the happy i8!!1lo soon

the -bus y,


6shing, and

the results

fit the ~eroy.8()&t," Sixteen came to the peni·
tent.f<lll'Pl. On' SUM";;' mornin" a Holine..
iDg was held "t the ,pitadel. Fourteen "amc
ward. Tl'e following incident ;., relate?:' "
thirt.ccl,th ·and fourle~
...nth ' were a man and
Wh~ CRme d<>wn the isle followed by Our leader.
wru; OBrrying . he man's bowlor hat!
' ~ 'I
nea Iy always m ..n~ge to gM.",1!o marri:ea
sa.' the GCllera.l, laJghi"J!' fOf.. the sheer lOY
of his <Mi.r:., plendid vic ' ry." Referring I~ the.'meeting. in the . e'<ening
frie.n~ 61
Arm .. . a.t J he Palaeo Tholt't~e, ,the 'Yritcr says: U Wha t
(l a";.glr~r)-and
fl.1 ~eBpcrate pmycr meeting 'it) ' 'was wh ich ensued!
n ur...l , ljUt · t,h ere Up and). down went ' the sou l-temperature, in and
tho dear oM G"'l"ral $erected hinj out pasrod t.ho f}~hcr9, ,,,nd OI\ ly .lowly came the)
bj.Isino:'I',·. ani! here he wf s. for better or nellitent.. WiLh ' a. y;ealth of BOng a.nd oxhort&·
l,ad to make the best of hitli' 'tion Commis8ioner iLawlev dirocted ·the atw'k,
Ho' '!-nnrecil.ted
the while the Gcner"l. lea.ving tho stalj'e. got at c1oso,
Im'D"""" ).
. IW. Armst,ron'f Vfit·lJ rCl'l"n rd to riA
quarters with obdurate but convicted peonle. Six·
. '1'.h"v muet never £<lrg/it. thar ,in the teell mcn ant! womc~ricd {orr mercy ID this mo~t.
providence of God there stood b~de tl,e G~n ... ,,1 .. ing. Brigadier and M ..... John 'Brown, assis ·.
charact.e r ~NlUal l in eve ry WAS t.o lli;t own, anu it WA.! h:v Ma.ior ant! Mr..
rllo and ' the 'Divisional Staff,
probabl e that thero would hav/) ]Joen no,,"oll wore at full strutch fo r the succe",, ' of " notable)
Armv bu fo ,' th" d~vot.:Ol> and coura"'e &tul force efIorl for souls."
of that ~plent1ifl womn.n. She : ccha.inlv bad 'som~

·.. ·;J:l·~~'·e:~~

prono'Ullood v·ieWA on tl1.Q tl'n:illlllu i of children. and
bein!!' the 01.,,,,1. ch ild be earn" tin ,f". ",.
I o( that.: special ati<'ntion ' to. wibich Mr.

' th e', SaJ,~at.ion .
thTCit,adel, .
GI6uc ester .
wounded '
"W&y bY",

Tf'- f Cl'T",r)

(In.llO'ht p. r).



I . "


I-tO~V PTR J Al\ll~SON
, ' I .


I ·

siHO'r lI'HROUGH.1 . THE


. .




' . '. 'f "

T~e i fq)lowlng lett"r !l!,s :been·. recA,;ed
Cor~r,~I. H . .- P., T!'to, with 'alj ~()C() unt oCthe
, of Prrvate .Mm,-.,son (H.A.C.) i. \vllO :wa§' W6U'.KIHJWJO'

J'11 .-



in Roailidg:- · .
My Deai:Cllpelii,-1 know how very. much "II
vou will,. have . beon grie cd to hear of
i." Jimmy'." d eath on March ; 6th . . We' have
I return od (last night) from twoloio days' trench work

i and it was on ~he _ third night: tha.t IIJimmy" was ,

Make th!,!ffi
economically and
using "Paisley

to ' raise' them,"


."oingi into the trench wl,en h e ren into .. big" J""k
J'ohllson" holo, ftill of wato~,1 and got soaked to
the skin. ·Permi.•sion was and he went·
1 back with ' another IJ!lJ'!lI'ade
to .got h\. 'wet cl oth.~~
off; and ori the way he .receIved II. bullot clean,.
through t~" . l>eart-the ~a'!l~ .bullet . •JD~hed ' the .
.tock of h IS com rade's TI.flo. after!'_ tnr'o\1g'Q
I' Jimmy." He was buricd tho next day, and "'0 ' g4)i~g t.o ·pl ~e ~ n.e, j lico. e. ~ £ on g(ay6" ~8..
we o&n, ' We mls, hIm fearfully . He .~\(; a ... .~plen" ,
I aid pal and,' a real good. 80ljliJir> , a~d '!,8hoiM '. ~t"riil,
, lL8 an. eXl'mpJo to otliero )es8 ; paLrlOtJc. . He .w.J!8
always Qoe of . tho fir8t . to' vOlunte,e r, fo~ any' dimger.o us· fatigues or 'wor
neCe 88a~y l to be cluJ::ied
od i
I'; can ,ima.gine 'so many of y~u saying"
Jinlmy." and : his loss menns llmuell ,to you
bome, but to us. l),e re, so v ery mu,ch ~ore. ·
a vcry .ad dllty to._perforin to'nlght; ' and
to write to ' lhi •• nocple-they must be
up about it. He gave hi. life fO'r \" .. -. ,,,,;:,.~
and thero is ~ome 80face for I us .t(t know
could hav'o .~!I'ere~ no pain,.
We liave had a
'will 'ohowJ
, have lIad '


