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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_05-03-1915_00007.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_05-03-1915_00007.jpg

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on' f'

-Wa1-. "

been a. tr':lRjell~I.'
'eooie\y ,
roalise the
Wt.1I dQing, , 'l'hlj coun,;
meb, ,which lDlea.n1i;
view, tlla.t in manY
"P' for tll'\ cl:.iId·


....en against a 'mother
neglectful" "pd did
:not c&l'6 ' fox t.Dam. On , tb~
,llAna, ' th~ were
hol]letl . ilie mall w,1I4I ' Iitmn~li!1g 'b loc, and,
' Uudaci ,of',hlln.:now -bemg
'traJnmll;. , ga. e the
,m other and childmn'8
' ,of imp.r ovlng tb 'r lot,
,Sbe qUoted' Oft6' in.~""':Ce of
man a!!a.in8t. ",)loll! "
, Wa.TJ'lIllt h"d 1>een".)88Iled,
ne«leetoog b,. ,. ootid·
;ren; but ''Woo. ;w~~ out
fron~, and ,hap been
·"warded Ii V",torll1 ,Cro.... 'Ilhe '8OClety had at '"'"
'coDUIl6ncemw of tbe
bOOn' able to helPl wival
wbo ;wero in trouble beeaU80 theIr sepantion ..lIow·

IInees had not wived, &nd "ihad also beioo 'mtru·

, mental io 'JIOlviog tl;Je d iflicultv -regarding tb pay.
m&nt.. for man-ia.<!''' ..nd' Ib irth c ertificate;;. ThA
Jit..t e\Ilent that tho dependf"ts of oold,ict'l! n.nd
ea.i1ore were' drinkinS( · ~as a.
slur., From thrilr
, investl~ati<?n. they fo,!-"d .th.4, the .wom<;n 'Y'ho h~
'been drm1cmg before tliewar~ilrc BLI"Il drml(Jn~, perl
hap. to greater e,,0088. btl-! ~ey -did not find that'en wei-e takin~ to drmd<
had no tenden,' cy t<J
drink before.
ste.r'terl tile work
, they had with
,! ' ,


