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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_23-04-1915_00013.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_23-04-1915_00013.jpg

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:: RiimxJl!c~ jrom- the orl,lnal :Jrawln,
, "'JJ, Ber"no:"o. ;'~J S. ' E.~ Sipti.



- ', .

-l.' ,


. '.

. I
' -They .w ere\ going to try
much at home as p'ooSible
and bv providing every- P<l8~i;bl.e
It was h()ped that evtl,r y
would -' their}'1!J :B.YID,ii~thY, 1~rid without , t~~n; ' t~e~ ',could n~llIb~ _of ladies, - m()st .~f wh()~ .. ~Bv~ ;ibeir, Be!:;
contribute somethIng, IUld InEl"""I>EW"I'Ii', <;Jaily 'and do no~hmg. " £h()Se )vho had already, prQIDl.sed to VIces ' a.nd ,of cb-auffeurs-all volu1itej)rs-:-who
wou~d hwp in] .itlf~ "Jl'r,ran'g ements, we,r e ; '; ., ~!ld brog~ht and , drove their own , ~a'r&.-; :~l( i.iao (iI.
weekly , illustrated , books,
enter- w,e ekly P!'P¥!'f', ~rB. I;tanbury, .M,n•. " Hawkme, nuniber of doct()re from the surroun4iil;;' ~diBtr.ic •.
t ~
well- enough to aiJd. ~uQ:<!G!I1mltit~ l; books, magaz~nes, note.,.
" ~~ ::'" , ",
enj()y tlJe~, that
'volunteer to' take .'paper .... e~v~'lopee; 'and ' indelible , penciIe,:, '.Mise Th,ll1 French had an .en.or~ous ,t~~ 1;>efor-~ ". J~e.m:
them for drives, and
,to their: ga.'rdims '!ard, M~~J James Simonds. and 'sit~,~omIDi.~tee; Wh~Jl .tIle! ~~o()ught ~~t, ~he , Bl'j.~18h : :were; ~mry .
in, eumm<lr,-time';
'and !\en,Uemen C1gaI'e,ttes !lnd tollacoo, Mr. R. Collins and sub- de"\ing WIth 801I1,;,thmg 'li/ri'e 21. m!les . ~f
wow.d und,e rtalul to .
' nlat,oz: wbicJi c?mmltt¥1 i' games" Cards, ' sram~phonee, ere" li~e; iu'ld Ith? ;Fren<:h- ha.d about ·" '500
would require 1~~~~~~i1
isat:on;, bec,.p:w;e , J..iady. WatB?n fand .",h-co mmlttee, : flowers i,,?t deal with t~ey could easily see how
they w~rited it 1
""."'·,rI<lT (Hea-r, ,heO:r). and lD p~t8), ,fruit, . 'ca.kes, J.\rs, .M,ount, Mrs.
. ,. --I ' ·
, '.
" ', ' ' ..;.
Another Way /in
WM in ,~!,y*!er, I '~~' Waring" ana . ~u~:~~mittee; ~u,1c~~ : m~t bll t~ed.' f1~t onl¥ lD fighl;~g JlUt
to S~eCl1,l! ho~lntal,lla'l"lll!!nts .. and .' r~qpislWS, · ;r.l.fiI. ~ , o,op~ng wlth.,~e l\D!!.Iell~e 'numbe~,~:<>f,,!()unde4
finili!ld hoepitality
see Utl wound~~ "
of ~ieldi }4rs'i :qe&lie WJl~n, Mr~. Childs; and !lub- they: 't o,treat., , They must ~e p~ep~re~ , ~P ,
people· in Reading who
ab'f"~' commi~tee ;, and Jl:l'ranlli",,: en~rtairi!pents, '.. Lady. ee" .the patl'lnts : ,:ome to.~ . ~~a~~nIC lD ; a . ,ven,
or training .in different
",,":110 , Wo,t80I\i~~II~ qOlil\te~1' Gurowsb, -and liub-oo'!lniit- !iiJ.apld,a ted <lO~dl~1Qn-:;the.1J: u9if;0l'Q.lB , torn :, :aikl
w.:mld he only too jtlad
:, r,?",, ~ , t,ee; to arran!(~ .for 'relnt,i ves , of ' eoIdiei's who inay ,muddy, J.pd theIr, .u~_d,;,,n"!! , pe,r.h~~~ . ~,ot
night or two to tb~
or f11othei'l! ~ho be :very" ill,l. Mrs.,,~, d ~ Blandy all~ ' sub-C6~it; chal?-g,~ 'fO;!' ~e~ke; m}a.ct.. thllY, n~M; ~ . c019-;c"1I:Ie,'to -yisit tneir
hroth!!7s1 ,<!r OOl)8cat ·tee, whl~e h<>lpers , were wanted .a~B9 · to arrange pl~tely . new !'ig out., . The "',ar J)~ce. S!II)."
P.~OvISl?I\al-_ : Co~- visitin!l!ih , th~ ,hoepitiiJ, ' a.nd fOf : mo~or-d,rives. , . pl~ed.rr~eh um~orms, a.nd we~ now 8upplymg
. ' l~t~~e~wP-~?1 (H'ea.r
m ..,
two ago, an.d cli,!-"r- They would a bentral d epot at 62, Mmster so~e mght garments. ,b ut n(>t changee ,o.f unile,,Irlen. I'i.iould.
e,a,!!h , of, the, - ~bjects 8~reet, . whichl lYh:: S~anley , Rod&lrin.' had
garments, wh!c~
to be . bro,!gljt. a~out ~y
enum;,rared, ,
w'>uld ,,!ant
j!oOa kindly arrBngFd 'to ,get . rent- frl1e; ! though, ' of , VO}~llltary etIor!i.
allUg-_Wlt~ ,the list of com• de~1 of 1I?-one y.
few w.h() h,ad ,heard oo~j ;'t h,e re,ould lnecessaril y be; BOrne eJp,ensee Jor~, el<:" h~,
was V~!y ImportanH.o
o.f the
' ah9ut, ~16o; bl,t ,-"'lighting, e . To avoid overlappib~ and'.' eon- overlapp1l?g,
~t",be :, doqe'
of , w ~e~ly lor fU8ion ~veryt lUg 'IDl\Bt ,I;le ~ent "to ' the 'C6l)trBJ mat~n m '
WIth ','
'cc,jJe,eti:ouls. ' ~ , that office', 'and all ' p_arcels acl!'OmjlQl.lieq. tby '1\ liSt of '
, oppor.tQlllty, of eon~ents. and , t'Qe ., ,
and, : i>4d"~~~ of the
lio,wElve,r ,titn-a.ll. Colonel d<;.uors.- . The) ,only I
to' that wo.uTd be th'
cl>"ef l<Ji'l1antEoer. of j be R~adts
in ' ..lIoapitals ,Which
work in hls
Hall depot where
few :wOOls 'in which:
for Some t;me, ~nd W&5
buildings; ,and no:w
' very ' effl"cieut ;: siaff .
~he wO'Unded,
:Mre, 'Betiyo~ said 'I~~~~:~~li~
- e:ve
ther:e.-were .a. good ~ ,
fi~h~~~r;~.~~1~;t:~ , ,m , ..I'~(an~~.
in . different parts
been , the ,tn,must be very - cB'I.'lIul
- work, 1 and had
'work 'in th'o se ;distncts,
Hanly, .flO that , s1!e
woUld. 1 ehe -wns su~e,
W86 ~anted; to say ,
til' both. 'I1he ' :,Relid"
Iar,ze ,Bddir-2,OO!l, beqs
ono could inl&l!'ine ' (Hear"



very .




R~~illt~t~~t';WI~i:" ~~~~




