Berkshire Chronicle Reading 04-1915
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-04-1915_00014.jpg
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tlHise pupil
uu. " : ,maJrK';'OI"infbriohty,
antJ detll,,-
pupils ~n
careel" ' 1!lo.Yr' be
.JPoi)t ,tl.t the very outse by the. mllnner ot e.illy; .
no matte!" how. Q'iiotl.- a teacher, . how liberal his
ed1l,cation- IIv!l:D.t!IallY becomo, sneh. a candi, p~t& ,)~ , bra,ntle!1 "II- being ' t!;ained,
under a systom
.n arrow_ and· Jeast ,desirable in chRT!>cter. .Your
.C{lurrcil trusts therefore" that me.rn:b~Ts ,will 'consmn,tly k0!lJl iJl mind their teSJlO~.sibilitie" in·
:mattllrs, not Qnl"" Itn' their own caJ.ling, but also
to . th0S\l ·candidates : del!iring tn entllr it, '
-I ··~;+i.··h:::;;·
";' If ' T~ BEN~VOLENT slim. ,
, The COnncil is pleased tn report tlmt the subsc.,fUtiOI1. nave increased during the ' year. A
total' of £197 I.. 4d. bas been collected against
.£190_ J3s. 7d:' felt ', 1913. All~uiti,j§ and ' 1 eliefs
granted to members in the county amounted to
'; £289. and a Berkshire Ilirl is al so being maintained in the Sheffield orpllanage.
. .
, The income fluctuateS' year by year, . but tb,e
need for increased' contriliutions steadily g;-owil~ .
'fhe thanks' of ,the ~"BSociatiod are' dlle ·.to the-local
who devote so ',much time and energy
of "th'e ! Union .. ,.
⢠. "
b~rs ' of the Assooiation
-"!l'~J,~~~"~' Force., ' whilsLthose at
t;&rviceB ' by servinl{ on
and M~ ~c~
quarter ot
water-' Ysn, r
light,. in
know the
bles or
Tho Council again desires to express ita
·.cmtion of th~ ;efficient 'services of tbe
and treasurer. It is with great ' regret ·
resillna,tion M the secretary' (Mr. G, M: E, Fryer',
of Wokinghani), 11116 been received, owing to presI .... ... 689 '729 . sure of othor work. For the past eight yeal's he
01 the YelIr a memorial was has filled the' position 'with singull!or ,tact alld devotion, and 'las gained' the esteem all~ goodwill
1!)"luc~t1ion ConlpU,ttee, .asking 100' a
ealaries in "the county. of tjle whoJo Association. ' 'l'he w'o rk of ti,e secrea deputafion in Mal'ch. As tary i9 necl!ssarily of an arduous cllaracteT,' and
mp,xiJnta of cert,ficated aSllistants wer4 ' in\'olves 811.crifices of time alld ene.!'lry,
your Council rlesires to plRco on record ita hillh
.£5 iDcrements fOl' .men and
nopreciation of the very valuablE> services of MI'.
tho i)lvidious' distinctiOl18 of Fryer.
' . .,
are now ignored ' in the Bcale;
'1'11e P .'eFiident saitl the TAnort was of a satis~
that full satisfaction in
nature considering the present state of
urged in the memorial ' fHctory
UlIP U ,*,_'ClUll was not
No con·
account of incl'e.1sed cost '
teache'rs of small schoolS
Mr. ' J. Haigh (Windsor) said he hoped that
ilnlll',liv,pm,An,t in their position.tenchers wjhen considering tho question of
the coul·tesY salaries 1V0uid think of tl,e County as a whole
W8:8 received , and of , and make comparisons. Then th"y 'would find
given by tile memhers that for -certificated teachers there was 'a higher:
maximum, but for the. head .teachers of. small
country schools' the ll"sition not. anything like .
what ' w-aB wanted. In one-thIrd of the schools'
:wa~Ot~tli~~~ease the :~!~~:!~Il~~~"!~,~
the 'Go'mity th,, ' head certificated teacher would
be bet.ter paid 'than'th~ IIE\l'-d , tench'e r in 1;\Y.<>'j'1!bh'd8 1;:&~~~~;~r:;1~ aboul'er, . axldJ:then i
'6f . t\;ij 's chools . That ·.·wit.1! Jiot"'onl('" a ',~e.!io.1)8
'Hlsort .;to oJ\Hd·. la,bour.
:t 11 ".-<~
most deplorable to esfublish
.thing for tb~head teaClJerS of those ,sma cou,,,ry
of allowing farmers to withdraw
SChO~8\ but it was a very serious thing . for the
·school. for farm work, bud if it were once
cuil{ ·'ren in the -:villages~ lIe was qu.ite ce,r~lrl done it would, l:ili very 'difficult to revet:t . to the
that b~ Council wouldl direct special attolltiup'- present conditiOIlS , "
' I
to such an anomaly. Referring to pupil teachers
in J'ural areas, Mr. Haigh sai.d he hoped,' that
' I'. ' ,.dwaras tsaid tbey .must not judge all like
. that; ,he kne,'v of one' farmer who was i)l).yinl!' 2s.
teachers and ·p arents would .bear in min d '. the abpve' the cu.."ent rate of wages am! lie could not
pomlitions affecting the pupil teac1ler in a country get tlJe men he wanted. 'He was therefore obliged
school. Ril\'ht from ti,e . start the teacher wa~ tOi,fall -hack on boy labour.- ,
branded, almost' with the brand , of Cain . Tliose
" J~)O discussion . then eltopped.
teachers who had beeR in the first and second '
RetClretlCe was 'made to the '.reaclJer~' 'War Ai<1
class divisions would know what it was to suffer .Funel. severnl members .aupealing for a , generous
right through their profesSional career and 'what Bonnert to tI,is fund , which is to aid teachel'B 'who
disadvantages were put ,upon them. The pupil . 'ff
h tl "
teacher in a rural area was placed UPO)l a differ- s,u , 01' ⢠Iroug
10 war.
ent footing f"om the ,p upil in the ,large.r urban
districts, and that would cling to them 0.11 the
'.rest of their lives. 'fhat was sufficient to .show
(" ~ , . \ .1 .
'that it waB good advice to pupil tencl}er. to tell
. '., them to go into Inrge urban areas. He knew that
it was 1I,oped that a go'od mll:Jtr of the rural pup~1
, 'I . A
CA Eâ¢
teachers ,would never qualifY;; for. the conditions
- -,- - of ,tlleir - employment would 1 be such' that the)!:'
Liley Youl.ton, 101 47, Goo~ge Street, '~Ildingl was. "
would , )lIevel' get the cettificate and many would .,ha.rged at tlle Reading' . Borough. Police COUJL~ on
be compBlled to serve as un'certiflcated' teachers , S':tur<'ley wim stealing thf!<' Pai.,. Of ladi",,' 81100.,
throughout .tbe whole pf their, teacllin'g careers. valued ' 28s. '9d" ·the property of ·M_re. Milward
He ' hol'ed' that teacl1erli would, look aftel' that and ' Sons, ' Ltd. on ' the . 19th ol ' March. ·' Shel" waa
matte)" very scriousl.)f. f-I n 'coIlClnsioll, Mr. Haigh furthqr ... harged wir.h etea.Jing thrce_ pll..irs oi shoes,
referred to the retirement of MI'. Fryer ,from till,' , value £l;:r)!s, 'ld., from the same firm ,on the 18th of
posi,tion of secretary, alld ' said 110 very l,o;erioQsly : March.
.jegretted snch a "tep. , He boped th'at latel' on' ' A Ibon Ebsworth, of 63, London Street, map.ager
they would get Mr. Fryer back again into' ti,e to the pl'<>6ecutol's, " boo~ mi d shoo lilallu.!",,!urer.,
of that ·.addrf68, ",ud· th<! I ,~hree pall'S ofi .lod}(~' Ishoce
Tho re'port was adonted.
. (produccd) were pJ-a.coo III ,ilie- fi xture!! In the Ishop,
. Mr. J.on~s (Bracknell) '.- the treasurer: pre~ented On the 19th of l March : !oho .pr;soner :caIDe , to the
the balance-slieet, 'wlnch, showe,l ·~hat · the year shop' to e.xeMnge·"I\ pair ol:sho"" whicH she bail pro·
.waj! Btarted with a balance in halid of £11 7â¢. 1Hil.; - .-viomiIYI purcli"-"c<l. A 'young lady ' 08eietant att.endcd
anf illclliding that the ·;o.oear's ipcome totalled £62
th!!, 'll'ris.oner, ' ~.!I<;1 \vJl<!n sho had occ~sjon to !leave
.109. Gd. After payiilg :a1l exnilllses 'a halO:llce ' of
sfiop ,for a. DlllJ'utO' ho saw ·tho I\OCIlIIcd ' walk up'
£t7 Us. Gd. ' was ' reported. :Mr. ' Jones explai-ned '
tJi:" fixtureS, ' tako pairs ' ~f ' shoeB , ~hich " .
that tbe increasAd balance was IDllinly due to 'the.
.,n bolo:ca; and pla.cmg them m " a bal{ ' walk back
abal\donment .. of , the August meeting, owi~( .to. back ' to th<\ ' coim~i', whe,r'l , she w·... finished Ib,eing: "
thA Wa.~. .
I '
<oerycd/ bl': the ' ""!'Istalft. : ~e , follo;.ved . hcr "l'il .at
The blllance-sheet baving beon adonted, it was .Duk.,e l~trC<lt · . !l;!!-ve .lDforll!ahon ' to the ,pohce
decided ~to vote an honorarium ofJ,£5 5&. to ', the
officer ",1).0 :was on pomt duty.
. 1
I 1.
:seCl:etary alld to vote . the ,s um .O ~! ,£ . 26.' to the
In answer 'to- Mr;~ydncy B r".i';, wl,o cefen~,
.[B\'>n!l.v olent lind Orphan Fund. . ,.' .. .
the witn~s said ' h&1ia.d 1c\l6wn thii p~i.soll()r for some
, Tho' Pre8\ceni; eitprASsed his appr~iation of \he
a ve-ry re.~table ;woman, ' She had .be-en
..valuable assistance ' Mi. Fryer had been ' to -hnn
for al:io!,; t four years, . The 'witness ad·
dllriuir the p~st two year â¢. ' He )18£1 been ;'lde- ,
in consequence of ~ suspioioUs ' of
fILtigabl .... and hll (tbe President) t,h o\rght tbey
taken plaoo ' the day J>oforo ho oonooaled
also ougnt to 'exnre"" tbank.: to Mrs. Fryer for th6 I ! ~l~l:"~;i;d;, .
'. .
oo-operation she had given inltlle work. (Applause.~ I
. . , THE ' liEW OFFICERS,
of officers resulted
81-10' EC<
time being
)UQH. j, ,
Esq., M: ..yor, . '
to EV ERY '
. &nf>urea ea;.y
- turnihg,GsiJent
. wor~iDg,
lopS ',
wear and
IT pkyS' 10 u⢠⢠th.
instenu of machines
of a tber make!, tor
which. libern,l terms
are give\! ill PQ1'~
. cxchan.e. 4'1'0
One Month', Free .Trial.