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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-04-1915_00003.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-04-1915_00003.jpg

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with the
was just on the
tuition in the
hppe'd" have take.n ~ pl<~mlUe'ntl
the · 'of theJactory.
! wen:~ a,t ·the .v ery ()ommenoo~ent o,t 1.I05<II\tles,
wounded, 81)(1: llna.lly W~k1nOO 10
I aJl ..honour~ his JIl<!mory; be di-ed
Io.nd jlla country (Heo.r, bea.r).


sell80n which was
f·or the , co:m~""Lee
it wail imp08sihle for

. card of fixtures, and
MT&!,-gemente t-<>
they' were mpst desIr()UrS t11at 0.11 membp~R
I Ull!e the:·gr~und 'as much 1I-S p066iblc
' time (Hear, hear). It was ve ry ilnoo.rtant
for all to ·~a.. e recreation, even in such
this, and though it. would be '
, oricket, · for instance. with
,..had sufficient left .t o continue ,their i ll i;dr-deo1Uot_
mentnJ. ma.tche6, o.nd l3.wn tennis.
,many other ' thinga on t~e ground
1 ~ . }D~e







Since the outbre ...k of wa.r ... large num\&lr of &ur
members. (inoluding "roe -pl'Ctlidilli·t s, ~,d ·.-ccrehn''''')
Ii.."... ioinOO ".anoW\. branch"" of bia ~B8tY'8, ForC'-"',
many of woom h ..-ve aheady _se.rved / ill the Brit;.;b
ExpeditJionary Force at the front,. i"a.nd .tho comm.ttee to plll.OO on ..record the.r· _..dnuratwn ,of
the patriOtism- which h&s prompted these m<.lmhE\rs
of , the club who have offered their ~;Y*
to thtlir
. King nnd oountry find feel 8U1'6 ,tM't', in1>~' , ate.,l6f
rnhlc: they serve- they wdl . honoura.bly. alld! . udly
uP~?.l.;l \;bo ]ilorious traditioDB and _ pre.rot\l· ·of i-~Il
Bnt18b Armv.
/ . '.
W e / h ave '·to" record w.ith deep""t ..,egrei t~t .16... ·
the club ,haa. _~ined in the death·, of C_ T.W;aldy,
who was killed in aption near La. -Ba,.,ee. -The J~
C. ' T.I WoAldy, -who wa.s asliIrtant, '!i<il!.orary aeqeta,ry
_ ~t jh~·_o,ric~et 1'!"'~»i'!>~ for ."9m~', ~~~~ebn
_r. ~e.l'l1 ' acti!e mL~r~t .m vanoil8,;branuuee ·or -t 9
club; ianil h •• 10m will be keenly felt by "II members .. _
The . committee r egrct tll ..t. t.hl'OugJi- pressure of

, busin..... Mr: J .. Rogers, lor' many Y"""' I hon: seeret&TY of thebow1e ·e(lCtion, h!Uf felt-compelled to reeign, and they_ wis!! to off<.lr sinaere_ thallI,s
to ,him., for his valuable ",ast :89.rvi""". ·Mr. J~ Pierce
h.... kindly undertaken .he post ... acatl'll hy_ Mr.
Roger., ItIld h<ling aIi able and -·enthusiastic_ bowler
he ,will, no doubt, oarry out hi. · duti'" with every
credit to himoel£ and advan~ to · the club.


/ I


On ' rerer<lDO<.l' to the biU ..~ce .h9<.lt it . will'. be
'J1otJiced tha.t O\U' biUance in hand aIIOW8 a. cOll8ider:
able i~re;"'!"· over last year.
. . J' .
We ca~noed the past, f!4laI!On "l'/ith a. credit bal' &nco of. -£33 l ... ~ Od, ,. which hoe been irioroased to


~~~!~~~~~~~~:::d:~~~~t _I , ing_
£78· of18 :£456d"1'1._'showing
a profit
- on. the
. ' year'"
Thiell o:f.. <iouiw; is chie.oJ' duo w 'jtbe..forced aban-

donment of our rwnu",l &ho", ·and · the faat
',that, in some instanOE<l, the vmo"" ."1"'tions have
boc:n._~le to carry out theif. llrogram:q>e on ·a-;'{\o- .

area""" grant.




The icominitteo, on behalf or the ' iI"~m bers, 001{ ·
to .tonaer their _ gratolul thanks to tho il.irectol'll
of M<!IIsr., ,"'lluntley and Pa.lmers, Ltd" for pro'Viding the i:~ub willi .such .. splendid :p:round and, for
defrayii.g aU ground expen~; and to· the preeident,
vioo-pr~..... '1 and . holl()t"ary membel'll. .lor $air
oont'in~ed R"'nero ~s: fin,a ncia! .support.
. Commitree'. - ;eport

_. <Aming to another !matter, his di
.himself !uwi been 8<!riously OO'"S,.(j,eI'in!~..
-could further the illterests of the .lU':cr,,,,,,,
Club- more -in the. future, a.nd especi
the_ winter months, when the present
quito for e:ntorta.inments,
d&nCAS, <.ltc,
'l'h<!y, therefore,
negot,ations to purchase the, nronpri:v
F.a ctorv Bridge to Watlington
were able to do,I' and about that
pOtation officially informed ' th<.lID
joands-d. in time. to wjd<.ln W''''.'JlI~l-01J1
The firm h a d · a1wavB lield . the
especially since the days of . motorB,
Bridge .and Watlington Street wetIB
of do.nll;e.r to thei!:. employees; and esp
the girls . . Unfortunately. in tryu]g rto I!, UIUr(,h ~8e
the l.r<Jpertiea on Ith~ PPpOIlite· side'
Ron , th'W stumbled acroBB _ two
useful, no <1oubt, in their own D:J.rLICl1ll a.r
where difficulty arose at onee. ,
owners of , those houses obj eded Ul
unl..... thev could get the licences
The - tranBfers, lit!! reported in the
wex:e ·applied for, but owing to 0.
.& loea.! oppositi-on the &rougb Lj/~eD,si~lg
mittefl. were forced to 8ay tha.t
give tbe transfers applied for, The 1was tbat it put their affairs back to w
were some ~ months b efore. Now, h e ISU'ppo5',d
thil.t in -ev!lry. town of !.he s ize of U"·"'-'.,"Io;

0. number of w'se pcopJ(\

knew mo·r e abllut their neighbours' I
their neighbour. knew

brought to llis notice, after the . Ll(~en s 1~'g
mittee's dhcision; tha.t


qu es tion

88lfed h () w wa.s it, if the firm 'wanted
publlc-bouSeB, they did not buy- the
(la.ughter). -·'l:hougb · tb ey: were
the . I'l.nd a,nd houBes, that ·w ...
they 8/1oul"d buy thecomI1le rc i..1 un,dtlJ
, rtu.kirlll.B
importo.nt brewers; eitherUn or near
' and, t.herefore, a.t tlle pr'1se~t Foment
a deadlock. ~"
GYMNASIUM HI1G('l-RI'l'l"ren
Still, he. was boping !.hAt. that u "',..."~c...
be overcome in the 'n ear future b.y
alid the Licensing Committee fixiIlg on
rangement that was feaaihle, thereby
the firm to finif;h tbeir contracts 'fith
Mawers. .'Wh<.ln that ·was done, lJhey
par,ed to go forwaJ"!l, aIjd sea what it
to do. Brielly, ·one of ·ltheir c'hief
in~ to have tho.t! property waa tha. t
a.nxious to build o.-la.rge rec.reation ha.ll
6e sut1icie.rit for the- holding <Jf
'm'e.nts for the members of the l1.e,Cfll&tcon
(o.ppI1l.W!6.) • . Furthei than th-a.t,

seouon had
tried the mente would be made whereby
nSBium. would . be added, ruld' that
and round
- difllculty in- _'and other arro.ngemonts, w01;lId be a
te.."" had an In a.dditioll to,·tha.t, - &:Qd a.P(I;J;"t ··from
.rnuKed 18 tion Club, · t'here were· other · ideas In
one loot and lor the penefit o( the large number
scratched. <.lmployed. Some of the m came
against 24. distances, and the J1reaent •o.pplia.nces
olub started,
of Bix games &flier :them' during /:heir dinner ·and'
were_ not quite as they shou\,d be;
goale ·for 11,
811'rangements had had to be pu.t on
because t1Je~ were unable to go 011 at
·time, and 8000ndly because they were Im1Jt"ng
tIle Lice~iug COmmittee, the
Ree4ing, ,and t~e publio ·o f
them to .proCeed" wi th what
be: a .'very ·'great ,ildvnn tage and
the I.own-l, ;W·l ien that took place
~ntent.i9n ~
a c.e~1'!, amount
would enable the' corporl'twn to
18uitable .. aa .a.n' agproach to the '
ta.inly 65 ft. , inst<!ad .of ,the pr~lser.t
thing,. IIolld~ in ,a.dd.iti,on he
o.ble to,. ca.r:ry . ou~ "tlle ow·ideni~lg
Stroot: 1I-P-d, II'" the /same..time, 'I
If. .t he .. 8cheme "!,as . ea.n".ed ,
wvuld 00_ a - 'Very' great. lm,ny'nvpm
All depended en whether'
ward bi ·tge Ljo~f!8irig -Csnmnittee
nol.ation, ·and he hoped
re.ogrlise th~t', itl_!yould

mv. .