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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_25-06-1915_00012.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_25-06-1915_00012.jpg

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Win ter wals ' BE~lllcted becaWle

<\ould trust'

heuse and remainecR 011TJll,nA
br.,vA'lv ventured in. ,Sayenet
any emergency, ' 4'11
eyerY reeljl, .
net a . Gepnan ,,:as te 'be seen.
' EXp~.o8ive llOuntts Came-from baked potatoes , and
roastipg J,ligs. All the materials were there in'
fact , fer a clIPi.tar msal, Dut the Germans ceuld
, ~ . 8een botfcentratiJig 'in masses clese by.
went· fiack ,aI\u reported the .fact-l:!t:.thi enb- .officer remaini.Pg. a 800\>11(1 ,lieuten3<'1t. At night he
ceuld net ' sleep~ and wen~~ to the ofl,icer, suggesting . that a patrol .snculd· lie Bent .out! The messenger. -r~tPFned 'sayfng tPat the 'Germans were '
ceming in 'maBS. A machine-gun lay in the read
, disjil!1ed. by, tll'8' 'Germans,: t;ln<). . the message came
-to gilt the gu'D ,acre88 tb'e ' The .man with
·the _tripo.d get e.v er•.•bJlt was _wounded. the n ext
nian ;~was shet dead, the . .officer - wlI'! weunded.
ethers tell, and_the~E! the gun lay> m the .open
with Gllnnan: bul1et8~Bweeping acress it like a
hailstorm. , Sergoont winter was seized' with a
desire' to get that gun ' inte cjlecatien, realising
, that it we:uld save £he ccmpany frem being , wiped
out .. ye ru~hed. cuI:- .of the. tren~h, . and
the Germans cencentrated a :rapid: fire en
spet he got it in: pesition, but ~i'lid" nct know hew
to werkjt~ ' LA: wcunded sunne. was _lying close
bJ, and Winter ).Dlluced him to explain. "Then
I get to work, pop, pOP. pop, all rt.und, and dreve
off evety GermMon,.in ~ sight." said Winter in describing the incidtmt lifter\vards. His actien undoubtedly saved- the .situation. Winter made an
dtte'l!-pt· to 18l\\'0 his" tr~llch to rescno the weunded
officer, who. .dated him to disebey .orders. Se ' -the·
.officer luid to'" lie left imtil relief came. Befere
thEl war ,Ser'gEll\nV Winter p'ad ,been empley~d- at 'i
Messrs.• Stradl~iiR.<!lJl(t- Plenty's, at Nowbury. and
it lYaS not " s~ll~prising ) hat tho peeple of New.bury and his·.:fello'v-employees "hOurd take the
first !lPpo"rtUnity . of ShCW II1S' their appreciaticn
of his gaJla:iitry.. On his. return hoiJ;le 'on short
leave a 'publtil gathering was ]"ild fit Newliury in
his hemmr, -when "the Mayor
him a silver



\vatch and '

sllnted to
