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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-09-1915_00003.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_10-09-1915_00003.jpg

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go with
top all
, doubt

to the
got a
and 1- muat
have got off 80
of the other poor



b8et. I 'c an tell.
I< am , still healthy and



• -





•• • •

~ ~ '~,~"




'Since' August ' 16t1t on this campaign. I've beeD"
And . ~tW.. ~;.~ F.!ll..t~: several .in4I~r s""oes.,
, The 'aooV\& ~iistw,~n bi Gunner &.'.. g. ~7th ~M'
,tory R.F,A ~ who,''',u uofortuna~ly kJlled In : aotloo Lance-Corporni VI. Cr Bushell, 8th Batt.
Berksh;re Regiment, the
of, Private WlI,ll1aUl. May 1st. ' 'Iv was , aeo~. ,home by Drtver F. C. IrEmlon,'ger, 01 Readiqg"of llie. &amo' t)a'tterv . who haa boon
B. Bushell, 4tll Batt. RoYal'Bel'ksbire
,&t the · fr'mt for over twelvo month~. I Writing 00
(Nlitionall~eserve). of 37, Amity Road, 'i n
August' 30th he ,says the weather has boen very hot.
to his mother, writes:, Ho ,i)I in 1.\'6 b~t .0£ healtib. '
Just a
to let you knoW' that I
thllOugh my first bit of fighting. We
:' I
short spell, g?ing iJI on Tuesday and out
day e,'cning.' It is rather a curious
when the bullets begin to whiz about
head', and sheUs to burst all round,. but
1:he hm<1ral of the plucky airman, Captain JOM
affeCted me or the rest of the company,
Aidan Liddell, V.C., Argyll and Su,t,herland High·
was hit. We were troubled a good
,lander. and Royal Flying CorEs, eldest 80n 00£ Mr.
snipers who had dug 'themselveS in
aM Mrs . . John Liddell, of S'I"rfield Manor, ,took
night. They started to try and pick us
. pla.oe at ~a.ingstoke on ~turaa~ the body heing
, shut' two of them up, but two others
brougnt from Lon~n, ..rter Ii' Kequi~ ' MIl8S at
unable to'. to\lch . Aeroplanes weFO busy 0"8r 'our
Farm, Stroot. A very large cr'bwd ga,t hered in the
heads during the enming, and one plane~had "', ·cemetery .. where the 861'viCe ;was conduct«d ,by Canon
hun.dredshells fired at it, put' without res It. It
Sooles" Reetor of the Churohj at the Itoly GhQ.Bt,
k~pt crUlsmg about for a good whi.L\l,. and t e airBasingst<>ke, who w~ ~panied by 'the Bishop
man never '1)ven llloved faster when Oi>eing, hell.ed of Portsmou,t h, ' Qanon.' GilrlniI1g (Winchester), and
oth'er clergy. " , , '. . , ., ' ' ,
. '.,
than; before. which sass something ipr: 0 rail:::
. ' Menibor~ .. r the : ,Jamily prOllOOt InoTuded Mr. and'
man a nerve. , Just hefore we !lot , to .our ailches
we p8~ed ,t hrough the town of '
, n d it " MI"'. JoluJ Liddoll, Of Sherfield Manor (the ' de.
was a Bight I abaJl, nove'\- - fDrget. If 0 I your" ceased's J?8rent.. ), I Lieutenant' C, H . Liddell, 16th
Hu""",rs (brother), fPre~ 'siste"", and , an uncle and
slackers ,at hOl!loe' could' haye seen it, if t y ' had
aunt.. ....
Y ~ .''''
any, backbone m 'tl\em It would have mild , tl)em
Su r!1"'On-Geil0ra1 Sii~Thomas , Galhrey represented
en list. Wha~ used to be a fine , ohurch a d, big
the Alder.h,'Ot 'CorDm&nd, and ...four offioor. and' two
houses are, reduced to hea!;!8 of bric1i;S. ,T li e ' ,w as
non-comtplMion:ea ~.dffioe~s" a. "" nipe ID1ljor, and five
not a sound bqilding in- the whole' place. ' 'l'hore
_ was a lot of smaU wooden ,crosses with' the names pipers (,junl! frCim " EdinDllrllh 'to ' repr68ont -the }rd
of heroes who had laid down ' their lives f ' their Argyll and Sutber~and Highlaclder.. The coffin wlie
coun b'y. The place )"e wete billeted , ",t 'be 'ore we , bo'r ne to thE\ ~av... '\jv oon.:cGti1m.i8sioned ollisen and
men of the Royal FIYinp: CorPt!, while the voHey.
went to .tIle trenches was bombed last nig t and wer"
fired by ~n of u,,,, R.F ,A . Sir Lionel ,Phillip.
tw o w:en> killed and a few wounded. We e~pect
was [among those ; pr~.nt. ·· :
_ ..
to gO ,!n lhe trenches again in about three r four









Think how this hel~ the


imraJ]d tlllougl~iilhe88 and co~valescencc [
,pure ~aturcd food , most ,
anc:f hig!Jy nutJitive,
'is the cine food which
~¢om4~rtlon,l)toIIlOUS.' ,


bY' about






We. have reoeiv<XI with pleasure the fOlloij;in g interesting letter, dated August ' .'A)th, from Pr vata' F.
Neale, whose .home is at 1m, Gosbrook ,Roa.o;I Caversham. belonglOg Lo ~he machme gun seet.ioili of tbe
6th Jtoys,1 Berks at tho front: - '

1st) : -

C. Hlmt,
F. 'Harne,
, J.

in s, . B.


'T o the Editor of the




Sir,-No one knows how gla.d we are to Efet hold

,L . Elgee.



o£ a copy of' your grand p"per, which I Eet sont


It , some weeks II Is .a week and more old, !Jut it is,still nows ~ " us, W:, all ",0 glad to read of the
comrades who are stln commg up to help u~ in this


mc each woo~ .. Of .oourae, by the time I I·r cceive

" .


Lieutenant ' M&tt.b.ow 'Johv Goldsborough Whitt,.m,
who on Allguat 11 died of ,voUnds reooived in action
in GaHipoli, WIl6 gazotted to a commial!ion in the Sth
Duke , of Wellington'", RellJm~t ,in Septembc~, 1914,
an~1 mado lieutenant in Februa.ry

last. . He



on Ii son of the Rev. W . G. Whittam and Mrs. Whitt .. m" St.. Luk!,'a Vicarage, West N~ood.. "lid, was
21, yel>rs of age: 'Eduoatod , at, Rea,ding SChool an4'
St. ,PlLul's Soliool, he Was' elected "to .. Pauli.,., EX j
bibition , .. t Corpus' Christi College; CambrldlUl, ,a.nd!
when the war ,broke ou~ bad been ",t, Cambridge for
two vear., He rook Ii ,' proTl}ine,nt part in oollo:ge




Captain Donald"ir. Ma.cgregor, 2nd Roy ..l
Berloshire Regiment, died in Hanover on Auguat
15 of wounda received a t Fromell"s on May 9."
OOu",o, gOO6 all round, and by tbo time 80m of tho Boro in-June, 1889, he waa ,the y.ounjtost son Df
boys get It you: '{'&I\ hardly read it.. ' They all love to Mr.' Don'a ld MMgregor, of Ardchoille, Ob",n,
Nad aboll t th"" 01"'n galfAn t and spleodid giment .. and entered"the Army in June, 1911. H., was 'at
Ollr battalion, a8 ~ou know, was nev~r' at th ~eflot,
so I o'pect there am a good many people w ,hav,e , first reported "·miSBing, believed killed," and it
n" vcr heard bf the "i"igbting Sixth," lJ'8 0 chlLpa ,was only recently ,that ,it WIl.8' repot:f,ed thl>t he
call it. W0 I first started our training &et the w",s a prisoner of w'ar. , He hM been mentioned
Gormans on ,St. Ma~tin'. Plain a.t Shornclilf where in disp,lLt"h-es. Bixteen.' 2nd , B&rka offioor8 ' are
wo stopped lor about "." weeks. Thon we ~ent to ' now ,dena 'os the ~sult of the 1Iolt!lck ..t FroIr/elles'
Goo?.er.. t Ba?~acks, Colohester. Th<lte we d -seven ' on May 9.
" . ,
l_ ,
months of b~rd t ....ining.
From Colche. r we
moved to Codford St. Mary on Salisbury PI in! WI>
were thore jJst over' three month.. That w ,,,here
we complet.ed our t.raining. .on July 25tJh bi& fine
un or the
ba.ttalion lef~ Codford .'for tho front,
' Deep
will',be felt with Mr...nd M ....
6uprern-e co mmn.nd. of Lieutena.nt-Colo nol Do ell, and
Major Winsf.anle)" second .' in. comm&nd, ... d thoy
H . J . 'Clarke,- of W&&te Court,_ It-binR<;lon, in the
wcre soon in actlOO when they arrived he . '' ThiS 10S6 of , ~ sscond ' son in the w ..r. Theil' third
fine hody of J:IUln, I ,am sure Qne e.nd &11, a
trying 601), Lilibt.enant Harold ~oyce qilorke, of ,t he 1st
the,r very utmoet to keep up ' Bod add to_the splendid B ..tta.licnJ Roya.l Berksfiire Reg'.1Iient, was ,killed
and gallant rooord of the other battalioIIB of this durin~ ..h ..Haek on', the Gerhll~n , trenches during
reg iment, and..l am BUre they will ,add so e lmore
honou ra to our record yet: I am sure t.~e . opla of the Dlgbti ' 0£ Ma.115-16. ~ Hli was only 22. They
Berkshiro would be pr()ud of ' them , if th y oould ho.vo now rep81Ved the , inj;elligenoe th.. t their
only sco them pMie.otly wQ.tching and wai0 g ' night , recond lIOn, John , Joyce Cllfr:ke, who enlisted !l6
and day to make themselves more aequlLI ted and I a.' private in the 3rd< AUBtra:li~n, Light Horse, died
felt by t.ho Gorman'. .
They have boen in tho on Augu.t 15 from woun& l'ooeiv,ed in o.c-tion a.t
tronches many -times now, a.nd are p:etting
d to it, the Daro o.nelles. ' B;is ~e we.s 26,
and tJ,OY have dooe m}loh /1.'ood work and m n to do
;' =~===
n:tl cl~ grca,ter, y~. ,r am pleased 'to say our casualty
list ,s very hght a.t present.
Your phot of my
' OF D.O.M.
bro t,hors a ro still on the wall of my, dug·out, and ,
mako- il. good pi ctu re .
! I re ma in, YonTS truly.
Pr\V'&te E, H~rri.., 1st Battalion R.oyal Berkshire
Regimont fDi~patoh), !,on the-P,C.M. 'for\antry

strugglo, and


names of those brave fell ws who
hape dono t)!eir bit in the war. The pa.per get, of




I ;



4iflersifio;m ot:hers,in i~
partiaJt, '
ontain~d ~~d n,!lhlraJ
,f resh neW milk Wlth 'w hich it


upon to
then.'J The
nOw:: '£4 lOs.

any, £~r
S<liholar to' the ! l'8tepayer ,
'ch' gurrey e>:<>epted, WIl6 ,


e!.. country.

He kne.w of n

'net ,cost per
averago iT)


this should ,

the caRe, ll.nd it PaUtted to
'f. e .r!rote oc~"' in the £ for ' elementary purposes in
B !oij.",!,~ eq/l~leq.~fl;ve · . er l19~ti""; ~nd ex-'
c edoo in ).1, but 'tliere ,wer 29 COimtles where tlie
" W8& lower. Thai was
ful !Lll' far 86 it went,
b t '!Va.... not conclWlire. -boob.e tbe - rate in th,,' £
W s onlv the approximato iratio between the net
c st of elementa.ry education in the particular cOunty
and the rateable vahle upon ' which the rate was
b~se d. w&s room for large dilforeIJ.ces and
divergencies between the ~ate/1obkl, values I of the
s~veral counties. This was ~eBectoo in 'the fact that
a\l;hqugh Berks was below 11 other oounties in tho
rate,. the amount per scholar got out of the rate·
r,tyor put Berks pro-emi""~Uy at' the-hcali of the
~3t. exoept !'lurrey, 'wbich W,BB .. Metropolil;tn oounty
and eX<JoptlOnal. That WaA . a mateflal factor for
~~e oomm~ttee, to take into aon'li-deration in dealing
fl th this .Iwbo1e question. This -year the sub-com·
mit~es S~'d thay coUld, not; rMUCer by morn than
:£15,243 (e mentary "and higher), which ,would not '
iovolve an great disturbance with educatiQ9al work,
but next ear It mig~t be differen!. , 10 th,e ir letter
of Au g ustl 4, tho Lojlal GOVjOrnment Board &aid:, :' The fact that Ireducti.!n of , e;'penditure may
IcaWl<l' some inoonVreniencel to the public can no
, 'I longer\ he regardekl &B a l r .... son for oonHnuirig
thaI expenditure a! its ioqner level. Of I '
Tpat seemed c1earlt to iridloate that next yoltor ,
~pre might be 80me interfecenoe , with the whole



fa.brio - or l elementary education in Berks, in the

d r'rection,
o£ l"!ls expense.
"" ,
Sir W. Cameron Gull saidl that the,;e small 9Obools
made education very


and the committee

should diooover if other JIOhOoI. might he c1o~ed fot
the period o£ t~e war, -eveli if it w .... neae&!ary ,t.o
lea ve ... few ,chIldren 0\lt of school o~ raise tho,
five : ,
ArylOng other
admissiDn age
: It ' would he
certain small
etaifed and
It,o<,e.'li~y for strin·
not grasp
', to

" on November 12th, . 1D CArr"Jn~ . urgent mE!6!~ges


under heavy 'fire" a~ grellt Ti!jk. He had provi~U8ly
performed d&ngerOll. work ot a like nature aod' has
been mentioned in dispatcb.e. lor . patrolling the
enemy's' position; n.nd also for carrying into 88.fety
. a wounded comrade in broad daylight. ' He haa
. since been promGted to the
' or '
pr08Onkt~on was ,made by
. R.
Chase; oommanding Depot
on September 2nd, wlien
WR8 on '1"1",
and man
' tion'
the officer
' ,lDlm,ling
tha.1; he was ..
also ,&u10gi..oo those..
out to ~o front





i' ,
I' .


