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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_19-11-1915_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_19-11-1915_00004.jpg

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214 ",
. 2/- Tea makes 120 cups of

&inking , Tea . from the " first




2/2 ' T ~a mak~s 140 cups of

flavoured and ·purer.


. .


'.. '






Tea 'makes . J60 .cups of

~ultstalndlDg' in' delica~y' .of.1 flavo~.



:' ,


.tThe' higher


pqce per pound, the
cost per cup






~ I;
I S.84

IOn Tuesday altcrnilon, at t ltl1 A~scmb!y
Dridgo St rc'et, Readlllg, Mr. Fred , W.
'Deputy.Coroner. )1Cld l1u inqurry ' illto the
the death of Frank ' -Rog,c rs. aged. 25. IL
\V'o tker in .. Go\'ernm ~ nt ' factory ..t North
borough, who died in the Royal .Bcl'k.hlro " ""nlt.a[
at Reading from blood'pOIsolllng, thc
Accident sustainctl 1ll the couree of hlS


, !!,6;~~~,; f~~~~;!Si:
They~ ,word iii ~ ••;'m'Hn',
found in the
The exhibition
of objects for th~ ' f l !njehing ,.and ..-l ..~r. ,·"t,iil\ n
the hotn{'. One · secbon ' .. conslBte~ of
poster8~ and . 'ot,he~ ' pnnting l showed
advance on . pre ~io Ulf w·o rk. But- the ~peclme,ns
of ·type r evea'led ' the remarka~le inct
terprise eh·8.rBcteriS~ic!Uly .E1~gHBh ]laiil
'ploited by' 0~r'· r.i:vaJ8. ' As. tJje res!Ilt ?f a .~ook
published" by ~:o"'}lrd. Johs~r" >y¥ ha,d r~v lved
the old handwntm~ of tha miidire.v al bOOM, ~
great. improvemen~ 111 let~#.~g blld tIIkep pl.lice in
lhe last yellr or t.w o-advertI!" mentsl , shop tIckets,
etjl., w4el'.e •. th!l work had .to. ~e' done . ~y . hand.
Our rivals cahnly e.ppropr.ia~ 'the ~r forme,
made, them ' it;lto' .t ype, : and $old ,them ' tp/ thE! ~ Eng,
lish P.t:i~,te,r8. , ·The:e wer.e &lli<> lilioleil;ms where
the <tesIgner had gIven h \8, fancy play, rand ,pro-. duced a spirited desifl:n; How win'e t~eae dei;igns
so free in spirit? Why were not the , G ermans
content to imitate carpets, niosaic or Il\ce. ali we
do. with cOllseque}lt poverty lof form and colourf
'The answer wn.s that some years ago, Germany
awoke to the bct tha.t the ' phrll.8e .. Made in
Germany" wail u,sed by .tue whole world in 'lICorn,
and cha.racteristicallv Ehe aet herself to retrieve
the situl\-tiOll, and w'itJ} her OI:ganisin'g power she
succeOO-ed. ··She .'e!!ta.blished trade :', Isohoo]s in
de~i,!n , wlljl~ ,t1ie . P!i,!ciplEl!! 1'IIderlyirig th e pro,
ductIon 10f~n:t}~n:n!Il~.tU!OO were tau'lht .1not merely.
h",,,,dwoJ!k ' 'ma:de . bv maclJines" as '~ln the case
of the !i'nol.etiJii~ . • To:o , many of oUr I deco.rative
trades Were occupied .in makin/l . t.he machines
contradict thein,s~lves.. · The wallpape~ machine,
for instanc.E:, ' W1I:8 : eet to work to prodube a . paper
that pretende-d to. hn wood. satin or canvas, anv'
thin!!' but p'..p~r.: thM .)""" t'o sliy the dosigne'r wa.a
preocoupiW ...with this " imila.tive wor~, so I tJrat
he hnd 110 time . to renlly doolln. to b~ing out tJle
finest q,ualities of the materia.l !.., was d.e 8 ;~ lling
. I .
In diBcussing his poivt that art p.'ly£, Mr. Sen.,
by said he imp'lied that design paid.
He pro,
ceeded, The 'designer , is the crux of l the whole
pe.d ion ."; In. Gerinany »e has :been W!,ght out,
enccura-,\e9'- a'nd .,.ewarded. In En'gla.ritl too often
he has be~1I ' neglec,te~.o r tr:am!,le~ upon. Manu,
jacturers fl lLve g~l,le, on. maklllg .goods in, the same
pa.tte.rn that ~rs, did, and' repulsing every
suggestion with the retort· that . they Iknow wha.t
the public wa.nt ... .What tltey only loknew was
that the public have bought their gOo4s; th e'" did
not in the least know what the ' p,ublio will ap '
preciate_ in the future. _Some of ,you In:loy have
visitoo ' the British Industrifli " ·, Iwhich only
emphn.sised the crying need for a better under,
standing b et,veen the designer aIid the manu .
facturer. Many manufacturers hardly. seem to
roolise the need [for deSigners at all , or, what
is nea rly :loS bad, · ,treat .,them with J!~rn, .· and
think it is beneath their ~ignity 't o consult
tJlem. Often a designer is only "one , of, the
]18.nds." This shows the Enfl:lieh bnsiness man 's

A good numher of the members of ' th!, Reading
Corporation and Its ['commlttees, J.P.'Sl, D\emberB
of the Board of Guar.dians, and 10001 offiQ~als ac·
compnnlCd Mr. Leonard Sutton to ·St. Laurence's
IChurch on Sunday' morning. 'l'Jie procession,
which was h eaded by the Chief Coll8table and
maCo--beaI;l!r WiUl t he mace. includ!ld the ¥nyor,
the Towll Clerk, tho Clerk of the Peace; the
folio,", mg eviden'cc was ta ]{(,ll -: '1Deputy,)fayo r (Ald. C. O. Field). AMermen F.
. Jam es rrub~, a ~0J!l P~ lIY scri:i0ant-ma~or I
I D. Pflrfitt, J .P ., \V.' J. J. Brinn, A. H . Bull, J .P .•
l 'l th Hnmpsll1 r c R -cg lm c llt" (; tatJOn.~d at, Pu
Ma"oll, S. Hayward, Councillors W. Jo-ram E>, attitude towa.rds design, and aecounts ~for . nre
Camp, identified tilC Iiody as that of h iS st"1> ·SO I1. T.
J .P ., W . M. Cole brook • .J.P., W . J. D. Venne .. , many ugly tjlings we Bile J>round· 11S,. 'from l;m.ild.
iUfl:s to Itas stoves. ' :There . are ev~n manuInc.
,,,,'ron . E . J son, J. P., W. RndIarid. · A. W. A. Webb,
W . E. Colliel', E. 0: l' arrer, J ,P ., F . A . Sal'j!lant. t!I r er s WIlD .t~in!< ,tq taf~ lidva:nia~e" 'tf the s itua~ - N prth Farnboro;ugh, . ~~~.~ he , \\' ~~ 't w orkUlg
::;uttOJt~ ·'k. ' J. _M~ker, W. E, Butler,
tlOn by OOpylllg , Ge,rmal\ ' llo00s..: That. , I need
""./\Cd on the 4th -Novelllbcl'. 'W hen dCI~cnsQd
W . R. Howcll ; ·lI. Watts .. '1'. 'H; 'rurneI', H . T . not
I 7 p.
. he 'made 110 c om pl aint. l ' he
point out. ,is· an. entirely short'Bighted 'view.
. thnt th,e docca. cd hnd hncj to be
wright, T. Norris. F .. B. Moring; y;. Spatlrs, H. It may the cos-t of a desigqer'ryt the time .
but copiers of goods already, on the D)ll.rket aJ'e a
G. Ra.i n bow.:; the foJIowillg 'Ja, tice<fL Mr. D. Rose,
J.;P., Mr. W . H . Smitpt J.P .• Mr. C. S. Smith, day behind the mir.
J.P., Jl.Jr. A. G. W ""st• . J .P., ~ r. -- J .. Catley, J .P ;
Mr A. A. Jon es (Magistrates' ~Ion-k) , the follow·
, It is not much mare ' thaII ten years ago tho,t
ing membors of thtl Board oi! Guardians: Mrs.
the leaders of artistic Germa.ny diEcovered tha.t
i Dowell, Mrs. Stansfield, Ml '1'. Waters; IM r.
' B. A. Vince. MI'. Allum and the derk (Mr. , very few of the artistic things to be oought were
W. H. Oliver); tJle Deputy. Coroner for the made tltero , but when' this' a.iScO\·eiy I. had once
BorouglJ, Mr. }'. W. Martin; -also the follot ing beeu, made they lost n.O ' time in arranging a.
members of speeial committees: ' M~. B. ' Sh/lorp. seh,e me to sooure for tliejr' o,w'I ' couutry the trade
Mr. H . A. Barkll8. Mr. >-'1'. ' Muddiman, Miss which had . been pr~! iousIY I enjoyed ~
Darker, Mr. G. Hall. witJ~ th.e following officials: ,the Enghsh lIud o~er f.oreign:t"'''
, .,
Mr. H . Lund (r}Jorough-AccO't ui'tant) ; MT. ,CravBn
Be/ore the ,war ',G ermany
d UB IlJt :en onnous
(Tramwnvs:Managei); .Mr. H •.'.T . ,P-ugh (Clerk to q~ant~ty .of.. .tqe .. ~ig~!y,: :fin., .ed , pi'Qdu(!ts • of
the Reading -Education ' C9ntmiUlle), ·¥r. qll\ttJe SCIentific ,pFO~UCtiOll, 'while we sold to .G ermany
(Fanri Stew.urd) ,' Mr. F. L : PonlinJ{Ei~e Bril!~e}, a very. m1!ch q",l111er qua.ntity Of·'el.uff; Icliiefty can,
Mr. J . E. Coates' (C]erk w: .~e ' ..neadiJif( Dlstress sisting . of ,.hqlf-,m'anuflfctured '. p ~od~cta; &n'd as to
Committee) ; .Inepentor ' .C4ai!~ ~r,' !lto', .'
Mr. YM9n
·F . Sutton. ' ·.P .; . was provented nearly one half .•cansiB~lpg of Yerm. . I
I . ha ~e r;ai~ ~!,~?gh :to', sh:():~ ! that ' !he power of
from attending owing to unavoido.ble absence
from Reading. , . . - .. . . . - - . .
' , , deSIgn In Brltam l ~ 'not laclnng. , though too often
TI,e ' preacher was . the .
Newhouse, not encouraged . Nearly ~~ays England, hll<l led
In!' the eX]li·
whb, ' taking as his text'
lOth and the WfJoy in mat!;ers . ..rtistic.
following ve'9es, spoke ·
of spirit- '~ition a.t the · G\119smiths' I Hall , the
ob ·
ual re~witl. 'I'hey , needed
more Jects had been ca.r efully. chosen to show that
than the[ victory oi their
main. GerlDany .ha4
U) . all lwll
a.nd had put i
' their
A1Iies teachers'
. . armies have



\? It'1j~'~C~\~~;~, ~~opI6;~i1~ r~~G"O~~;'~~~nt


