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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-12-1915_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-12-1915_00004.jpg

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rl\nges frolU
the" cIa .., of
obtained at
qUBon ti tioo

£0 18. 10d. u.
sUfplied by h

, 'I'he Uel\ding
l,as 1\ lUembership
its nlombar8 in·, quanrlctUI8.
at tho rote of ,2!ls: a ton,
the privilege of piying for . their
. weekly i ll sWma:nt&
"TilE' &lading Industrlal
has ove.r 10,000 members and
not restrict ita
~1«;8 to thorn .
quantities ,of
1 cwt. and upw~rd8 at mtes ,<,,,n,,nn from 308. It.
ton to :l~. a ton according to
c1a88 ,of coal '
'Nollo of th!, beror~mentioned prLees are
higher than the prieM (;hMged tn Landon where
the Prosi dent of ' the ' Board of Trads ha~ made
nrr,,'.' g~m,,'.'ta with tjls principn\ merebantsfor
the hnntation of tho sum. whi "h the:'- will char,;;s,
o.v~r ti,e oost of ooal de11V/,red at the station or
'sldmg, t(l roysr expenses 01 distribntion and
profit: if anything, tbey are aomewhat lower
notwitll Hta nding the . raoj; that ,klndon IU\8 th~
Ilflno tnge of mQTe favourable rllilway . r~te,.... and
t~nt tho p.rindpal raihv:o-r oompanies h l't\>.
vld"d conS1rl~rllb19 stacking I(rounds "nd sidings
aclioinin" their terminal stations thers
"There is keen oompstition betwesn fhe.Rendin~ coal merrh~~ for business, ond between 40
ond fiO reprnse.ntativ88 of colli~ries 'reside in tho


borough , ' If t.he . local merchants were to mi6e

tbeir prieM apprOOiah~v Landon-merchants would
nn~ollbterlly . compote for business bore. . I,
• We nro satisfied tilO.t tho prieea DO..- chal'f(oo

aTe reasonn.ble in the ciroomsmnces whloh obta:in .

'and we arc of opinion that' no Ilrrn.nlOOinBnt fo;
li.mlta tio n of . profits is n&eeSSIlry nt tl,o pressnt
"If any such' Il.tTallllem&nt sbol11t1 'becomn
necess::.ry H,e m otter can be
thor cons idered.".


sa vs in rl St~
sh ould all ii.k<l
bent of St.
F. Waters.
with out'_
wi"h him , well
oljr. old.\ld,
, aown han'pl.!y
Uxbr! dge;; U
. ~ ,. - .--, -h.i~
conhe says,
truly. in

Tho fun eral took place .,at tho Parjsh Church
BinJicld, oli Friday, of Mr: J. W. ' Macnabb J .P'
'l'lIe sorvico wn.s conducted by the roctor (th~ Rov:
R. A. C. B ~vanl, ' aos;"ted by thB Ray . ]!'. L. Gwatkin and tho R"v. - Couchman. '1' horo was a full
sUfpl"l"<i cooir.
Tho hyl1lIl5 "God moves ill ..'
~Y~~f1au9 way" and "On tho Resnrrcctioll moin1Dg
wero .8Uu-g. Mr. E . J . Parkuh1On, the org.ani.t
p'dyed "0 : rest in th9 Lard ". as ,tho 'congrogatio~
was a5Sem blmg, And .. ~ tno oonolu.sion of the aery ioo
tho Dca.:! March in "Saul." . Mr. l.1inchin, 'the
churc.hwarden, carried out tho soating arrangements.
, T~? wtormcnt took place in the oomctery. : '
Ihe - mourners and oth~rs presen t were: -The
Rev. J "mos (oon) , Captain RaW-,.lOD_.Mae.
IlAbb (son), Mr. Andorson (son·m-law), Colonol ,Reid
Mr. , H . Wi.ggott (son-in-law). ' Lord
George Pra.Iit, Slr Fredorlck Cunningham 6nd Mr.
L R . ErSkil.lo (repro.,enting tho Broodmoor ' Cotmcil
of Supcr"!~~on), Sir Robert Wilmot, Bart.; Si.r
Henry Kirk, Mro. Murdooh, Lady Mary Bovnn
~...nd.-Md. ,G . A. Wattlon, the Rev. A. A. Bull:
Miss Wlg'gett, Mr. E.-- D. Mansfield, Mr. 0. ' A.
Forard, Co'.onol Macicnn,l. Colol)el Mcado, Mr.
Aubrey Elliott (reprC5<!nting F'ield-Marshal Sir
Charlos BroWnlow, G.C.B., a
old friend . of
tho d ec~ased ), Mrs. Bullen
Mr.. ChristioMlllor, the Mayor of
(~r. H. C.
Mylne), Mr. H. · G. S .
Mr.. Whitak er. Mr. "nd
Mr. G e~e P ember, the
Monro, Mr. Ernest E.
Lidd e ll. MiS. B a ily, Mr..
S. Gibson, Mr.
Evans. Mr R. B ates, MISS Arkwri"ht Mr. Jones
, Mr. Melvillo. Mr•. ' Gibson, ' Mr. ' M .• BoHon, ettl:
Tho ni nfiold Working Men's Club Wllil represented.,·
On th o coffin was a 'cross . from , t ho family, lin<!
lIoral lrrbu tos were scn.t by Field-Marshal S ir
ChUTl"" Brow,~low, Colo!,el end M rs. Belgr"vo (of
W,m borno) .
Mr. Wilham ' Graham Crum Edith
and J c,.,io " . (o f{w<>l1'h), and ,the - Rev. 'Hor..""
G. -Monro l\Jld Mr •. Monro. ·ThBro ,,.ould no dotibt


a ' letJ

of the i Arch~

, " ' , irl '.·-


S aints' J'ub:lee
£385 has ' bticn

Hc l aMa.

in conp.bould 'be
shpuJd be
mil;tnl,e to ,build
a.l,,--a ys feel
do something
"are ant to be
propose that
towards the
b olli to be ·


.- that


II . .smaU ·

.plac e, ' ccsting

mini s tergi rt you
p\aC" B

, t he pednle
th e £200
a nd the
&lDll8nt ·. to -


in ' the
oftbe Church


havo b (~e n
fact lbt n


largo numJ>or of w, C!atm but lOr the
had hoCn mad e· lbat thoro should


be no flowers.
Mr. Thomas Bilker, of Binfi<J ld, carri ed out tbe

fun e ral arrangements.


Mr. Macnabb had r""dod at Binfield for upwardll
of 30 yc o, , , , . He was for some l imo II. member ' of
tho . Berksbiro Countj Council. and al. o
of Broadmoor Asvlum, " member of tho "".. t:n.aJrn})·
mead Boa.rd of Guardia"" and a manager
Binfield School •. ' Tho d eccasod I(ont lcman per·
form ed a great d eal o f good w. ork in .. quiet way.
8~d w.Il be groll-t1v missoo. , Mr. Macnabb's !lCCC'nd
'Wlfo prcxlocac.ed him ..bo1&. 27 vear.ago, and i.
' h~ied at ninfic1d. ",here nlso !i"y the
Ul brother. Sir DO,n.ald M<lCnabl>. .
C.,nlain R awdon rtfacnabb, who Is
I nd ir- n Horso, onlv; ret.urned
from 1\' 0 fron.t . Aneth
in I"di • . and thrco
In Reil Cro,," w,ork at D.umcU\'r><,.
MI'l!. .MurrloclJ. Ono
W ; _oH.

L oogo. llinnold.

l ate Mr. '.Tohn
enjoyed fairly



That. th", Wa~-,.Offioo,. known by 'I nll 'mon for ita
. u~bolL\K1bed "( 71 g~ne~o81~Y,· ,add this note. That in
. r.etUrtl,. I r tIll).:Volunte&r FOTOOa I thus ott&ing.. their
, hal~" .1II:mounCIJ. ' B~, : instructors, oto., etC-,
as8I.t ·ths ",,!,ntry, 1 thBY (tho . War Offi6e) \vill Dot
b& able _to 'line 'any: monetary rontribution tow&rde
the expensos I I I'
, '•



.Tn;.t 'this ~ne~ualled jlXample. of Stat;,; ' llbeMUt;r
wli\ not pI1l~n~ the Volu-nteer Forces from doirig
theu utmost to e&rry oIlt the d()5irs of tho Wo.r



I I,




ThAt Com,Pany CommanJ'or .ff. - F. Kingham (B
C?mpao.y) i& to bo eongrlLmlatcd on having f."ssod,



honours. , his. examination

Offi~I'B' . Instruotional .. (JIll.....",•. po.!~tion .W8.S


U1 0

Vo an t OOl'

Mr. Kingham's

No. 5. I n Class B , and ho r eo~ivos also
a . '~ spoilial" certificate. All th., mombors of B
Company ,will 'bo " ploased at their commander's


following' .tory io tru,,: -A inemb&r of
the Volunteer.. has a little san. who is given the

pnvlloge Moh Sunday

of inviting



mBn" to high toa. Ono Sunday recently, ·however
ho was ooly abls to obtain ono fun r&eruit wh~
proved a rothor quiet chap. The· little boy's ~otJ, or
noticing that tho visitor was looking intently at ~
largo .grall.p of tho Reading VohintoonJ,
explllJDod ,thllt her husband wlia away ' with the
others. that dllY, workinlt very hllrd Itt Didoot,
trundling boov·y cases, ow., aoout. On · hearing this,

s. ' -sJ.ow and' e:cpa.nsiv.o. smi1c ~pread ovor the soldior'".


f, and'. etll! loolnn-lr at ·tllB pboto, ho .exc1nimoo,

vory nice fer tho old chaps, ein't it 1 "

That d e8p,ita · the bittor cold without and , th..
attmetiVeDCIIS of home apd beauty ~ithin, 170
·Volunl.eorB . of A to D Com.panies ' turnoo out on
Sunday afternoon ami had · a inost <Jnjoyablo ' 90
mir:mte." company drill, thO" c'doubling'" part 10£
1'(h.ich b"ought /I. . h""hhy glow to the choek~ . ..tid
wa~od tho-h ecu-t, doopite ~hG winLOr" chill.
That if Lieut.-Colonol Hodgson h"d any doubt.
at ..11 ..s to tho esteem ..nd affection in whioh ho
iu hold by thE> men of A to· D Companies. tho
·throe cheors alld " .' tigcr" whioh thoy gL vo him
· on I Sunda:t .. fternoon 8hould h,we effoctually removod those dou.bts. ,They were , good old-fB£hiotrod
lung·stret<lhing oboer8. hoard not only 11 long way
all (n. friend MSurOO the ' wr>tor ho hsard 'them in
London Rood!) hut near, too,- ..18<>-80 ncar th ..t ,,11
we men .oops that -thoy Caus~ all ' echo in our de ..r
oomma!lder 9 hoart that ho will nover 00..6e to be&r'
...n ech!J ~b&t will always speak .\0 him 01 10v<!-1ty;
:approolatlOn, an<! all tho, dovotion >we, as Volun- :
'teers, can 'giv,,!-, him. "And" so "say 1111 of us."
That one corrcspond~nt- desires to know why tho
Man in Groy," II ~vho 50emB t6 kn:o\v 8. .lot ilbout
things in -gene ral, 4nd nothing in particular," d oos



--- T
----- f]J

aro' _'Yor.t~ th~ D).onoy_._



-' ~




is fo~ Tom,who is one of the pipers
Out l~ the trenche~, <oat a,long way from

No. 46.



He remembered the day for it was :;uch an" airy,-u;."

cqld on .t hat morri-he got a new Cardigan :
In a parcel of Langstons from his sister Susie, ' '.
I t considerably bucked him to this )deed, d:you see ?I
Th!8,'1 J:ithe


1~8t f~ar~ _Cardiga~ ..Ja~k~ta. ~re.·' ata ,pr~~i~'­

QWll~:-=·. ~o ~t;?diate GQverlUUent req~~~ent8._ ; Car:e~ ap-8Jlg~~~n~"lpadelast.~Iner hav'er"iUlted in L # 1 i 8
tieing alble :to '.how 'q~ty and quantity 'they little th '
t 'o f ...,
.belng do. ' . '.. , . •
. I .
__ ......

~ I.



;rom in the trenches is strong and a hardy man,

'{: - C.~.'











_ ~I

. ..... .

~~eet Conier' and 537, OÂ¥o~d,. Road, aea~.HllnJ1;'llinltted Khaki ~qc~8 at lft ;tl_


206th '




• 33, BI,.AGR,A.~ SJ;REET.
MR. R:·G. '


" MUsic Bond mirth " . was the order ·oil
S.R turday at ~/ldl!lll~ Hot?ital, .wllen MI'. · Co~n.
eillpr J. Elghteen (ires.ided. .at th .. ·. Rep.dLl;'S
If ~Oll winh hard o nough it will come,
Fa:vourites COjlee.rt, and the programme su'hmltThough hittor tho blast,
. ted, if not lengthy, was 8n excelleut o.n e, , Each
y o.u will find out at -Jast,
one of th8 lI~stes proved to be in excellent-form,
. JL,'s ' roalJy tiro IUn I .
' >and " '.
oo;rs ~ '. did ao~.· hesit":te ·t o slJ.hw their
not;' "
' of ·the ' ' iteins rendel'~,
That , in a l'ooont lettor to : Lord Do~b~rOiJgh,
Colonel Purell&.'!, Ordnanc&, Offic~r, Dipcot, .makos
this ve~ !om8f~ble ._tate~ont: C' Tba,t;. tbank. to
the aplonc!ld wotk Iqo,/,,- by tho Volunteers at Didoot,
ewppliee ,to our troo~ ov"rsooil 'havo boon made
without &llJ< de1.:>yo, .and IAlavt> no beeite.tion·· in '
Ba,YiOK ·that thiB ~~It oould not· have been ~~ined
:Wlt./tout ~a patriotlO .hslp from ~hs V.T.e. , .;. And
yet thers 8re 8. fow l!1acks.... . dressed in : greYi who
dool that . it ;.-tJ(f muoh. to ~eot them to go .
to. Didoat· every . Sunilo.Y I Tll'illk God theBe small·
.01lIed . 'V.'?I!1Iltoors~ lIt~ ' Qniyin Ultrrib&r, ' 1Uj th~
ohtter. 'gn'&Il' last Sun(lay
the : Comm&ndanG.anno)ineed
' ·of
..t Dirlcot). indicatoo.
No: mat~r wha.tover_you w ish fot'.




The pig that-he" copped' was a bloated 'Bavarian


I . . . . .j



_ _

· , That . the "Pool.,, · who, owinj;( to th e unusunl ,
h .. rd la!>our at D idcot. ba,; been vory subdued lately:
(he 81360rts th"t "vorl. and poetry don't mix). wna
dlscoverocl on Sund"v with a vory roo no.o and in ,
a stnt~ of g re at iiJdillnation. He' tokl the writer
tluit h,, : had j UBt 'I,nd a great a.rg:'lmc'n t with ' .. ; Scio\it,;. t ; woo ""Rured biin th at when hE>
said ho was cl>ld". it
in ilrol~ laney : ho could
bo a .......rm a. nOS!lil>fo if -he anI v ·tbou ght he w.o
w-arm. TlIs Y' P oet" ' •• 0 ~o oist-urbed that he
insis ted <>n tho writer'. publishinlr th ~ following: ~
Whon cold wirit"r,gales aTO a-hlowing
And nippinsr your n ooo till W. red, "
When from fing ore and to"",
,Tho fo61ipg it g~s,
And .you .p.roporly MY theY ,are "\""d '>; ' .
Oh! .t'.. then: you ebould htl" . tho illusion
That 8ummqr ' and ' r~ses are hero,
And you.' l1 firuj yourself glow
From your 'boad tl> Jour toe. .
Though , the frost is severe I .
Of ' oourso, .thh sounds rathor fanlastic.
But SOletltistS ""y that it's tru.e;
YOu'vo only to think
' .
H!Lrd onougl\, an<! the 1ink
Is .ltuppliod that will carry you th rough I




not turn prophet, and p: ivo' Romethinp: in th ese notes
.. bout tho progr",,,,. duration, arid ' 8mling of the
,war . . Of caur80 this may be' a I(imuin(, ,requc; t,
(lr it may be oniy. writ" aarkastik," "but tho writer
· halltons to sa.v·· if thot!> ware no sucb' gentlemen
8S th" ('.an!lOr- well, h" could give ' soillO' wondorful ,
information: Dut; in strictest confidenr.e, this can
' be said, ...,d I tril 5t it "ill So:tisfy' 'the 'luerist:
'rho war is at ,p resent in progress ·from Flandols
to th" Dardarwlles, Rnd furt,her, and {.'rther still,
it will continuo ) poace . is dccbred, when ' it
~~' iJl be ,ove::; . and mnatrwbile the ' pr.ico . of the
Ow'on 1C.10
18 ono p enny, and thes o n otes alone








