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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_11-02-1916_00002.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_11-02-1916_00002.jpg

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./ '/rhel ",nnu~ moeting
of ehu

.'- Jhe 4MOOi ..tjon

WM. held ' a.t
tin Saturday aft'ernoo n,

,the ohairman ' (CIl-llOfi ~.

~uppOrt.ed by .the R qv . P

. C.- E; ,Ada!'ll', the n ov.

MD. eeora~rie'8. the
. Mr. ; Albe~ Sm'tb. I
, Mt. Albert Smith read
.•~.. hiob
'o.s foH ow:-


UunDg' the p'll-6t yoo.r
8IIIIOo'iatlon . ~ t",~en



",hile ~U th~" 01<1 ,/l,nd

followOO• Thus


tho iRe... ' ~t."liell
of the tr&1nmg of.

teoohing of the

Wok:i~gh ..m , w'! had
pore.te commUIllOII ;
the teacher's reI"pOnSIII)liILt
war time, and '
00 the othpr h&nd,


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