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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_21-04-1916_00011.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_21-04-1916_00011.jpg

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' Vhen
sa me ~
I uotic~l , l\ lot of
t WO' n tho two hues of tnooc:h.""
'Illt they woro bodios
, acked on 'Soptember

"':0 1l0

heen buried long ag<?
1) 111},

Well. they shell

h uhilld sh'ell tl,en>, and
liwea rs amI gets un ordel~ 1
i ll~t h~sbeOldln tlenedoutby a'w
t o uB.' the' BHlingslI"'to' ,to" f!\lw 0110:0

O~O]', especially if be was just gOlDS
, .'ih hiB supper , These trenche". are
there has boon no hw" ,to dlg ~1~~t~~,~;;,~,~~!'il'"


we h0.9 to taKe 0 111" re st in ~hc pouTi~g
night fo], 72 hours strUlght off" J I1),Bll;:t8:\,<I.·,t 'C:_.:
to got sovr,n a ncl a half hours' , sleep all
we were theu sent b a ck a bout h alf a


, br."thel','
"A chap nnmoo Clark (o,f course •
l1is 111ckll:tme) ltnd I were plcked o ut
li eutallant of our pla toon "nd th~ si'~~f~~~~~~r~~~I~~~:
,evoll . ections of ba rbed wjre to
had boon demoli shed by shell-fir~,
ti ll 8 o' clock, rolle<! the sections over
!lnd worke<! in pain;; I
' the
l'artnor,,'oohying a section
.lown flnt on n' 8h&l1-hole ns
Very slow work, b l!t i t
took one and th~uartel'"
"potted iust a8 the job was
began to .ing _1\11 round
wero ordered to get back n.s
crawling' n long' nearly all the way
lhe dista nce betw""n , tJ,e trenches
yanls, So .we . wel'\l not ,luI' frOID
mitl utE- ,o r SO later thf\ otlH~ r twn
the officer wa " "<'el',v gl'f~ ' t.l~e job was
"0 woro , we) an d ..told u S' wo bad dona
WOllt up to the cr,\ters lai;t; F.riday,
t hn hu~e bole in tIle ground. cnu8ed
sioll of a. , wine whic h oil r Ichnps'

under the Gf'rmn·ns'
!:' ix mon to n bn~- of tr,en,ob ion

])oehes, alld tol,! to



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