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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-05-1916_00019.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-05-1916_00019.jpg

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10c,,1 ,dbnnal, ror tho Borough I of Wok~
, "gha m
beld on Monda.y.' :Prc8l>nt: ~
~iI" 'O I (Ald erman Myllle), in the c;ha.h-, ; !)lr
J! ,\ '" Kll k, Aldermnn SaJe, ConnCiU{)f8 BI,.ke
,.n li II.Lntmolld, IInd 'Mr George Bealel WiLIJ (YT'.



V,1"",,,1 ,C ""g

(nllilla r y lepresenta.l,ve) "nd


•J ,II El lISton Chfton (derl().
All' Eo C, Hu gheR , of Albion . H ouse, Woking- ,
1, li P h u1id cr lLlld (':onlr.lctor . ~pplicd fo.r"
I "," rOt hI' lD:\llaglng clerk, Mr
W i. Londel'
1.1,' Hughl's suid il101 ~I r Load~r had been his
IIl,II mg mg cle rk fo r ,boui threo or fdur ,y ears,
,lIul \v .lS nJm o!'O.t, C ll tIT(~lv c nen.gC'd trl pr e paring estilIl aies, etc, for lIte W,,' Office and Miuisiry ' of

'111 e m ilitary N'pre sP lIla l!ve sal<1 he thought
Mr lluqbp R pho"ld oh lui n :I ho.rlge for hi~ clerk.
<Iud th etll hullal ",(1) Ol1rllo<l ~he 086e for, ~ foft:
Il lgll t to ena h Ie Mr Hughes Lo Ul{lke an
t 'on to Lthe MlIl'jll<try of )'>1 I1nitlons for I"
I', aJlk Edwar{i nan, oC 9, The T€'rr:ac" .
in gha ill, 011uc rtn.l;:cr. ctc~. hR.<1 been nrAv.o.,.I"
l!T \lll~c1 e~e.motlnll Cor t.wo months,
l)I1 Nl (or n r CnC\·'lll.
'!11O l! Ibun ,I d s<'id cd not

to gront a ny

f'x ,'rr ·l i.'on.

' I'h~ B ' rk s\:n o 'Timher Conmany, rcml'(lBented lIy
(; Hav f': 1 P"''1 liCJ(Qr, nnd 1\f'r G. Ben, il.ppliod
for (nrOt"'" exe mutlonl for 1h"'l T Sccl'cLn.ry. Mr.,
A 1! M<' Ewl'n, 1>Ir Hnye BMd It WI\.S n eces8arv ''tG
It "" " ,eercla!." WIlli ~ood local knowl edge. Mr.
U"Ewp.n IS also the sole "Il!)port of 11111 "wi«owed

1!1()t11t~ r

QnC' month ' s further e...!c.em:(1tion all-owed. :

