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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-10-1916_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-10-1916_00004.jpg

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such " strilOilg 1Il.e:;:~!::~:~n
without CODlritlliQ;Lion ,1 d

l'iILJiClu l. doubt


1.11 0 o~her mOll)bers :pf the j t; ..b"ne.",
~'f\ ."!' imp or tance at t·his lUincl>W'e.

"I tlo


r: " /Ifl rtn p ublic,

I I would cuuso

CGuld read'I~::~~~~~'1:


)oud, -clear
1lI I'o1 1gh l,is words, &I!d reJ?1BtJ?ber
1" 'lli ll(1 1.11& soen~ in thl. stupendous
J,NIIW~ wh ..' he is .tl\.IIPn\ll ..bout. It'. :
Old. hlol\" . too, for the M1"s. 'O.rund¥8.'
I I PI fl t:l! ·at-n ny-Prioe
P8rty~ t~ wlio., ! it .J.
T i ,(; f C'R U.

• •

"iTwI· "t·!Y 1l0ped, will not recover - theJr
IM t rioti e BCllseA until the madman with
' 111'11('11

IIIO)II ' [adle has Irecelved h1s juet

llIil llL

"' .

Th o f nl'>pf'.cli ng office r's train

,la y mor n ing, Octob er 13t h. at 11.10.
"p;'dioll wi ll take ' nlnce imm e rfi
(lLd ~irl'3 Ul e C W. Station. M,'mbplco
Ihe Armoury a t 9.30
for p "~ limin{liry
~I, i ~ honet! that 6n ·tllis important· OC()&8iQfi
man will e'ndea\"oilr to be oresen(



[lfrO R'f ANT ARMY '
. ".-j'( '
Th-o new reguJatioDB goye.i·ni ng
Fo rceB are appeari ng Lik.e a flood : . L8~< ''' WI''''''
[I Il f ''' ' I\.vnlancllC or regula tion:" . .1 We

"" ~lIil'e

an encycloprodia to ind ex ·tliem


r.. lloll' lnt!; are the most limportiint:e:... .' .. ·1
1 ·.~ III I''''''NT ' FOR
T \\'Q


hundred "et. of eql1;,pIl.lent r B attalion is Quthbrise:d.
lI"ill cu ngist of tlle follO\dog: ~ '
011(> wa.ler 'bottle , ,one mes~
a.nd c6ver, 006
"'--'llfl oJ ~1i ng . Qne w,a:isf ~elt. ' two .bl·~A. ope wa.ter
, 1,01 tfe cn ...·i~,.. one frog, one l",v'ersaCK:; one
j·lI"o fl mmunition pOUCll e's, aOO two
,\ dJ ed to Itltis llr~ various clauses ae'",!!l.n~: >
II ," .c"r. of sD.mO, Rnd ~alties ' fOT
rt ll,lIlagi ng, 19Siugl or fIU1iDg . .to d~liv~r t~


d . . lll nnd .







ili D .. VOLUN'TEllRS.

( '. '

\. No fewer.tll"n eiiht;' rules· Ue.· :i~d · G~8:
; ' :'ia
"" h,loct, whIch summar~ied are . as filUOWII,;· "
A ny special! c,,';ble may j oin '" Volull . ~
cor p.. If ~dful tol J,omplete the c011Stl\bul&ry
"I rength. aU VOlunteers ' who IIU'e speCi.u ; COD.
fitu OJ es . or tbe" pe:cessary percentsge,- will ,' be
f;p ocially rese rve d -in CD.:le of need for t his worIJ/,
t~lJd ~lleBa ' m e n ' will be' formed
into ~ sp;cc al
Vol un teer section.
If th""" reserved ' 1'" 60

"hol11d not be numericf\olly sufficient, the 'Collnty

Co m~"!td&n~ 'h as I>ower to .: other. V;o.l un.
Wh9 /l;re ;not " s"p,e«;ials " ma,..e up , the
lIumh~r '}elluired. ,Should this result In l
Vul uu fiee-r , nmtcS
dep1eted :. 60- that, -guard


.beins l

duties, etil: ;': co~il not b& "effic;en'tlr .perfo!'"D!ed.
11. 0 Comm"nda:nt;:. flae p.ower to.J ~~~Dg 'V,oJunt~ers
frnl,! clscw.h eri.,(Jo, ~lt--<l\l tihe::'g ins. 'J,_,.~'. r .' "
VOI.UNTF.1!RII . O,¥:!. ·WJOil>Op..6.IlT ):>17",,



A.J I V 01Wl~r8 · eJilt> ~ on, ~~ . ~~p~ wi1!'
,,[t..ched to ~" il~l"1" ~egUneQt,J , lDf.imtry
Il rlld t, alld Wl ll~!)IXIl! ;uMef iiillj~~!~I!~w.hUe ·
{·lIlp1oyed. and , ~arnlngj It&WJ :'"\O ~e ~v.eD to"
'" r" to i his ell'eht,
'• . .:..'. , . ,' , '
Provision i • .milde .tl~at m'en' "bili'it"";; tke" OP"


Dres~8 1

\lIlt"i.unity of;sln/i:lI1:,1iI .tirey·';'o ;··.deair.t'f.':': ilr!>ffi
(>llter illg on

the&6 . .putj.<ij.,.uQder..... l~~OJidlt:i,on8 , ·






..... '

; I


A!I i.he .. ""gtiJ&LiGn.-;~tut to · on .... th~g·.: ~nl",'

1. 0., th~t


eJi/\,ll -.verr: l~or~J.Y :bq. jl~~ 'uPOI1 !to

· regul ..r miliif".!'~ ·d\l~y.r ··~~".!k :<'!t ,
\\"i l"G we have ~.~ ep , f.S~:IlJt foJ;, durm.g !it!i~
.. .
t. wo yen.r s, and "- we· can ' onry .1Jope th:a.t-~ ·/rtPe nl
1II1<1 • • 1n!,e


~I'ev" I will responid;,o ,.hhtf '- eaH· ' ....wrtho~l " ~t:~~~:~}~~!

h c- s it.a.lion, and tb1lB prove· th.eit.;iD. 1 '~ha

G.() vernmeut ru:e , ,g!~iitg ':I18 . tIÂ¥I . ~iI.~~.all; . .It.
l ;(\'i i,:i with us to lfS8 It ''t~ e.4:y~t8-ge. .
::.. t" •
'\ ~cording te ' ~Y.QtUn~a:
Offil'o in ihe io,rth.coIIlliI18
nrc ne nl'ly '
(I ll 1\ much
(! ~a cLi llg

.~ . . .


_~ ~

~,ep'~Il1;!i.~,!?O .


., .. " • • ' ...'"
, J:!'Cl'Jll;~


eight '
P CI' month;
fin d t'wo p ar ades.

'~~'2~~~?:.~ ;~·'l~f\f;:{~~j~~]~l:Hn~~~*~~~;~i. ~

,0 u·'llUi
d ill this,
but ;