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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-01-1919_00005.jpg

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o ~nON.


JDeJllben of the Welliqt n .


uid fdeneb .-biM in laqe IIDJD~
~ClOJIle CoIOJleI W,ilIOD If.P. '!'he w~
. . beTinr iDelllded llr. W. A.. H01lJlt, M.I' .
Ud h lOll, llr. and llr.. F. A.. i ond,
lb. 8lI~ llnI. ViDoent Crair. )(r. 11 an,
• •j'-! 1'. 1. Wheble, ~lonel Kell.ln Q,
tile ~. J. A.. A.ldereon. l4ior W ' ' n,
)(~ A.. H . Bull, 1. C. lUndy. J . I'.

Coal", 1. H. Walter, A. S. Cooper, Artb ur

Ap8B, F . W. 1..r,f!!I, E. )(iUhellDon, .J. R,
Sjaoeretary,.. R. Clarke",1. Harm , I.
r, B. C. .JAPII, T. D1IlIt, G. L
ham H. 1. La...renbe> E. O. Farre r, .J
Crow)lurit, R. C. H&Q~t, A. Bid well,
A. KcNeill. ErnMt SImmon., C. A.
Philbrick, 1. Warbllrlon H. Child"
~etty, P. Cohell. Blatch, Fr_r. G. ~'. FoI·
ler. H. C. Brown, W. H. Black, A. H. Rh~r.
w~, E. Sherwood,~. Hobbs. W. J . CW1\.
ber, B. J. Peni., ~. K. Phelps, G. W.
:a.. Tam G . W. Smith. CoI..m. n.
W. fF. KlIIutoD. T. E. Henwood, E. E.
Cha1:>~,- He,rrick, E. J . Dodd,
W . H.
801lUdl. Dla alt. C. Pope, lIIi
w!lld ron,
Hr., Goale., ia Blateb, Hr.. Philbr i~k .
Hr • E: Heela•• llre. Seymour, H iss FlaIll\nn, }f~ J-e.,il, et8~
'Colol1eI Wilson. M ..t'.,
0 had a mort en·
thneiastid nooptioD, -,i
"I nallT bu.
very. little to . , eseept
thank enry-on.
.. ~ ;
most ~rdialJy lor the "aT in whi ch thh
l1....e woi'lred durin&' tb,ito eledjf!n. ! I II ••
been II wonderful re&ult_.result ....hlrb. -ill
. my moat ontimistic momen ts '1 could ne'(t r
han hoped . tor: To th,inli: that in a j~ at
industrial cODstituency lib this tht' GoIII,·
• The ;,orlt of qDlIntinr the votes comtion"ca ndfdat, ahould top the poll and ~at
menced iJl the.Larro Town Jila'1l at 10 a.Dl·l
flU the other candidates is 8 ' res\1lt ...hich
I do not tbink ,even ' my marl cmtimiltic
ten- ' and a8 the poll 11'88 declared abeut 1.30, n o
the tire ollillials bl! onl, an iJlterval of h!\lf
friend s cooj'}' hu. ho~ for .
W. han
Han an hOllr for l1mch",n; the work OCCllpied
(lone it, anti or the rt'sult I have to UprN"
. lel/intr . fiVe~hOQl'll. The- lCa101' (AlderJQan ~
my deepest fl'1'8'titude tQ all those ladift aJld
in~DMd Hay
) &I R«1Il'IUIIf OI1cer p
jf@ntl<jlDeD who 50 generoual, and unllelAsb·
also beiq p~t Ill'; W. ~. -C1 t1:1 .liPisted ..
terilucl: ! (the Towil Clerlt), the actinr ~
:turaiDf Olllov, the four candidaliM,
1 . It has -.; a more difti nIt electMID than
.. 15,!06
IOJQe Of tlleir' moet ltadinl eupportere
any we have, ever f""Cht in Re~inr. Qu .
.. 8.~O
their 111mb.
. organisation "liS bo~ complete, ot it ...... a~
S 1'3
When the work was coJllpleted the lla r
as coll\plete 8 the most e1ce ent of :til
aDnOllnced the election of Col!>n~l Wijeo,ll.
·agen ts. ' Mr. Coales, pould po6sib y make it .
aud to Mr. Coale!! l wish .to offer m, mOIl!
sincere thank. ' (ChH TS). It WD as com·
_ 1l1ete a8 he <:puldmake it in the t ime al
his dispo I. b-ut it was not &8 eomp~te • •
. .....,,w.e could wi sa to bave it. Bu t the 10v3.ll y
tI.e neaple of Readingl and ono's frirnd.
Colouel Leslie W ililDn, 1l.P., ...)1.0- WM corin Reading h,s mad. it lJDpoMible to spealr
diall,. received. propolld a very~hMrt;y v1e
, adequately . of "'hat they han done, in foet.
of. thank.
the )(ayor as Beturninr Ofti r. I
·it i. qu itt ·imnoasible. and toe .Qnb th ing
He kne.w.lJ "'all ecboin( the ~lIng8 of l! .
at Raading·.
" one can d6 fir to promise to &erve th em o.
four candi atee when he said the, 0 II'
I eba11 end~lI.oor rt() do and a. I ~ve dnn.
the Hayo a very special vow. 9f ~hanlr.8 tor
the able manner in w)aioh be had carried iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii!ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""_ _in the ,n"st. faithfully and to the rer y beo.t
of nty abilitv, wespective of any partip,
put hIs. duties, partlc.uJarly when they !conrOODli Wfre 'Hr. and lUe. F. A. Simonds, .... hateTer. (Cheer).
sidered tho diiliooU circUlDlItaneee
Hr. and ){r8. Vinent Crair Yr. ,end lira.
which - that el~tioo had been con<fueted.
(Applause). It i\'ae the fiflt. eleetioft unde
1. F. CoaIH. llr. A. H . B~I",Hr. Rubert
r would like to mention one or two n(UDt • •
the Dew Fr~ch" -4-et, and t¥re haa bam
F~IIOD. lIr. aDd lIrl. ~. J1. . Sbw'wood. ,,~d ' tJie firet is that of OII.. . . .h ltas . i n u
#J dill!l1llti;l wlliph had never bHn en)Cr. fl. $herwoodt.tb. Xi,.. Sherwo ' d.tXrl..' QI 31nm~nse amoulI! of timo Dot only On
countered at ptevioQ . P9litiul eo~
C.{..l. P~iclt.
Waldron. II ~ .... 1.h~ . d"Y. of the tiection,. ht bttwc D elecThe way (hOlM! ditllcult'iee had been lDel had
lh.. ~mour.
' , . '"
that most excellent o( chairme:n, IIr .
lIlled all the candidatee with · admit-won:' tion
. :t'he appeuanee -of Cqlontl WiJ!bu d he;F A. Siinond. (Loud cheers) . . Yeu in th iA
wmdow was - the Ilrnal lor Ue111fndon}l nI b, where be is the ebainna.n, know tbe
H. knew they w01\ld, w~h him to ~::'~~J:i~~~;~
to pay tri])ute to th~ "II!ork eai-hed out b,- to lit
y." . •• n ........ . "..,. ,
cb~ril1', and an entbuaia tic 8upporter ex· wori: be doee not only for the COIiRnaH ...
the actini Rtturniu; Otlltltr . 111'. Clutter· Mt:..
ed .. That'a the
to (tve 'em." party bn~ for thi. clu~ _nd for a c reat
buek. :the Town Clerk. (Applauee). On hil l duties
lonel Wilson. }f.P;, wilen at laet lie many' other thill, s In. .~diJlg. (Cheer~).
shoulder8 had fallen tile J'e8pou8ibtlity of Someou~
11' 8 ab1e ' to spu.k; lMud : I know ......ll the The ConservlltJ"e_As80(1l Lon. has beton for
the r~8tretion and a great dC)41 of the the.. bottom.'
di culty of 8peaki~ lib this.
I wish to tunate .in its clul.irmeD ithe past , Bnd n ('l
th nk neT,1oody wllo has supported me constituency _will ever be better !K'H'ed by
wllrk ID oODDoCtioiJ. with the election, and -ro.te lb..ct,,!ll
thoioe 1 dnti... had been carried out , in the ence< .,..., ~;;:rkj
and .the. C9l'1ition Cause 4urinc tJ?e .recent a eliairman than Reading i8 bYL Mr . . F . ." .
W,T 10 wbioh' the 1'o"fn Clerk alwa;n car- 8vrryone e,
~I'II...J~ '~r'~~~~;~: electIon . I must lI&y I am aston I hed be· Simonds. (Cheertl) . .. 1 should alSO hh to
;reond meaffi at tbe reeult of the election . mehtion. Mr. Huber~ Fergu50D .
I'ied ant !liB onerllos dutie!l connected with" Iy and"'OMullle'iL
th'o boroolh. He bad 'been greatly 8118isted w.ere c,
been reapourible f~r mb, the electiOll h ga-vo up every second of hip
by a ~ry compet.nt staff.
It would be: 'VleWII
l'@OOrda ~ " e past, but 'it has abeolutel.Y . time and was C,IItirell' responsible for a\l
invi419u8 1:0 mention Dam!'8, ~t there Jl'ere
pn!.p.~ ,"LJ_-~'~~
ont-rivalled, itself to:<day. (Cheers.} I could. the meetings which we ar~d, and
t .... o t6 wbom be felt he mnlt pay his .,pernot have thougbt. II:Iid I do' not believe an, -wlichj were earrjed fllrollllh without r a
sona} tribut&. Tis., Mr. Hobbs and .K1'. t
of m.y mos~ optilllistic friend. thou(ht. that hitch. The 1adiee 1i160 C&IBe for ...ard most
Davie!l. (AJiplallae).
The Boro1)fl Hemthe Coalition e.uae would beat all-the other no 1y. .
ber a180 pajd tribute to the PQlice Force ,
three. (Ch~r). But it h ... do e 10, and
'ludel' Ca{ltain lIelldel'SOll. .6.8 alway. they
for that reeult I Itno" I han to thank all , One word 01 wllrnilll . . We have ... on R
thOIle who have 10 enthnaiuticallt and gep- splendid vic.tory, a victo1'J ....hich we hard·
had aeted dllri~ the eleetio•.in . that colfr. 'i~=:t!~
teo~s, tactful ' aDeL .ood-ll1Imou~ maDDer , Ii
eTO\181, II1lPl>Orled the Coalition e&ue and ly eIllfCttd. but we. muet loolt to the futuR o
for !which the Rd.dint Boroorh pnlice were
lIIy..If duriBlf .the thn. ....eelre of the tiec· Elections are won ~bween elc;c:tions. 3nd I
50 well k!Wwn. Tho dutioe that had fallen
non. (Cheer.). What Rudin, l1as dobe is we do want the aasiatance of ill who b.
llt)Oa. Ulo oIiciale of the Poet Olllce duin, ....,,-'" ",,,.
heiDI done throu,hout the oountry. (Ch,.rs). liey in the AI_ity · for constitutional _
the election liad been very hea"y. partiouThe 1'IttuDS ahow that the la,.. ID&S8 of , Government in the beet KDI!O of tIle word.
larlr at that tIlDe of , the year.. and no
the p«>ple ue .,am puttinr their tMl.t in . We want . that help now.
In the n !
word. of praise wllioh he co1l10 lise 'Were
lb. lJo:!,d Georp. and it ia only right. in future we shall h&T~ to ask for your
adequate to UpJ'MII his apPTeQiation of th!
Illy opiaij)n, that tho country 1Ill0uld <l0i! mtanc!e. I ~ eure ~u will rin it 8
."ay ill whioh they had ~rried out their
BUdiJlt bas done.
Mr. LIo
reneroualy &II befOnt. We are lad to
m~ ,,~ctiDl duties. Their worlt hJ\d been
080.... Uld hie Oonrnment laW th. eoun 1 amoll, ua H r. W . A. lIonnt ; the v lcto1'J
tb.rqqb t.he laIC two Tea1'!l of war, and to-day is to a verT lar«e exteJl t due fa the
bronrlit lloatlliU..
'cloee. and now it
(Oontitlolltd on ~ 5.)
I, tlp to the Oovernmllnt to make rood the
lie would aleo like to 88y how TUf ' deep.
IIOldiera and ainDen. (Ch"era).
It i8 a
11' he apprl!liateci t~ manHr in which that
mat and
respouibilfty whicb Will 'reSt
ell/ctio.. had
fourht by the ~wof\)n
it is 11))
of Lallcur who lNJ'e
to that OonrDJDent to do ita .duty by you
Ql!eleh, & ~T,1 old frien of .llie,
aU. I p"reonall, et.Dnot thalli: ' you' all
the electiO@.. .. lie (Colonel WileJlO~h tOl' returninr Bill' &l'ajll to repre-.
would. (HMr. h8&)'). He oaly
_ t . Y6U h~ parl~ent. I take- it u the
(lD IIC11J1iaatioa da7. lIut he
,reateet hl'>Qour---.nd have ~
electiola i.a a clee,ll &JI1l._t
aDY conetitlle!lcy ean
·bollDllft·ble JJI&PlIft. . . .
never wis1M!d to
. .Ie
and I hope
JIlOrt honourab~ opponent. . (A~
... h«n
election co_,
be 116 01141 who
the vOte
nerleeted my
eidee in Dl,
who '10 te
election in .-~·UIIJ











.nlANIS~ I












