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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_31-01-1919_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_31-01-1919_00004.jpg

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crop 1(as
fMIl rick. 'Tbe




rick, which WAIl

Cl'Minl{l!, ought
lI' here



.. ".,ta;"'~cl

ir(>t1rcell 20.

I"y. 'I'hat ,·jck
it 'Would be clj!II1'
able EUop8 ought til hln'e
Ikfe-ridant ·to thr h it n
lin lllible 'use bf 'the tuft'
lIfr. Denton, the tenllnt
entitled to the 1tJ'n,;,
casions he Wilde rlMltlll!!llt~
stt-gen to thrl!8h
to Ilim that the rllh w.r

nnd wete. d\UD.agiJlg hie

and comploined
into it;

0"'0 crop



In the lle11libourlfood.
Mr. Vft11(leret~n
loolc no notice of the ' reque.tH mnde to hIm,
IUld the rick WM Il»w..l to .tIl1l<1 not only
iu the whole of tlie winter -of 1917, but
tIlTough ·the ~.
of tlte i9pTing lind winter
of 191.11. ,The riclr 11114 KO~ into . a· deplor.
able ..tate. It WAS O"l'rrun 1I'itl1 rllu, the

thllte.hinl!' WM blown llbout by tlle wind,
lind Its contenh
re rApidly dl'terioratill/f'
'rhe rick ....M lett in that condit'on U1)hl
IIltp .in DeeMl'*', when; 1V! the t9Sl1lt of infjum.e, these proeee<iinJ(8 were ibstituted.
It wn., not until thi8 Jtlnuary thot lbe rick
Willi threshed. lind t.hen th yield of oorn;
in~tead of bein" IInytbing f~om 20 to . 25
ql1arteN!, " '1\1 only 13- I}Ullr~.. There WAS
I\t I
of seven q\lllrt~r 01 corn.
."oq1.l leU them,
80 deteriorated tIS
for any · purpo: •
An.ilable la.boilr
tOOulfh b. had
own wa;r. alld
·fooclStnfts to

- from .infec~on ~ be succeufully
. a'VI ned in every home where

be n a sedo1l8



,+", '"


dtllfeDtlant, Mid Ulnt
rail if Ilfl pioTed, AS
the wley was

humllll ooJl8umpJle atlded, luid
crop. and .the re~ult
hedgegrowll. It. hf\d
the w'i nd lind min
goltl). ...reo by'th ... ord luary re.'U>llr. at;t4 the
mower hlld to be
1100. TIle ~hmnte 0 the crop from whicb
the rick of bllrlf'J in <\lIestion Wrul made lI'a!
!,bout 10 qunrt.>r8. The bnrley 11'1\..' &tnek~
ll\ ~et
~atbt'r, lind llr: VAnder&t~
clc;c~ded to lea'l'e it stM.ding until the followmg 8ummer Ivr the lfareh winds and
th .. Rummer 1m to drr it. The de1ny in
the. UirCllbjng ' wl\& dbe to lo'bour BhoJ'taal' it been thf~ed eJll'lier j t would hl\T~
IIIMnt tlt~ IIthu ADd JD()re important work
would have lleell MKlet·ted.
Def~lldlUlt gn,'., e'Vjdence: IIJId detailetl
th~ ndTeT@e OOll.difio1l8 lIrev«niDg wilen the
bule" WAIl tiown JIIbd growilllf. The crop
w&~ hf!d«egrown. and-li" did not expect 'nat
8!') of
wpuld .,. lit fj)r IIlIInan cona\lm~
tlon. 'J!be ~leJ'
stncked in a Tery wet
' ~'ti!liticln.,



is regularly,


Uled. ·

FIRST AID is the scientific di.infectant
soap jof guaranteed power; , It i. mad~
in a unique way, and ill value in
, comba g.. niicrobe!boriie' disease can
hardly be over.-eatimated.





m~M be u[etul .. J!il

y bj Chriltr., Thom•• & Bro.. Ltd., BriatO) .



WilliAm 'Bucln • deI......t'8 baili., iaid
that h. barley hlld her. rMldeud un6t for
b1l1lUUl lood ~y:!Jte w_ther; 1I0ne of it had
hem waeted. ~ ris wl\S ~ot ' th1'flllbed
b£('1l)1~ of lIor" o! lilOOIlT. He did not
111..-_ IIIJ11l1Ie. of corn lIr<tduced lUI


ust Aiel Book, 40 pp. of illuatr.ted firat
tI, free ';0 ' requelt if wuI dealer'.
..... ment~ed~
'., - .



It wa.a
to thresh jt- 1Jntil
th .. Mazch winch and the J~t of tlle,.uJl
b..d bftn round the 'Yitk. Ue ''';1\8 lhert of
hl.bour. SIID1pIM of the (,OIn hlld betn sent
~ the rolWl woo 11. .
bovgbt from lIim
I\Ild be Mid it . . . · ,110 IIOOd to him

In t'riple' tablets, 7 ide



11t or


.,1Iwa.u food:
John J;lrain Rnd 101m' Bntlfr. emploJ~ on
~efl'iichlDt'li mm; lUs6 18ve eTidelloe of a
11 ke c:hua.cter.
T.Ja~ BeDch. retired to oon.~itHr their
del"MlII n , and nfter a ""ort II_nee tJJe
Cl)airman .-id thet held tAM the Cl\8il -1144
~ p,..ed. ~t wOll1d be bed
.at ud .at co.~ OD the Jlret IUmmo:ne.
)(1'. Sune lAid 1M! would withdraw tile



other three
)(1'. Berry A""'the d"ifI a Cl\se
bnt ~~eatf_ 11'" rUuflC!jl. tl{e e hai/maJI
lIlI tllet no point of law ha<t
.... . iM.


re f60 Ln,UU!nt
with tlwu ~n .. ";;;'-;;l~ltioJ;;
to all cIa
be dealt with
reap the lull ,
had wn gained J>y t ir
UII. \
!;8i1ora if they had tl iMen ibn.
lir. Eric 'imonds thank d Colouel W d.
:SlInolD w~,flllOn lor his p~nce and 101' tbe . •hlrp,~
I,ad deliv. 1. He knew Ito,," very 0<cupietl Colonel Vilson wa wed: in nn.1
week out and it Ins reaU! fi straiu too h im
to come in t~e v"nin.&' after a lonl! cl".\' "
work, alld they would not nlltCt him to
often, "With r iml . to hat Mrs. Hdp<
ulld 8IIid be BIt'ree<l that there were ' lol . "r
lind Mrs." J .
wllo did iDot vote who coultl ho",
(III'Cret/Il'Y of , A
but all l!l'aise to Ul~ ~P"' who
tt'rnble wentbe:r. ,Next tim"
}'11'et (wll o· kindly ftl'l'aoged
nau~lcal progrUlllwe>, lh' . Gile8 A.fl'e8.
would be a Vf'ry d ilft"'ent onp. I.,,·
C. Pope. etc. '
they would
another 16,
01' U1Jl4JO
The IM1y chairman ~id it was
Ilt'Ople votiuJ.
had to reJllembe .. IIlal
j~an · since they met in tllot room. .
8,000 Toh·d -for
Bolsllt'vi t . BoJ.I'f'vi'lII
they nit't under · entirely ditrel-ent
Willi 1\ diseal*'
was cnteJling, but I" ,
Whitley ).a<l. bef.n taken .
hOIJed it wontd
cattb too ea t in lleoHlfolel of Rt'lIthng. au<,l .they ,wpre
ing, but that
would . be .taJ)lPl'd
to r&>t at hODle there, thoultD -U'f'Y
'fhpy had .
Id oue-It'nt!, ~, the Il or:
. y at. fir t. But they · bad- &een' given
rors of·
HI' a ked ajj in Ihat
\,.,ry k.iude.t of wf'lcoO}{'jI. 'I'hey . felt very wart! toof the nry gooll
ot the 0;gani8llJrnl()li · thc I> rting fl'o111 tlleil' oM friends in
h B<>r.k:~• • lind )JaJ:ticulMly with Mr.
"'hkh hilft
and Mr •. Mount. he did Dot think !telld· viclory for
son. It wa only
ing rlUl)ised lit fir.t ·.... I,d sl,.. hft,1 bitten oft', by Ol'lan!sati.on
~ver:v waru tha t the."
hut cerlaiD people ...·bo walketl down to
WiI80n iJl. the po";JAlw~r Whjfl~y on a certain clark
whHm all
mllldPd people in
ju.t before ll,,, p011. ct'rtainlv knew now
be honld
Up,L M r.
of the cli triet and of t Church
II ,,'{Hm hibute to. tl,P
'l'hey wllnted til t~ll
" '''ieh Mr. G. L. B rig.
, i1!1On lIow,,1 tlley
ward at. the elect .." •.
Wt\ll retu rocl) by such l\ sub tan! ial
lIi . FLa.,u:an an.!
and . the;t: IllU t COl\lfratulate .tllcl¥·
ward foil the roal1·
heArtllv thnt tltey bad hIm 1\8
rendered thoS4l
'l'bey neve1' ex \l@cted to
,was. B ~reat l'elief ~o know
seconding, l\i,1 IiA
with no
If'!'ded "
much.. to do in the future.
he l't'joi1led that RI'Bd·
...."re .l~.OOO Tote.!' ltDrecorded at
member. Their ~nbt'r
tbe last elettion, Surely it was up to thpm
the nPetl 01 jUBtice heing
to _ that those ]5,000 "olers were into tho~
caused I be h'Ol'l'Ol'S of th"
lIuuoed in tbe l'1«ht dir&etioTl nex\ time.
Re had _u an ilUDlense amount of
aJld tltnt they n>torlll'<1 tbeir Merulwr
ltorrors. )fr. ~nll18Jl p~eded ttl
II ftv ... tigUl'e majol·ity. (Hear. hear.) ' 'E e
the atrqcitiee ' nBict~
tlIa Se1·llf'rCeJIta~ of t lte Tott'S recol'de<1 at
e leeand Eald tnat A day of rcc!t:oning
tion lVlI. only M pel' unt.. wheiell ill Gucome. Tbey hal a mombt'r who
IDanv 80 peJ" ofnt. of tbe elector polletl .
be listened to lind they batl wpSurely ...·e flulltt to 1\a'\'" a ~tt~l' l'ecor~
a ' GOTel'lUlleDt -.,:hkh won\d Ufi8 ih
than tbllt. Tbey kne..... that tll~'Y had 'go<ro
that IU8tice w~ done 10
and fAithful JIII'Il in the Honse of Commons,
tht'S(> &\\'!ul orders.
ond . let them I\'ive thl'm their cOllfiitl'nce.
-/rill! thoroughly
'i'hey ...·'re moat rrnteful t o Colonel Wilson
contributed by Mr>.
for coming thp1'e in the midst' of ]li5 tcry
arduon." duti ... IInel. they ·.would show ' thair IMI 8 tl'Tens.
11'1" recited wil It
apprec)1aholl by livlDg hlll.\ A "'&I'm weI· tier cu~tomary
'(1).e . dramat ip
. ~etCh' " .The
was capably PI'('·
.rOIOMI WilllOn who was nry cordially &eDtI'd by. llr;
I.()\,. .lInd Plltty. anrt
l' eeh·C'd. !l&id he had no idea that ·he tmuJd
rovoo lugMy enterta\Dmg.
One of I h"
be callfod upon to ad,ll't'lI8 them, at .... hat be lC.~ tUl'llS on the programme was the conllnderHtood Wll8 an eonteI'tllinmen t to celc- ~d~JllIl)f~' 11', H ..Wilson, who, with th"
brate tbe recen t victory, an<1 lIe hftd not "I rl of III Wlff', prOVIded a roo t attracti¥<'
prepared a political SlJeeCh.
H e "'ould, pe I!rmance, and 'ODa which .... as greo tly al"
however, like to express Ids Yel'Y ineere pl"eC.atec.1.
tltanb to tile ladit's of CllUrch W ard !or
Altogether the gathering Wa& of a h ighly
the invaluable belp which they gave to -the lu.scl'85ful ohal'act~t'.
CoIIJition cause durinlf the recent ..It'etion.
Lc;l,tors of refl',t nt their intlbiL\ty to- be
WlIitlpy !.ad only 1"POI'ntly beto~ Rdded to fr nt Were received ftom Mr. a.nrl fr •.
the Parliamfntt,l'Y boundariu 0 nead. ing. obn ~~Il\D.~.. r, and ,Mrs. R~r~~ Gener ..1
~re. H.elp~ 6&ld very kindly the they. ),lad n(dl "til' . ",hIPl)! Hornby, Xi. )Iattbe".
linn WhItley tile very kinde
of i*el. n ·0 ler~.
com'/'!. Be ,.ouM 6&y that those ",ho were
Mrs. HelP'! ~ d ~he 1'e,ret.ted to lUI·
ouhlQ.e t\le elec:toral boundal'iU of Read- "olmoo th ,eslKnahoo of theIr lote I>8Cr~
iar before had ginn tbe ost cordial wel- tory. re.~. ~. Brt>wn" of whoee l ' plead .. 1
erun;' to onti who "'a~ tile repl'''~ntativ" of r,0l'k M~le could n ot ~~k blghly tnough .
BMdiDj' bffore tbev bt>lonll'f'CI to it. and he n1'. OJ.!
bod kinaly u~(tl!rtllkell
waft nr:r ',rat"ful lor it. He booM neve,.
1)0 t. ~==~=~=!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!t
fO\"f"t the enthuAia!lD\ wJlich wa& .di!'lJllayed
n tbl!! c1ay 'ot the .. I""tion byi.!lw!;e a8'locia·
tid witl, (,hunll· Ward.
WhelI 0111' ~e·
tnOlberN the ;'Nlther wbich J)l'enilNl on
that Saturday one recoanised that thl' en.
th'lsiann 11'88 ba-:J enth-ely on a 'keeD 'I>- .
preciatlon of 'tllt' politi#1 situation. and II
ineere cleelre on tJle ~·t of tl.Ot;(\ ....1' 0 went
to tht' ~U to do their dnty to their coun·
try. .)b•. Helps wae corl'l'f.t as t o lhe ~r­
cent'ce of vot~re who w@nt to tIte 11011 in
·the co\lDtry 1\8 " whoJt'. but he
vioc.d frem wb. ·h.. lea.rned
plfICtiofl tllat in tllat district
larl", 'in Wh.itlty Wood th~ Del'eel,lalr"
far ·all/ber . than 00 per cl!llit.-lle
it 11'111 ao.~fl'Qtioll
say thRt
Wood p'ollf!d qllite 80 1>('r Cl!!ut. (.J,
Whu It WAS rt'6lilltd fhat they bad····"·_-_··
lour ,"ot!! it J)Oke volrune8
and he' 110ped ni~t a.DC"'·".'·.'
whH tlle not election c~he,
Ally did not want an election eTery
mobth, ( ..ptel')-he tru~u that some.(lQ'J'A1IpJIl.llt wouUl be made by
the Local
ao'lel'a8\ent Bovd, wherebv f1~ t'1~otorJl in
Wfaitley Wood "'ould be able' to Poll neanr






It bad ,q.m him the ..renten pl~SlJre to
come UWJ'I!l: Colonel WitlOI1 repeatf!d h~
nmarlla at thtl AbbP.J' ),Tatd gatbni"r u
to hili ho~ of
ill.1II of IIOlDe thoulftnd
of WOmID Into the _ialion, aud said he
"W" nre tbeiz- xeeIJ.nt trea~u1'l'r of th ..
~':_'8 A.aeia.tiOD, ).lin We.ldrotl, and
)(n. liIe:rmour, 1{,oQ1d
th . He could
., - the .. ~ent
espeeiatiy of
hoped the


into the

that very
