Berkshire Chronicle Reading 04-1918
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_04-04-1919_00011.jpg
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OCR Text
., a Meet ...tal
D) ......
1IW'riecI; Id-.m, mill
fro.t bU. ia lep aDd feet; formerl, a - ' -
Apl 16; lliqlel auIll!IIriJw from CUr
woulad. ia. laft fonanD I l~f â¢
atewuel, but Ull&ble.t
to follow
P.I1IVWu _~ o~ to wMk*._ of
",..aitla, 'ann. 1{0iUd lib a job u
timekeeper or otheor uLlable
l~) ~ 85; married;
II*. &Ild .uw.. from oeeuioaal
flddu...; worbcl f~lr tor Pa.t OtIiee
T~on. I?, heLpin, to rapair
".. _ld
We ,b Dpe that
warmly ;.apport thi.
.Ild erect 1I'lrflI;. reqlUr_
_rk to nit
clia.bUity. .
(,fe) . ~ !1: ~Je; hu bt riBt leel
".. forlllerL,., eOR
ietant. ana would
lib to t<e up French polish!-nJ,
(81) And II; linlrle; wonnded u riP.'
' 1I'U ronnerl, , 1&boilrw, .nel would now
Ii to le&Ml bOOt-mr.kiDc Ulel repal.rinl.
IS) Apcl Sll.; man-led; left l~ amputated
ow knee, but can ,.-alk well: h... ha4
nine month II ,nth lumor Army ana N.ry
Storee,. Aldenhot· I< there 15th MAr<il,
191~; would like to start a emaIl ,roeery
Th. foUowinl' y the liat 01 dis&bled men
~ employmeo.t:-
(i) Arm, lar uti. ooU.r bone broke1;l.i
would Lilt. liJht work to wit diubility till
be i. well enougft to
baak to hie work &8
litter's mate; .Pi 18.
(S) Bilbt I", amp1ltated; de.sirae trainina
if poMible in jotnerr; ei,ht
~ the
Ann1l .peI. ~.
(t) Biabt lq amputated; work desired to
'Ult disability;
112. .
(6) Looomotor .taxy; would like a aittia,
jOQ; aged 80.
(7) Riaht .rm amputated: would like
caretaker'. job, or as watchman. .tor..
keeper or t~ekeeper I all'ed ~.
(8) RiKht 1&11' amputated; spent 10 m.onths
learuilll wiOn,; desires work to suit di&ability; aged 25.
(12) Amputated left arm; previously a
labourer I light work desired; aged 28.
(H) Ri,ht lea:.,amputated. "Was 'an eIl(ine
oleaner at G.W .R .. hut left at 17 to ,oin
the Arm,.. Now". Deeirea work to 8uit
bl. disabIlity.
(16) G=..ho wound. right arm; formerly
a etableman; deair!ll a JOD in ⢠j.m f.otory
till hie .nn ill quite .trong.
⢠(20) .Right &rID. amputated I~W.8 preTiou..
ly ⢠footman and h. deelree reV0UII trNle
or othlr li,ht work; .,ed I: respectable
(21) Amp1ltated r~ht ler; formerlJ a
painter'. lllbourer; 'deairee work to suit di&ability;' flied 26.
(22) Gun mot ,.-pund baok and left knee I
pre-no\Ulr ⢠cannan: desires any kind of
work that d09ll ~ot inTo/TIl walking · a,ed
(23) Am,Putated right .rm i formarl, a tOJ
maker, desires lOme light Job i aged 38.
(25) Sillr right kJlee; p&inter DY trade;
aires acetylene welding 110" . . to complete
(28) wound richt arm .nd left
banci; pruioualy ⢠laboure~; deeires work
al ⢠m_nger, aged ~.
(29) RheumatLsm; previously OIIretahr
.lId atew.rd; duiree poeltion all oaretaker;
11, but kMn and aoh",;
OTllr two
yean in the PreMllt .....r.
(30) GUIl-ellot woond a~LIld ankle; yre-vloualy a ~arden_ I d
encineennr ;
a~ 21' bn,bt, int.ellnan and k..n.
1$38) GUllallot 1I'llund in oh.t; briokl."ers
l~bour.r ~nine year. with one 1lrm.) i w.nta
watchman 8 job or litrht work out or
se) GnllS&ot wonnCl in left fDrearm
o .ted Ul'O.n in .nother two months I
yer! would Lik. t.lIlpor&l'J' work, IUoh as
paintin,; .plendid 22 ,Mrs' raeord amooget
tllrae employaral baa neTer toat a week's
work; ..~ lIS, 1IlIl,le.
(pk) lIUred, Wlth D1le child; ~~~l
J'lItP8Otable, and determined: 1
fihj!tlrs on ri«ht' hand; previous!
with lU. own bUaiDeA8, painter- an db,
temperer: would like to .wt ⢠amali ~t.
in, and deooratillC bullinl!ll~]:itinl thst
would lilte to get a 8II1a11 h . .
(81) And 1'. linale: Loob healthy .nd
straigbtforwtUd I iieabilit,. glIn hot wound
in right arm, ahould«, arid Wrlat; prdoener
by trade; ~...d:7th .tandard at .chool; ca.n
write latilf.ctoilly, his hud being atrong
enough for thftt purpoae, but too weak 101'
any liftin«: sinee demoblliation ku tried
prdeninA', but hi' hand would ot .tand it;
woald Like a elerk~... job.
(&0) Aged 29, married! tall, healtHy, in·
telligent, and determined; prerloul to war
was l' years a butcber and bad mllDA.K~ a
,hop; also h&.d eU.-ht 8X1)IIrience at dIllling
Bince demobiliaatl1)nl woUld lib to (;)Ilow
bis previoUII trade. but ooold not do 110 at
(") Aged 22: ainBle; gunshot wound both
leel ud back, rirJrt
and f.ce. Recom.mended by the committee to be trained &8
(4040J Alred 216, lin,rle; tubereuloeis in left
lunl'; la'flourer undent.nds bonee; anxious
to get job at dririllJ Li,ht deliYery Yall.
(ts) qed 83, maTned; ahrapnel wounds in
/!houlder, ehMt, ~ht forearm; mlI'era from
liebility; pra.-iou. Uade, baker's
olerk ;
would like ⢠little .hop if no opening can
be fOlllld; a light outdoor job would be
(~ Alfed 22; ain,Le; gunshot _woy.nd right
forearm;~'ob to suit di8&biLit1.
(t7) Ar 28; slll,le; ,unsh?t wound left
arm; fo ' ,ter by trade; desl1'88 work to
,nit disability.
(408) Age ts; married: rheumatism and
,astriti.; o.nnot do liftina: ,iddy at tim!lP
for short period8; draTJllan and bl'lo~
maker by ttJlde; "ould like a watchman'B
'ob or similar work.
(69) Age 311; married; gunsbot wound,
",hi arm and ehMt; was a painter, but
is too .haky lor ladder work; requires worlt
to snIt dlaability.
(llO) A.p "'; s!.nate; gun~ho wound
eh_; Hfrel'l from shortneea of breath
..d weak: heart; mut haTII fresh air; for·
merle,. a footmall; would like outdoor
work, Reh â¢â¢ poultry f.nnina'.
(51) Age til; 1IlIII'rled; ~lihot wpUlld Lee; O&IlIlOt stand much; formerly â¢
~enu; would like work at boot repair-
CLOSE on SATU~AYS . at 8
~VENIN .8 at
(WEDNESDAYS up~d, lo'doc J.
wodnd left
f. rmil1l'
wound left
U,ht work
W iuert this announcement as there appears
to be a tendency to later shoppina, and 'we
make an appeal to thoee who "focget" to re·
mil....... that our assiatanta are .. fully eIltii1ed
WI â¢..u...·hours ~ the rett of tbe COIIUDmUty~
striving for the.....e. We mtl8t 'De¥er
to the old Satarday Jlawry how-.a.
~ alfon. of Mr. Harr,. MetIIOD on beh&lf
of ae.din&' ilh&ritiea Ire wen known, and hia
ooncer:a liay. &1ways been a · I:rll&t .uooeu..
TIle coaceri, gi"en by ".The Joll" Imp''' ill
the Town a:.U on Thund&y nening Jaat week
"'.. no 1_ ⢠___ than preTioue ented&UtmenU he h .. ginn, and . . . reeult a good
aum &boWel n. bo.oded _lIr \0 the R07. Berlr·
shire HOIIl1iW and tbe Diacharged Sail e' and
8oldiert' Social Club, \0 wbich the f da go.
The p!r~1 oOll.listed mainl.1 of younlJ 8'ir'-,
who proVIded excellent items \0 .. lo,lg progra,gune, and who promiae to devoloP I Ulto.
r"lly good talent. The concert opened with a
chor... by the- koupe, entilled ' j aoJleg.
D91," aM other concerted item. were
.. Riddl.. " and .. There',. s little bah,. up in
the moon," the baby beiul" Maater Arthur
"It" (Mr. Harry Meraou) wu
brought in late, in charge of a policeman
(Muter Hewlrina), and proToked mocb. laughter. Dueu were p1'OIIlin6nt in the. pr~.
AmtSllg th_ may be menUoned Miaa Queenie
Goddard and Mr. ManIOn in "Preparinl[ . the
Party," MiU Goddard and Mr. William
Earnest in .. Life'. Droam is o'er, Farewell,"
Mlaa Hilda Jennings and Mr. Georg~ Jenner
in ., Me and my gal" and
Hello, aawaji. "
and Mill Cisaie Estrelle and Mr. M~rtlO n in
.. J aut.ime Band, " ⢠jau !Oog and da nce 00112·
poeed b:r Mr. S. F. Rowland, of whicb Mr.
Merson h.. the lole m'ueio-bsU rights. Mr.
William Earnest haa s good tenor voice, and
rendered "Take a pair of sparkling eyea "
and .. The KMh:miri Song," from the Indian
Lbyo I.yriCtl, in a pleasing manner. Although
only a young girl, u a comedienne Mba H ild ..
J onningl provided great amUolCmentii
longa included .. K-K- K- Katie," .. Ob,
Johnnie," and " 1W.g1finlr thro' the R ve."
Sentiment was!' in ," Sympathy, "
"A perfect day," and" If I miA-ht only oome
\0 :rOll," by Mi. Queenie GoddArd. and
"Cabbage. I'080I'' .nd .. In an old·fMhloned
eown" bj Mi. Violet Smilh . Topioal
monologues, inoluding .. Remember" .nd
"The houee with the open door," "ere 1eci~
In 'dra'm.uo fuhion by Miu Winnie Robinson.
Mr; RanT Menon .nd"Mr George Jenner
J"ere excellent in their patter .nd comic ao1')l8.
The oonoort ended in a gtaDd finale. 8llbUed
.. Victory," which wu acted in ~'i<> mao·
nu. The cut was ... follows : Brianniâ¢. Mill
Laur. Burnham :. ~, ~ C· '" &s.trelle; France. M.D Hild& Jemurun: U..8.A.,
Milia Winnie Robinaoll ; I~l' Miloe Violet
lh : J~p&ll, Mia BIlby MI.J: W.A.A.O.,
'''' ~nie Goddud: :Womided T0!DP17, '
r. ;William Ea1lllNt; Jack Tar. llMter
Artliur ihw-kine ; Roy.l Berb R. , Mr. Geoqre
J"nner; Naval Officer, Mr. Hu.... ~r1 n.
The following members of th. Diae\W'lled
SoLdiera' &lid Sailon' Club acted as tfl".rd& :
M_rs. Harry Ego,. Thomas Le.them, .Ed",am Soli!> William Tucker, W.- Pal1Der, W.
Bignell, ueorge Gibaon, marl. ~r. .. , .
Brooker, J. Bowden. H. Willi&rM. T . Bill, J.
JacklOn and E. Tiller. Pianoforte 10. Od
aooompanUn nts were played by Pta. 8. F.
Rowlanda. R.A.F.
The performance of Handel', «HeMiah:"
riven on W edneeday 8'f'enin.s at the Primitive Metbodi.e~ Ohureh, London Street,
Readin" oertainl,. reflected ooMiderable
oredit on all who took nart in it. It wu
no light llI:ldertaking, 6ut the denee of
BUOOe88 aahieyed gave muoh pi_re to the
crowded OOJl~ecation-the fuU churCh was
a tribute in. ltaeli to the undying po"larit"
01 the work. U At any ra.te the c.boi1ul are
not afraid to siug," w.., ~ o~ation
which drovoed from a Iooal musician. l'It
WIUI . true. -Th .. attack went with a w.pital
Iwing, HIe volume W88 never h,eki~d '
there was cood precuion and
though the ton. of the tenont W&8 eomewil&
forced at timetI. It W&8 in the piad.i&iJno
thai the chief weUn_ was n..anifested. On.. would hMten:oowItT~, to pay
a tribute to the 8l<ce1lent to~ of the buie&,
and al..o 01 the oontraltoe. PeI'baPI ~e of
the most. S1l00essfuI all-round etlort8
ohorus WM in U All we like sheep," but
_ernl 01 the other ' ehoruaaJ were 1'I1! rousI, Ilppilluded.
The J.ocal 11010 vooaUat. IIOClrutted them~
II8lv83 welL Hi.. Kate Woodley 11M perhaps heell heard to better advantage, but
"Collie unto Him .. was 81lng with &TIm.
tone and exoelJeD.t ~ . Mila thel.
Tea, tUe oontra1~ wu ailff.nug f.rqm..,.
oola; but thU did not obeoure the atnmgtIl
.nd beil.uty of her voice on the Lower ~
ter; hN' enunciation ia moet praieeworlthyshe haa been well tn.iDed in tbie resJ1eotaDd lIhe ~ ,nth aood taste. alt. T . ~oore
thorougbly reached expeot.tione in ' " Comfort ~.. .nd "E"eIy nlley"; .bie tone
W&8 wGll IUlltainM, and he I&Ilg,..,tih that
intensity &Jld deli~ of f~ whioh one
hu oooi& to _iate with hlin. Mr. F.
a d.i.ltinet n~: he
I&Dtf with more than uanal cue, lOut hi.
OOIltrol of "oioe and brw.~ were exoe1.
IlIlt, the rUM wwe admirably _yed. and
hie toe. wu tIIro)Jlhoo.t Of. round anel
li~d qulity. .. But who m ..y abide 1 and
"TM P!oPl8 that walked'~ · 1I'W8 "err
r.rtMtio&lli ~tred.
on.. orOheItra aJP~ much Ill_reo
and ... __ -...tnl7 obtruaive. The work
the ~ ... -ellP"CialJ;y P:!rworthy.
'tfc~"~;i~~bliU;'~~~um.~~ lit~ ~t: -r:'a:roJ~ralae~:::
..m.., loot Injund t....r, Po.:. ~o.t!1;nt=r~~ oo:i
â¢01.IJ=~"_MM-Ja. foOl.· . . . . ill WI ~ llilll ll. .TacUon. wwJr: to
L.B.£: .,"" al ⢠0,.... ..- .... th
'-...atioD vi a memorial tablet or .eomtlihin,
___ ; '.....ur.
of a . .Ilar ~ to the IUJIe h roeI '
_ ...... with the ohureh who made the
~ . .-itee; 111 lobed the OolOllrl
,... LIadoa Bt=1rCUpel.