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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-05-1919_00017.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-05-1919_00017.jpg

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BrnuJ:S.-On April JIlt ai MouI&ford, ~."d

Ern.., tho. -IF'1ow

bOl ...!


GertrUdo E. Barth., ·*fed" 64. ,
Ou.... -()n April ~, a\ . 136, 0 b r<Y"
Road. Cayeml1am, alter a looc .
ently borne. Alfred, tift dearlfe
ved I.'LS.
band of E!iu' Cloaro. in bia 73rd yeor
tun .1lCL~- April 28, at IPa r",iu'·,,·_
BrianUea, Readilli. Walter Sweo\ina I .
terbuck, Town Olkk
mg, a ile I .!



KeeP.el'. Signet and Enj!agemept Ring'S,
w"'If:t!IlIpOl~I.By far the IarKest stock in the County,
-~. all marked in plain figures at prices
~• .:, which mean an actual and substanti~l
~ .it savin.g over ' " front sueet" and "bIg
~ tp shop" price .
Be'mg ~U1lg
n:.:. mailers
._ unrer811
....., hMt.ed
0 f WI'de expel)Bnlllhl"J.y ' " l\eeW dOleCl cnte we hav~ specialfacilitiea to enStire
satiafaction to all_customers, otherwise
we unde~e to return cash in full, ~
W.e are prc..eminently· Cas h
Jewellers and our supreme feature is
giving the best pos$iblO' value for ready
money. Call and see out at
~tr':J=:~1 aJld !1M w~ vou.


yean. _
COona.-on April 16, at F Ir O.k. A.,' . 1
Hill, ~ewburyl "Jam.. Cooper ",od 71


ClIIlIP.-Qn ApriJ 29, at Friar
11 •• ,'"
on·TiutJDOII. Sir ~raDk C riat> , Bert, 'K~oJ ,
yea,.,. . .
DXWlNG.-On April 111, at Jj'" lford, P")ulh,, •.
Rubf Eoijtb, widow of J:.iout. ·CoIon~1 R. r.
DowlflJ, RE..
RoyiJ Berlea Regt., ••.
daUfl'hter of Uoiooel J ohn Boulde-rsoll, 1.9let lligbJandors.
'HOtJJIS'l'ON.-<>U . April 28, at 1, Amity Rt ·.o<t,
~g, afwr much auffering pal i"I,til
borno, Mary Agn(l8, widow of t he I.,.
Henrr TGODIts HOIlftton, aged 67.
Kn.-G-t April 86, at White House, Swal lr.1Y
field ' Dota Winifred K~y , fifth dall3 ht ~r "
the \ate- Prederlck and Eliza K_y , formerl!
of Kent House, AJdoburgh, SuBoik,




MAluNli_-On ApI;) 23..1. at Rothorfield Cou rt,

Henle,...on-T.ham8', ulady. Marie, the dell

wile Of Major Sir 1,>au\ Muin., Bt. (late
Ramount Service). and d Illlter 01 tho II I.
W. VJv.i&n, EsQ.• of 185, ~n'. Gate.
Ou• .~ April 23, at a Nu~inl! Hom."
Maidenhead, Alice Maulle Mary, wife 01
IAeu~-Colonel H . K . Gram, late Comma nd·
ing the 3rd Ratt, The Mancheste, Ragt .
&Â¥6d 48.
POll'1'u. ~u

April 8 at Sout.bsea, r.1inll i·
Porter. wife- or W. T. Por ter, of T own Facl/O.

• Blaham, agod 67 y


Sdloci'lL. ~n-

pril 22", John M,*Pn Sb...,hl .
•• in hUt B2nd :rear, 80000d lOll of ~he Iah
G&Ol II' Sh&okel, 'cf 'l';rl ich CoLlJ'l.. n&.ding.
W.II81'BlL~n April .PJ!, at a u~g hOD,.
at FAlin.Ir. John Arth'ur WetJ.terJ ~. l) ., la t.
of 80ralr anel- uunOÂ¥t.oD, -TUina.oj~, un,1
tM,nPQOk War 1I0il~Il.taL and Royal n ~rl
~r. It()apiflll, Reading. &lJ


op: ""O"OUII.

Han.-Philil.' Ha~, Lieut.
.G.G., "'fi!<! 2l.
{roqt Injun.~ recoIyed at T!fIiaf A,,~ d lu.
...ldesl; wrvl"mg, 'd rly .toYed .on 01 ~II
land ~ Geoqo Hays, Trevear, \\,,·I~Il';·
~ CoIJejfe. Bern. .

BtoADuu.--Ia loruf lid loyj~

momory ,J

our d.r Sydney, EeOODd 100 or Mr. &l.1
Mra, O. BioadIK-Ar. 61. V<>res(or-d Ro..J,
~inc, "ho " .. killed in action aomewh t.·,
in "Franoe '00 April 28, 1917, .~ed ll.

You are nol; forgotten. Sydnex dear,
Nor ever
1011 be.
A. 1011, -iii life and lIIamorJ' I"'~•
•Wo ahau reqlember tbee.
Som. m.y ~hibJ;: that we f()rget ;rou,


Wh8ll .t times they _ UI IlllUI6,
the-r. little 1cn_ the IOno...
Which t1iat limit. JUd811 all the while.


. -Prom .dad, _ _ • and
O.....,....-In eYBr.)o."illt,t':.eriMIed and p nfOiJ'
'ina' ..emory of my
, rIrI, me' de&tIJ
lend &lid ooJy ctaufl1ter of Mr. lind lIln
OuooiM, o~ TilehUl'lt, diad . A~ 28, 13!l
tl!e clearBli of gu ,
I shall lI8yer ,lor,. you. illY darling.
Or your loyjnc "a,P;
'th&" do ahr.,.. foUo., me,
Throulfb m,. lad alld 8OCTowinJ daya.
-Your devo\ed aDd aorro\ll'~g moti.",
D&YI8.- ln loying memql']' of L,!h, dear:,·
beloYllcl buaband . of Sarah
,!ho. e.'

8n, ....


tered Into rest May 3, 1913. a.dV JIll6·iJ
by his loying ..ife ¥d "liildren. .

Hooom- ln eY8rJoyin8' m.moty of H or.'-.

John Hoo,ea BerUhlre Yeoman.r:Y and II.'

peri,1 Camol Corps, tiUed iii aclion' in P alrl'
I, 19l} . . '. .


W. WAle 0( bt.m


H,ia n ' - "



often cal),

Bu.t th_re'. nothi1lt' Jelt to &n3wer
- Bu., hi. photo on the. wall.
I!&' li~ ~o' ill hi ....ti ~ •
. But.. Jl th a foreign
Far fl'GDl those "ho loved him bel;t,
Bot a he I) doaU\ he died.
-FrOm 'hie .plowing {.Ulf~r, molber BoJ
_ _ othe •. 1' --


OV~ · fpnd .n,o Io~~ I

.;.. pl III,. dear ' l*-b&»d, Opl. nelwlr
\,~ Royal G.,Nob ~rtllierr. who

killed in action irf France, lola'.: 1,
31 ~n.
. b'
\ ..
He alee1/'! dot 10
.. natl'" .n....
In a loci!ll.r gt'a"e Ii.. . •
He ~fI'bt (Ol' hi. KiiW( and OOUJItr"
'-.A bero, death bo diM.
You aM I!~ 1o..<*Ia. Haber d r,

lI!cw .. ill ,.011 ,qr h.;
A. 1M. .. Iif. ud IHIlIOry I
w. Will _ _ tllae.




_,..,... .... 1M;"" ..+f.. ..,.., <>l>.I.I.""