Berkshire Chronicle Reading 06-1918
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_27-06-1919_00004.jpg
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OCR Text
-II. Julian, 84;BI'Nd street.'
.......::0. Hlldretb. 2â¢â¢ KarbU\(refl. <
.'::A. C. msb p. Lk. St. Barth"h n W ; â¢
..... IIICOT.-IJ=" Uroo. ' â¢
....... .:.":E.lIW;SI.
Ij~ str~â¢
..........- Woldn&b_lIo\or"and 'Cycle Co.â¢
l! &;.1','. 1Ihrkt Sq~re.
ftLIJInOll eou-.- W.l. T. WllIiamJIâ¢â¢
.livery ~lIot' .1to"t4'r..4~ Ierlletth..a
Pv'n~ for C)·.u.~." bs' 81. IIraaIt ~· IIIIrt â¢â¢
....Il.G~.1kt.. 1AIO pp:II·.......... bGillallallI.
. .. "
:~~~~~~ft~ ·~r.~~~~~j~~~~y,~~D~~~~~~-'
F you put 'your money into Savings Certificates
yOd know tbat.lf any sudden emel1ency should
⢠arise you can get your monex back 'when you
want it,
. . y 011 <;an £ash ~ne or aU ~f your &vinis ~e!ti-,
~cates at any: time by grnog tw~. or three··~ays~
notice to the ' Post Office, In addtbon. you
any interest that has acCrued on your money.
But you- will BOt cash them unlel5 you need the
IOOneJ badly. for every moDth you keep them the)'
I"ow' va. un . 'at tI1te en6'Of ~~e years you will
.. ·iet b £ 1 for ev~ 1"5/660U have ~Dvested,
SO-It' WOftb wbU~ _to buy
Cfd-L1 eoten&nt
Temporary Lieutenant
had bien'a student at Un;vp â¢â¢ iI",, and Tem~r&rJ'
H. Beady were a.wl\J'ded the
La.ter. in Ajlril the
lOme /levere tlfhti~ in
Rifle T~h, .N.E. of
he6vy OOQnter-attacb the ~~~f~
Ina and OOIl8Olidated the Cl
Owillg, however, to the
uoits to take.. other portions
the Berkshiree had to face '11.
OOIlClentr&.ted aggrejJ1\tion of enemy
11'11., three days before the Berksliire. wer~
relieved, ~ in that period they sustained
about 200 cuualtie8. Second Lieutenant 1.
C. Orr 11'88 killed, &.Dd several 016081'11 were
wounded. )lany brave deeds -,reTe performl!!:l ¥1cL quite a number of honours
were ~wed.
Life at Monchy 11'118
picnic1 and ill one
disutroll' raid they lost Seoona. Lieutenant
A. .liaybury, n.C.M. one of the 1inell shotp
In t~e Army, and Second Lieut. B. Lyons.
the total catualt. being' .bout Ie killed
and "onlld~. -B6t they ~n won dlstillotion by th8lf dIUIh. &.Dd tenacity, and wi thin
a ..hort time el'geant C. E. Minchin, of
Rilrhgrove Street, Reading, added ~ bar
to 'hia M.M .⢠and, WAS awarded the D.C.M.
Mneh r8frl'et 11'118 felt whe.n Colonel Willan
gave up the ~ition of oolonel of the battalion, remrnlng to ihe King'8 Royal Rifle..
Durinr the time he had been in oommand
Colollel WiUlUl had proved llim..-elf a most
e&j:I.hle and couraceo1l8 oomm&lldmg oiIiQ6T
anO he was titeeD1.ed very hiahly by nil
'l'he high opinion which '11'&1 formed of
the WWion and tbe other UlIits of. the
Itth n .... i ion. the appreciation "~h WAS
felt at th6 gftllant way they had held an im·
portant part of the line, and their darin!t
work in aooe_/ut .,.aids, were in~icated in
,.~ IIWlft enoo1ll'll8in, m!,,~
L"IIued by
MAjor.G_,al Ii... B. ljOott, oommn.nding
the 12th DiTilrion. It read u follows :"The di,.ieion has beeu it the trench es
(ill' 18 wee&. and has field an important por·
tion of Ute line. I deeire to expreM my
hidl APpreciation of tJ:\e mlU1Jlcr 1D wh ich
alf have performed their dutiee. The eonIOliciation of the Iille and th.e improvement
of commllnie_tions have inTolved a great
deal of b&.rd work, and the reevlts have
~n m_ aati"aA:tory. You have bad II.
ooasideRble amount of fighting, ~led
8eTeral att.cb. and have canied out' some
hilrbly lI1I.eCetIIlIfal raieta. 1'oe 'we . exllil)ittd Mro_g power" of 6Ildu~ and by
)our nllantry lind determi'DatioOn have upheld tAo beet traditioDB of the Army. I a.m
rlad to .y that th086 important point!! of
cloee OCH)peJ'ation and IOQ!f feeling ·between
the djlfttent armll are still well maintained
in the· diTieion,"
G~\ a nd
. H. T
n. .
Ca rn y f
t IlDd qlllt r a
Dumber of otb er decora ODS we,.. f{.\inod
The' record of t h e 5th oya\ Be rk. I~ ('{. ~.
tainl;r one of which ,they an ~ very proud:
,~IIDtOJt.-o:;, A. iSUrnlk e. ':J1.YJ. Sheet Street.
Abbey S~h OOJ .
tb a,l.
COl, ."If>r
f tho
. branch
~~:~~~~:!l>!~ Soeiety. Ateh-
and M"",
Mi", M.
v""·,.",,.. .Qr. J.
and lfr. E .' U"WIO.
ty'to M.P ., wh()
:~~:~:r::;~i~ inab$
witli the mOTeJOODt,
be preaen t,
oon vinced that; such
good educatiOna1
",baence w~re al80 nlA. Y ount. M .P ., (wb()
t 11e first presi.den t h
COUllteilk (jrurcnD,rs'k::Gil.' M
The lith Royal Verb bore n l!'l:atifyinK
in the dramatic adv¥ce whic.h took
oD' No,. mber 20th, 1917. when the
of· ir Julian. Bynr made II fi,.e-mile
aCl'1J1\1lIC8, follow full a eurprille blow by huntanke. Md dron wide wedre. into
main Hindenburr line.
As evegone
the later e»illOdea of dlat I8ll8&bQn&1
advance were as unfortunate lUI t he earlier
'(!OrUoD8 were r1orieu8, but this IIhould not
~tract IrOlll the splendid deeds of the lith
Royal Berke and othel' tl'OOpll! who 80 JlTeatly
dietingu i.hed thecn.e.lTeS in the advance it.
eel!. aDd who later J>I&~ 10 lWta.ble II. parlin II&vin, the Briti."b force. from di_ter.
It is only n _ r y to 6IIy here that the
5th Royal Berke w:ere hilrhly oo~nded for
their work on NOTemfler 20th.
In .the
member of the battalion, "We
Li!;~~~ the-S.
"."ut".. of .lOme of the ~ea±eIIt
IU1d '_"'."_~_ el'er paId' by" ieDeisl ' to
Alibiing throuahout NoveIl\.w 26tll
~;: '11'&8 of a severe character. Second Lieuten.
I)f I\.Dt H. K. Da Vri ....... ho, by the waT. wu
a nepheW' of Ul"0,6al Smuts, 11'&8' killed. on
the top of the German parapet . when the
tit>8peratjl encounters and the /II e Berbhlres w8l'e taking the R!OOnd line
a 1mLvil .fellowI in Januar~ , ' 19 7. beiag ahot by' a &obe.cer at clOle range:
Mrly /J!lrt 0 Fetirll4rv j.e~ nnd §errt...lla.jor Howard, who held the
the AllrM front. On March 17th It C&JT eel D.C.M. aDd the Croix de Guerr.. wa. mor.
out. one of tire mOllt 800C611&flI\ r~ds of at talJ" . wovDde4 by his aide.
The ollee)'
period of Ute war, ~rred, bow~1\1' bv
e ~ltiee Oil Noyember 2JOth weret Killed
tact that MlLjor J. S. Sb~' .u lIi'Ilee'!.
s-..d Lieut.Duot T. P. Wickett, Seooi;l
Easter )lon&)I'._ 1917, will eVer -be Ire- Lieut_t H. I. De' Vries; wounded, lIa.19r
L. Cur, Captain W. C. Adam, M.G.,
the lith RQya\ B$'b, lor
Seoond Lieutenaat 1. 'r. Roim... Second ~.
that day tliey bor. a pNllllineat lIhMe
tenant T. S. Tester Smith. J
one of the greatllllt S\l~ 1I'()n by
Tile 6th Ro,.al &rkl will always 11& able
Britt.h Army ~ 00' the We;rtern.lront
to took beck 'with pride to the 1I'0rt they
mit Div' ion. t~ 'lthi® the lith HOJ'al'
IIOCOmpliahM on tUt
of cliee.ter,
~ed. had big Cll.ptures, tbe 5th
Beorb a1o~e tak.inlf.z g\lJl8 n4 many
No_bel" 38th. The~
&mile ~ the tenaei
The Ber1r hil'elll w~re
hekl to the »*- of ine
aaotW diviJlion. wbo
paptved ten day. earliet,
the ta.k
' .........·-.:Jr>eir"'~lUr.1'8
the ataation
~e 8Cen~f
Mr. C.
King. Mr.
Knighton, with
. 11.'. Gu y Haweilves, tbe new waster 01
the 'South Berks Fqx Hound". was in _
form at t4e Wellington Polo Club, : ~ Satturd.a7, "When t be inaugual tou rnament
for tl.e new fo rtnightly cha.lleilge cllp (p ~
eented b,. Mr. J .
Kennet.&lJ wss stzeeeB&fully .concluded. Of the fin ides entered,
the two that had qqalliled lor the final were
a Std CoUege foui and
r. Guy Ha.r.
greavea' Shilifield team. I n this oompetiHon the muiQlum .8 (,regato is fourteell
'(!Ointa. but neither Side reached tJti , the
Stall OoIJege totalling twelve, and Shin1i.eld
one 'POint 1_, The .feature of t e rune.
w1:.ioh wa . particula rly 'Yell contested ' all
through. was the play of lir. Guy .:Bargreueot, the captsi n 01 the
Club. When the last chUkker "' as
the Staff CoU&,e were leading by 7-5, ut
with two goa18 hit by Mr. lU:rrreu4! , his
drew leTe!. Amid. great exeitemetlt,
Bar,J'IlaT8S soored
in just as the
1'IUI4f, Sbinfielll thus. winnin, by 8 roaJ9
to 7. Mr. Harg.rea.,es, to whom the ctallenge cup 'wae p_ted by lirs. E rio Palmer, hit &e.,en ·of the eirht goals ob aiD
by ShiDJM.ld. Teams:-BhiJaJield.-Liottl.Colonel G, PhilliP), llr:.
G. H~Te , Brig-General O. C. He~
aDd Captain E . J . L . peed ~e1J:).
talr CoUege.- Lieut-Colonel T . G. 00
Major R. R. Grubb. Lielli. Colonel W.
Herbert, and Major R. B. Butler Cbeek).
Aldel'lllllot Staf · put in a
to 8hiaield aftsr the
⢠and ... ilL pIa,.
thelQ for the trophy.
CNtt..iD 'ChiJmock's Dinor'bin team Pla,ed the WelliDaton ,. A" side in the lirsf
lQud tot t~ . NoTioee' ;rortnjptly Cpp
tovDaiMllt:. DinGTqin
ho totalled the
I!ix points ;ilo..-ed, beat Wellin'"
ton ......., ⢠iiva pomts team, by'
to ~. a~T a laiF!,. eTell !tame. TMJIl8 ::-
DiDGrM-Vr, J . C. D. Alltn, Lord
eia lIill. Prince Ali
~) '
Her, and
"A....-Mr. W. S.
or Air{ie o.a).
., a:
the Barl
Jentm80n, &lid Capt.