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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_27-06-1919_00013.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_27-06-1919_00013.jpg

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l'uulHtUl llb l
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... t't' 1h(, 1l1ll'~t:Il(,.

off ~ 11c1 V'


01 rl' the i I'N1S ..'Wlth
gJ""el1,,,i propeller
D~f , lil t loin which, was
rotary eu~ule. getttng larger
Jf il PPlollcbed terra ' firma.

1l.,torC 1 rell.Ch~the il.ying ,Jroud,.llr.
dropped b13 load. and

' ('"Ilham had land

takrn lip another.
hi8 hme 1 got bet~r
of him laBdinjt the mo.chine~, wh~ch
1.~,J.rd more like a bird gracefully allghhng

,'Il' "

beu.\'y -machine cal'rying t 0 passtile pilot, propelled thro h s ~~ce
by 1\ two-blaaed propeller, dt'lyen m·
1<' 1113 I combus ion engine.
On reacbing the field ~ was so ra~inated
.,dtll tbe WIlY the machlDe was fllmg and
the spo rt ot'the thing . that I decid to take
Ii ' h ·ip. On \'isitinll a table at
e Ilate,
wbere a , boy 1fM takin,l! the )DOney- for
. ftights, 1 obserred that 1 was r . " ired
ign ill t-co-o places n form decla
d nied ' ell liability of i n~urance.
e, youth
then ~nDded me· a r8jlCipt for . tb. ~oneYf
' "bich
\'ery shortly,to aUow me to trave
, lllr.1I • II.

Pilger- flnd


"-__ n, __

Sir Herbert
General Sir
K.C.M.G./ C.B.,
io mid·air_
'lAc. v.D.,
After ....aiting for some h alf'lI-<loun iights Sir Charles L.
Notter. -B.A.,
fo lAke place, my tur.n ca~ round. After
eMil ftil(bt all the people ilock.ed rOUlld a
The lfa.9ter Mia ,tlKly were det&rmined to
fahhi With opened mouths snd
1> -eye!;,
. and saying .. WhOlle next!" .. W O&e the haYe _ ~h-da,. this year, althouch they
!lOt , have it quite ' on the _ e _Le
next lucky hlighter! " lind 80 on, bilst the
ml'chanics were busily engaged' taking as in days JI'One by. It had been _ry,
lhe receipt, and prePar~ tile comforts of therefore. for tliem to deny tl1elWllllves tile
pleasure of inviting &Oy. of the neitrbboul'I he pro pecti e pe_llgel'1!.
bood to come, and they.'bad, 1I'l!rhapl!, Clone
The mechanic heltl8d me on with the that with all the more relucbui~ thil; y~
l~nlher helmet. 'Which fit'ted. tighily round becan8e they had experiellced on more than
my chill and forehead, leaving just. my ,e;res ODe occasion , bow good friends the , neilh·
:lIld nose to be seen. Within a few roinntell bourhood could be to them. , When t,bey
, Ole mAch in~ 'Wa;J again on tbe I(l'OOnd., and were fSu6eri.a.g from inftllenu. in the J1tumn
atter di8f061D1t 01 the other ~
1'8 had it wu to the neighboul'S that they turned,
' jt; petro tank filled up ".ith a~t SUt 01' and they did Mt tu.m in vain for he)ll in
..,,'en cans. 'The machine was ready nUl'1!in,r the )I&tlents and prov~
for tlleir
• for Bight. A '1lleohanic "at Ita.ding by needs. And lut term t.he
. bburbood
bOltMg a pair of etepa ready for me to geDt in mee&ai'e after meEI8IIfIe. to 'm offera.;eend into the machine. 'On asee_ing the ing be<Ia for those who were displooed by
~lel)S I was instructed. by the pilot to 'put the fire, IDld "howUlg the I!ympathy "hicfl
my I~rt foot into the ti10~. cut in tb fuselaAe W1i8 felt for the college in thEir IIlWorUDe,
for tbe purpose. ~ my other foo into the He holKld it would iilwll.Ys be ftJIIeIDbered
.~af. I then h;JI.'t.o put both hancl on the to his credit that he exercised oonaiden.ble
,.el,', or the machine anfslide into my place. forbearance on that Oooaeioll in not accept.
r!"Sling m~' feet on the..!'labe of metal pio- iBg . the very kind ofrer 01 the SnveriJL:
\ ,ded f9r the purpose. '.1'he pilot
s seated tendent of Broedmoop (laughter) -Pro.'ide
III the front cQC!kpit, between the two' roabi a hundred of the mi. witli beds there.
\ wiu\r.'. with his-feet on the 'rudder hIlr, and (Laughter,) He t.IRlUrht
hi,' hand on the joy sti~~ watchin. his COD- might ha.ndicap them in their futuft! life if
tl'qls n.nd waiting to gi\Te orden 'for the it W88 known that they had &pent even 80
pl'Opeller ·to be sWlllIg. fl waB _ted 1lebind short a pe.riod within the ma8llive protectioo
the )lilot, and tbe ot~er pa88en.r. after of those wa.l18. (Laud laughter.)
Th_ Wft5 one item·of Doell'S "hlch he wa
Iloillil through 1\ similaT jM!rlormaace, took
11 is place in the seat ~hind )Ile. The ste-ps sure had ere-pt round the BCQ.ool and rou~d
were tbpn removed, and another Dlechanic that I'OQIIl alroody-unlcs9 it was quite liBwa.s in the Front of the macllille holding the like ~ther news In that pillee, (Iauah.t&r)that the Duke cf Connaugbt was
left blade of the prope le,r INd... fer swing- Md it
he with them thl\t dl>)T. The
ing. Tbe first pull was 11"on, bot t~e engine not
did not fire, and after oing throug!! the
»slIlIl ~n:orman~ of"
n ct," to Petrol
or," " s'tfffCh on. etc:, the propeller was
again swung. , and this lime was
Within a few seconds we were
, and
i ra 'felling, over the ground at top
10 n11' astonishm~nt. within a very sbort
intel"ral. ~he poe6!I of spectatQrs I had just
left behilld wet'a quite mierot«?pic. By tbis
lime the machine WII.' a g<!od d tIlnc&. In
tbe I\ir, IUld appeared t,o be
The fiTSt thing I ohll8rved "as th Rh~r
ILennet, grq"cefully /lowing olon" until 'it
roached the Tlili.mes; a windiltg COUl'Se
whiclt can be seen for miles.
After passin'g o\'er the river. the machine
booded for the Odord Rood vicinit" where
I could e the whole town ot Reading, w\th
t he open country on one side and the lown
on the other. B.y thi t;ime the maehine hid
~, attained a. , fairly good altitude. and the
pngine. which had eeiiled down into an e~en
drone. was ruDnilig excellently.
Ano\.he~ machine PM'sed II ill the a~I',
which told us that WI) were tra Hing at
wei over a mile a 'minute. but
soon as
tbat had JM!.ssed., the· machine np ared. to
come to a 1ItAnw,tin on e more.
I turned to lIpenk t.o the other 'passenrer;
'b1lt. found it """s ' jmpoesible to lIlake him
lInder tand owing to the
ind Rnd
-the! ooise of the engine.
the main roads it: was a
Il6'l the tramcars moviog
pearing to be I),nite
~pLe were too







AP.,A.M, S

· t i& tlae
. . ~, e_ _t e/
that ,~er home dean and
DoD't let the hOU8ebold
deaaiDI be 'a worry;


!1 ill.
'. .
UllllIIIat ia the ........ meaDI wwll 'Well
....... d-.
IiDea with

fNIh odGv dlat caa oDly

to ' diat of a . . . . after












life /'AIRS,



'I t

' I,
• . Ig


Jble. Whilst

l!uJIl4bly the


W& hav'e recently·po~chased· tlle,,'t-~tir~


stcick '0 ' a •ba~ ~rJP.t
! ". :
Swiss Factory and are offe~in~ to our customers several1ift~
in lWatches at almost unheard of prices. Every Watch i~ih ,
pe1fect condition and-is f~dly ,.gqaranteed,
', ;
B low are examples of two 01 the -lines. Please go through
th - specifications
, tne prices with
. carefully and compare
....., '
tches offered by any ot

. , .











