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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_20-06-1919_00013.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_20-06-1919_00013.jpg

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For the prKellt ebrolment \5 r..tricttd to men


served during
war, inc1udUlg Voluat¥t"
Age ·l.imit-IS to . 41.
'rerm 01 Service-F9r ~wo y~8, with option of renewal.
en elllhtina- ~l be liable for Home Service only. unless and' until a
aJ;iseS necessitatiq"1lle passin. Of a DevI ~i1itary Service Act. . ~ : . ;
. ,.
, M1 ennaimeDts wiD 'be in the rank of private; llrqm:fition Jo N..c. O. rank will
be catried out subseq'lIently by Ilel«tMm.
. .'
. ,
Before attestation, mea 'will "~ ged from~ thei,r present obligations. and
reattes&ed OD the new ~4HJ io
t.t5eir service will be iegarded ' as' continuous; .
though DO liability wiJl.'"txi
..,ir ~ old ittf!:;Cations; _ .. ' .
" , '. I
Enrolment will.~~ - •
. ~n the"'TM;!itra-tion of naines. and before
sipiag attestatiqn fOrMS aD
~ h.~ the pppOltunity of wi.thdrawal in the
event of their bemA' 4jb " ..
the terms when these ate made known t6
them in deUil.
.' <" " .
Pay and allowances dUrin 'annUill lraining -the s:i~e a~' for the Regular
ld- iDl\ of ll!l to' eacfi' Ipan who put in fuU attend ...
Army. The .bounty sanrtiC!
ance at" camp will be paid. abd ~l )l9Ss1r.lY De increased.
- There will be no tlaining-camps this y~ar: .
All cloahing, equipment, apcl . t&a~~rt' necessafy for mobilisation \ will b~1
provided. Territorial Divisioll6 will stand on tbe sa,me basis as Reguiar ,Divisions.
as regards' ,organi ation, arms, C(luip'ment, and transport.

cpsi's .



Mr. Foster .aid bow highly hOnouree

.nd otber '[0 .... :
PrlDr, A.... _





Carler. Cburcla Stftet. ,

B ~r_

Awbe,.,.. Brook FUd_..
• lllddleLoll. GrGnlattd&

Fen _


X&ydard/ Jilp SueeL
N. bob and Son, 1l.. 11:~
\leadiu r loD I lld . . . . .

• ..

(late ' EXPR.ESS)

YallS leaving QUEEN·S••


ILondol~ Street}:
£::' U.\ Y, nU: '(sDA¥




fl'his club. whieh i, .it_ttI on 110811'



I laJ(c1
.ro'!'iq ia .treqth -ireelrly. and
re«'ent 71 the I~t
show. by the 'fe1'7
larr. ooncourse of _mbers aDd 1rieDd8 tdlO
partieipa~ in a pia da7. The ~ provided ey amout of a _ _ nt, alId ill the
, · _ ·':': ',1 enning), concert JUld daDee were th~

.0·. . .

tion. lIl_ra. RaDdall ' Newbvry. A
and H~ aeted .. it.C.s• .and pe onned
tiMIir .. rvices admirably. and the geaeral
secreta I work was ill the able haade of
Mr. G. . Rivers. The limes ~ banded
~y the Pl'68ident, .Mr. E. Shuttle. to- thl!
10l10wi g :-TeDni~ : 1: Mr. La GI'i8e;.~ Kr.


Bowls: 1• .Hr. F . Holt; II. JIlT. E.

Hanney ( th~ well.k:no;.n. fcotbeJ!,l'). Tqot-g Ladle: )(1'11. RIVers. KI'a. Orey.
lfiss P ~y and Ilig Stockwell; gentlemen:
Mee$rs. Eytel!. s..toheLl. Holder and Kana.


Potato ¥II: Mrs. EyrsR. CrClquet: Ilr. 1iiek
d)( . .4~tin:. :HJln raee: 1&.
_ :a&t trtmmlD,: Mr. A. E;rree. Stiekig
1. llr.
lUa 0"';
" - - : 1;
1Ir.~: TW.ntertalemnt riYe1l bj"the
J;qan8lle iIlotiionid; - and the IIODgII of )(n.
llU8till and' Brother Hinkley were greatly


The -·ft BOWie ADDexe of ~e Freemasona'
War ~ital lot Caversham was closed on
Satur~, Kay Slat, after. tbree years' useful
activitJj a8 a cqlIl'al_nt braDCh of the
- ta .. at FUlbaIil Bead and at the' Bishop
Ii's Palace. 'At the invjtation of
lam' (the matroll) a fareweU ' gar·
den ~i was held, which. wA, hi,hly Jjucceasflll aad ve17 nWDerou 11_ attended.


thOle ._nt were: Bm&. C. E.

Ke18ef (pf8!lident).


F. " ll.arahall

hair~ .t c:omaittee). Peroy Still and
. . H.TIiorpe (Joillt hon. a8CTetal'lee). E .
. Faf~ <_ret.I'7, Cliff Bouee bnach).
Rev. Dl". O. C. Cockrem, N. Cathcart Brupe,
C. J. R: 'fiJou aad C. F. Quicke' (members
ot committee). lin. Ie~r. )In. Perc1 Still.
lIrs. ahd the JIi_ Parrer. lin. G. B.
Osborn•• the ~or ani Ma7o .... -of Beading {Mr. and Mrs. S. Ba"ard)t _ A14Je~
J . W. llartil1. Coul1cillor and Mn. Pr!o\.
,Serjeant. Aldetman A. H. Bull. lhe
of ih. FulhlUll Road Jioapital. ColcnIel



Walsh (O.C. Re.diq BarrllCks) and Kn.
Walsh. ColQll81 1 _ (O.C. · Inc!. ~
Berke). ·Rev. F. ~. C. Oillmot (S.C.F.). ~
tain aad Mrs. 'G. H. B. Holden, C~
MallaD1. B.~.)(.C., Captaia I. Laurie ...
lbs. !.Durie, Bro. and )(rs. F ,- Taabrida.
Bro. ud )(n. W. 8. Thorpe. Blot, 'J'.
• W. H. Oliver (W.K. Ore1frian'
). C. E. Hnett•.Bro. aDd )lrs. 8-.n.
l'O8. 1. H. Bait., ~.t. Smith, ~. :Kendall.
end maD7 other! .-ts.
AD. aUraeti.. procramme of
tIlroaP by tIIit D&tiu.t.


be. felt M ...... -been chair~n -<Of the
commiuet! oPliae Coalition club. Wllen
the a...~atiod' of the' two club/l was
euggestea in ' connq,uence of the action
of the- mifitart. ,it was said tbat
it was · impossible.
and - tbat
the 1 amalcould . not · last. - But
,amation had ;afforded gteat · satisf;lrtion to those eonccrned in the matter,
and it only showed what pleasure' ~!>lIld
be got out of this old world of theil, if
men would only agree t9., sink their
differences and)N1l togetller for. a common object. -. He did not think. any eommittce codld halie' 'wodr~ 'more: ' amicably together-, aDd he 6ffer-~his sincere
thanb. . particularly to' the Glad&tone
Chib cODtiDtreDt .of ·the comuiittee,- for
tbe w';iy they rallied round him. , It was
an 'experielKe be. 'wou~ not missed.
He was sure the expenence laIDed-would
stand the committees of both clubs in
8'~. stead in the future.
Mr. W. J.
onger ·then presented the
financial' Slatetnent, showing that a substantial balance bad been' equally divided
between the two clubs.
Mr. P~h said it gave him unqualified
pleasure to molle tbe adoption of the "excellent tinam:ial statement. It Was
pointed out" to the-milita'i'y representative
that it 'I\'ould be a' great inconvenience to
the six ' hundred membe'is of - the twp
clubs to clo~e their doors, but when the
colonel suggested that they snould unite
together and lUn Ol-' joint club he was
astoundei!. . , He realised, however, tbat
it was an Cl[cellent business proposition.
and so it had ,.c>ved. ..... The amount
received by the clubs would be ex~eed­
in~ly useful in carrying out n cessary reparrs.
MoreQver. they hid
friendsbips wbich otherwise they would
not bave made, and he boped they would
1)e of a lasting d:aracter" All the members had shown themselves to be gentlemen and men to the backbone; he was
proud as a Salisburyite to. recognise t!:tat
fact. He hoped those pleasant aSS(X:lations . ·oold be continued for many
.. .. I .
Mr. 1. isM "
(Qad~ Cbft.)
seconded" aDd 1Ii1dotseO what Mr. PQdl
had said: Everyone had .,rbd amic·
ably together,- and ~rytlriJJg had &'ODe
off very satisfac\orilY'. and he hooled
that 'would Qot be the -'last meeting they
would h.ave like lb~t·.
The CbairPlan eapressed the members'
indebtedD~ss to '~be two secretaries.
An excellent pr'ognmDle was sustained
by tbe ReadinJ Favourites ..Concert
Party and ' fnen~5.
Miss Queen j e
Godda(d's beautifUl Quality voice was
much appreciated.. and much , pleasure
was al50 afforded' llY the tenot so~gs of
Mr_ Diffen, who ha a voice of fine quality. timbre, and compass; he sbould be.
heard of again. -Anothe.r popular turn
was that provided lll' Miss Pat Handcocks. who B shottty leaving. Rc;ading
with' the other ID~TS of he~ farlll.1y for
the t;u: west. Miss 'Xarie' Carensl, an
JtJi,.n~"'a(fy .. ~~ 'mu:ch acceptance.
and- old . favQurUe& like MISS Eva SI":D"
Cel, Mr: · Taylorr· YJ:. O'Call~an. Mr.
Geor~e SlBitb, · Mi6s Carter. Mr. ]. C.
AlcJrid,.e bad a.-oa reception, as did
also Mr; Trtl~~b 'aIId liiss Hilda Jennings; 'w1i9 ~s tn· sptight'r fashion.
The l)f(x:eedWs _cl~ WIth a vote
of ' thanks to the Chairman (Mr. A. J.
Fosler). who WII,S accorded musical






a~~u:-~bp~:~~~i;l £l~~;r~;Bii~ _m~.~

A 1a
u.. - . .



pplicatlo ne 'f or

E.u.ouu.nt will '~



AYLESBURY'-Depot, Bucks- Bclttalion. Temple Squaie.
WOLVERTON~By Staff. 5th Vol. B1r."'Orlord and Bucks L.I .• Drill H:rlL
SLOUGH By Staff, Srd Vol. Bn. <bford and Bucks L.l.. Drill Hall, ' }o a.m. t()
5 J).m. Saturdars • .10_ a.m. to 1 .; and Tuesday, ThursdaY',
and Sa\urday evenmgs. 8.00 to 9.00.
HlGH WYf <DMBE-R.S.M. White, 28, High Street (over LabOur Exchange).
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings. 7 to 9.
CHESHA~apt. Hickman. Dril1 Hall, Wednesday and Friday evenings. 7 10 9.
BUCKtNGllAM-M~jor J. H. Hooker , r .D .• ,Mil k . Fa~tory 01ljfe. · Monday,
evemngs. B to . •
WI NSLOW, Lieut. "A. C. E. F . Kenni'sh, The Cottage, Monday and Friday.
evenings, 6 to i .80.
If..\RLOW-Lieut. Laird. No. I, Higb Street, Monday and Thursday even~gs.
.30 to 9.30 p.m.

