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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_20-06-1919_00008.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_20-06-1919_00008.jpg

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'DAri h of


tme ' 7ears prior to the ...
it .....
tllo \l~tom' of' Ki. lUI" Mrs. 8. B. Joel te

~l'lle question
:meeti.ll,. but ..

re then
_~ertaiD in..I..n8h JII&IlIIer, but DO p't~
or 10v members pteeeat, ita
held at )(aideD }"rl~ '~U.;JIIO,,· 4iatijl.
wlUJ' ·adjoUfned,
view beina,
gulsbed thaD tUt ....hlch ..... "'11&11;; MId
Pl~" tbe J.ecot raoe meetiDf. 'nIe. re.11 1m po, ... nee .0 .e .matter, that DO action union ~liis 7ea~ ..... of -tlle same marked
liliou1d be taken UIltil after it Iwl beta charact;r.
Kemben of Parliaaot, ....u.
tlJoro¢Jy di!leUMed b1t it poaible, a fall bOWl! JiDlUlciera, leadiDM tlaeatriea1 u.tlta.
CauDell. the
the ehiefrmrtamen, leadi~ preeeataU;aad
'.r}.e resolu.tion
othel'8 'It" mown in the ,. It7,' ...ere el'e,
', toad -to be
and th~ luncheol! pa~ "'AII lD "'817 "IrQ
1nre t ' t ·
a mem rable one, bein, ill every _
the 11'01' a victo1'7 ptbering. The reunion
ta..en .l.P.
' Its
11'&1 mal'ted bJ lOme felicitous spe4I43hee, In
depend upon
the pre-war dqs tboee invited a1...
fot,. the villn~, and
a'Waited lb . .JoeI'll speech: with mueb haPPl
A.'J to the desfrability
and a. similar f~ preTaiJed
tion, he hoped the,
thi't. yea,r. It was that nitleman's
_rpress thell op~on.
to give a 'J hidden liint ,J' as to which of
Mr. Tegg 'BBid it would be Iwithin the re- eotrles "ould, he hoped, win the then com.
eollection of most of tlwm tJiat belpre th.. ing Roy"l Hqnt Cup ot that year, and 011.
war the qllestion of applJ'in, for UfMn several occaslonl he actually <( tipped ': the
. powers lleriously COhsidered,
"inner, notabl7 when Lo?tJt Set, "hich, like
)lIlWic meeting
called to deal
the ho~ named after blS estate, lleiden
JDatta. 011 the outbreU of
Erlegh, "w':&8 OWlled by him. WOJl that his:it was deemed advisable
torical event. '.rhis 1~, up to .. reoeptly
, the matter, and
as Sunday, Mr. Joel had no ferir- than foar
ha4 reJIl4ilied' in a)eyaue. .
of his hOnle8 left in the 1'8Ce referrt!l to,
i'angbourne had lieCoJDI, . 80 ·
theml .Rive1'8hore, 11''' Deina
'Dvel'grOlI'D .illarre, and DOW, it
~'3:Uirht,•. 1
.. whispered" in collDection
W88 the opportUDe til*.. to appl,
h01lO8 of thoee h_.
'ended Powers. PlUllrbo.rne was one of the
I'i on " lOme fancied
parishes which' heli»ed to conMihite the
disapJIOintment, ' ..
IBl'lldfielil Rural District Council area. Most
lb. Joel would aot
fll · the rural parish., had a ,good deal of
and on MOIl'
road '.mileage to keep ia repan, bvt J;'~.
of his
tJourae had · Onl7 4l or '! wles within its
retQl'Jl to
oorders( -In the ~vent, therefore, of the
we1-. weU
parish Demg created a ..perati urban di&ltict, their elCp81l8e8 aJI noga.nts.road mileage
,would be very amall indeed. : ADo(her impqr.
Ulnt pomt to ' .remember 11"&11' that Pang.
, lIoarne ha:d heav)' special ratee to meet.
r T)aOM. ~ial rates exoeeded, in faot; the
I:t!neral district rate, and yet the)' had 110
eontroJ over . them. Th.)' had ' to pay tbe
piper, but could nOO c:a1l an)' pa~ of the
tIlDe, _A· further poinl: in favour of the
:tropo&ed. application for urban powers 1I'a8
. the . fact ~ that PlUIgoo.rne was a com.
:pact ADd "ot a Kattered parish like some
oj the rural-pa.ri bes in the Bradfield
tr.iet." The resolotion "Jahlh 4e had, to 8Ubmit was as follows: "Whereas the electors
and hO)1seholden of Pall,hourne parish have victof7'
on l"UFiollB occasions, b7 vote of 'Jil&l'iah
'meetingo- and by petition. sipifted then de' llir. that the parish of PalighoUl'D8 should
JUOIftVlo II\IiIiJlau
~me ali urban di rict, noll' we, the
.jlarish councillors of Pallfhou roe, do resolve
To *-he Bch tor of tbe If ChroJrlele."
that in our opinion the ' parish sbould be
Sir,-Now that the petrol restrictione hav.
ronstituted an urban district, and' ~h!lreby
removfd, it is l'ather in~tinlr to
request the Ber~ blre ,CouptY, Colfueil to at
e ·lI.JI)OJlnt of detail the older neceeonce eJ<etcise the~
usin, the. D,l!!. I)'IIWm of
them by the Local bovem
tl!ection 57,
"l'eqqired wen" !ollo...&:1111 desired'" The Parish
coupon from customer. patlOl
.llfird the 10Uowin/L r_oR i
a.nd. enderse it witb dealer•
JUlDle and elate of SWPly.
.their requ~~ (1) The culige
" II ve1'7 great majority ot tile ' inllal:,its.nbi;
(8) ~ter in oounterfoil of ~t book
' (ll) the change would
u1l: in
dealer. Dame and date OI· 8UlIlIIy. "
lJetter local goveinment at the
(3) E~r in spirit stock book J4UII8 and
, the inclllBion of the parish in
adar_ of purchaser, 'date of purch~
rural district entails a
f7 hMn
~u.antit1' supplied, '. a.nd n~r of ,.trot.
fair financial burden tor "hich It
liceQle, ' .
I'j!tUl'D; (') . thst 88 the 8peCial
(') Entel' po.rti.culan of transaction in
much greater fhan the general
D. lJ.
1l.~11 that control should be excliUluvl!lv.I ~~ TJ'aDefer item to, led,el',
tI1XIlrcisoa by tbose alone who 'COlllt('ib1~te
a Make out and !lender aoooont.
7 IlIl\1e ~pt uP\ln official 1oJ'ID,
th&.special rate; (5) th an urba"JI.
' h can
in oountertoil.
counci'1 I.S th e Q)lI 7 bod Y W h lC
eJ<· en(It) Enter
cub in D.~ B. . , . .
,*tail to full), reali 8 the duties
Trenafer 1ltl8h to C. B.
<;louncil in l'egar/i to th'l many ~nomic . lO~ T---'er to led~er.
problems wbich arise ' connection -lI'it"h.........
P ....... )
the pariKb, especially ill l'egard to Dublic
. n R.nder -periodi
atatem~ to e~",
1Illdertakings. such a
,water, electric Cobtrol 1Joe.rd, I!TinI of the
. ., I
.~ wh o Ii
t' 11
t~ooe f(fr the _th.
Ie are." c lea .1'1existent
Il"PP y, e.w r•
fo1't<r ledcer Bales ' pel' a,
Y or It'r~
. -only in this llIuisb and aot in the surround,. w aid thu
one toJ,eraW7 baal, a' •
ing .l'U.fll\ district; (6) that the -&.uooessful
_ ... _4 ...... t .........--a
.100a1 government of II> ral>idll.,rowi~g resi. profit of aboll ~ pel' . - - ... - \ uen..._
.' . dential holiday villall:9 like Pangbcl"rne l~ from GoTerJUll8Jlt life, 1I.... ..:~
clearly- quite imPG"'. ible by the Y81'"j rural hea.V7 ~i... expe_ -and ~t-~
nod jlgricultarnl electo 61lch aft elect the ia m9llsnrinl" and lIU.ttiJlc the ... rot 1D
1'{\d1ield Di trict COUJlOil" (7) the Parish CtlStomera' car or
Cou llCi I further def\ire the COll.Dty Council
Yours fai fullJ' BERRl'.
·to include the land on hicb tbe disposal ;'R9!ebtmk.".· Col~r~' •
"0__ -'
works of. the IK'wemge .eheme>-" ~ich aTe
.dtuated at preRen in the parish 01 P.url"y,
in 'tbe bounela'rieA at the new llrhel! district
of Pangoourne; but. tiler dQ not thi
1or~srd if its execntion ill jlllls)' t;he main










The Chllirman. io aDS er to a quesHon
'IIut by "Mi. s Jones who' formally ~pl)ded
lhe resolution, wd that an appli~tion for
urban poweN ' had l*'n ade to lhe ~rk
County Coun~iJ 8Om(l time ago. A publi<t
i/ O joq'ui1'7 was beld, but it W48 thougbt that
the time was not ri~ lor the change. ' On
that occastoo the opmioa wa.q expressed by
-(he representative ot the Great W~rn
':Railway Company that the tune 1I'~ not h.r
"distant ",heo .Pa.ngbourne would he entitled
to urbao ·»Owers.
Mr. Tidbory: And he
' nt i~ _ fawur
eMl, that it
The Chnirmnn nh<,..,.....
oUJl.ei} did oot
haq power fo
' pent Board.
~ convince the
Ilnd equity of
much good, he tbelUl/·nt.
10 the
had b@en
tors. He
11.8 S~nlf


pariKh . m~ting
