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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_15-08-1919_00008.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_15-08-1919_00008.jpg

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1I1I'dy- part

ta Ie. and
. -.!.
'\de~ nbout
la~if any

with softie ..
a goOd helpint of
trea Ie and
from the garden
-pkllty. of tea.
lIot. cODstitut;i
our eal. Tbere "a very little, Jeft after
t'l!e t:r minute, of cl
application to tbe
i:a band, an as tbe jo\1ruei pro~ d it was found-1O !Well dId our appetit gro in tbe fl't!f!l ....d pure life ,among
the Do
-that wit IOnly additions ' in
lluutit,. and not in ariety. suclr a meal
beeame more,and 810,", enjo,yable. _
When" tea""a 0 r, the ap;;J.inted lad
•• w4l1hed up l'. and p
thia~ in readiJle9S for a haht ,upper. which Gellel'8l\y COIl·
' ei,ted of a BOUp ma~re,ry easily with a
weJ}l.kllo"n preparat' ,to which we added
O;o.. ,and thJ8 W86 £0
to be vel'}" colllfort·
illg and veI'l Bus'-iai • not at all nr<.vor".
tive of nightmare or II dreamll. I
'- t,Â¥,_ b;lFk ot the hOU"0rin -anqther
were Invited by Mr.
fJ'lnspots. under lIis-,1
nee, it,
• W~7e fortunate ellough to find allY;
arranged a ,tempora..,. .obl!eM'atory
using several scret'n8
arranged 88 to carry
ali opaque ' CQ,eringlljing 'a ' llarkroom.
through -the roof of which pa88el:l a great.
astronomical. telescoJl4!'-D rt'lractdr.
wa pointed at the 8
and its I image :was
thrown tbroqgh .thf' t('piece on to a t ereen
of white p;lper.
Idom "Oll ao,f journey'
have we bad such aJl iptl'rOllting Mening.
and we enjoyed tbe n v.el ente ninment
One. by onc each lad examined the brilliant
imag_fi,rst, lhe ~rea 'Protruberallt ma es
of burning vap-0llr w~eh are . s)lIl!l upwards
from the 8un s mnrgill ~nd Wllien are pre, eminently tbo sight
an Tben
eaoh wa.~ shown. Quit c1earl:v~ tlie. coustant
'mlltion in the Bun's photosphere, ~nd then
in a zonc, who 00 tem edge wa~ nearer
tbe North Pole of tbe lIun. extenqiJlil' pbliquel,. across h' face t9 the wes1iel'U edge
Ilearer to the • QUlh ole. each 8ll'W five to
fJCvcn spots, in greBUl' or Ie seT activity.
lIr. Lo'lJgland pointed out 1l very ljl~ one,
de6p enollRn-if YOll aiptain the theory M
depth-to 19wer ever rorlds '!lucb 11$ OUl'll
!' aJld lose them, nnd
!ilch he des,ribed I\S
now in process of di
ution, OJI. the extreme ....estern cdfre of 'the belt we~aw an' otILe]'._ then ' pll sIng .ver - the ron 'n and
~ep~nted by a line lUte. When
e imap
• was redu'ced ·.we beheld til tciorioU8 vjolet
fif the inten.~~t· PI' 'n8; when imLarged,
the finer detail sllt'raondillg ir. . "
' I
Next..onft of the I
to trace
t • and then
'tably to dr~ ... tbem
'l'he r89ult was an e 11ent reJ)~ntati'oll
~f sunspots Oil fOO('n Ja i1lustratioM.
"ave preserved tb i d wing for 'use later. - L,UII'fII~1IC
Then our holJt com need tq give u".of
tbll~ Jl,b&lrac,ter
stor of knowl
pf . other maijers.
CjIIlllt.~.. "!S 1!Ul
'Above 118 was Blowbu n, described in ,mapa IMlllle ~:~~~:lll.?i!n~~
a.~ a Danish cam]).' Here the Dan". had and ..
i8 epilom
J8thftred in !.hI' fiDnl attempt at Ashdown, Alld do we not see here anc;ther value
• and he.'f' tbe heroic' Jarl'" wer fIain. us school journey a9 an instrument In odDC8eung in tIle ea"'y poE'Bl J
told UII 0 the tion, :that of prov.iding for (u\ure leisurebeauty, of the ARlon Tirrold Down. 'bow its a lCroat aim -indeed. ,
gl'D is greener. its turf :Spo,ngif'r, its 11
more beautiful lind rart'r thon those on C)ther
The church at Ailton Tirrold, we found,
,Io,..n~. al'ld of a S(lQt t here where Anemone had been restol'ed, 50 lhat only scraps bere
,Pulsatilla gI'OW~.
Mr. Cl'08s-who resid<'s n.nd tboro were uscfuUor our J1urpose. the MaDOJ' Hou
hILS -{hi.< al'8& closelr sibly that blocked doon.ay in the Dprth ai Ie
watched to pre'-ent i
olal di8llp~l'8nce. is pre.Normao; an inserted window nt the
It was quite a colllmon tbin~ a .few rellrs end of the same aisle, the plain door
1\1(0 for Iwen to r;oQnd it to Covent Garden to the south, and the circular font belong
whole,;nle. ne told II also of the tradition to the Norman period. But nothi~g else reo
noout tho PI\'lque flo r. :It is a native of mains of the oriJ!inal church or cburcl,)es
the ul1Â¥1s whence the Jlnn BCDme, lind only on this spot. Still t1.le lads were able to
in this count.-y where Danish blood has ~n deduce from this tbe nrobabilib that Aston
"hed i it to be found,
it comes that in was' once the residence of 1\ Saxon Thane
Norfolk and along the
wns, in sUGl! places ....ho h ..ld 8WI\Y hereaoout. and that the
8/! aTe authentic ~itefJ vf DllJIish hltHles, we
Manor Hodse might ' en i1y hav. been the
fmtl this flower of the PaMllion growIng.
8UCC08SOf of stlllh a one as is dll1lCri'bed by
. When we thm\ght
ther IJ.nd' hilked ,to- Silott in hi ' opening chapt'er, of Ivanhoe.
Bethe}" that n~ght of lh1 ev~nts of the day, ' The chancel BUggest;ed w :us a ' cha~ in 'the




E.,DINO- ...8f\K&l\S':"
'8Tl\laE~, , "

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