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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_22-08-1919_00007.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_22-08-1919_00007.jpg

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. . JIcJJoB


, (~).

Over !;be ridp of! tl. ~
.1<y prowdcd a better dAT
"e Wef'1I Aot d· tIIlOiated.
....g:ln our Preplll'atiOaa fOt" : . .
"toVeB had faile4 us. ao _
her of brion, nd tMee
parallel rCMr, The tnt :~:~:~
olose together. the neat had
enable the wind to lend ite
though it &hiftN from tbe .tliie~iba
which we hnd- placed oar
:With dr, atieD. "lt'e . . a
the end of the jour~ .fftIIC . .
'gettina" aulici_t heat. . . lIIIIC"i such... fireplace.
on the two - lo... waU• .tbWl
qht we hMl oontrived with
lI.eltt ellOngh water to _k CMIJ'
that was n-ted tbis - lDMJliq,
. a . reo
liable 1)." to peri()Clll the taa
iI. who 11'&8 cboeen pfriormed that task
eo well that he did Dot ODeD per;;Jt ouf ~r­
r idge to 17~ burnt. Cocoa was ~e in the
tea urn. .A s we placed in the
the ilP.vernl portions of coeoa-Pfirle.
t& froth
ovJd often caUSIl the wbole m
~ver. aDd thi never oocur~ ...i
u~ grMt
eonsternatil)n IIlUOllg the kilchen
, feared they would be blamed by e' pthen
. fC1l' any shortige, in the second
pi g. Into the porridge when Pro
we poured about one pound 01
• and
a qua ntity of oo ndelUled milk; II
ren. d~ palablble it w quicldf de
r . n
lis ,·ory w~e in d istributilllr '" &fI'O ion it
410 1\8 to alio w of a aeooDd h8l pIac,
IgiV8!! the lad 'a sense of ~olL •
'l'~day our work. WIlS ch.ie8y ~r
in character. It wai ·to dUro"l'er ud explore the IIOUl'Ol'S and upper
of the
"enral streams which unite to form the
)fillbrook .
Altogether thi~ ~idr u8
1\'itb ~ walk of 80veral milee on 1 ... t)
reaob.ed W6'>t Heodred.
Having fir t memociaed OUT _ra direotjoru by a careful tadl of the .a..inch. maJ)
of tll& distri<:t. ~. nd haYil!( dab- ~M I !II"JII~ov,em4NII:.j..
th~ IIpOts intended for leourtlUer oIIiaerTation, I ,
we proceedEd to a !!pOt my yl
ot more
below the hoU8l'. wbere we picbd up the
Betterton Brook.
Herjl we lIad a .tram
soverlll yards wide, but very 8II.allo...., witk
a falriLd&lUle DIUS of v~ti
on both
sidos. The ground about WIUI a ny flood
plain. and N! travelling over it< wJ(s _~
what difficult we wnlked op to the Mad
nbove in the direction oor com
wou Id lead U8 to the ' pringw.
nn the way many
b ad to be an swered .
"' 88 th E' causo of m.anl'.'
t he buttercup fl\lDily?
cn rpels." SIlJd one. " It I
olh~ r remarked. 8Omowhat




1)(' added,
M if
(>n tly .... found a buttercup

lIower, ,Hi d had no he~tition
a'·eIl8 with the latter as a mem
of the
Rose r"mol y. The fruit of thia plant-the
a,·hpD I',' of wh.ich have lolli', h-.a. and

jointed awn s_timulated a dtl
t hl'> di peraal. of ~ and a
~ . La
regarding the braeta' ol " knao
calyx pronded ua wiIG. this tn
of a Ilract-a 180.1. in the axil .r whic).
Gower is born: .T his r·ves 100 an idea
th,& renl aim of schoo jourll8yia8 to ahow
t~ lad. thn t th .. rp ia nothilll' they mf'9l;
wi th . about whi~ qU8lltioa. oannnt
It is wondenul too. ~ ,note how
ver, 8000 the que. tiona Imp"," both ·in

depth nod It\Jl8'11age. from (ab
a &hell)
.. Is th i. a sbell. ir?" to"
t is the
mooning of pen. in H ackcpt'n an Inkpeo ?"
As our rood roee. 80 the _ _ sank furt her. aDd fnrther from our "l'iew, until it
w. . lo~t 1\ t the bottom of a very
d ell. Wf' tound n windilll'
down betwePn the tr--this
and were led directly to OIle -re delidltfol
8OUI'Cl'. It WIIS an OP8lli.D1t i\lto
through which tbe ' water ClOIlstaJrtl, poured.
Clear and parkliog it 'rail. ~er the atony
bed, in a deE\p -Gollow. up the si
of wbich
shrubs and ferns had be4n plan
; and the
tio:( r oad crosees it over a deli ... tful rustic
bridge. nellr which I'OIIe!l Irre . at oourM ....e
discovered other springs of he aamf' tty'P6.
but none in which the wafer Irubb1e8 up
'rom ,the ground; always we touad that ·the
water just urs out at tbe loot of the deep
glenside. , 0 we r8ftlised. to the full what
we had ll'amed of the draiDa!lle III the clfaik.
110 well deflCri~d in « ~ How anll
Lady Why ," I\Il eMily acce.ible book I:.Q all,
o would know Dwn of tlJe
taral f __
res of _ thE' collnty in wbie tMJ lin.
ereabout ~ all tbe . prinp
~ peren_
nial. Done WPTe intermit~t,
t'we 8&W
this type la.ter.,
We a.cended the glenside, liadiog man,.
shells. mostlv oooupied and c
'1 plano",
biB. As we hnv.& IU\ almost uDrivalltd 001.
lectiou o! British land abell in n excellent
.mUIle'U01. ·Md the euntor-Ilr.
r&ad, to -a-iveo advice and. Ja.lp. I am 1iO~
.. bat sorpriftod that so few ~Ie take up
" shells" &8 a hobb,. POMibi.
it. Dame it may OOIIlDll!lul i
. to tlJe mea
stcdenb Ilt U. ivfll'8it,.
I'II a ...
manJ 1_ in~ ~
A at.leat
from. lilie eoll~, 'not _
" 8beI .....
gJoW" the .... a ~ttU
IU' . . . . . . .
in diaooant......... • .......
"~.t, of our _ _
and u.t
....., ~ eboaW be iAeli8eII
.... ber a
jhW oil the craeltial ~.
... tMt no aai1a....
the aUpt..
...,.. the ' 1 ' - for ~ part in ~




.. ...,u.
tor tak,iq

t ...N





• "ajieT
a JDQtar

ua ......

or ~ ---~"'l

a ........~e~ r.1J't

witla film.. to P*" • ~ 10 lin..
a car .._
nqu.t.ed t. do &0. J>et.....t
waa 6Md 1111. for tbe
ani the
.......d sllJlllliooa was di_iMed _ -paJll"lnt

"rat ee_.



Oeorc!' BoI._. of II. Orte
.ot PlltT-iC,
0 .........


the cIA]: in,
-p~",,",.,it~ &lOll« the 811 ita.
.... drive. into
nof... drlrillg • In.
~=::~,. ...... for
at a tuf pUll. a
poi~t ~f the l'OtId
the eoUw. Gccurred. DehDd... t
have lIdoaclecl hiB horn. but·o. did no't
it. WltJwN blew,. bilf b()~ IIOmij disfrom the spot. Ia reply to Mr, Rat.
the cjomplainant ! he had ' boon
driving aboat 8 .f ears, and .bad .never been
in any acoi~ent before. It WIUI .not a fact
that he wIltS on his wrong s "de. H e WI1S
keeping to .1ihe left of the road lind ....a8 not
J)roceeding' at more than te~ Dl, lflll an bour.
That .peed was not too gre~t in Ilia opinio!!-,
to tlOIIM out of a blind
'd l Mr. lanls
had advised him to proe
• when at that
!!pot .-here the Jccide'ltt hapJM!Ded, ver1.
C&J'ef1ll.1.r. lie did not see Holmes unhl
tile -ci'uh wben be was strudi on the left
hand ,ide f1I. hie car. Be did IlQt notice the
at all. It would ha.e been
JlO88ible to uva avoidM the ~dent had
defea4ant been proeeed.fug 8101"ly. (A map
W&8 ~ow s~bmjtttod of the poolition of the
road at wllich tile, ~en~ happened).
This complainant allmitted was aeQnrate.
Mr. :Ratcliffe endeavoured to I show by it
that oompiainan.t
.DOt ill his proper
I'''''''''''''''U on the road ; witn~. 'hOWeYl'f. did
not ~~ .
B1 JllLr. Pamtb He did not ring his ca r
al.mo6t:- to a stop a8 he tote
tIle l1infield ~d.
OIlOl'P Hatton and. Frede 'ek Leokyer
ve eyidence that they heard a horn blown.
he former ~d defendaDt was travelling
at a terrific ra~ and the latter said oomp1ainaJlt w. . not given time 0 opportunity
to a~icl the &C ident. .
" P.C. Oeorp Barker I!f.)Ob tj) U.e (lam ge
Sll&tained by each Oal'. Ea~h 11'881 very
t.dly sma8hecJ. From the point of oont&ot
of the ears, to where, that dri ven by complaiJlaJlt was before it
\;0 Il stand·
still. the diatance was
Defendant. swom.
lor st Lears J.od
.clean. He had'
fon'>. 10n the day
iog a lady up the _'Q.l'~nCl.
.roughly about ' 12
wa approachinlf
which accident occurred.
toe top of the
been A'reete.J'
it.' The car
to get u.p a






t¥ 1l:1li.....l1'li11

·25; 8t. »artt.otile- .defead. . t',




.u!'Ul ..~nr' for their

car." Defens\ant sounded his
• aile did
not hear aby other. Her opinlon w..
at ta1Jlt. Sbe had
dri ven by defrndant OIl 88.vetal · 00<;aB'lOn8,
and he 11'&8 a most car«ul dri-rer .
Yr. William. Ei,hteen. the hU8baod of
the la t witu-.. gave similar e ..idence. He
attacbEld the wt,ole · blame to the . complaillant .. hnse bnk.. we ... not OD- ner8lldaDt
could.not p088ibly have a~ided tbe aceideat.
Ml'8. Ne"l'ille,. 01 B&ling tok Road, wJlo
wiln8S8ed the accldellt. eaid · h. lIa.... a car
" rurioueb"" fNllql. Elmhurst &oad.
William N."I'i\le. a «rocrl:',
last witnell6. said. the de..
exceeding fouri.eeo
t'll "'&I lOin..
e aooi-ciht oould
hac;! .the Elmh'Urst Road
pl'CJ~di!l". at a Jl~pe.r ~.
to the fact that ~b.
~ere . independent,
e-ricHollCe l'8preeenteci accurately
~~;:~ it was cl~r that the . fault
re8W .. it), t~ complAinant:
the .peed MmittM· by C)OIItplaillant
11'&1 TeprN8ll.tatin of ~ rate '¥ ...- traffi·
nar. it ..... too hiJh at loch a poi"t &8 the.t
at : wlUoil the ace.deIll happelleod, but hi,
(Mr. Ratcliffe's) oont.1It1ob. was tllat be was
Il'Olnc mueh faater ttaJl he .-id. The ~j­
dM\ 00tlId not ha.-e ~lJtB8d b.d tbp 00II1 •
pillinaat bHn p~iiC at a ~1<I_r ""teo.
The cbairman 01 thE' .BeDob Mid thf'Y hael
li8tened "I'f!Iry ,Ilarefull1 tjI the ~. TIler
were unanimous that Uie la ceident W&ll
cau-' b, tlte dr~~ ill tt.e RediMU Rnad
ct.~ III' 1HMlI4. tlaeNf... be OOII"VlCted. bllt
Ute fact tW h~ l~ . . . clAn
be tHea Uito . .~..... »-t......
YOwtl tie IJNod .-; la ~lt a _til's
im~t. TIle _ , . '"" ~icI.

11'' '



excellent &ale
1'1 rabbits.
prices. aI·
OD &.turf&!" th ..
fs. 2d