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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-09-1919_00007.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-09-1919_00007.jpg

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Sir Artlau c.u Doyle hal di800vend •
Cllainoyaat ..,.,.... Thi& i8 Ute ....t . . . . . CMe, thOuah lIU\IIy of tIM. b ..
..... kDown to baft the .,.;ft of







and 'Shopping,


which have taken
tbis wt'ek against
s of Ihe ('ounly for .
in Broad Street
III issue: IJ tb~
hop in Reaqing it is
many cases they must
, and as their busi• .
establishments canin a minU1e or two, it
ell rs must remain in
Ittl ~ time.
to ('ncourage tbe county
In I,<eading-the .commade agains t some of
th.1I tile\' have done ..
LClndon-'-bu( if they
proH'cution because _
outside a tradesman's
engaged in
inevitably be
hat the interbusiness is very
is a wide thorough•
dealing witlf, a big
and it cannot be said
seriou difficulty in
er. It cannot be ex.... ill put th eir cars
lu st for a few minu tes.
corporatIon themselves
,. ht're tbe\' call s'tand
reasonabl'e'ne~s o( the
now being
afford to lose good
should make known
Ithe <::hamber of

thiIICl as ~'lU'Iils mea, 1&.
laid: "There are IIIOI'e mea eat

dooation as retr~ men has COllie dOWII
coasiderably. IIost of the Qaen Uemployed are discbrnd soldWin. .ho
ctym ttle oat-of-work- doaariDli As ~and olber pl;I.ces,
gints civilians wbo h&~ beeD .ID
there is a branch m&IIa8er.
ve. ID rile a&ID.
In reply 'to a question as
attained lOme ill .worki", a lathe
dition of women Labour in
or ~ automahc".macbiDe, \M!t they are
Whlt~ey replied; Ie About
not wanted uill the · ~
ago. we haa about a t
eo~. ..ain.
SeYerai ReIIlIIiq
unemployed in the area
~ ~iD. reolW'~ised. aod I tiink
Reading Labour ExchaJl6e. Now
WUJ e.-eatually ~e , OIl mailY of theM
total nnre for the whole ...~ as rccuds melll. We place in employment CftI'Y
women, is about 460 UoetllJlllOyed. The wedt about 150 men. ~, boys, and
majority are married woIIÂ¥!D whom we girls--that is our ave.....e.
find gteardifficully in placin , as a good
many of the facto~es in the neighbour." There is... big demaad for carhood will not t~ke ma,rried women. penters, joiners, aDd also for painters,
. especially stipulating or s' gle girls. but' you cannot get them. .-ost of tlie
Others UJlemployed are clerka or women mer. on our books are labourers 01 semiwho hav.e been ~n munition orks, and skilled men. We also have clerks. but
have galIl;ed a btt~e knowiedce. I>ut are thet'e is no demand for clerks just now.
not suffi~len Iy skilled for
to 'place
"[ think every trade will boom very
them ~asJly. As regards the o\l~-of-work shortly. The starting of the Reading'
donahon, l so~e three or. four months ago housing n scheme will provide work for :i.
we werl? paYlDg a c:onslderabie sum, but great many of the men on our books. r
to·day It has p~ctlC:~Uy c ed as re- und~stand that · tbe contract is, already
ga~ds women, sbowtng th
numbers out for tbe sewers. A new cinema is
wblch have been pla<:cd I~ y. Mess~s. 1 also to be built, and that will help to
Huntley and Palmers a~ ocher fu'rils provide employment,
have taken ~n a 10t ' of girls ,lately, an,d l "ifhe engineering ' trade is again adwe ~re '~lacmg a number m domesn~ Yanoing;. plenty of demand for
I skilled men-fitters, turners, tool
WOMEN AND DOMESTIC SERVICE. I mak rs, pattern makers. iron-moulders.
" Are women taking better to domestic etc., but you cannot get them. Men
service?" Mr. Whiteley was asked! and will not come bere because there are no
be replied: "Tbey are taking It up houses to be obtained. whUe it is also
much better, but if we had 400 or 500 difficult to secure lodgings, If they
women to-morrow we could placer tbem, come they frequently stay but a
as domestic servants . ate . badly wanted short time owing to tbe llU'..:II.""
all round the district. Very Hood pay is difficulty,
More houses are
offered them in every case, a;nd the needed. I think th",t Reading
conditions are altogeiher different from show a considerable 1I'I'0wtb if we had
what ther used to be,
the bouses to put the men into.
"Out register is likely to be fu P
"Speaking generally,"
again soon, because we understand th:.t . Whiteley, " there is not much to grumble
2,000 W,R.A.F.s are to be clemobilised. about as regards the state of employBut we shall be able to place most of the . ent in Reading' and district, and there
in the factories
;thol.\t any s every prospect that the majority of
difficulty, as there are vacancies Jtow in bosq unemployed will be absor~
a good number of the ReaAling firms. .ithout any difficult.y.1l












oa Stll"'~J



4Mber •.

was sauce
sallee for an:
there is a

the old
rest is being
u4 tbat if
result · iri
on that






. "I






1'::: ::.







Han v niIIMd from ·the
UTe ,,"'perf,.
'Ti, DOW' -.n's turD to ..
hia form"
See 1\ ~ot. of fis. '<:>tball en pel'S.



tl!.llt.' ·
it lasted, did
very little _~Ial hO'lff
fot- 'maliy
• .JIlayed
Association are indeed to · be con. e in the district. It ...&8 accompaaW ..~ i&D. SuacIaY. thy •
gDtulated on ~ succesl attendi,;ng ., lIeTeral loud peals of thuader. &tid at to 410 10 wltllo'llt ~~ eI....a.... to
their first annual vegetable show, held at imel tbe li,btning pretl8llted a ' bM1ltif1li wotlt to proYide fOr ~etr amtd«D~nt.
the . Adult 1 School. Granae Avenue, jcture. The 'boroU8h Inrveyor'e depart; ~e$ 1 !lhould be rellt.ric:f¢ to the ,fterReading, on Saturday, Conaide.ring. i?e
ent of the R4Wiing Cor;oratioll J'8CI)rded AO()I1.0 aDd.. dioS& ,~~.· wlUcit tremendous
emelY dry summer, the exhIbIts ·
fall of ,'11 iMhe8' of min. The IIUrface of ground preparations were
w e excellent, onions and canots 1\.• __ .l .
f tb$ hill d' triet8
sbould tind no place, Tbere should not
.be II' of a very bigh standard. , Entries ~~..-...8 11\ IIOoD).& ~.
be any pte-'IJlC)iIeY 4ar.,dd. He wOuld
to the number of 124 were received for, bnt this will be .put ri«ht. at restrict them to the afternoons, because
the 12 classes. Mr, S. R.
itIey, J .P .,
fJ hUle cost. _ Several c~pe of 8tandilw he thowrht upportllDity for
president of
the association,
'rn were damaged to a consicfe!,ble ex~t ~bould be -giVeD w;everyo~e in the momgovernor of tbe Agricultural Society, y the rain.
mg. 't'hey 'sbould finish at the latest
kindly presented the prizes, He ppinted A black popln.r tree, 8OJ;1le 60 teet iIi height, early' in th!, eve !liM. jn ord r t~t tbt'
out 'tbe necessity of increa
the belt of tr_ in Mr. Co'll'u:tC,})ad- evenln.g 1Il1I'ht p~ftde opportunl\fOr
tion of the soil, A man with a bollby of ock in the Addin«ton Road, Rea
,cloee worshlR alsot..
any sort was generally a good fel~!>w and
Cardigan Cottape, . W&8 IIttuck at lO.i5.
o:rh.e Rev.~. E. LII1'Y, Vlc!!r of O~Y
a national asset; the bobby of cultivating ~e peal, iDUDediately after a J>rilliant 'I~tyl Reading, expressed It. as hIS
an allotment was not only healthy bu't ~
ked .a'-Il Wall deafen i .... The bark __ OpIDIOn. t~t peopl,
~t. certamly play
very profitable one, As a member of r
...... .
games on SDDday. pro.-iding tbat ·they
the Small Holdings
of Ahe
rll olf oa It. tbin line 00., the lIOuth aild "e~t to church first 'of all.
Reading Town Colplcil he
realised orEIL ' lidee of t~ tree. which d081l DOt a;'
the noed of more land for
at reeeDt appear ~o have ' au_ed lIluoil
the east end. but in Mr,
. mage. 'Poplare are very ee1da1a strack 1I1
The e-/, James Mitchell, of York
bad 'an agent who was
Road Presbyterian Chan:h, states ;who would grasp ~very
1 . D,A.!U.G~ A.T K(mTl1lEB..
. " I
Dot in favour of Jll;ariaa' .-mes on
secupng land wb.en
Th te ifi to
Fri S1lI1Cla)\. I do not believe that any
quality of die exhibits that
e. rr c s rill. .",hlCh OOCG.
• larlte proportion....
oar youna- meo
excellent; yet, although a good stan had itay Diah~ in last week al; ~om..r ~QMd 4e811'0 either Sunday football or Sunday
been made, he 1L0pcd lJ)ucll larier pre· ebi~IlS~' t'1B,peciall7 - . . til. cricbit; My. ~~.n FrQce as a
mises would be required for . the next
t ~:. .::.:
q~.~!!: chaplain leads me to think that. if th~
xperienoeci a wolWl..tona The rail!.
mell. .ho hue retvaed UIOm adJve ser
~r .. .E, J. Do~e, chairman of the East .!tOrrential, the lifhtniq ia~l.T vivid,::: vice..-nted to ~,~ 9Q Sunday,
DlstTlCt Comnuttee. who worked ex- the tlruDder claplloud aDd ~ 'Mu they W08Id tie 10 ~_ltinc lor the
treme1y bard to make the
11' sucb
a IA. fe'll' peopla had retired for t,la. lliPt:
the Press,
~.uccess, mo,,~ a vote of
nics to the o then deoicIAMI to t:., up uW tile ....;
fQ.9t~ on
Judges, Messrs. Loader, T~send, and . . .....1 ~ the to
.... Boa
tllmply for
Fulker: He was q~te cert*. they. mUlt land'r'b;r tWo chilllren.
l~ OM : ;
nO comha~e bad. ,reat dUliculty
comma' ~o Itwo 1adjoiAiJla' hOlJMl at the _ of .....
for 59thw deaslon~. but 1M
h~ theu
Ai aboat 11
11& . . .
results had 8'l"en eY~
• b
comMr, Townsend, in....., f the,
~ ~.
rdesnd to the high I
of the s·
... ..
IIlJKts, especially the
: it
. ..
DeCeSIaI'Y, to eo t~h
e of '
eOibits twice to be certaiD
the lIOiBts.
Ba also hinted for the·
Of future
eOibitm:s as to the ~
of a.imiD,c
at . quality and uniformity, Del Dot so
much at size. A very

th: !et

.... ..
.. .

*' J- -.---~
With Autumn bere, the ba~lD« belleil

to . working 'on cltUlll
resist anything


The East
of n'lbe'
and Allotment


AcoordiiaIr to the ".eAiD, News." ..
r_Dt briae e&rried "white caDraUoD ....
Sllch a. precaUtion is adri8able wi th the
food itua(.ion apia . .....ttl"'" critical.

lIeU 1.
tile eftctt of com- 1l me-. Ioatr. OD
to 1\"Odc to provide enter· ....hieh t"''' llJeediq
othet. The suqestion the little i . . . ~
has. 9n1y the Sunday for herd. who aleo came to
a l{ood deal of its force he had! beea stabbed by a _ _ n.
one DD the
Il.W that the worlci.q-classes have more 8.. wound iI!. the abclomen
inaer~de of the Yl'i t. w41ich W&8 bleedirur
profu 11. Both wounds were about aD inch
A symposium ot the subject publiShed lonlf
It. d Vfl'J deep, Wibael!le JWM hitnded a
in onfJ. the London morning papers
!<~ I knife, and Shevh"rd Mid that ....s
reveals some , iaterestixlg (and very
rument '*'II, lIe. took, both men to
eXpressions of opinion. Some..ex- ._~
hlire JJospital. Shetlwd waa d&padIes are in fav?,llr of Sunday ' gam~, ...... ned for an imroedia\e opl~tion. When
but the\; would re triet them to Suntiay ch1ll'W the IIOOU!1ed made a _hon tateiJl.8Dt
ilftern06n. Other -wti ers Point to the to tile ell'eet tbat me truck two r three
crowds in the streets, and suggest that ~l~ws; he did not' no'll' wbat ~ ~e WM
lld was eony if she did any barm,
they wql;1Ld be better in the parks listen- "'On0~'
I ·S
day witn8/11 ~mined~ the clothing
ing to ~e bands than aimlessly. walking ",om by Sbep~l'\I, and fonD cuts on tho
about. On the otbet band Mr. W. Casey, cloth lfhicb m_ed that the ife kad ~
M.J'. for Attercliffe, makes a 'strOng t1'\lted thrlMJl'\ to the 8.toIIh.
POint "ben he says: 't If the parents D.I. Waltei-s ~d that ~rd, on. being
are goiplr to spend Sunday a temoons t Iren to the hospital, underw nt OD OJ.N\J'aand '11'&8 better that roo nl!', He had
playil!'I .l'ames, how can they expect alion.
in the abdomen , one in the ch.t.
the cni!oren to go to Sunday school r andwound
t,ro OIl the left arm . '
The pe pIe do not ant "",",n" \I'
Aocqsed "'II8 ' l'etDllnded for Jl'ht daYs, an
They ant to keep the
application for bail being ref NI.
holy." ignificant lhat many of those
..,ho a sist to provide sport for th
people re strongly opposed to Sunday
"ames. Mr. A. J. Darnell, chairman
Of tbe' uthern 'L eague and hon. secre~ of the ·Northamptonshire County ft..r.Ina. ATED BY THE TAFF VALE
E::iicket 'Club, said; "1 am 4ead against
Sunday games, bed4 e I believe that
there idiould be ,~e day's rest in
seveD (or everyone. I do not belie.-e in
interfering with Sunday, especially as I
realise that any epoI1 means a lar-ge
emp).oY!Dent of labour."
tbe week a representa.tite of
this p
'fl-sited 'several of the local
n who have acted as chaplains
durinl' he war, and ~ted their vi~ws,
which were thus' exbI'MWi:I'COll[1P;\I:IY,
brol.e over 'D·-di.... aD
The Rev. tC.~ W, O. J«:nkyn, .M.C .• of
Tb e IIt ·orm -"I'ch
Bz:~Os. C~
.' stated that he
Friday ~st week, commeDciDa about 10 ",ai entirely' i'.b. ,.
W, ·. . . ., being
'" Don'" ~hi1Ig ill. tht M~" 1lours
played.,. s-day.



DaDdy: . "I "" ' Poli~emaD, her&'.ehi14 t.o1lowin' mo, L.t ita JicliculQ
pareD ' ckIeul't t.o.r ",.here it's ~t the
wretched thil\P, Haft yoo 6Ily Jde-oll r

women, but em.,., . . .t .......aM IDCD
has improved, 1IDd our out4-wod




"TIle llarchiol\
w~ a d
tn.i\ ~ rllarm
matoIl./'-" Pall )(all"
• ..., t::.~--llt of the colour of aa
......t'.. ,
Jr. JlULY say t jlt it ~
re........ that of a trank c&ll, but il .ot


~Iuen uy arrives at Be.;
the wovl~
•• r.,O\l,n·, to.s«: tbe So •
station. u' 1S1II!IIIII
back for a lew
and WU{)'
with trams w
on the S,
·. R. train
s iQ tbe even DlLif
\x'yond Readint •• The
,W.R. train was COlt-<
:l1Id die! no' r
orne time after it • •
'. R. train bad a-cme..
two )lOllng ~~.
on to th
Mida certain train, aact
the Read in If traia
their desbn'ation.
,ome soldiers-- jU&l
""ere a 150 stranded:
:It Basingstoke are
be count d, bUI it is
thl' rc~pective companies
time-tables and dove
that this grem buging pablic should be




n The

. . . whit


ther ' the

aeed tp \.e,"
eel P"


best of frienda.

"TIie two ~ilWe tried the



ahein" the BIUOO F'UDmer cottage for
month, and noW' they're deadly enemi8il."


t .. • •
'tho big vroblem
ow is h('w to dfmoblU.

cial ."


profiteer8.-" Buffalo




on. Sunda., morn~ at m., 'll'iat

do.... smoking a contemplative Cigar I l!Sllied
an urchin of 10 or 12 .,ears, oomm. down
tne pavement, On reaching the Lamp jut
mo tel' which is the catchpit, he .toJ>1M!d,

d loonn, ltealthily round producei:l a
piece of .triog. with a. loop at ODe end, into
~ich h fitt«l a
ODe, and carefully low.
ered t rOlllh the grating. Withdrawing i~
be thell fitted a Iir,igbt di c into the loop
and repeated the pr~ but this time lift..
ing the string minllll the dise, NcW' as.lIuming It. ·most dilOODBOlate air be pt\el'ed
(~nm the grating, and 110 continued absorbed
in appIIl'6nt mel&nchoIJ. until a. paa-.<ec-b,
stopoed . I w his hand Ito to his pookef,.
and 'he. wtnt olf leaving the urchin 8lIliling,
But he ~n resumed his dejected.. air and
contemplt-tion of th.a grating. Mol'e. than
one' mol'e 1I8dostrin.!J aocosted the. u tcllin,
",'ho each 8ma received baeahE!l!8b. Ope.ning
my front dool' ve1"1 quietly 1 went a little
way u~ the treet, I\J1d returning, accosted
e. urchin, ,. He had been eent out to bur
a paper, but had dropped a penny doW'll
the crating;. ahull 'll'hat... woold happell .Vbe went home without this ne."s~per. etc. '
I thonght him cute, bot I did not feel
be'DevoLentI., diann....! towards him.




FoUl rat.c~tctiers 'bave been appointed
by the . Surrey Agricultural . Executive
Qommittee for tbe Hambledon
puildford ' areas. Farmers and otbers
may engage th.eir services at Is. 6d . ~r
