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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-09-1919_00005.jpg

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. .

income has ill- ' tbe.{a} p,ogrt~s that calls for
. c?rnpared with pre- satl,Sfactton.. the cOllhnuance of. the bigh
wa~ days. many h.ospltal~· are in .a pre- cost of mal,ntenanc _a,:,d th~
canou~ position at the present time. of sub~tan~lal ~our es of. .ll\come w!ll
Thts I~ <lue to . the fact that ' tbe in- p~esent ~enous difficulties.
As precreased expenditure-th rough the 'high vrously stated, at lea~t £5.000 p er anQum
cost of Ii,ving an d higher wages-is out additional income "'Iii be nccessar}' to
tbo Bulloe.. of tlIe Ollce II ""MltJed to tho
of . aJi )proportion with th e extra stltn enabl the Board _of Managemen t to
IJnlleq Kln~d_.
coming in: Hospitals io mallV towns carey on t~e ~al!Jable and beneficent
Full partleul." "" applicat;oo to any of tho
fi.'i'd it \mpos5ible to . work ·up 'to tb eir wox:k of . t~e l}t>S'patal without tbe hamloll""lor "l1en!.:~Ighesl; efficiency owing to heavy deficits pertng- lrnx l~t~' of \:lCk.of means. and all
• jltEAl>ING :
II) theil: accoun ts.
classes of the commuDlty are urged to
R UlIO'!l1 Outler. Son ~nd Peto. F.S.I,. &, Varkel Place.
IThe Royal Berkshire Hospital. al- 'm:a-k.e strl'nUOUS ~ffott~ ~'! assist in mainW. t:. Bu~l... 87. CboUla", Street.
though in no way curtailing .t:> work. ta1QIDg the ~o~Pltalll~1 Its present high Cookaey and Walker. 17, '" Ilet Place.
Doud and lIl.ker. Ib, FrJur Str..,"
finds the .question of finance a serious " state of. effiCiency.
t IS hoped .that such
t:grioton and !Ion. Il~. Friar Street.
ode. 1 here is urgent need for in- a. c<llan:\It~· as has bef~llen many hosJohn H. Gould. 1~1l, Frlu Street,
crease~ support. Of course. one readily pltals I~. ~he countrY-SUCr as tb e, sale
H.e!"". SoUl aDd Elo.. Ltd., Minster Street.
urlderstands that some p ople <Ire un- of ~ecuntles and. the turmng awa)' of
J . K. Herbert. EpwbrUl HOUle. SidlllOutb Street.
U ewcLt And Cbu,.IIII1. 12. St.tlOD aoad.
a~le to do qujte as much for this utsti- senous cases-wtll nO.t be allowed to c' If' Rowland H owell, _'.R.I.B.A.. BI.~ra,·. Street.
tUfioll as in prc-waj days owing to the fall the Royal Be kshlre Hospital.
IUllPJ<lD; Wlloon and ('AI.• 27 and 28. Karl<.'
Artbur G. Weal. l'lC.A., 61, "'ark.' 1' reased cost of bving. but even .. so
F. lV ..... U.. 'ight. 6. St... tio~ nood,
th re <J?·e man y people who "might sub,
CoJri!I!I:Od ConDiDg, Broad ... y BuUd lng_. StatlOD ser 'be who do not at present contribute.
T~e hospital authorities would welcome GIFf FOR MRS. HART.
CAVERSfrAK and olb.r Tow""
L . D. W. CArter. No. 16. Priory Av ......
JIl()re annual subscriber 'of half 'a guinea
J. Druce Simmon., 4, Il ridge Street..
;uid upII'-ard,s. and any donations will also
UI:'I DING orUl:' "Olru{IILr..:-Step)1.n GlIrter, C/uuela Slree"
be ·gratefull)' ·.'receivoo.. - ~. - .. ~ ~
. D&OW
."", !!JunDED. ·
<111oW'l'iKlu. :..,.store" W.US, Build••

that tia
'tRhollftt'Y out id:

u 10.55 to ] 1.25 n.m. He


h,' ,,"nl1ld


;, ., ~ .I, Uull" ho,,' long my ca:

'I r. r","w(·II. witn~ ' -'laid ,he
It W,,- ".\1,11 lor· 11 I ng IItrin;{
d "il" \1 "I' out~ id
I '
,,' I<'''' WO'' ror trnftic ~
the ;-tnnd in the ~tre
hl~H br-en had anofhe.:


~lr. C-ox,\:@ll
)""pn takl"1l ont under

\\;1- inh'n(led to <\t'ftl
"' ""n,ht Ion of things from
"" . In t II.. old (\l\Ys they


tl t'U\~' w ago n~ and ~e
1\1 ., lIarr""' st n>t't, miglit

fuJo GsoOan::-'Cborroa Awbery, Brook FUrlOD~,
.~. . ' - •
t!P UCII\I WOOD : -J.t. ~iddletOn. GrovelAnd ••
"0' irears- ~g'O t~e hOSpital wlis
p,roJ.iably of nil ent\,rtail!m~h l'rov~d,a
I V"•• lC'Glll.LC. :-1'. piotr, FentM .;1fouae.
Ill/,!: through a senous fin3,!lcial cr~is. fo, the .wound~. ~oldie!'!f 1,11. 'h\'I h061.'!bils
'1'll'TPOllD : -Henr, Maynard, Hill!
recto '
WAlfTu.:-H.. N. Nit boll .nd 8on. ll.rl<ot l ' l ..... and it was only by thOigenero us' response c'tn R~dlng, the ~ver eoi:rlpl! "?"Ran~;1. by the.
. }
- I
ure Rnd C'OnrpQTts
mmittee, 10. .hich
"oJUJ<OJl.ul : -Ke...o. He4c11brto1l .ad. 8onJ. Well
to t h .speCla appea that some ' £15.0q0 Mr . E. B. Awml\ek nnd ;Mrs. R . Hart have
lincton Brewer,.

. f1'

Th:1I ... n.s not the
~t 'Nt."
Its nflIDe imtl"'I'o,,;:hfarl'. and there
1<>,. trattie.
"Ill\; ~'\1bidE' the bqrtown to do thei r OJ)rt>ga .. ~d by t.hem lUI 1\
n'hoya ncp, and they felt
n pe.. l",d or modifit'd they
",rnati,1' Imt to Iri.·e !\p
nl(. lin d th", trad& of Uie




1,,- son-in-18,,. gave evithat tbl' ('ftr rf m ·..ed .ta-

I hI' )X,licp oo1l8table '!~_
I'd at 11 a.m. and ~t.

""g that lime they lO('re
~ part ien 1m Ad of p~_
t aunovan(,f't.

('l"rk: A good ' ma.DJ
by Acts of Parliamt>
jllstll), thpUl in breaking


.\d r~I1Hli lL- ill force I
"nnt Iw,. _hOPPing c('ntr .
" t I,,· ,lilt.· of th" mag'
t ". "nt '~'~l' tlw Ad. but t 9
T \t('l'<' "''''"" be a oonvIc-



• IUI1- t p"r th(·


im,.J lr "'1I~m()n ... Rg-a inst . .
u· Hert'
Uft, P nngoourn t

rrp ..... utH by Mr.

ENSURES th,e vcr hest results in
healthy .stock and laying capacity,
There are many imitaliolls of this successfu l design. but no equ I-it remains the cheape t and be'lt house
• ever yet offered to ~11e poultry world.
Send for Cafa/oJ{lIc of BrlJU'lIc tit U/ly

Thamea ~idJ. R ••cling.

Co-opeiative Socie~ies belong to the'
m('mbers. who fiind the capital,
suppl y th e trad E'. ilild
hare th e
r (,s ults. Those in Ihis di trict a re
associaled with the Co-operative '
Wh ol('~a l,· Societ)·. Ltd .• which does.
a trade of £65.~000 per annurQ.
and. has ' e~tab~is h (' model . orKs lile
vanous dlstrtcts 0 proVide fo odstuffs for the p<'o/Ple. The Society
also owns tea g a rden s in Ceylon , and

IllP !ill1~hf'P:li:rp(1.

"'''- IllIpo_~.
nl! I ~" "ollgh Bc-nch

on Toest'''oll..... l:.q . (in the eh,url.
FRq .. Count<'6.' Gurow4;a..
')ummonr-d for allow-

\\&1 ....



Por/ubll' Bllilifillgs of ali kintf ' -Frrl': .

Gordon ,

;I.fl'ndant '. ror rpmained'
(rllUl 1~.5 t() 12.15. When he
hI' \\ "old IX' rl'llorb!d. he r~
'(" \ilptain Hendprl«lD. abdut
" .I I'!!: ril,.... I t hi.nJ< it is a
<""...thing t>] ..... to do." I
)tr- . Tat.. glIVP (!-videnC8
'he (·n .. ",'M stationary 10;




In Btilod Str('(>t
thp tnlrin,{ 'lIp
on 27th A 0 it·
. thnt th.. en r was If'ft
Ilk .... for 25 minute.(. The
'In, that she did not kllow

o (e<'8Sl\ r~' for
pn .....·ng .. r~

a lIv-Iaw.
J .


was flHsed to meet the emergency: It 15 rtaken such a prominent part, iihv(O heen the
the duty of the publtc. t~ prevent the re- mo~ t populll!.. Thl! ~tt>amer:. Britannia. was
cur~1! of such a cns.s. and- to ens ure l!Katn reqal lhoned for a hlp til Goring. 011
that ,tl-l,c ll.oatd of Management sho.uld .l:'l'idI\Y. nnd 1\ large number of tile .. men
be ab l to carryon its valuable and JD 1?IUfl " from No. ] .ane\. "S utherlan~s"
bi!11etrc nt work without tlie bllmpering" h(J5pltals were enterttunl'.d. 1:he occlUIl:on
:i '
. f 1ack o f . means or . t h e . cos tl y !lrs.
wns made the OP~"ltv of -presenting
a~ xlet,> 0
Hart with a .fIilve~ eliaUr bag, ' in which
ell:pedu:nt. of .runnlllg ~nto debt wlt.h the wp.s insertM the follo wing me !!I\gl'! "l)r~
batllcers, ThIs .cannot be done without sentt>d to Mrs. R. Hart' hy the :neadinl! C"r~
a .v ery substantial increase of support. lnd Comforta Com'D\ittee in IlpprE'chihoo 01
1;be 'area selVed by the hospital is an ex- ber good work on tb~ riveo'r . trips for thp
tend ed one, but the number of regul;lI woonded. t915-1~19!' 'l'he l.preeentation waa
subscribers is vcr .. far from correspond- by CouJlCllht ~L. G. Sultqn. aWl otIlers
ing with the wealih and number of resi- pre"ient wpre the Mayo.' and MayorE'~ (Ald .
' I' I
. . and Mrs. S. Haywartl). Colonel
R l Rolil(·
d ents. Th ere IS Itt e doubt that (1)IS IS son •. Colonpl E. Ken ~ington. Ma'or F: J. C,
largely due to the fact that the U{jfency ommor. C.F .. Mr. E. B. Aw'1nack. 11iss
of the need has not. been , a pprect a t~d . Kensington; 'pte.
. . ' :,
The urgen! need of IOcr-eased a nnu aly1Councillor L. G. Sutten "'lis! Il great' drel
came I~ stIll a long way from belOg 'of thllnks W8" due to .M rs. HRrt fer the
sufficiently met.
llODUlllrity of th~ ri\·w .t ;p" . .Those who
The ~'ears of war have seeri a great had been Ulere bpfere knt>w how sllE!' .had
advan cCl in the cost of maintenance and added to. the plen.sur .e.::.ll f the8~ excnrslOns
. ICt I 'f
h '
. on tile rlVer. He attended o~ behalf · of
t .ere 1.~ .1 .t e. ~ any. prosper.t t at th!li th G Care aod Comforts":Comml 't,~e . who pad
Will dHIlIl1Ish 10 the near future. T.hls tried to do their bt'st to mllke the stay of
cQst has been s teadl~y .grow.lOg the woundt>d in Hooding \\S' happy .as posIn spIt e of
careful ·admlOlstr'ahdn. sihle nnMr the eireu msta~. The com·
Within our generatiOl:\ medical and sur- mit\;(oe had one thmg to do. ' al;ld that wM
gical science and sk~lI J) made ellot- t'l sit 8t ml'~tin~~ "I!d oolll'Cij · monl'.V.: but
mous advances. and a dded mucb to the the people who d.d the renl 'work w~re Mrs,
saving of life' the relief of suffering Hart. ~n<l Mr. ~wmack. Tl1~Y Wished to
t ' t'
f I I h B ' h ' rocOj!'otbe the klJldol'
of Mrs. Hart III
!in d .t Ie re ~ ora lon 0 lea t .
ut t ey comml\' ....f'('K.' after "('IIk and ain in~ to the
lOevtta blr Im:~ease . th e cost of trea t boys, whioh had always giveo ~hem gr'eat
ment . .0peratlOns , for example, have pll'88ure. (Applause.)
mult lpl.ed. and they are fa r more elabo,- , Musical ho\,ours 'Wl're' doooJde<l, and ' loud
ate. a? d so are mucb more costh·.
A" ;Army" chet'.r~ Wf'r~ Iolj"eIl,
p~thol~gical labora to.rr. an X-fa}' delrg'. Hart .8Ilid ~h!, did , not fepl ajJe ,
partme nt. an electrical d epartment. as ser\'e{\ any recolP\!tton f\t 8.\1. ~o.r U
well as departments for s pecial diSeases had. be~n able to I!we flie 1el!,'1t bit of
' d
. • s~re to the woonded bOJ ~. It hud'
: e come to c r ecogmse as e,~e.ntlal ' gr'ooter pleasm:e to her in b .. ing obI" to
a.ds. t9 reatmen.t. and must be effiClent- it . SomE' (Jf ' hl'r ' !lfUrpWfst' dRys ' had been
Iy t1}\lUl taLn lid. But they <Ill cos t money. RooDt with the wOl1nl!(o<I on tfut.~ riVer tr~p8 :
The growth of popul-ation is ' another She' tho ~ke(~ them 1111 foc' their killdnt>ss.
cause-pf ' increas ing expenditure., fo ~ 1h(' (J\'3'litUl\('.)
":' "
area {Q .which t-be \:Iospilal ministers .. is l'Â¥. ~we'~ ~I"in;g band, '\I(M iB. attfndan extensive one. ' including the whole of Im~.e tlnrm!( -the- trI O'. all!i S!'JlgtI. w@re J{l ,I"n
R~rkshire, an.d considcral5le portions ,' of bi .MI'!!. Hart. Th~ ,/!'Atenng WIUi clI~rled
Oxon. pucks , urrey. Hants. and Wilts. o~t by Mrs. ~tl~l~:.: • " ,





abh an •. oJ ",·II-known awafulI- carried o'ut the
:"1d who has been
I{cr 11 ights at A leT, sustained a
()n FTid",· . last .... ek.
machln (, he1l1g' smasbcd,
and til" bdr p~s"e DIrf!rs.
Golldlld :l11d M T~. Lupton,
,. ,h"krn and cut ' about
. 1'<' d. cnud lucky to OOV
~, .

conc('ssions in Wcst 'Afric;1 a.nd j
other p arts' of tl)e British Empire. '
from which to supply raw materials
for its food fatt? ies at born e. At
Luton it has est'l blis hed a Cocoa
Works. where ' higb-grad e Cocoa ' is
produced under the bl'st conditions
for sale in. co-operative societies
onl), . The reader .who wants to extend tbe m arJ-et for goods produced und er co-operative condition s
should call at the local store this .
week and ask for C. \\'.5. Cocoa.


cr(lpl'1n t, r('ached a beiirh~
th, · ~pcc tatoTS ... ,\mong
Gulla"d, hushll,nd of 'one
\\('T(' horrificd to -see
ive and cras h.
Ii\(, to the machine
of a big hedge which
cu ....,lnn.
m"(Il c;,lh' atten llcd th
ronvl'~( d to , the]
~~=""" .--







to lO ' DA

Special Re4uctl

" ..-.

The ncr(' a~e 'ih' public suppor t htl;; n:ot
kept p ce with lhe increase of ' the de~
m o.n ds on' t.he hospital..· The number of
regular s ubs.crib~rs·, Js quite unequal to
tht> "''Pith -a pd Dumher of the residents '
and it !.s not imlistact<lry . to record ho~
frequ ently .th e amo unt of support· from
an)' g;yc.n area, . even.. . tho'ugh ' a 'coml' ara.t iv~l)' w ~a lthy <?ne. fails· to . correspo":d )ri the _teast to ' :the ' ccist of . .thc
I?atl e llt~ scn t for t ~e:) ttnelH .from . that
area. Even \\;li:ere "small districJt hos-'
pitals (;"xist. the' Rorul Berkshi-re H05~
pital mll.&t claim ·stipp.o~; for it is ,again
and ag:Hn found . tRa-~ recourse is so·ught
to . the•. larger • rcspltrces; the sp~cial dl; -Pat'tme~ts. and . fh-e 'gre-ater ' f::tcilities for
which th e county hospital
posse~s s . £5,000 addition a l income is
u Tgen~ly need~d if th e Board of IM al}agement Is lto malnt'a m tbe wock uniJnpaired .
T~ere ~ould be no diffi culty in facing
thl S If ac~ .a.rea accepts its ,due ' share
o f tesp 'nslblhty.
Th~ oSPI~al-tt4ether with Redla?ds
H:<1~pltal) which has been under its supervls\C~nLpas .treated . just
under · 8.000
soldiers dunn~ the war. for which the
hospita l received a grant fropl the
~ove rrtment. 9f cou.rse. thi~ 'solace 0'1
IDco~e has . now been' . lost, _pr,pbably
meaDll1g a drop of somet_bitrg like
£4.000 a ve<lr.
The fo rowing statistics taken from the
last JlnnDa~ report will demonstrate the
~cel~ent work performed . by ·.the -hosp.tal. The number cOf bed constant
I1cc)lpatlon was avec 230. The inpat)l!!ltlO> !,~mbered' 3.l)!i5. of whom t ,118
e.t,; mIlItary patl nts,
The ' outp atlents numbered .t>,6W• . an,d thf'- att endances were 2Q.72u;
there were 1?842 attend~ces .for ele~ro­
therapeutic, treatp1ent
an d massage.
Ga~u~l lIatlepts rumbered 3.~2. and
t\:lelr atte ndances amounted to 13.763..
The average stay in hos pital of' each
patient was over 2q da ys. an« the average number. of 'Patients who passep
through eacb bed . was' 14., The average
number of persons victualled daily was
588: Aftpr deducting the- cost of .out.
pattents, l !h~ -avl'rage cost per o : cup'ed
bed was ~ lOs. The cost of an out·
patient -.!ork~d Qllt .at 5s, Btd .• ""hile the
ayerage f:r one. in;patient to be treated
was 'E7
. ~ The averue nllmber of
p~tients ro
Re-adinw and CaVHsbam
f~r the I st four. years ' is 997, and ·pU ttin,. tbe COS~ _ af £7 per head, this
amollnts to £6,979. The receipts from
~eading laet
were M,I18, so ' that
tJ!we wall a
Dl a.801. In a
greiU ... any
there · ~as . a


,,;; 1

1-' -

" ... .
SE,..I", l".~IC· ES.
.K V
. _t , '





· iD 11I..ocr






}.~llch gratifieotion. ,!!ill be cxpr(>f;s~;l thot
th e valunble Wl\l' FPl'"ieps of l\ number of
UEhding cIo~t ors lUll!- ' c1erjty h",-e- been to the IIOtioo of the ~retar.," of
Stab:- for Wltr. W
opplicnblc-;.l'ttt eutry
:will' be mn d~ · in tll~''iecords of officer. ond
other ranks, Tbe <'li!l . for the - 'o uthern
Commond ill ludes fli fello iog, Ole names
bt'illg . Rl'Tl'Ong'ed ~\1JlI\.OOticaUv: .
. }.fAior · G.- S:-- AI>raM. M:.1J:; It.A.M,C,,
Re'·. L. W. Browne TIC to F. 4th clllllS.
A. Cll!lpJoln's Dell~tment.
~ .• ~ . J!'06
F.~.C .S .• R.A.M.C.




, -. \


n.,v. F. J . C. aillm • M.A .• C to F .3rd
ch~s. R.A.' Department. (T.F .).
Captai n (Acti ng MaJrr) A. P . J . Hibbt'rt.
Roya l Berkii Ueaimen .
<(;apt!iin O. H . .1t. H Iden. M.D .• R.A.M.C.
c.. ptain (Acyull' laj r) T . R. T . Jervoise.
Hll nls Yeomonry '(T'f')' .8tt~ched Labour
Corpl!. .
Captain and Breve }Lljor J . L, Joyce.
F.R.C.S., R.A,M,C. (T.F.).
.... "BOl-. II ~~rDalj . ~/C to y. ' 4th , cJn~,
A.A. Chaplam s , Depar l11ent
Rev. J . Mi\ehell, 'f . to 1". 4t1t class. ·:a.A,
Chaplain's' Deparimen .
' ..
Temp. Captain Q. ~ I,. Rixop. It,A.M .C,
, Lieut. W . A. .'Rud(l, 'Roval B'e rks.
.Mlli~ S. '1'- ~hea (n w Major S V. Shfll'
lmonds). lItli Batt .• Loodon Regili\<!ut.
The splendid ood uqwe!l'pjed S'ryiC0S rendere4 by the doctors ud ,ebatlillins need no
O)e)l,datiOl1 ' T.he mri ~ l men hHVe given
f theJ ~ T'ery ~. ' I ' . ' redont 8~eecb at
he Sali6bur.Y' Chili D Abram IIWlntiolled
at dorin. fh. -lIfst M1tr ot- -fj,-1! ),efl:rs hi
hap beeli 100rki1lg ha~rtl!~ he Ii'a4 e"er
worked befo~. Iris 'd ily ,*ork nTerultmg
about a hou1'8. and
at 80'QIe 10.00e men
through h.. hand';;' It is very
of Dr. layce inand qnmueh to
