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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_24-10-1919_00008.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_24-10-1919_00008.jpg

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teua . IOIl4I1t'aJl.r

nniouGn -NOBTJlAllPTON
__ _,
The play duriUC the first half "u fully
f8llClri bed in the " :rootIIaJl CIlnmiele....
.rhe Jollo"inc detaila 01 the ' pl.,- in tJae
BeCOlId half from. th~.~
DrlP,mpton Eeho.!'
will ~ of in~t:. "
Co~ble.... .......
the _oDd half 10
-.tyJe, and WJUt,.
'Worth Willi , prMeo
th a ai. ~,
• bot h. dalllid 'With the bell aM llaallJ'
ahot wide. A. min.t.t
r he had uoaer
GptH'rtunity, but ~ his ..arQmaaa¥p
left much to be deIincL Whee .v.n m~­
utes had ' roDe, honY", Wlat1rOtth. IIIIt the
erowd cheer-iDg with. a
pI. He
ahot from .20 yanla' J'Ut(e .."heo least upect.d to do 80, &ad till ball tran11ed at a
terrifio pace into _the tot of I t "..
one 01 the beet aoale
0 OIl the gro1lJ1d
for mallY a day. 'Spllr* on by this 8Uccess
tJu. _(,obbIe1'8 eurl.)d ,"meuOOus -pl'C8lJlU'e c
and Freeman Rot in
be MlD8 on the
ieft wing. OQoe he pi
°a oorne-r perf....
)Y. and Loobtt all


Readinlt ~ a· tum uiid \3Iilre was

all ...

c:iau lDeideJ!'t in the home 110&1 ;when
Smith ran out to clear but failed to gather
the WI. None of u.. Rea'l:lill« fonr'-,
lto"ever; were f -r e~ up to ah..trlt into
- goal.
Readilll foroecl two OOI'IIert in as
mauy niiDu1lel8, lind NOI'thampton were Itlad
'the p~u,. "l1li relieved. Ullforiunai:eQ- a JOOd deal of f~ wac beilll jot:r~
'Iluoed into the pmll,
tJie referee bad
to speak to playe,.. on th sides.
.!, When Spl'OBtlon failed to clear and gan
.BailllY a strailfht run fot' gocl, ilnother
for Readinlt looked C61'tain.
right shot hard and tne, but Smith
~rilliantly. and the baD "Went out to
bidge, ....ho sh.ot 'over
The exchang.,. C9ntinued to be contested at a rare'
paOlI, ll!ld the 6Pj!Ctato
"ere pttUlg .fl\n
ralull IDr their money. J)illftllw o....ttoolt tile
Cobb1en "heD the secotMI hall h,d been in
progree. 25 .nY-mtte8. . In enciea-wul'ilQ( to
~I~r otipstOn. _bo up to this sblle bad
played, II. perfectly so_ pme, allo"ed the
'-ll to slip be~een b lee\!. Haetie we.
loft .with - & el4l6l' run f".. .oa.l. and he had
no!ty in bealiq I Ihlth -for the thlr-'
.Hmo ,,1m oomplotilll'.hie ., bat·trick" Thus
the : Cobbl&rs once Ili'JUn fouAd tb&m8l!lve'
two goals ill arreer allier hll.v~r hild mUClb
IDQJ'!I of th-l "am ,) lhan tMir otroOlI()D.~. No
MlOner had tIle game
n restart«! thlUl
Reading were attackiJc aeain.j.<1U1d a lint
whot by Bailey 11'" ....ell saved III


" LA~-~lJTE VI

One JUan IIhort, a goal behiD.d, and out of

'lick ' all • rejfaJ'~. BhootiJlll• • Thi4 wae • Bead·

ina'" position 8.tteen. utM before ti. eIId

.. !*nd,
of Wedneld";'s
·thiI wit

ith- SOutbmptoa.


fi:re, aDd

'for -


of the

to melll
hi ·ti afblr 91
-:-~~--"'field ' ror good:
-when the hitetval

_"ed ' up ad -beea .,... .

another .es or ·.£9 for the
souroert of -revenue will be derived from a
colleCtion on the. ~d ~ by the Bea!liD«
or.m~a.noo Price ltaad, the reoeipt&· from
the IiiaU TYf pl'ocrammN..and & further duce
run by Mr. ~Y. v.ti._ mn.t ·aho be
",ade of lib. splendid a1J~"ooto of
Jad: Smith; 'lMlCiAllr te.ten for the 0ccasion by Hr. P. · 0. Collier.