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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-10-1919_00010.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_03-10-1919_00010.jpg

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l!'hoto, F.


Rending. I \



<1m. UNCLE."
A.u.I~~ intg~u's

and ' George Artl, nr" ~
neee .fu 1D1Is;ical comedy. " Yes.
nell'," ...hi~h Mr. Charles Ross is prodnclfiM
at 1'h Royal Conl\ty TheatPe thi~ wt't"k.
alford ' h.o oJld II hBli hoor~' amusiog en·
tertftlnment on up-tlHi t lioe~. "rhere is
plenty Qf SOOp4> , r versat)libo, and he memo
bel'll of Ih"t' company make tne mORt of their
apportuD nie. . Ali Theo Cotterill
MIIJlO Ti"t. · & ,oung £nltlish W"idow, iogs
rood nuiltbrr8, and lIfi Ruth TrdoNt,
IDa ~ a III'f'Ilt bit with lOme ot hpr <!DOg!.
which lie gives iJl the role f icbette. tbe
tudio 1II8i<l. With MI'. A.rt.hnr Va \lance,
. the Zoaa~e oflicer. he sags some amu~
ue . '!'he part
of Joan tack a~ .
the -JI8lwe girl, - are- "ell played by '
"ell urray a04 lfi! Frieda JohJf'
80ft reepeetinlJ'.
Mr. FTank H .· Dale a
Bobby !S.llJl?-mers is 00 of the most uc

