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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_14-11-1919_00009.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_14-11-1919_00009.jpg

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.... term of oAce of A~
..,..,.. at »a,or of Be8c1i., eaIM
.... tlI:a towta i rr_tt,y~""
th _NIIlittia, e1Hll'ff i,ut at.
d~~~i~sII. ".has uhibited la c~

...... chltiet of hia ollce.. It llaIi
MnJt: ,.at, aDd few people haur-

__ ....... portioa of tke Mayor'1t
. . . . . . . . . . up bBbind the ~eII
tM m1lltlfaricNe Utiee of h ' oflloe-in
aDd clepatatio.....
~o ..
~ttere of tllat.,rt. There _ve. 0 tonNe.
. . Meat. wlliell will al~ ]Uk-e th.
. . . 111&1' lIU!lII()ra.ble, SlIW &8 ili&
unita of the Berkshire foree$ IIIld the
,..,. eel.elJratWJl • aDd Mr. alId
'W1IId han c:edaiDly let .not iR, udoae
,.~icJl the1 eowd do to make the reWiciDl9
'WtJri;hy of the town. wli ile' 1lI. HaywardMa. beeD dUWt aDd thoroughly busipeslllib in canyillfl out his duti wfth COIDplete .
efleiellflY, llrs.' Ha:rward has not been idle.
aDd her l"86dJ 8J1Dpathr. lr.i.1ldliJl
paeioUIlD_ of manner han III iDed for
hei- the wholeltat'ted ' esteem of all who
1aa.... come in contact with he,. We hould
.e....r reali8e all the good 4~liti ' which
are ~ b1' the wi.... of our ~eading
citUelll if they had. not- the opportunity <If
t.Jki.ria the lead ill aoeial aJratn I~ch as thft
fourth poaitioJi of., Jf.ayoTeee .«orde, and amoDcat
th' memoriee of tbe year 1919 will eertaiDlJ'
be that of the exeelleDt 1\'ork, iUloeteD.ta.of fio1l81y dOll&, ~y our lr.i..d>hearled aDd. s7m'
,Path ..tic Mayoress: so broe.d.min¥ and
catholio ia her activities. who b.-s rende1'eCl
[Photo. F. W. Foul ham, Rea,ding: - her husband sneh "a1uable assistanoo ill his


,. Paptafar



Beadia, ia fortuaate in its · lla.ror and
.,.~ for 1111~ __Dr. and 1ln. G...
.....rt I.bnID. ' It is _rcel;1 _ r y to .
Mel aJlytilillg to tbe biographical ke.tch of
(he MA10r aDd MayOrel8 published alae.. Ilj!~ thoulh this ought C8rta.illly to bo
aaid, that the tOWD is especially indt'bte4,
to Dr. and Mrs. Abram- tor lIndsrta.k:iJl~
onerous dutlee whien will Call to thel
lot 8j) lOOn aftar the r88ponsibilitilMi whie
~1 haTe ehooldered duriDg the '1\'ar.
Abl'&lll ot the Reading War Hospital a1I.d
Mrs. Abram all 'commalld&Jlt of . Luke's
V.A.V. have borne a, heavy burden, and
t'4ey 1Ia..... done 80 with BUch unwearied devotion tlIat they milht woll be eseuged if
tll..,- had ob~ be present yeer' for less
8trtD-.Oas actintJ. That they sbGuld be as
...rum, to aecept. the reBpQIllIibiliti 61 their
hiah positiOD tbia yeaT is. howe~ell, characteristio, for Jl6ither of them has ever COD.idered aD)' e1rOyt .~1111 too . great to be made
if th, public ~"ioo could be served. That
the duties of the office will be ably and
etIoieII~y dilChaqed 110 one ) n l\IIy dollbt.
Dr. Abram ~ already 'won his spurs in
mU, ..pecta of muoicipal. political and
_1&1 aC!tivit1. and is a mall of "jnyillg
Q~iI tions 'and _any~ided achlevemeats.
while )(n. ~~&m brines to her .positiob a.
wo-t:r \mana .-4 i)lute graciousne&s
w"c~ Uould malr.& her Gne of \.he most
popnlar ~r
Reading h
~ ad..



Aa the 1t¥ will be one oC specia:l intereet
I 1UId. imparlance. hd.iDg is happy in 1\
.Yln who ,..ill be th41'Oughljr equal to 11
cIemamIa which may be made lIpon him • .
Th.... will be, tor illstaDce. the visit. eerJ.1
ill 1_.. of the &yal ColJntle A,rieultural
for the 4nt tim. ~inee 1909 '(wh~
the Ricltt IJ'OJI. O. W. Palmer Willi the preei. ,
A.lrw.d.y the tn:elimina"l'y aryan
Mr. G. G,.iflin • • hn .al ... T"eea...I.ct~ _ta are DeLn« ·made. and the meetiD&i
M.ayor of N_bury. H..... Itetn I" bill"'!.... wli. wiU be held at ~t Park, pro.
miaee to be a ...efl .SIlceeuful' Olle, r ultiJlg
a pork butclt'er fo, ",any yea". He ".. in a svocl Bllip to the t~e of the town.
recantl,. r~turnad at the head of
-hi ~t yeare m..mbers of the Royd
Prillil itl v..i Pamily 1Ia~ ofteJl f .....oured the sho.... D1
W.rd','lI •• bury. t:'1I' I... •
their PreMace, and it mlQ' po h.oped t:Iiat
Methodi,t ."•• Libt,..,.
u.t ...-I u.~ Yill be &I!liJl
Med this re&r. TIIen there will be the.
"....tation of the F"-:!om of the Boro'Ugh
te Lrl ..... aDd CoIoAel Lealie Wilson;
ll.P. It . . . . yery i.tti. . {hat one who WI1& '
110 aatiftly o..-d to Eul BeediJlI .ben..he •
" ... ,. C!aadidate for Parliament, &Ad who
-yet... noll aD admiration for hie great '
rift:8, ehould be tlIe ¥.ayor of the borouwll
w . . . E&d :s..diJlIf oom
down' to
the ~o.. r which. the town is 80 haplIY and
pi'Owi to ,-to". and ~t is ne«lle to y
rita wW pleuure- al,so the Mayo' will be
concerned with the p""l1tation to Colonel
WilaoJl, for lfhose return in 1913 Dr. Abram
worked '<> usidDOusly •. and whose ' close
frieadalaip h. has enjoyed e;'~ siuce"ColoJle l
WiJIea _
to ~ io 1911).
ef C...".,ittlOl.
Tile C.....
Wit.. lis »1\' _bars ' of the ReadiDt
'I'cnna Ccra_il.m y .ell t\lrn to the
ud see how thoee bodi haT •
.... ch_. )(r. A. F. Clark will eit 'oA
IWUatioll. BowiD( aDd Town PlaD.D..i.D,.
~t, aad Clrild •.Welfttre, Publie Li~
rariH aad Tra.w~ CemmiftJ ; lb. F.
G. Qochrj.athe Buifmng By·laws. the
JltnwlII asci tOWJl Piauing. the Local P8Ilsiou eo-tttea.· the ~8 and PIM8UJ'lfOrouda. aad the Watenr01:j Committees:
111'. no.... oa tM ~ alld BuifdingB.
tU lteaJtlL..a tlIe. 8tDaU aDd AI..1:IIi.aI. ~; Mr. Woolaridp em
tI.e IhMtb. toeaI l"eJlNou,lIuemD aad A{"


AttIlattd., • newly-formed j""ior

_II , lid h." •• loal . • ve..... ef

competing In Dlvllion 3, Sectioft B, of tlte Temper."ee L••,,,.: ... Th'y h.,,': dene exceedingly
• f







Back row, left to right: E. R.
d, E. Rlxol\, E. HI ... , A. a.rndt (hfl!. secrtt.ry). S. Sf.....d. W. Luellett (tral"II:). •.
M!ddle JM!w: 8'. Prior. W. DMI1. G. Butlet' (captain), G. Laott. G. Gumnier.
BGtttom row: F. St.ven •• F. I"",,,, W. Morris.,
[Photo, F. S. llol1~ Y'

ttt, poI'-'"





Tallareoloei8 DiIIpftW .......,....l,.


CoIlUlliUeeei Kr.


Pel MuMu.a
eo..utteeil: aJMillr. ~

