Berkshire Chronicle Reading 12-1919
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_12-12-1919_00007.jpg
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. .;.~~ of tJae
".ltnn,.n ~ t1uI
, .... lie .all
ftry ~I. th..t -VMlultvriillta.
...wt ot "tlIe _ . ,
- to
H. was
'Don't J)ffits houDda when trottinj{
alr!ng ·the road, bu give
em pJentT of
·room, Jc-eeping well oohind hI! )Iunt seT·
And alwAY k~p
11 luray from
them "b,n standing still.
our horse-may
or IDAT kick: at hpul)da.
t an,how you
are '~i"illfr the master aild h. huntsmen an
nnIious timl'. ,DOn't interfe with or rate
hound.. You ,nay kno.. all abmt
think ",orr do ; but til. pro bilitT
10U don't,· .. Besid.e$, it Beta .⢠bIId ,.,,,.mno,,
SUPtll*! avery-on ill Ule
14 did
A choaen few. old Jiands.
berl!, those who ho". and tbe-master
llnd hi ta1f ha"e confide.- in: sho.ald eh~
hire to iaterfere or porl'l!!Ct. nd then only
when DO hunt servant is p a t .
LI. nEliOLlS~D.-Du.rinlt the
uroday afternoon ,
rt"<:/ ..d Concert Han at t
J oi nt Sanlltori um
~.tu rday the
h.el d a .~6king
. Tht> Hector aet.d .
""ng some so~
. '
Smith, M is WWtwoud
J ('nky n~, Hr. 01ln~
r, /lorn- Cole. Mr.
r. K ud;';nmn n. JUD'., Ir; W .
_, r. J . Ha rri .. took part ia
Icll NlO>ls tl'<i of song&, viOl ill
and ""'1triloquism.
fox. may ~ip.
~nt to .that~ t
IW ud ~
y UD06&erYed.
. lfCial pur·
-:~~r=~y t~~"'ifegl
1fArt ..... «ettinl for
~t ⢠"~
y.. 110 cue I18tti.nIt him, and
~... _ · ...iMlisaed.
&bomlDable. "VD't
~ - . I eue. 1111 ...... ;n.lit
" you see. It may be the 1111
d ~
-.m.ay not.
Anybow you
·t ka08r
i .:..~ lin
_ay. of Oxford treat.
~ . the b II1lt mall.'s plan~ are.
Ute... 18 n.o Hra. KathArine ~I"f Goodfellow of Holl,
hUAt ~rvant in sight to _ your lIpHftad lJ~D8II, .HfoI'b. Mid abe' oalled at
cap. go and find one; aDd be oareful to tell ('.allM'1I on Nov-w 13th and purcltllled
I.lm whare you saw the fox. how wnl lIMO, the lamp _Ius pcod~, lor which lllie W'A&
-and whieb warbe will ROilttl'. Rem.@u" eha'll'£d â¢. At til. time ah. ",marked that
tlIe hunt ~rnnW'f\ there
carTy .OIl the ~t ._mld a nry exor/litaut priae, COli·
bl18in_ of foahuntinc and
id by you to " ""1141' d~J[ 11-. ....e 11. lei. She
rua-it; 80 don·t interfere .. itla tht'm in tbeir bolllfht a l&aip ~18$I-' at ~e8lIr... Archer",
or1::, and don'! try to do it' ul'Mll.
la.ter .for I .. :til. It ...... II(>t Qui~ the
~'t talk , wben houn~ are near you. abape. bllt --wllll-tite IIIIIJe- ai-. &ad
CJra,nllC a cOTert ⢠.or at a
11:; it II9la were made ,in U:8".A.
their .up Rnd takllR
eir .UeJltion
The ChairllUUl: That only Ilhow-a wbat all
1mm the ..ork in hand. Do.'t jump fenC8 enterprisina Dation that Us. UII_ril,.; you. are takialc more ut 01
Wit_ 8be had not the
your ~ than 1011 J1.~ a
yOlJ are .""YW..... ~.,-, but in compar~ with the one 1'.1"0.
lIama!ring ~n_ alief C.rQps. I
the-r. !u no app8r~Dt d.i1Ie",~e in
people -delibemtel,. pull ....T
OpeD pt..Mi,OI:der to jump a
Anft ...._k is yery bad torU). iadeed.
8 lime I have got to tbe eDd f a Ia .
noon rUD thro..,h ...vill&' m, hOnlli
in the doy.- when. there W'U
tie dol
little occaaion for jumllina. w..J»i<:h
.. uc!l·1IIQ..... .out of a. bOf'W
Tbe ~ CI~horpeJJ rOIl
"mit .""'''''''.' 'lllII!lr.......... tPfJ'"
1& &II. hurtallt'fl to po' t_ .Jt
Ibreh 5th, ltIM. ~d _ Mif
n . DCI,·,.r""G,.,
&.rOUA. Broek1es9y
in l~~,0~~\~~\t~'::4~x~~~
'Wood l.ilI. .elLon
- oaly
ift the luwe
Yl did, jar ..e
"'eI~ .
Silence in iox.huntiDg q .
. . bee
"'" --,,_
- - .... - W it.hid
&;rid- of ~ewlt.... ..:. n;:tIK'UBufJ!oi4!lltlli
. .8 ~~ fCfW tile imporiallt
bM 'to 1HAieha~" ~d tb. Government.
follo'tling a q~OD 'm the Ho~ ' bv Cof
_'" t._
..... 'had all.dUn.,... t_ir' intelltion o~
~ealll· . ...â¢
had intPOdueed
Bill tor that ~1.I"fCIM' and so aUio had Col,
W.i,.n 00 be If' fit the Agricultural party
ja tbe ·Hoaae.
aHWay throu'h. the _ion'
the Oo~eat'"1lnnolJ1lcecl that o.inI! to
11-'" 01 butlilMiM II(> ptinte X_be",!
Btlla' l'OUld M -..wend.
Cel. W"'U·, meM11re ,.,aa ru1ed out. atthOllfla t-h Go",,_ut had bee. urxed ~
.oo.t it- ia p~ to their 61th. It"."
unfort....te th!
ft Government did n~
aUo.. tile private· Bill to 19 forward. beO8\IN ia tb8 opillf(lll ~ man, it w.. ~8T0If'
as tile _ r e .0 fa .... the iQoo
taJ'lllta -of ~Itvjste .....,,.. _oeraed j
Col WeIPUw Bill ailJered from th, Govern·
went'll in that it )r~ to inveet tW
-'til t. he .f:Ct,1I8 of a minlirtrI' and
IIaolII4. be a )(inittm- of lrioul.
to adviM kim in re.
by bim
practiolll -.ricultnl'illta,
w.II- in .that
_nUaI to the
,and he (1I;r.
fICTIIl>ped in
III. Col
,Ca.ptain VnlJilhn.U.Will iaIDs Hu'n delivered
hi. I~ture. lie
tha.t in atnrtillj{ tho
!,orl< of
too' ite of the polace
It was
know whel'e to begin,
He dUg n
ooat side nd
to solid clay.
he abendonoo , On
ins of foun~ .
!lOath be
six feet
nl&O be aben·
. On tbo
west banks of th
di~ro~' rome til4'O; he OXCl\YRted
too fou.ndatioll8 or R wall JI'. feet
,COIDQOllOO of nwrtsr 1I.D.t ru.bble. with
man tilell on tlIe top: This W811 the
re6ult of the aeoond day's work. He WIUI
employul« ,two l ..bourora.and a for~ ,
.on the third dl',v Prine4!118 Alice 8l\d Lord
an4 Lad.! CambridRl\ vi itod the work, ud
"'hIla the..}' there-he' found the aite of
the kitchen, eMh h.nlJ of which woe 13 feet
8q uare with R pusage-wtly between eallh
It was posaible to roeat four oxen
on ea~e, One
tbere; n. The Ii lea welle
qu rl bad been dt!st.royed; tho othes wet'.
At '" meeting of the Farmer!t' Club at Ihe puleet , 'l'bese were undollbtedly ' Suofl.
The walla were made of fIlbbl . Ho dis·
Surveyo...⢠IllItitutioa. W tmj ter. on ooned,
two pi'e0e8 of bronte on. piece being
Honday .n.iaht. Sir H. 'r~U8trPm Rve read a palt of R bowl or lovilljt cup, nnd whtu ' com'
p8Pf'~ on .. State Conl.rol a.nd A,ric.uUore," I1.lete it mu t hll'fo wei«bed ahoot 60 lh.
in which he Brgueci that the Corn Produc- The other pi a of broiu!e - WWI a curiml6
UOtI. Act. 1'17, should be repealed and tbe curved inatrulIlilnt for _ming a n incb,
Warea Board disappear. leaving POyer., to and had lin M'Orn nt the end.
,the )(lJI.istry of Food to impo8(l au.ell mMi·
~e had found many ancietlt Oint W&&po1l1
mum prices lUI are ne~y for tbe I18Ir..e of ..bloh Ilated baek to eolithic tim , and
the enmmunity.
Eolithll, He exhibited an arrow-beed.
If the Act hAd been lIdm.ini · ~ ....J
broken 6pear-bead. a piece 01
,t5&:Dd8It~le that It
I.IIIed rOt
land IUId W IIle.s CQIIrd),Dg t6., the
I·_ ·.,;-,~:"',core from wbich
tim author. Pid ir Tru8trU.
for marking lI ints, etc, W'''", wllioh. iD 1'".
In . the
was found ml!fh pottery
".... the 8talld~'rate lIAid nud
dAting from
ulh to the I tIi Dlnturies,
the .â¢ordi./lfr of tho Aot, aRd lellViJla;
lfI'eeD IUId lellow glaze,
to be arr~ in the ulllal 11'11,., it
Ilnd some tiles
{he- reign 0 Geol'l(e III.
have ~ enti~ty Ulln-.a.ry
8ttll 01 the buildinK dat.d bock t" lilDAl
Wapa Boil .... to link up their deciNolts aJi to '.rhll
of a Boman\l01"ll
wa,ee with hOIlI'll. Of aourse,. ireetly t h
been, and, .. Roman .
Watree Board dictated wha ⢠til 'ellect, wa had
~ exhibited a Saxon- piece of c Ill;
the etandard rnte of 1I'IIfe. tlIeJl they W(>I\) pi h. herrin/r'bono
markinjfs, IIII'd II(Im. Jale £orced to talk about hours. Did- onv t)f . xon
pottl!ty. the date -of which biUI ~
thea know ()f u, I8pl p r _ unrl.\(' ';'hkh confirmed
b ,Mr. Reginald Smith, of lhe
the W8IM :&ant MOld be COII.tro11too ? Who British'MJ)II8um .
oould prevent thei.r hin, a minim,' ,u Wit
In the oentre of the site wu a banqueting
01 .till per weeli' The 0II1y power he 'coold halt. U feet IIqUa78. whare be had found the
thin\: .of..
repeal 01 the Aot by Parlia- skeleton of a bear. The IIkull and jnw were
mt'tlt. Be.
not a lawyer. but it a~ comblete( but some tirellOUlt8 visitors whom
peered ~ible that the whole question. he deacnbed lUI Britiah Huns had broken it
mil/fit lMo tjtsted b, a. mAndlllllus 01' b, up IUld carried off the pWlcM, Tlie, hod
actiQIl fpr a deel~tion lIS
wbether the left 1ODl4! teeth and bolleS. alld aile leg-bone
orders of Jhe Wacee BQaJ'd were not ultra .bowed tJte marks of 1l hou,nd's teeth. 'l'her.
vir*. It WN this standinlf ml'Jlaee of a WNe II IlIl'IIe number of bonea which h.
body with a\lt~r~tu: power oveJ; .wail'S Dna th01llCbt-i~onged to extinct tllIimals. Th
bour in the future whicb a.1orm«l .tho whole Plllee eeeuild to have been burD,~
ii'iiIIds of fnrm4lf'a. Ho... OJ)uld II bu iness ~OW'D at' !lOme timl', probebly in tho aUt
wh_ the coat qf n'nnu!8ctu~ oou[d nDt be cent.ury, The kitchen wa.s coDilected with
pushed on to \-he OOIlSUmer be condueted ,,\., H-ilhaped buildi Dlt, tbe construction 91
witit oollfidenCll if nn outside miDd could which had detiroyed the older Suon worlr,
So.xon remailll existed still on tb.
dictate ODe of the chief e.xpeDSeS?
lind ....eslern sides.' !.he later buildillA '
Tbill a.wful h8bit of _trol bo'rn durilll
the ".r WAa a bad h ....bit, aDd how 00014 H
then drew a plan on a blacle·
be .topped u.eept by puhlie opinIon P
oh"wl.nll' the remaiM 01 the wiWla h.
0 0 _ as to m~UI1um price8 began III 191i.
th_ were of a "" elabor·
.lId ~bets wilt'!! klill low.,,; Wi£Ueeeea
CO,'!."~~UC. .OD . On. of t h. most iDter.
before the &yal Comm' ion VDried in their eetill1f the chapel with an altar
fo~ from 458. to 901. Pf'1 qu.rtt>.r ftJr S feet b, 8 feet :I incbee. It. wu compoeed
wh.t.~, 9d. to'. , tor oata, and COB. to 8011. of ~hot Heath etone, Th re wllS .180 â¢
th which 11.0 tboullh t was origiQ' â¢
lor barley, He felt eortaiil that. it three PapA h
l"IlP...eentati~e farmer8 and their rep-.:
u.- any acr cia!, from which . there wee II
tive labourers talked it over f9r two hours ch.8llnel 'Ilced. wilh tilee, Th_ tiloe were
all _uld . . in th. elld . that t~e law- 01 eet ~n edae. and tbe mortar waa ,..uow
Saxon, tllns dilleri ..... from ROIDftJI. mortar.
IJIIPfI" aBet demapd -"a.s best for emp1D:rer,
the eacrificial alta.r were- the re'
emplOyee, a.nd the c.oOll.t.r1. .
mai.D.8 01 a Roman lribl. A. British IOIId led
He 1J8.8 firmly of opiniOil thllt.jn ,the IOIIJ from the river to the aite, and oould 1lIII
oo.. t.inul!d to Suolli.asdUe·and thencetoOld
Sarnm. n ran b8t:1rilerr two RomAn 4'a.IIlllI,
4IIDI.alitl":~ 1 rll.
aad food
more wouli
men ud
Ti hot- Place apd Peter'S' Rill PJ ~ ,
t~ if. the Cora ProdUOtlOil Act - . ~; FrelD . II.. cUea} acqaaiRtance with
BiB Opinions with r8jtatd to tb 8u:on
II. laqe numlier 01 fa.rm~ I'Ad lal'Dl., lot orijfill of the pnlace .bad been eonfitm.d b,.
of PtoltlllOr 'Baldwin Brown. the grM~
said ... itltolll; II. itatiOll that tile ~
IHItJaorit, on
%on antiquities. It wa.
oouItI DOt hope to 'lnaint~ the p
oenaI arM it thl! Jl{8lIftI .Bo4Ird 1'eIilaiMII, statecl tltat Ed ward the Confessor had lJIlI'.
of reetorlng eiah t. to II
a»djbe labouret'8 b ... thia to ~ tnle.
h1Utcl 1IIOtII, Th' perhape. eoula pertly be
acClOGnted for b, tne uUt_ of A sulphur
i couJd AO;
_!ad ....
...'It. farm ",iUt·
Obt _"tete
01 CGiiIi4Ucl,
HjanM~ti(m .. ~ oould 1» eo ecaldence ill tlw> mInd of IlWin« which he liid f01Jnd near the ite.
A .re.t anaount of i.tere8t had been taken
th8 ~rtru!r .. Ioar ae tll4' W~ Will ill
tbe di~~riee, &ad mua 8MlataDce had .
'''I'~~~I ill 8s.I!ten.~.
by Hr. Booker. Ofe of tha EtOD
DeaD of 1findaor, ami .... n1
V-.haa.Yilliams tbaD.lced
l;~;=~lel''' ~,..listecing to.Ai,
ud tU Bert bire Arelaaofbr the eDOOG,....."'"
Ii~ )JID, aa4 wi
wo.rk micht never ~".
(80_ WUllt.ee1l.
ran) in an hour
"u only the
till' 88.lIdhills
Will DalAi of a deacd-lilf>at
, . Don't folio ... the huntslDall .when lloy.p.d
haye checlked and be is cast_ .for lhe line.
Sta.Dd still h~re yd'u can walch bim. 8llq
_ t -your horse ; the probabilitJ i .that bo
will CQJIle back to yon; and even if be fets
⢠q,uarter of l\ mile a ..ay. Y'I~ will stil Pe
Qlnts near ,enollsh to him. when hound~
beIin to run agelD. When ounds are ad.
"ert~ to meet at a certaia plMe" don·t
- allt1ei~te ~ent8 and -.0 OD to the covert
you ~ink will be drawll
t. It is di â¢
coortllOU8, to the l!II.\star and nlair to oUler
., member. 01 the meld; and
u IDAJ lpoil
sport ·by dutllTlrinr a folt.
,it ,.001" tutn
at a pte or a pp.. The . .Ier. aDd the
hUIlt< .,... .ta are the onl
pie entitled
to preodlle&!. aad it ia t
.ont of ' iliad
to p~ ill before
Ie W'JIo ..eni
tJ.eft lfrfore yon-.
a It iok.1b
bene mto .. crowd at a pte r a",p. TIN
-. fac that you may ha'Ve a ri
n In it. tail
riYOll you no peeial . People are
.ot ~ to R&t out of ,
waf. hut JOIl
out .riC"irA.. ' If the h~ 11 pusiq
,.,. W'itlI the hound.. be CIlrefial to turn 10ar
110_'. h-.d towards tIleD.
NeveE riM
c~ oa tile heelll of Ul4lUler
_ ⢠eit.beE. at_ bou.otry 01'
yon DIaJ: t ..... on
of Ute
_ _ ill lront 9~ lOU or J11lI.f
kioebd; in 1JhiaIt
.tter ,_
tIa~~;::~:.a-=~ i~i~~!~ji:~~~~