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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-04-1920_00004.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_02-04-1920_00004.jpg

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Y. ·


obd. · Or.I:\.:

R. U1tlt, 0 •. 8" 119,
SO, Wid", I.B.S.,

31,_.~~_ ..., •••,,~.• , ..v_,
Bonll, 8t;0.8.; 33, .
"ulUne ... Ilt.U.S.; 35.
very 36, F. W •• tprn, U.F'.R: 31,
con- 38; D. Coke. W.I.S.,
28.R.8.: W, M. 14;nobu
. R. · Hold~r~ Cl'tF.S., U ,
4S",.Lf B"'eJ'.~ .i.s ., «.
~. F'nnkusn: ..'t.B.S..i. -46, 'li •• "i ..,n
'7'F J • POl.tin. W .l.t>.; 48..




:.s. i_ 49, W.

Wens, 0,1'.11.;

burn, u.F.S.
AbbrehltioDI: R. A.~ . "A" and "B"
l!.eading A.C., "Au M14 1"B" teams; 1.B.~
eccte~l ..t:lealJ lot Berks....,Troop 1l4l7 ~ota 1 Bt.51·B:! St.
~c)Ut.; __
28fA, ~cfua~
Troop &, :seo,!h; / . .B.• ;.. ~h CcimpeDf
Boy" Bripdt.; Or.S., (lro"tlalld. S'chooh
W:I . .• Wilsg)l lA\erlllediate Irc:hool; G.~.9.j
OrfyfriilrS' B!lhool.
the to\\"n'. th.y
1. St. Qcnrl1e'1i Boy &icfuti; 't, 6, 7, ~
. point...
I '"
. ' ~
TelDoving. but
2 ll-eacjhltf A.C. "A" t~1n. 1. 3. 18. 1lII-4'\
1.l'$er premis..
3~ Gl'OII"elAnd~ 6ehool. 1.0~ 11/1" 1$-58.'-"'::
Sivltor "'ould be
•• 1teadi&g...!Jet- "B"i:1
·t · m; 5. 14.23. S5-/h
buildlng qnite "
5. 7t1\' Co1;TDOJ8' Brj
e,- JS. 18; 11. 2'1-~.
kr). TllO tempor~r1
6. 28tb Eeading Boi
uta. u. 14, BS-91.
Kun nen ,,'e~k. and
7. 6..,.y1tia .... . Bchoo1;1.·". ". ~II. .' •
JIlO"ed (laughter). and
8. W'!liOn Intermediate' 8c10001. 17. 38 •
S(liritu~li"h taugbt that a man had
9. tat Bprka Troop Boy Seouh. SO. 31, 45.
pay tb. price 01 .iIl; ""uld ther. tblarefore.
be cbn..,od witb belittllillr sinP 1n en·
'rho .winn r 01 thl •. race. R. SaleJ.. 18 a
rlr."ounnl1 to c riti.i.e tbe revelnti' n. of neph". of .HaTrJ · Race. On8 of the l\.A.C. MR . Q. R. MORR IS. architect 8"cf
lIt_n. H. and G: Shftond• •
::i,r Conan D01Ie. llr. - Doherty a p.ared eMek lpllg-<liltaace ronpe .. 15 yean ago .
,.plannod and cIe.lgned" the
•' nly to have lUst board of it! rer lip. he O. Thorne. wlto wa, eompetilll1 for the first
imaglned that .... all tiler....... ~It re- time• .,ron • ..,.,.. . race; h. w,," leadmg nt
[l>aoto. Drak., Friar Street.
Pllnded 111m of tbe min ..ho ... nt to bnlf-dlstance.
Hepv8Il nnd SI\" • • aect in ooe corn • nnd
The following is the ord.. r of finishing in
thought it wa. the 0111, one thnt
there. the thre.-miles team raca (youth. onr U
y,ar. and under 18 yean) ' -1. F . O. COli,
11, Dohorty·. obeervattcm ..... re d
to nn R.A .C ... A. ... time ·19-17... S, W. BucklDlfham.
pn ti1"e ignorance
IPifltuali~. Mr. R .A.C . "A." 19-27 ' 9, l! . J. Gibbins. R.A.C .
8ivil"r'"( ho"ever. wera nona other ' than n "A." 19-42 : 4. C. tell He. R .A.C. "A." 19-«,
doJjbe~n e and calculated fal ... ·
srepre- 5 R. 1 . Talmalr,':..R.A.C. "B,"~; 6. Honey... ntatlOn . Mr. Si"jter b.d •• ,, that !K,oe. R.A .C. 'kI." to .39 V7. H. Titeombe.
IPirltuohsm "., not.. human In enboD, ' R.A.C. "8".;. 8. S. Crooke, "R.A.C. "B"; 9.
ond that It was of Satan . Poor Soton! 1. Mo;roll. l"lnehemr.te4d Seouto; 10. Ray(Loughtpr). Y~t lODIe ot their feHo,!" ...en~ 1 ment;R.A.C. "A", r • H. CII",I.o. 1st Berks
home WIth m.n froln 0
fri.T • • ~'l ••ked Seouto; 12, D. Woods. F S. · 13. WhltinJ{. 1st
thom if thry belined in a p<rllOnal ddvi!. Berks B., 14. ' C. OIlY. 'F.S.; 16. 1. Waite.
nod they ~plied, " o !"
Mr. Sivltcr 18t Berko' S'i 16". S. 'I'app<nden. F .i'I., 17. C.
<Iwplv wnlQfl"" Ilk" Illl ..1. They ('()~Id p ot Cadman. lot B~l<o ~ .
pi" him down to facto. a. was quito
mild this tim •• b wover. tt> , he wftS 1 &la<ling A.C. "A." I. II. S; 4-10 paillt •.
,.hen he wu bere belo"'. Uoot
3. lWading A.c. "B" 5. 8, 7. 6-26 .
• Old w,ldly they beh."eeI in
3. FineluUDpstead Boy Scout.-. 9. 12. H. 16
,Mr. Rtr"" ~) offered. in llOplr
• , 41.
for .esoo. nnd M" I!iriter
" lit Ba1"b Tioop Bo)' Beouts. 11. 13. 15,
thot Mr. Street was
" 1'1-56.
h. -:lid not wnftt
W . Buckingham. the Oxford chAmpion.
(I ",,,,,ht ...... ) No ... h~
..... fancied to' ~jn this r~ •• &lid .tthouJlb
Raid lbat opirituoli.t.
le.diDg praot!eall) all t!lia jc\un.•J'. F: O.
frro-love. Let th.m concede
Col' wa. ,,~ littte- the f ... on tlle! rOil 10.
oplfituolist8 when they
The omaia!. wer.,-Tu"tkeel"'r, Mr. 1 . E .
thore ...... !IOlJlO wbo
B .....rey ; r.tefte Dr.·R . T. C.olpte · lu""....
thry turnoo to the
M_rs. T. J. Wdd,on lind A. O. Bibbifd;
would find that "'btn
llfafter. Mr. S. W . Fftrr (ehiel c1.rk ot the
and not I)-\· ... r. old.
CC'UI'88 . and -tr.. il,layer. loUr A. J. P"" ...... ,
th e Enrl,. Christi"n. for
distance j·lIdlitfl . . M_ -"', Jil. X"... t1!e\ A. Willprneli""... Mr. Hi\"iter
lI:i.... W . Fincher. ~. EJrirletOB .na 0 .. Pot~'n~ out an old .. rwoB
1>1 a ling•• ; hOI•. _retary, ;Mr. J . T . Brute"·
.livID" ut Boston. which Itu
~U<ij •• Mt. S .. W. Far~. put P!'Mident of the asootime li nd nKui n. He challenJled 'm to «iN;"n. diRtdbuted the uri_.
d"prove this. When h. WM before
The A~iaHou ... illd.btMl to "'r. H . ~.
h•• d"u~'JCed liP' 8 paper publi.hed in 8M by rngh for bringing the evento to tll" notice
u }'rl'f.. ln\"p 1 Dioh. corull fbg of four Ipeople. of th" school••• lso to Vajor M. L . Porter •
.. hn tn.. id.ntolly were not spirifuali8ta. O.B .E. ( Y!OmanTv Ho" ... ) •. and M.,......
olld led tI,O p<>Ople of O~frial'8" b~. imp". reter Koc.vll and W . FJ. Cr81g for allo"lDlf
clitIon to b<-lle\'c tbut the)" were sRirituRl. running over their landl!.
i.",. nnd thut the !,.j>er. ""hieb ..... onll
The ndt lidur@!! are thp two and tbree
Jlubh,b.d o"eo. ,.....till beinw iM'1ed h1 mil.R chaUlpiOD8hips' At 'I'''plow Court on
t hrill.
April Uth. when it i. boped a mlteb large,
Mr . 8,,'ilor AAid be
numlter of t."ruB will be competing from
B"p"ding Rnd district.
• 1
~ .. iler', love. t
Two ""iUed ""ndica"" -for ionior mtmbe..,
\L.,ughte,). Mr.
nr ·thfl R .A.C .... ere d..pdod in colllleot.loll
"':l~ deliberHloly
with the tw.o team rae... held b, the B.B,
With r.gurcl to
an". O. C:..c.A.
.... bow Mr. Sh·it.r
UJ\d.,· 16 ,ears.--order tlf inilihing: R.
!Iflew no ,w""t.r lIlan.
g.. le.. E. BunJll\.T. 1ILlerrold, Co I, BeaJley.
fu re Mr. Siviltlr "'0' ..
H. VeaOoweroft; 0 :' Malm. F . E. Talrilalle,
tru e sen·.nt of Christ.
E_ JIla1cock. J . . Vall".:! D. Coh. and V.
th e nuda
to lAY : "
PrJs.. ~arded to BODga,.
l'In,,,,,lf 1\
B""ol.y Rnd .Ttrrold.
loust wn.
and undtr 18 TI!!IlTS.-F. O . Cos.
an nloID
vi: 'ftU<'l<ingham. F. J . (Jibbioo. C. K~rse.
SiI.iter. 'I'he' truth
~ . .1 .. 'I'aJmall", Honey ne, ,B.,, T itc9m be,
WII' not dilputed. but
If. C"""k.. and Ra'JIl~ t.- .p~iR' " ... rdttd
the)' C811lB from tIle
to Tal""'"... HOD ybone &Del Kta..... • .
Mr. Si.,.iter went the
hoi.. Flo must
in .... of God
Ole splTits of
......., mournin, tile
H. hud challenged
en thi, matter


.n. '.








" 0


A nlne·stater Centaur 2A . known as


h. U".Ul\"ht. 1>ow.\·....
tide of gig"ntic!
o.. ur. him that h.





I£U"{ •• COL . J. N.



Ii. II •• been appo.ntfd comma nd

Batta lion
, itorials
[Photo by F . \\ r 'Ji,'

B,, "

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