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B E K K S H IR E .

[ k e l l y ’s

Burton Samuel Perry, leather cutter, 100 Northbrook street
& district sec. for the National Deposit Friendly Society,
Butcher Fredk. George & Son, blacksmiths, Bear lane, Cheap st
Station road
Butler Albert, dairyman, 96 Northbrook street
Crocker James, picture frame maker, 50 Cheap street
Butler James, color sergeant-instructor, E Co. 4th Battalion Croxford Robert & Son, wine & spirit merchnts. 1 & 2 Broadway
Royal Berks Regiment (T.F.), The Ferns, King’s road
Cullum Brice, decorator, Eversley, Queen’s road
Butler James Charles, farmer, The Warren, Wash common
Cullum Thomas H. builder, Northcroft lane
Butler John, boot repairer, Park street
Curry Theophilus, photographer, 3 Goswell place, London road
Button Ernest, boot repairer, Montague place, Newtown road Curtis Frederick W. Cross Keys p . h . London road
Callis Edwin, news agent, 60 Bartholomew street
Customs & Excise Office & Corn Return Office (Edward Layton
Callow Squadron Sergt.-Maj. Alfred, drill instructor C squad­
& Arthur Griffiths, officers), Market place
ron, Berkshire Yeomanry, London road
Davies J. J. & Sons, glass & china dealers, 63 Northbrook st
Cambridge Francis James, Catherine Wheel inn, 35 Cheap street Davis Albin George, stone mason, Russell road
Camp Alfred, draper & clothier, 6, 7 , 8 & 9 Northbrook street Davis Emma (Miss), dress maker, 19 Gloucester road
Capital (The! & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Evan Jones, Davis Henry John, chemist & oilman, 36 & 37 Northbrook st
manager), Newbury Old Bank, The Bridge ; draw on head Davis William, hair dresser, 26 Bartholomew street
office, 39 Threadneedle street, London e c
Davison Sarah (Miss), haberdasher, 3 High gate vis.Queen’s rd
Card William Thomas, Adam & Eve inn, Greenham road
Day & Porter, auctioneers, Market place
Carter John J. & Sons Ltd. dyers, 45 Cheap street
Day Charles, shopkeeper, Marsh road
Cary Alphonse, pianoforte warehouse, 47 & 48 Northbrook D ay George Edward, New Market inn, 21 Cheap street
street & works, Park street
Deacon James Edward, grocer, 55 Northbrook street
Cater Arthur D. ladies’ & gentlemen’s tailor & breeches maker, Debath Madame, milliner, 93b, Northbrook street
77 Northbrook street
Dell Edwin, boot maker, 98 Northbrook street
Cattle Market (H. Beer, toll collector), Market street
Denner Harry John, cattle dealer, Oxford road
Challis Ethel (Miss), dress maker, Carnarvon house, West street Dew Thomas, Bricklayers’ Arms p . h . 1 3 7 a , Bartholomew st
Challis Henry, bookbinder, 2 Florence villas, West street
Dewe William, coal merchant, 1 Carlisle terrace, Berkeley road
Cheeseman Mabel Elizabeth (Mrs.), art needleworker, 41 Digweed John Henry, butcher, 62 Cheap street
Northbrook street
Dispensary (William Thomas Parker Douglas b .a ., m.b con­
Cheshire & Normand, cycle agents, 45 Bartholomew street
sulting physician; William Benjamin Heywood m . b .
Chillingworth Percy, cycle manufr. see Martin & Chillingworth
Richard Hickman M.R.c.s.Eng. Arthur Thompson l . r . c . p .,
Chippett Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Shaw road
m .r.c .s . medical officers ; Walter J. Blacket, hon. sec. ; H.
Chivers Arthur J. builder & contractor, 63 Cheap street
Kimber, dispenser & acting sec.), West street
Chivers Charles James, carman, Railway road
Dolton Henry & Son, corn & seed merchants, Corn wharf
Chivers George, baker, Pembroke road
Dore Francis, sexton Newbury Cemetery Co. Newtown road
Chivers George, beer retailer, 57 Northbrook street
Douglas, Kerby & Graham, physicians & surgeons, Ivy house,
Chivers Thomas William, builder, Charles st. Wash common
London road
Christian Mission (James Spencer,hon. sec.), Temperance hall, Dowling William, grocer. 57 & 58 Oxford street
Northcroft lane
Draper S. J. & C. J. (Misses), carriers for G. W. R. goods station
Church Army Home (Capt. Herbert Fatter, in charge), Bar­ Dreweatt & Watson, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers, land,
tholomew street
bouse & estate agents, Market place. T N I
Church <fe Booth, millers (water), Town mills
Drury Albert Henry, teacher of music, Fernlea, Queen’s road
Church Brothers, grocers,& agents for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Duckett Edward, shopkeeper. 111 Bartholomew street
wine & spirit merchants, The Bridge
Easteleine Co. (The), baking powder manufacturers (Alfred
Church Walter, builder & contractor & sanitary inspector &
J. Pullen, manager), 116 Bartholomew street
surveyor to Rural District Council, Hoimside, Newtown road Eastmans Limited, butchers, 29 Cheap street
Cinema Co. (A. J. Lewis, manager), Cheap street
Eaton Arthur Richard, shopkeeper, 112 Bartholomew street
Clarke Samuel, shopkeeper, Essex street, Wash common
Edmonds & Son, cabinet makers, 39 & 40 Northbrook street
Clarke William Jenner M.R.c.s.Eng., l . s .a . surgeon, Oxford st office,&collector of King’s taxes,Wash com
Clifton Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 1 Gloucester road
Edwards & Godding Limited (George J. Belgrove, managing
Cloke Albert, hair dresser, 99 Northbrook street
director), iron merchants, wholesale general furnishing iron­
Cloke Frederick George, beer retailer, Wharf road
mongers & acetylene gas engineers, Market place & china &
Coburn Henry George, beer retailer, Pembroke road & butcher,
glass warehouse, The Arcade. ’Phone 185
105 Bartholomew street
Edwards Ernest, baker, 10 Oxford street
Coldicutt Wm. Hy. butcher & dealer in game, 85 Northbrook st Edwell Walter Kossuth, ironmonger, 20 Bartholomew street
Colebrook & Co. Ltd. fishmongers, 18 Northbrook street
Elliott Henry <fc Son, builders, Argyle road
Coles James Albert, Queen’s hotel, Market place
Elliott Joseph, boot maker, 33 Northbrook street
Collett Arthur Frederick, sign writer, Cromwell place
Elliott's Moulding & Joinery Co. Limited,manufacturing joiners
Collings Albert Lewes, boot repairer,29 Bartholomew street & Emblen Albert, confectioner, 17 Oxford street
17 London road
Empson Richard, dining rooms, 78 Bartholomew street
Cook George William, Old Waggon & Horses p . h . Market place Eskell L. E. & C. dental surgeons, 3 Mansion House street
Cooke Brothers, painters & plumbers, 20 Northbrook street Etoa Soap Co. (Charles Freeman, manager), 56 Cheap street
Cooke Walter, decorator, 72 Bartholomew street
Ettwell Mary (Miss), apartments, 2 Gloucester road
Cooper Edward, insurance agent, 115 Gloucester road
Evans Francis, Sun inn, 68 Cheap street
Cooper Harry, smith, 117 Bartholomew street
Fabry James, fruiterer, 27 Cheap street & Market street
Cooper William, cycle repairer, Corn wharf
Fabry Walter, jun. Black Bear inn, Market place
Copas Albert, coal dealer, Wharf road
Featherstone Charles, hair dresser, 2 London road
Cordon Victor Milton, artist, 4 Donnington villas, Oxford road Ferris Simon, dairyman, Myrtle villa, Wash common
Corn Exchange (Henry Pratt, sec. & manager), Market place
Ferris William, coach builder, London road
Corporation Gas Works (William Richard Davey, engineer & Field Percy Lockyer, Hunt’s Cup p . h . Broadway
manager; Charlie H. Freeman, collector & inspector); Fielder & Co. gros.&wine & spirit mers.2 & 3 Northbrook st
office, Cheap street & works, King’s road
Finn Herbert John, brewer, 50 Bartholomew street
Corporation Public Baths (Charles W. Pocock, supt.), North­ Fisher Alfred John, baker, 101 Bartholomew street
croft lane
Fisher Charles, beer retailer, 73 Cheap street
Cosburn George John, printer, reporter & district agent for Fisher William, insurance agent, Hurste, Stroud green
“ Reading Mercury ” & “ Newbury Herald,” & publisher Fitch William Edward, teacher of music, 64 York road
of the “ Newbury District Directory ” & assessor & collector Fleck Henry, dairyman, Ivy house, Queen’s road
of taxes, Market place
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, butchers, Market place
Count Henry Charles, hosier &c. The Bridge
Flint Ernest Reginald, solicitor, 46 Cheap street
County Court (His Honor Edward Harington, judge; Stanley Flint John, coal merchant, Canal wharf, Wharf road
Vickers Pinniger, registrar & high bailiff). Marketplace
Flower Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 3 Portland place, London road
Coventry Frank, boot repairer, 130 Bartholomew street
Franklin William, beer retailer, 24 Bartholomew street
Cowley William, beer & wine retailer, Oxford road
Franks Baron Joseph, dental surgeon, 82 Northbrook street
Cox A. & Son, coachsmiths, Northcroft lane
Franks Walter Harman, clothier, 80 Northbrook street
Cox Edward & Son, Diamond Tap p . h . & aerated water manu­ Free Public Library (J. W. Rosling, librarian), Cheap street
facturers, seed merchants & firewood dealers, 28 Cheap Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited (branch stores), boot &
street; & at Reading
shoe makers, 93 Northbrook street & 43 Cheap street
Cox Alfred, greengrocer, 110 Bartholomew street
Freeman Andrew John, chemist, Broadway
Cox Albert Edward, market gardener, Mill lane
Freeman Benson Fletcher, assistant overseer of Newbury &
Cox Caroline (Mrs.), The Gun inn, Andover road
Greenham, collector to the Newbury District Water Co.
Cox Edward Arthur, beer retailer, Marsh road
Ltd. & assistant actuary of Newbury Savings Bank & in­
Cox Horace George, assistant overseer & collector of rates for
surance ageht, Bartholomew street
Speen & Newtown, assessor & collector of King’s taxes for Freeman Charles Ernest, fruiterer, 30 Northbrook street
Highclere, Burghclere, Litchfield, Newtown, Faccombe, Freeman Sarah (Miss), confectioner, 4 Cheap street
Hurstbourne Tarrant & Sandleford. clerk to the Old Age Freeman Theophilus J. tobacconist, & post office, Broadway
Pension sub-committees for the Newbury Urban & Rural Frost Beatrice (Miss), florist, 125 Bartholomew street
districts, deputy registrar of marriages for Newbury, Fry Samuel, supt. Britannic Assurance Co. Ltd. 27 Craven st