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B E R K S H IR E .

Cobham Capt. Alexander W illiam , Sbiufield manor,
Reading, chairman
Henyon James Herbert esq. (lord lieu t.), Englefield
house, Reading
Blandy Henry Bilson esq. Mertonford, Wokingham
11r o a d bent Col. John Edward C.B. Fynesbury, Southcote road, Reading
Clark Col. Sir James Richardson Andrew hart. F .R .C .S .,
C.R. Bray wick, near Maidenhead
(’oilier Samuel George esq. Brownlow road, Reading
Darby-Griffith M aj. Christopher William, Padwortli
' house, Reading
Gould John Harrison esq. jun. Meadowville, Mortimer
Hawes Godfrey Charles Browne esq. Pangbourne
Hunter Capt. .Sir Charles Roderick bart. Mortimer Hill,
Keyser Charles Edward esq. F .S .A ., D.L. Aldermaston
court, Reading
Iiiebenrood Maj. George Engelberts
Marriott Surg.-Lieut.-Col.
William M.D.,
M.R.C.P.Lond. Aubrey house, Bath road, Reading
Mowbray Sir Robert Gray Cornish bart. D.L. Warennes
Wood, Mortimer, Berks
Palmer Alfred esq. Wokefield park, Mortimer
Palmer Rt. Hon. George W illiam P.C . Marlston house,
near Newbury
Sutton A rthur Warwick esq. Buckleburv Place, Bucklebury, Reading
Thornton James esq
Thornton Col. W alter, Maidenhatch,Pangbourne,Reading
Tvser George W alter esq. Oakfield. Mortimer, Berks
Waddington M aj.-Gen. Thomas, The Chestnuts, Pangbourne, Reading
Waring William Wheat esq. B^enham Vallance. Reading
Willink Hy. Geo. esq. Hillfields, Burghfield, Reading
Clerk to the M agistrates, Charles H. Dodd, 16 Friar
stre e t; Assistant, Fred W . Dormer,Assize court,Forbury
The Petty Sessions are held at the Assize Court. For­
bury, every Saturday at n a.m
The places in the division are Aldermaston, Ashampstead. Basildon, Boechill (Tything), Beenham, Bradheld, Burghfield, Englefield, Grazelev (Liberty), Padworth, Pangbourne. Purley. Shinfield, Stratfield Mor­
timer, Streatley, Sulham, Sulhampstead Abbots, Sulhampstead Bannister (Lower End), Sulham pstead
(Upper End). Swallowfield (East), Swallowfield (W est),
Tidmarsh, Tilehurst, Ufton, Wokefield (Tything)
The Mayor, the Recorder, & Judge of County Court
Blandy Henrv Bilson, Merton Ford, Wokingham
Bull Alfred Holland, 6 College road
Colebrook W illiam M errill, 30 Craven road
Collier Edward Philip, Westgrove, Grovclands road west
Cooper John James, 24 Redlands road
Ferguson W illiam , Kenmore, Bath road
Field Charles Gyningham , 12 Forbury
Frame William, Mapledurham
Gilligan George, Turret house, % Southcote road
Hewett Charles Mapledurham, Reading
Hickmott Alfred Edwin, 39 Clifton street
Hurry Jamieson Boyd M .A., M.D. Westfield, 1 Sonthcote road
Jackson Edward, Park house, Upper Redlands road
Jackson George Richard, Pretoria, 291 O xcord road
Martin John Wessley, Norfcoft house, 6 Brownlow road
Messer John Barnard, Stanstead, q6 London road
Milsom Joseph, Tim sburv house, Tilehurst road
Palmer Alfred Wokefield park, Mortimer
Palmer R ight Hon. Geo. Wm. P.C.M arlston ho.Newbury
Parfitt Felix Brodribb, Elmcroffc, Derby rd. Caversham
Philbrick George, 23 Coley hill
Poulton William, Hillingdon, 39 Christchurch road
Ridley Owen, Orwell house, 23 Craven road
Rose David. 137 Southampton street
Smith Charles, Hatheriev, 48 London road
Smith Charles Stewart, 76 Elm hurst road
Smith William Hv. Hatherwood, Caversham Place park
Sutton Leonard Goodhart. H ill ride, A llcroft road
Sutton Martin John, Holme park, Sonning
Taylor John Okev. Crnvenhurst. 17 Craven road
Tn ttv James, 4 Christchurch road
W all’ s Henry Marriage, 40 Christchurch road
Webb George William, u g Ca«tle H :ll
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Alexander Jones, 1
London street
The Magistrates sit daily (except Thr.r«day) PC to .30
a.m. at the Police Office, 1 London street

R E A D IN G .


Abbey Hall, K ing's road
Assize Courts, Forbury
Berks & Oxon Cham ber of A griculture, 39 Blagrave
street, W. Anker Simmons, hon. sec. ; F. Wortley
Simmons, sec
Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 172 K in g’s road,
Harold Hardy-Jackson, manager
Cattle Market, G reat Knollys st. Henry L. D aniels.supt
Cemetery, London road, Alfred Gibbs, superintendent
Corn Exchange & General Market, 8 Broad street &
Market place, George Steed, toll collector
Corporation Fire .B rigade, St. Mary’s B utts, Frederick
Lewis Pontin, chief officer; James Riddles, engineer
Corporation Public Swim m ing Baths, K ing’s Meadow
road, D. G . Cooper, attendant
Corporation W ater Works, Bath road; office, Town
h a ll; Leslie C. Walker, manager
County Court, Assize Court, Forbury, His Honour
Edward Harington, ju d g e ; Henry Collins & Henry
Jordan, joint registrars ; W. H. Shepherd, registrar’*
chief clerk; A rth ur Maslen, high bailiff; offices,
Friar street ; the court is held fortnightly except;
during September, which is the vacation month. Thedistrict comprises the following p lace s:— Arborfield.
Ashampstead, Barkham, Basildon, Bearwood, Beech
Hill, Beenham Valance, Binfield Heath (Oxon), Bradfield, Broad Hinton, Broadmoor, Burghfield, Burnt
H ill, Caversham (Oxon), Cane End (Oxon), Chazey
Heath, Collins End (Oxon), Crowthorne, Dunsdon
Green (Oxon), Earley, Englefield, Em m er G ieen
(Oxon), Farley Hill (W ilts), Finchampstead, E ye &
Dunsden, Gallows Tree Common (Oxon), G raisley,
Haines H ill, Hare Green, H urst, Kidm ore End
(Oxon), Mapledurham (Oxon) , Mortimer-west-End
(Hants), Mortimer Stratfield, Padworth, Pangbourne,
Play Hatch, Purley, Reading, Riseley Common (W ilts),
Ruscombe, Sandhurst, Shinfield, Sindlesham, Sonning,
Sonning Eye, Spencers Wood, Sulham , Sulham pstead
Abbots, Sulkampstead Bannister, Swallowfield, Theale,
Three Mile Cross, Tidmarsh, Tilehurst. Tw yford, Uf­
ton, Wellington College, W hisley-in-H urst, W h it­
church (Oxon), W hitley, Wokefield, W okingham ,
Woodley & Wyfold Court
This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction, & for
bankruptcy purposes includes Henley County Court
d istrict ; Cecil Mercer, senior official receiver ; Frank
T . Garton, assistant official receiver, 14 Bedford row ,
London W C
County Offices, Forbury
Cross Street Hall, James Ellis, sec. Cross street
Customs, Excise & Inland Revenue Offices, Station road,
W illiam Bryan, collector; D. Dunham (1st district) &
Hubert W .’ G uest (2nd district), surveyors of ta xe s;
J. Du Pré Matchett, supervisor of custom s & excise
Forbury Gardens. Forbury road
Foresters’ Friendly Societies’ Assembly Rooms, Bridge
street, Mrs. C. Lane, hallkeeper
H.M. Prison, Forbury road, Capt. Thomas Faulconer
Mair Wisden, governor; Rev. Martin Thomas Friend
M.A. chaplain
Inland Revenue Land Valuation Departm ent, 57 London
road, Louis H. Bailey, district valuer
Police Station (Borough), 1 London street, Capt. John
S. Henderson, chief constable ; 6 inspectors, 12 ser­
geants & 85 constables
Police Station (County) & Head Quarters of County
Police, Abbey street, Major A rth u r Faulconer Poul­
ton, chief constable ; Oliver Robotham, superintendent
& deputy chief constable ; Supt. Alfred J. Hedges,
chief clerk ; 1 inspector, 2 sergeants & 10 constables
Royal (New) County Theatre, F riar street, Milton Bode
& Edward Compton, joint lessees & managers
Provident Medical Dispensary, Chain street ; branch.
16 Wokingham road, Charles W illiam Marriott M.D.,
M .R.C.P.Lond. hon. physician ; Hastings GiTord
F .R .C.S.Eng. & W illiam James Maurice M .B., B.Ch.
hon. consulting surgeons; Lan'dow n M. Gnilding
M .A., M B ., B.Ch., N. B. Clowes L.R .C .P.L ond
Sidney Gilford M.B. G eorge L . Ranking M.R C .S ..
L.R.C.P.Lond. Go-don fyim bert M .D., B .C., W. T.
Freeman F .R .C .S .E n g. W illiam Hubert Sale Fcsbery
M .A., M.D., B .C ., Wr. J. Foster F .R .C .S Eng.
Eleanor G. Kensington M B .. B .S. Robert Ritson
George Frederick
Murrell M.B.,
M.R C .S.Eng.
Frederic Wilson Stansfield
M D.,
D P.H. Edward L ycett Cropp L .R .C .P.L ond. Mary
Ca^ew H unt M .D., L .R .C .P . & S.Edin. Ethelbert
W illiam Squire M B ., B.S.Lend.
Edward D-°ane
L .R .C .P Lond. Edward Walton Spencer Rowland
MR C 0 F
L.R .C.P.L ond
Charles A.
M .B., C h .B .E d m & James Leonard Joyce M.B., J3.< .