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R E S ID E N T S .

Hobbs Wm.Frank,2c>9 Iffley rd.Oxford Holtom W illiam W atkins, Y ew Tree
Hobley Hy. i St. John's rd. Banbury
house, Ducklington, W itney
Hobley Mrs. 25 Horsefair, Banbury
Homer Miss, Old Rectory, Kingham ,
Hocking Miss, 159 Iffley road, Oxford
Chipping Norton
Hocking William Henry, Roseville, Hone John, Adderbury W est,Banbury
The Mount, Caversham , Reading
Haneysett Walter, 62 Kingston road,
Hodge Rev. George Herbert, St.
St. G iles’, Oxford
John’s Mission house, Marston st. Honour John, Marston, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hood Rev. Alban B.A. The Pitts,
Hodge Miss, 12 St. M argaret’s road.
Headington Quarry, Oxford
St. Giles’ , Oxford
Hood Edwin H. 42 South Bar st.
Hodge R. H. H. Bicester hall,Bicester
Hodges George Montague Williams Hood Stphn. 13 Calthorpe rd.Banbury
M.B. Ibury house, High street, Hookham
M .R .C .S.E n g.
Deddington, Oxford
Staverton rd. St. Giles’, Oxford
Hodges Thomas W. 23 Leckford rd. Hoole Col. Jam es J.P ., C.M .G . Manoi
St. Giles’, Oxford
house, Headington, Oxford
Hodges W illiam , 32 Stanley road, Hooper Miss, 9 Park town, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hooper Mrs. Burcott cot. Abingdon
H odgkin Robert Howard M.A. Men- Hooper Mrs. 19 St. Andrew’s road,
dip ho. Headington hill, Oxford
Hodgkins Sidney M. Grammar school, Hooper Thomas, 137 Iffley rd. Oxford
Hope Rev. James Henry Francis M .A.,
Hodgkins S. H. Colmore ho. RotherB.C.L. Rectory, Drayton St. Leon­
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
ard, Wallingford
Hodgkins W. C. 231 Cowley rd.Oxfrd Hope W alter B. Priory avenue, C aver­
Hoernle Mrs. 8 Northmoor road, St.
sham, Reading
G iles’, Oxford
Hopkins George, New Marston, Oxfd
Hoey W illiam M .A. D .L itt.
137 Hopkins Miss, 8 Linton road, St.
Banbury rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Hogarth David George M .A., F .B .A ., Hopkinson Mrs. The Vicarage, North
F .S.A . 20 St. G iles’ st. Oxford
Aston, Oxford
Holbech Ronald H. A. Lower Lea, Hopton Alfred, 297 Cowley rcl. Oxfrd
Swalcliffe, Banbury
Horan Mrs. 13 Br ¡ughton rd. Banbr\
Holberton Mrs. Park house, Chinnor Horne Edward, Old Mill house,
road. Thame
Preston Crowinarsh, Wallingford
Holbrooke Rev. S. W. B ., B.D. R ec­ Horne W .Ivy bai k, Combe,Woodstck
tory, G t. R ollright, Chipping Nortn Horrobin John, 150 Walton st. Oxfrd
Holdsworth William S e a T l e D .C.L. Horser Cctterell, 25 Aston st. Cow­
42 Chalfont rd. St. Giles’ , Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Hole Charles, Sandridge, Albert rd. Horser Percy George, 37 Beech Croft
Caversham, Reading
road, Summertown, Oxford
Holford Frederick, Fringford lodge, Horsfall Misses, Shiplake hill, Ship­
Fringford, Bicester
lake, Henley-on-Thames
Holford J. Findon, Wood Grn.W itney Horsman Ernest George, Hillsboro’,
Woodcote rd. Caversham, Reading
Holiday A. E. Woodfield vil. Bicester
Holiday Frederick Dean, T yssul ho. Horsman Mrs. 56 W arwick st. Oxford
Horton Percy, 15 Thorncliffe road,
Church street, Bicester
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Holiday P. C. 1 7 Priory rd. Bicester
Holiday W illiam , 276 Banbury road, Horwood Henry Ernest, 29 W est st.
Grirasbury, Banbury
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Holland Rev. H arry Scott D.D. Horwood James S. Quarry bank, T ack­
ley, Oxford
Christ C h urch,St.A ld ate’s st. Oxfrd
Holland Benj. 21 Park street, Thame Horwood W illiam , The Bungalow,
Holland Mrs. H igh street, Burford
Caversfield, Bicester
Holland Robert G. Glenroyd, Queen’s Hosking Mrs. 1 Staverton road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
road, Thame
Holland Sidney, Clamberend, Upper Hoskings Frank Thompson, Exwick,
Priest hill, Caversham , Reading
H igh .street, Thame
Holland Sydney W illiam , 12 Farndon Hoskyns Leigh B.Ä., J.P. Cotefield,
Adderbury East, Banbury
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Holland Thomas Erskine K .C ., D .C.L. Houghton Anthony, Belmont, Church
road, Caversham, Reading
74 Woodstock rd. St. G iles’, Oxford
Hollens Sam uel, Croft house, Witney Houghton Mrs. 85 St. Clem ent’s st.
Holley Joseph Charles, 74 A rgyle st.
Houlton H. T. Taynton, Burford
Chester street, Oxford
Holliday R. Worton, Ca$sington,Oxfd Houlton Misses, W aterfall cottage,
Holliday W illiam , 17 St. John street,
Fulbrook, Burford
Hounsell George, 5 Marlborough rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
H ollingworth Charles S. Lindum,
Woodcote rd. Caversham, Reading , Houston Robert, Toxteth, Priory av.
Caversham , Reading
Holloway W .T .Fern vil.ChippingNrtn
Hollyfield T. Gordon villa, Charlbury How Archibald Barwell M.A. 20 Nor­
ham gardens, St. Giles’ , Oxford
Holme Robt. M. 311 Cowley rd.Oxfrd
Holmes Rev. Sami. M .A. 24 St. Mar­ How F. D. Manor house, Kencott,
Lechlade (Glo’stersh)
garet's road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Holmes Alfred, Oakhurst, Priest hill, How W alter W ybergh M .A. 21 Merton
street, Oxford
Caversham , Reading
Holmes Herod, W hite house, Wood- Howard C. J. 66 Warwick st. Oxfrd
Howard Edward Thomas, 52 Thorn­
cote, Reading
cliffe road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Holmes Miss, Queen Anne’s school,
Henley road, Caversham, Reading Howard Mrs. 24 Polstead road, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Holmes Misses, Chinnor, Wallingford
H olm es-A’Court Lt.-Col. Hon. Edwd. Howe Rev. Jn. E ., M.A. The Cottage,
The W hite ho. Iffley, Oxford Surley row, Caversham , Reading
H olt Miss, 19 Church street, Caver­ Howe W illiam , 188 Iffley road,Oxford
Howell James, 19 Parker st. Oxford
sham, Reading
Holt Miss, 62 Southfield rd. Cowley Howells Aaron, Wootton, Woodstock
Howes Ernest, 13 Portland road
St. John, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Holtom George Edwin,M aidley houae,
Howes H ugh, 13 Beech C roft road.
Woodstock road, W itney
Summertown. Oxford

[ o X F O B r S H IR E .

Howes Mrs. Lotion lodge, Conisbr»’
avenue, Caversham, Reading
Howland C. F. 42 Up.High stTh™,
Howson J. 22 Aston st. Cowlev St
John, Oxford
Hnbbard Wm F Holly Bush, Low™.
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Huckerby W illiam , Breaklands, Little
Bourton, Banbury
Huckle Frank A. 10 Abbey rd. Oxfrd
Huckwell Raymond John, 169 Divinitvroad, Cowley road, Oxford
Hudson Rev. Charles Henry Biekerton M.A. Holyrood,St.Giles* st.Oxfd
Hudson Miss,Newington ho.Wallin«fd
Hudson Mrs. 81 Cowley road, Oxford
Huff Alban, 92 Southfield road, Cow­
ley St. John, Oxford
Huggins Benjamin S. 55 Woodstock
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
H uggins Benjam in S. jun. 81 Woodstock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Huggins William, 12 Aston street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hughes Rev. Griffith M. Hurst B.A.
7 St. John’s rd. St. Giles’, Oxford
Hughes Rev. John B.A. 3 Canterbury
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Hughes Rev. John, Newlyns, Station
road, Henley-on-Thames
Hughes Rev. Thomas D.D., LL D.
Mongewell, Wallingford
Hughes Rev. W illiam Hawker M.A.
Jesus college, Oxford
Hughes Arth. Temple Cowley, Oxfrd
Hughes E. 22 St.M argaret’s rd.Oxfrd
Hughes George, Bank house, Cornm arket street, Oxford
Hughes George Alfred, 38 Western rd.
Grandpont. Oxford
Hughes H. J. 79 Iffley rd. Oxford
Hughes Miss, Convent of the Society
of the Holy & Undivided Trinity,
Woodstock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Hughes Miss, 84 Woodstock road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
Hughes Mrs. 39 Banbury road, St.
G iles', Oxford
Hughes Mrs. The Firs, Great Rollrigh t, Chipping Norton
Hughes Mrs. G t. Chesterton, Bicestr
Hughes Mrs. Victor, 44 Banbury rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
H ughes Samuel, 56 James street*
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hughes T. D. Oxford st. Woodstock
Hughes Wyndham Hope, The Laurels,
Fulbrook, Burford
Hugo Miss, 20 Regent street, Cowley
St. John, Oxford
Hugo Wilfred Temple, 104 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Hulbert Miss, 236 Woodstock road,
Summertown, Oxford
Hulk Mrs. 11 New st.Henley-on-Tbms
H ull Rev. H arry Moore, London road.
Chipping Norton
Hull Frederick Archibald, 27 Thorn­
cliffe road, Summertown, Oxford
Hull Mrs. 117 Cowlev road, Oxford
Hull Mrs. The Limes, Chinpor.
Hulme Rev. Joseph, Aston house,
Aston, Bampton
H um frey Misses, Holmside, Priest
hill, Caversham . Reading
Humphrey Commander Percy E. - *
R.N . Camden lodge, Henley roan,
Caversham, Reading
Humphries Mrs. 4 Tackley place,
Giles’, Oxford
Humphriss G.29 Southam rd.Banbui
Hunloke Capt. Philip J.P. BuekneH
manor, Bicester
Hunnisett W.33 Warwick st. Oil"
H unt Alfred E. 18 Hiüh st. Osfora
Hunt Arth. Fairfield, S h ilto n , Burfoui
Hunt A rth ur Surridp-e M.A., D.Lit .
Queen’s college, Oxford
H unt Edward, High street, Burfor