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d ir ec to r y
B E R K S H IR E .
Dunne Major Terence J. B. Tout- Chalker John W. S. grocer, Davis st
Ford Joseph George & Son, steam
ley hall
threshing machine & steam roller
Oakley-W alker Charles, Kelbum e lo
proprietors & farmers,W innersh frm
Bowyer A rth ur E. farm bailiff to W. Oakley-W alker Miss, Kelburne lodge
Geo. Pheasant P.H. K in g st
Tebbitt Stanton, Forest lodge
C. Godsal esq. Haines H ill farm
ith Charles Henry, dairyman
Dunn W illiam , farmer, Hinton farm
Tebbitt Stanton, surveyor of h igh Â
Scates Simeon, shopkeeper
c o m m e r c ia l.
ways to Wokingham Rural D isÂ
Wicks W illiam , Green Man P.H
trict Council, Forest lodge
Blake Alfred. & George, farmers, LodW INNERSH .
Uphill Herbert, farm er, High Ch im Â
don Bridge farm
neys farm
(Letters delivered from Wokingham.) Bowyer Ernest, farmer, Mungells frm
green Mrs. H igh Chimneys
E A S T I L S L E Y (or M arket Ilsley, anciently Hildes- February and continue every alternate Wednesday till
ley) is a small market town and parish, and head of a the Easter fair, held on the Wednesday in Easter week ;
petty sessional division, 9 miles north from Newbury, cattle, sheep and lamb fairs are held from Easter tilL
10 from Wantage, 11 south from Abingdon, 2 miles November, A ugust 1st and 26th being the two largest
north-west from Compton station on the Didcot and fairs in the year, and as m any as 50,000 sheep and
Winchester railway, in the Southern division of the lambs have been brought for sale on these days 'r
county, hundred of Compton, union and county court Hallow-tide fair, for cattle, sheep and lambs, is held on
district of W antage, rural deanery of Newbury, arch the Wednesday following the 12th of November ; dealers
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford ; it is situated and graziers come from all parts of the country to these
on the side of a hill, surrounded by downs, which ex  fairs to purchase stock. There are several establishÂ
tend for some miles ; a part of these is cultivated and ments here for training race horses, the lig ht and
the remainder used as sheep walks. The church of springy tu rf of the downs being well adapted for that
St. Mary is a small building of stone and rubble in purpose. Lady Wantage is lady of the manor and chief
mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, landowner. The soil is chalk and g ra v e l; subsoil, chalk
aisles, north porch and low em battled western tower and flint. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips
The area is 3,017 acres ; rateable value,
of the Decorated period, containing 5 bells, dated and hay.
1412-1625, and a clock: the south arcade of the nave ¿£2,573 ; the population in 1901 was 482.
William Welch.
has Transition Norman arches, but the sopth aisle is
Early English, the north being m odern: the church Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Edwin Thomas Taylor, subÂ
was enlarged and re-pewed in 1845, and in 1881-2 the
Letters arrive from N ewbury at 7.10
south aisle was restored and the fine old roof disÂ
a.m. & 2 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 a.m. & 2 & 6
closed ; the entrance to the rood loft and a piscina were
p.m. ; Sundays, arrive 7.10 a.m. ; dispatched,4.45 p.m
also discovered ; the gallery in front of the west winÂ
dow was removed, a Norman font, which was found
under the pulpit, restored and placed in the centre
of the basement of the tower, the chancel re-decorated Martin-Atkins Ernest Edwin esq. Downend house*
and a stained window inserted at the east end : in the
Chieveley, Newbury, chairman
chancel is a marble slab, with arms, inscribed to the
Bowles Col. Thos. Jn. Streatley Wood ho. nr. Reading
Bev. Joseph Barnes A.M. rector, d. 1753» an(* t° k*s Carter Col. James Colebrooke V.D. Orpwood, Ardingwife, d. 1721 ; in the aisle is a brass, placed by their
ton, W antage
daughter Katherine, to the wife of W illiam Hildeslea,
Eyston John Joseph esq. Hendred house, Steventon
ob. January, 1606, having survived him 30 years; the Hazel Commander James R.N. Rowstock, St^venton
churchyard contains memorials to the Bev. Thomas Loyd Archie K irkm an esq. K .C ., D .L. Down houseLoveday, 34 years rector, d. 1873, and his wife, d. 1845;
four stained windows were presented, in 1896-7, by the
Stevens Alfred esq. Compton, Newbury
late James Grey esq. : there are 250 sittings, 150 being
Wasey Edward esq. Bradley court, Newbury
free. The register dates from November, 1653. The
Clerk to the M agistrates, Edward Brooks Orm ond,
living is a rectory, net income £380, writh 63 acres of
glebe and residence, in the gift of Magdalen College, M arket place, Wantage
Petty sessions are held at the Police Station the first
Oxford, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Thomas Robert
fridav in each month, at 12 oâclock
Terry M.A. of T rinity College, Cambridge. Here is a
Baptist chapel, erected in 1864, and affording 150 sit The following places are within the d ivisio n :â A idworth, Catmore, Chilton, Compton, Farnborough*
The poor of this parish have the righ t ol
Ilsley (East), Hsley (West)
cutting furze upon several downs. Ilsley has long been
noted for its sheep m arkets and fairs, a grant for the County Police, Francis John Cross, sergeant
holding of which was obtained by Sir Francis Moore,
Council School (mixed), erected in 1908, for 98 ch ilÂ
from James I. in 1620 ; previous to this tim e fairs
dren ; average attendance, 75 ; A rth ur Thomas Powell,
were held at Cuckham sley H ill (Cwichelmes hlaewe),
m aster
but on the issue of the grant were traditionally reÂ
Ernest Barlow passes through from W est
moved to a square enclosure now planted and called
Ilsley to Newbury, tues. & thurs
â The W a rre n ;â the fortnightly m arkets commence in
Robinson James H um frey, road surÂ
Green Edwin & Son, drapers
Newell Rev. Ernest (Baptist)
veyor to the W antage Rural D istrict
Risien E. Russell L.S.A . Dorset ho Hamlen Herbert John, Lamb hotel
Council & clerk to the East Ilsley
Terry Rev. Thomas Robert M.A. Hamm Annie (M rs.), grocer
Council school & local agent to
F .R .A .S. (rector), Rectory
Franklin & G ale, auctioneers, The
Horsman Alfred & Sons, coal, corn,
Wells Mrs. Compton road
hay & straw merchants & carmen
West Capt. Ernest Edwd. The Hall
Horsman Alfred, agent for the Simpson A rth ur George, Sun P .n
Bartholomew Chas. grocer & butcher
National Deposit Friendly Society Sneller W illiam , Swan hotel
Booker Joseph, relieving & vaccina& collector of taxes for East &⢠Spencer Albert, Crown & Horns P.H
Stevens Francis, farm er & sheep pen
tion officer,No. 2 district, collector
W est Ilsley
proprietor & deputy registrar of
to the guardians & registrar of Lam b Hotel (Herbert John Hamlen,
births & deaths for Ilsley sub-disÂ
births & deaths for Usley sub-dist.
trict, W antage union, Manor &
W antage union & registrar of Long Frederick Geo. baker & grocer
W est End farms
marriages for W antage district,Fil- Lowre Bridget (Miss), frm r.Kennett ho
Stride Annie (M rs.), dress maker
bert house
Lowe Percy, trainer of racehorses
Bradfield Henry, W hite Hart P.H
Marriott Mary (Mrs.), farmer. Ash- Taylor Edwin Thos. stationer, Post off
Wells E. A. (Mrs.), assistant overÂ
Cheshire James, trainer of racehorses
ridge farm
seer & clerk to Parish Council
Darling W illiam Henry, painter
Pearce James Mead, saddler
East James, trainer of racehorses, Risien E. Russell L S.A.Lond. physi- Wells Mark, butcher & farm er
Capt. Ernest Edward, trainer
Church Hill house
cian & surgeon, medical officer &
of racehorses, The Hall
Field George, blacksmith
public vaccinator, W antage union,
Goddard William Beecher, builder
1 & certified factory surgn. Dorset ho
W E S T I L S L E Y is a small village and parish 11 archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of O xford ; it is
miles north from Newbury and 4 north-west from Comp pleasantly situated in a deep valley in the centre of
ton station on the Didcot and Winchester railway, in the Downs, and the traveller, in passing along the road,
the Southern division of the county, hundred of Comp does not perceive it till he comes to the brow of a
ton, Ilsley petty sessional division, union and county hill at the entrance to the village. The church of A ll
.c o u r t district of W antage, rural deanery of Newbury, Saints is an ancient fabric 0' flint with stone facings*
Roe Harcourt, Hovenden house
Soundy Edwin, Hinton road