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[O X F O R D S H I R E
C lark A lbert, 15 Regent st. Cowley Clowser Mrs. Manor house, Stand- Comfort Mrs. 14 Chalfnn*
St. John, Oxford
lake, W itnev
iW . Oxford
OTfr»«i 4 ^nail0ntroad,
Clark A .C .jM .A . Queenâs coll. Oxford Clubb Charles W. F. 33 Park End st.
Commin Jn. Hy.88 Bath rd.Banh,,.
Clark Charles, Hawkswell, Lonsdale
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Clym a Miss, 185 Banbury road Goz z ^ t B
Clark Fisher, Couching street, WatSum m ertown, Oxford
lington, W allingford
Coates Rev. Hy. A ug. B.A.The V icarÂ
Clark George L. 11 Regent st. Cowley
age, Weston-on-the-Green, Bicester
Headington quarry, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Coates A. N.22 Marlboroâ rd.Banbury Congreve Rev. George M.A. s t Jâhâ.
C lark Miss, Kidlington, Oxford
Cobb Charles Stanley, Maitland ho
Mission house, Marston st C otl â
Clark Mrs. 11 Hart st.Henley-on-Thms
Sonning common, Reading
St. John, Oxford
C lark Mrs. 33 Iffley road, Oxford
Cobb George, Laurel lodge, W iggin- Conybeare Frederick 0 ., M.A fi, n,
Clark Owen, 96 Woodstock road, St.
ton, Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
Cobb George Henry M .A. 45 Beech Cood John Charles, Trevenen, Roth«
Clark W illiam , 4 Hernes road, Sum Â
Croft road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
field road, Henley-on-Thames
mertown, Oxford
Cobb Tim othy Edward J.P. 87 Ban Cook Charles Henry, W illo w â ranâ .
Clarke Rev. Rt. Douglas Leonce M.A.
bury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
G oring, Reading
13 ® â
h i Southmoor rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxfrd Cockeil Walter, 121 High st. Oxford
Edward Tyas, Rose cotta«
Clarke Alban A. Brooklyn, Hook Nor Cockerell Rev. Louis A ., M.A. 106 Cook
South Stoke, Reading
b â
ton, Banbury
Banbury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Clarke Alfred Basil, Heathcote, Gros- Cocks Alfred W illiam , Lyndhurst, Cook Frederick Charles, 14 Farndon
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
venor road, Caversham, Reading
Goring, Reading
k G forge, 17 Regent st. Cowle,Clarke Arthur, 2 Kingston road, St. Cocks Mrs. Station road, Chinnor, Co°
St. John, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
W allingford
George William, 65 Southmoor
Clarke Charles, 52 Bullingdon road, Codrington Misses, 6 Tackley place,
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Henry, 5 South parade, SumÂ
Clarke Ernest, 22 Parker st. Oxford Coffey Richard, 2 Northfield end, Cook
mertown, Oxford
Clarke Geo.Thos.Hook Norton,Banbry
Cook Mrs. 8 Norham rd. St. Giles'
Clarke George W illie, 31 Oakthorpe Coggins Edwd. Townend vil. Bicester
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Coggins George, Market place, Ded- Cook Percy Edward, 5 St. Johnâs rd.
Clarke John, Church view, The
dington, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Leys, W itney
Coker Miss, 5 Lathbury rd. Oxford
Cook W illiam Henry, 7 Market so.
Clarke Miss, Church street, Heading- Cole Francis Joseph, M yxina, Albert
W itney
ton, Oxford
road, Caversham , Reading
Cooke Rev. George Albert D.D. 23
Clarke Mrs. 1 Northmoor road, St. Cole Mrs. Sandvale, W indm ill road,
Linton road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Headington Quarry, Oxford
Cooke A rth ur Henry, Cliftonville,
Clarke Mrs. E. A. 72 W est street, Cole M rs.2 The Ter.Park twn.Oxford
Clifton park, Caversham, Reading â
G rim sbury, Banbury
Cole Oswald, 5 Blue Boar st. Oxford Cooke Henry J. 21 Newland, Banbury
Clarke Mrs.â H. 26 W est st, G rim s Cole Thos. F. T. Souldern, Banbury
Miss, 15 Northfield end, Hem
bury, Banbury
Colegrove Joseph, 226 Banbury road.
Clarke Mrs. W illiam A. 1 Warnboro
Summertown, Oxford
Cooke Mrs. Beckley, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Coleman Ernest, Calton villa. K id  Cooke Mrs. Sonning commn. Reading
Clarke W. J. 62 Abingdon rd. Oxford
more road, Caversham , Reading
Cookes Rev. Thomas Horace M.a!
Clarke W illiam , Elm hurst, Dash- Coleman Ernest George, 28 W est Bai
Curraghm oore, Oxford rd. Banbury
wood road, Banbury
street, Banbury
Cooksey Frank, Shirley, The Mount,
Clarke W illiam Henry, The Cottage, Coleman Mrs. 4 Church st. Bicester
Caversham, Reading
Aston, Bampton
Coleman Mrs. 16 W est Bar st.Banbry Cookson Christopher M.A. Magdalen
Clayton Rev. Horace Evelyn M.A. Coleman Tom, 17 Box Hedge road,
college, Oxford
30 Beaumont street, Oxford
Neithrop. Banbury
Coombes Rev. H. E. H., M.A. The
Clayton William Henry, Glengariff, Coles Rev. Richard Edward B.A. Park
Vicarage, Ipsden, Wallingford
Albert road, Caversham , Reading
street, Woodstock
Cooper Arthur, The Bungalow, GrosCleave W illiam , The Hollies, Albert Coles Fdk. C. 261 Cowley rd. Oxford
venor road, Caversham, Reading
road, Caversham, Reading
Coles L. V. 5 Dashwood ter. Banbury Cooper Donald A.Ravensworth,SpringCleaver Rev. Charles Wm . Euseby Coles Philip, h i W est st. G rim sbury.
hill road, Goring, Reading
M.A. The Vicarage, Church road,
Cooper E. M. Hussey, The Bungalow,
Caversham , Reading
Coles William Ralph, F air view.
Bladon, Woodstock
C leaver Henry, 34 Chalfont road, St.
Standlake. W itney
Cooper Ernest Charles, 30 Park End
Gilesâ, Oxford
Collcott S. J. 287 iffley rd. Oxford
street, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
C leaver W illiam , 6 Farndon road, St. Collcntt Joseph James, 5 Farndon Cooper Frank, 15.5 Woodstock road.
Gilesâ, Oxford
road. St. G ilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
C legg Miss, 305 Woodstock road, Collett Alfred, 23 Oakthorpe road â Cooper George W illiam, 39 Banbury
Summertown. Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Clem ents Charles J.P. Rockfort,Greys Collett Frank Charles, 75 West street, Cooper Harry J. T. Sutton, Eynsham
road. Henley-on-Thames
Grim sbury, Banbury
Cooper Henry Bickersteth M.A. 14
Clerk Miss, Bodicote, Banbury
Collett John, 26 Thorncliffe road,
Linton road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Clews John, 34 Kingston rd. Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Cooper Herbt. Edwd. Bransford. KidÂ
Clews Misses, High house,. Black Collett W alter, 81 Southmoor road,
more road, Caversham, Reading
Bourton, Clanfield
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cooper Horace, Melrose, Kidmore rd.
Clews Mrs. 23 St. Margaretâs road, Collie Misses, 10 Norham road, St.
Caversham, Reading
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Cooper James Hawkes. Summerlea,
Clifford Mrs. 65 Abingdon road, Collier John George, 224 Woodstock
Surley row, Caversham, Reading
Grandpont, Oxford
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Cooper John, The Hollies, Burford ra.
Clifford Richard, 50 Bath rd.Banbury Collier Miss, Kiddington Assarts,
Chipping Norton
Clifford-Sm ith Mrs. 312 Banbury rd.
Nether Kiddington
Cooper John Fredk. Sherwood,RotherSum m ertown, Oxford
Collier Thomas S. Stoneygate, Priest
field Greys. Henley-on-Thames
Clifton Charles, Laurel cottage, Barhill, Caversham, Reading
Cooper Maurice C.278 Iffley rd.Oxfrd
ford St. Michael, Oxford
Collier William M .A., M.D. St.M aryâs Cooper Miss, 22 St. John street, St.
Clifton Chas. E. 17 Parker st. Oxford
entry, Radcliffe square, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Clifton Robert Bellam y M .A., F.R.S. Collier W illiam , 313 Woodstock road, Cooper Mrs. 17 Bardwell road, St.
3 Bardwell road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Vlimenson Mrs. John, The Grange, Collins Frank, 183 D ivinity rd. Cowley Cooper Mrs. South View villa,SpringShiplake, Henley-on-Thames
road, Oxford
hill road, Goring, Reading
Clinch Miss. 3 Church green, W itney Collins Hy. A. St. Dunstanâs, Wood- Cooper Mrs. The Croft, B a d g e m o r e .
Clinkard Richard, 29 Oakthorpe rd.
cote road, Caversham, Reading
Summertown. Oxford
Collins T. 1 Calthorpe road. Banbury Cooper Mrs. The Lodge, Wheatley
Clode A rth ur,
Strathview ,
The Colson Rev.Canon Francis Tovev M .A. Cooper Mrs. 86 Woodstock road.
Mount, Caversham. Reading
A ll
Gilesâ, Oxford
Close Miss, Combe, Woodstock
Quarry, Oxford
Cooper Mrs. Lewis. Caversham hill.
Close W illiam Brooks, Huntercombe Comber A .W .7 St.M argaretâs rd.Oxfrd
Caversham, Reading
place, Nuffield. Henley-on-Thames Com fort Rev. Jabez Ambrose, Gothic Cooper Sidney Walter, 169 WoodClowes Miss, 10 W inchester road, St.
house, Charlbury
stock road. St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford