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d ir e c t o r y
B E R K S H IR E .
a.m . & 2.30, 7.45, 8.30 & 10 p.m. ; S un days, 9.30
Wantage, of Lockinge Park, who is lady of the manor,
Robert Rich and Dennis Napper esqrs. are the chief
Wall Letter Boxes, opposite Railway station, cleared at
landowners. The soil is chiefly chalk d rift and strong
9.45 a.m . k 2.20 & 9.20 p.m . ; Sundays, 9.20 p.m . ; k
black loam ; subsoil, chalk, shale and clay. The chief
in the centre of parish, cleared at 9.45 a.m. & 2.10 &
crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,095
p.m. ; sundays, 9.10 p.m
acres of good arable and meadow la n d ; rateable value,
¿ i 1,785; the population in 1901 was 420 and in 1911, Elementary School (m ixed), erected in 1896 & enlarged
in 1903, for 182 children; average attendance, 115;
Mrs. Martha Skyrm e, mistress
Parish Clerk, W alter Dopson.
Post, M. 0 . & T. Oflice (letters should have Berks Railway Station, James Short, station master
added).â Miss Amy Elizabeth W iggins, postmistress.
C a r r i e r s â Hawkins Brothers, to Abingdon, mon. wed.
Letters arrive by rail at 5.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 5.30 &
sat. ; to W allingford, tues. k fri
8 p .m .; S u n d a y s, 5.30 a .m .; dispatched at 10.15
Boslev W.& dressers,Haddon rd Napper Dennis, farm er, Manor farm,
Brown Rev. John M .A. (rector &
â .
. « «
^ hay & straw dealer
Butler Frank, W hite Hart P.H
rural dean), Rectory
Davis George, farmer,New Houso frm Napper W illiam , farmer
Hall James
George, farm er, Blagraves frm
Hemsley Thomas Wm. W antage road Drewe Hannah P. (Mrs.), Junction Rohins Joseph, grocer
hotel, Station
Lever Charles Lowthorpe, Sunnyside
D id c o t s , contractors & railway siding Rowland A lbert E. shopkeeper
Rich Robert
Sm ith W. H. & Son, news agents
Stevens Henry Arthur, Britw ell lodge
Thos. shopkpr. Haddon road Sm ith Mary Jane (Mrs.), farmer,
Trotm an Thos. James, 32 Station rd
Taylorâs farm
Great Western Provender Stores
W ent Francis, 31 Station road
Sm ith Thos. insur. agt. Abingdon rd
(Alfred Campbell, manager)
Taylor Richard J. Royal Oak P.H
Hawkins Brothers, carriers
Battison & Hawkins, greengrocers
Hobbs John Edmund, assistant over- Walters W illiam , Prince of Wales P.H
Beck Kendrick, permanent way inseer k insurance agent W antage rd W yman & Sons Lim ited, news agents.
Railway station
spector, 1 Station road
Lewis H arriett
(M rs.),
Blissett Fanny (Miss), dress m aker
Arms P.H
D O N N I N G T O N , see S'haw-cum-Donnington.
D R A Y C O T T M O O R , see Longwort
D R A Y T O N is a parish situated 011 the borders of , was restored in 1871. The
-^ W n ^ e str o v e d
Oxfordshire and on the road from Abingdon to New- i dates from 1754, the_ ear ier_^ne
year 1780
th e
miles south-west-by-south from Abingdon, i£ 1 at the great fire of D rajton 1
miles north from Steventon station on the Great Western j living is a vicarage, s e p a r a l j ? ? 8â67
nf t
â ilway, in the Northern division of the county, hundred j don, by Order in Council,
4th, 1867 ,
of Ock, petty sessional division, union and county court , yearly value £130, with residence
F?ederic John
district of Abingdon, rural deanery of Abingdon, arch- ; Wantage, and held since 1908 bv the Bey. Frederic: J ohn
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The W ilts |Chapman of S t Bees.
Here are B end Wesleyan
and Berks canal Basses through this parish.
The chapels. The chanties amount to about £22 yearly,
church of St Peter is a building of stone, consisting of j and there are five cottages for the poor a a, very .
C a n c e l, nave north aisle, south porch and an em- i rent. The Manor House, an1 ancient mansion .s the
battled western
and -a clock: i residence_ of Leopold^
es<F who
VVeâSLClll tower
u u n c i containing
u u u im iu iu g 8
v bells
w . . . ------,
1 was erected
-i. j in 1872, chiefly oatf tHa
he chancel
the pnct.
cost nf
of | cipal landowner. Lady Wantage is lady of the manor.
¡he late vicar, and has a stained window representing The soil is loam y and clay; subsoil, gravel and clay.
rhe Crucifixion: the south porch, added in 1879, is fur- I The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips.
The area is 1,845 acres of land and 6 of w a te r;, rateable
lished with gurgoyles of carved stone, and in the pavenent is the following inscription inlaid in lead, â Keep value. ¿2,454; the population in 1901 was 529.
)hy foot when thou goest to the house
of God ! â these x<tttaAX
---------------Parish vClerk,
W illiam - Webb.
mprovements were effected under the
superintendence j
officp _ Mrg L ily W allin, sub-postm istress. Letof the late Mr. E. Dolby, architect, of Abingdon : the
arrive through Abingdon at 7.10 a.m. & 12.55
font is a plain cylindrical work of Norman date: in the ;
" . dispatched at 7.5 a.m. k 1.40 & 7.20 p .m .;
north wall of the lady chapel there is an aumbry, and ; undaV<. 72Q a m for callers o n ly ; box cleared at
in the south wall a credence and piscina: there are also ; ~
miles distant, is the nearest
two other piscinae in the church : in digging a vault 111
money order &telegraph office
the church in the year 1814 the workmen came upon
^ Drayton Mill, cleared at 7.15 a.m . & 2.25
some elaborate and beautiful old carvings in alabaster, j ^
p.m. ; sundays, 7.15 a.m
representing The Betrayal,The Scourging, The Cruci- j Elpmentarv
School (boys, girls & infants), built in 1874,
(now missing) a n d The Entombment
of <>"'
master â¢' Mrs L F S a n d v s , in f a n t s â m istress
Saviour, The Adoration and The Annunciation . there are ,
200 sittings, about half being free : the churchyard cross I Sandy s, master , i '
t> j c
williotv. Fri-ward
miller 1Dunsdon Edwin, shopkpr. & coal air
Beak Capt. Wm . Edwd. Gothic house ?wat6 ) (l
through Sieventon,
Bishop The Misses
Caudwell Leopold, Manor house
f f i ^
- r l e s ,
farmer. ^
) , ; hopkeepâ
Caudwell Mrs. The Grange
Chapman Rev. Frederic Jn. Vicarage
Caudwell Leopold, farmer
& land- Mattock R o b e r ' r
â¦Clarke W alter B. Briar meade
â¦Darby Miss, The Cottage
Hobson Thomas F. Lime close
Hyde Mrs
C' $ : S
t u
Stone Miss
«and S: gravel merchant fe maker . W inter Charles, builder
of pressed red faced bricks
W m terbourne Charles, laundry
A llright John A. farm bailiff to LeoÂ
Darvill Frank Chas. baker & grocer
pold Caudwell esq
¿ s s 1
esq .
a »
01 oueep si-trau ju.wu.ov, Xu«. VUV.XU,
manor, and Miss Lenthall, of Besselsleigh. are the chief
larish of Marcham and is called Dry Sandford to dis | landowners. The soil is v ario u s; subsoil, brash. The
inguish it from Sandford-on-Thames (Oxon), only 5 chief crops are wheat, barley and oats and root crops.
school and rating
n i e s distant.
d is ta n t.
r u r poor
p u u i law, ov.uv.wx
/P ce, Â
The entire area is 730 a c re s ; the rateable value of the
poses, this place is included in the civil parish ot bt. civil parish of Shippon and Dry Sandford is ¿ 3 â 4 ®°'»
Helen W ithout, created in 1894. The church of bt.
the entire population in 1901 was 262.
Helen, consecrated in 1855, is a building of stone in
Parish Clerk and Sexton, Percival King.
th e Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave,
south porch and a western turret containing 2 b e lls : Post & T Office. Cothill.â Andrew George Ashfield,
in the church is a marble tablet to Mrs. M utne, a
sub-postmaster. Letters from Abingdon by messenger,
considerable benefactress to the p arish : there are 170
arriving at 6.55 a.m . & 12.5 p.m. ; returning at 12.=
sittings, 140 being free. The register dates from the