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[ kei l y âs
u iu ik cu , â uiage cono',
1 -E d r rd >
â 6 , -jpoar
â Ãtractors,I W ellington
&College Sstation
Spear & K in g, builders, Kings road
MUrS* A°,ad k ,
Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs O.tobacDupond Louis, nurserym an, Sand T
L lo jd M ary (M rs.), draper, High st
conist. High street
hurst road
Ernest P., M .R .C .S.E n g ,
J+East Berks Golf Club (Capt. H.
S , C,harJes * Son' i° b m e te rs ,
L .E .C .P.L ond . physician & surgn
M H arris, sec.),Ravenswood av w
High street
The Moorings r
E lm er George & Son,carriers,H igh st
E vans W alt.Jam es, tailor, Pinehill rd Lovick Charles, Crowthorne inn, Sworder W alter Jsph. fruitr. Hi^h st
Q l â
. v.
Talm age Edgar, butcher, High street
r ulbrook A lbert,carpenter,Pinehill rd M w i?,
Hr £
l !
am ,watch m aker, Taylor & Case (Misses), apartments,
G ifford George Taylor M .D ..M .R .C S
U- r0a n-t,
Wellesley villa,W okingham New rd
Eng. surgeon,Ellesm ere,D ukes ride VI? 1
W illiam Thomas, butcher. Territorial Force Junior Division
Giles Joseph, builder, Old Woking Martin
Church street
Officersâ Training Corps, W ellingÂ
ham road
Mason Charles Washington, hair
ton College Contingent (4 Com Â
dresser, High street
panies) (M ajor W. G. Collett),
dealer, H igh street
J+Morris Annie (Miss), apartments,
GoodfellowAlex.W m .news agt.H igh st
Tralee, Ravenswood avenue
Thomas P. Evan, land agent & su rÂ
G reat Western Coal Co. (L. Langley, Newman W illiam , saddler, H igh st
veyor, house & estate agent, aucÂ
agent), Dukes ride, Wellington N ightingale Wm. clothier, Church st
tioneer, valuer &c. T.N . 27 CrowÂ
College station
Nursesâ Home (Miss Farrow, ladv
Hale Brothers, builders, Pinehill rd
superintendent), Dukes ride
J+Harding A rth ur, apartments, Mel Over H arry,grocer & sub-postmaster, Vaughan Albert, tailor, High street
John, general dealer, Kings rd
bourne villa, Ravenswood avenue
H igh street
t Hayes
W illiam
draper Owen Henry, fried fish dealer,High st Walls George, builder, Glendale,
Sandhurst road
Dukes ride
Potts & W arner, drapers, Church Ward George, Prince Alfred P.H.
Hewitt Eliza (M rs.), draper, W ater
street & H igh street
H igh street
loo place
Powell & Carr, boysâ school, Crow W arner Thomas, draper, see Potts &
H iggs W illiam Hy. corn dir. H igh st
thorne Towers
tH iil F rederick Charles, stationer & Prior Charles Henry, hair dresser,
W atkins Henry Harris, boot maker,
sub-postm aster, Dukes ride
Church street
tH ookham & Co. tailors, Dukes ride
f H u n t T h o m a s , bookseller, whole *Ravpntprnft ifsh pkp r . Pinewood av Wellington College (W. W. Vaughan
â¦Ravenscroft Edgar Lionel, d a iry -; M.A. head m aster)
sale &; retail stationer, printer,
, â *Weston Ellen (Miss), dress m aker.
bookbinder & hair dresser by ap * R e a d i n r h a i l T T y
Readings Charles & bon, brick &
Wokingham New road
pointm ent to W ellington College
tile m anufacturers & saw m ills, Wheatley Thos. upholsterer, H igh st
Ifould Edwin (M rs.), Waterloo hotel
Wokingham New road
. . .
International Tea Co.âs Stores Ltd. Ritchings Em ily (M rs.), apartments, â¦Whitaker Thomas James, c o a f dir
Ellis road
grocers. Church street
Fernshawe. Pinehill road
Ives Joseph, grocer, Dukes ride
Rod well A rthur, baker. High street
Waterloo place
Jam es Joe Conquest, Wellington Satchell Frederick
(M rs.),
fancy Wilkinson W illiam , cycle agt. High st
fam ily hotel & posting h o u se;
repository, Sandhurst road
motors for h ir e ; garage & nit. St. Georgeâs Hall (W alter J.Sworder. Ã+W ilm ott Henry Ross, apartments,
The Shrubbery, Ravenswood aven
T N 37 Crowthorne
proprietor). High street
Jones Philip Napier M .R .C .S.E ng. tSew rey James R. P. boot maker, j W right W illiam" John, manager J. &
E. Simonds & Co. Bank,Dukes rid©
L R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon
Dukes ride
K n igh t Thos. chemist, Sandhurst rd tSim onds J. & C. & Co. bankers Youlden John George, carpenter.
Lake Christopher J. grocer, H igh st
(branch) (W illiam John W right, Youlden Samuel James, insurance
tL an glev Leonard,carm an,Dukes ride
m an a ger); open daily 10 to 3,
agent, Butterford, Church road
Lawrences Stores Lim ited, drapers,
sat. 10 to 1 ; draw on W illiam s
Sandhurst road
Deaconâs Bank Ltd. London E C
*Ligh tfoot Ellen (Miss),dress maker,
Dukes ride
through Camberley.)
Old Wokingham road
Sm ith Amos Edwd. shpkpr. High st
Lightfoot Ernest,
coach builder, Sm ithers Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress Bullock Frederick W illiam , baker
Bracknell road
maker, H igh street
, Drew n
cun .. ±xy.
ueci- i-eu.
Hy. beer
ret. & grocer
Lloyd Brothers,painters,Sandhurst rd tS ociety for Prom oting Christian Godwin Edward, shopkeeper
Knowledge Depot (Thomas Hunt) ^New James George, shopkeeper
is a parish partly in this county but principally in Oxfordshire; particulars are given in Kelly's
Directory of the latter county.
C U M N O R is a large parish and village on the road
from Abingdon to Witney, bounded on the west by the
river Isis, which separates it from Oxfordshire,
north from Abingdon and is 3^ west from Oxford, which
is the nearest railway station, in the Northern division
of the county, hundred of Hornier, petty sessional diviÂ
sion, union and county court district of Abingdon, and
in the rural deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry of Berks
and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Michael is an
edifice of stone, generally in the Transitional Norman
style, with insertions and additions of a century later,
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, a chapel at
the east end of the south aisle, which served as a
m ortuary chapel for the abbey of Abingdon, north porch
and a battlem ented western tower containing a clock and
6 bells ; the west doorway is Norman and the tower
arch a fine example of Transitional work : against the
north wall of the chancel is the rich canopied altartomb of Anthony Forster, c. 1572* and whose epitaph, of
32 verses, speaks highly of him as being amiable and
accom plished : the tomb has at the back brasses of
h 'm ;e lf in armour, and his wife Ann (W illiam s), with
several children and shields of arm s: there are other
brasses to Catherine (W illiam s), wife of Henry Staverton, gent. 1577 ⢠anc^ to Deodatus Staverton. and his
wife Edith (W illiam s), c. 1580; there is also a memorial
to Benjam in Buckler D.D. sometime fellow of All Souls
College. Oxford, vicar here and rector of Frilsham, 175580 ; he was editor of the â Stemmata Chicheleiana â
and keeper of the un iversity archives at Oxford, and was
buried here 24th Dec. 1780 : in the church is preserved
a very fine example of a chained Bible, dated 1611, and
said to have been used by the Oxford University Press in
1832-3 for producing an exact reprint of the authorised
version: a list of vicars, in the church, commences in
I 3 I 4 » aiâd has been continued to the present time : there
is also a full-length statue in Caen stone of Queen E lizaÂ
beth, crowned, and bearing the orb and sceptre, said to
have been erected by the Earl of Leicester, in the garÂ
dens of Old Cumnor Place : a handsome memorial has
been erected to the late Sir William Wilson Hunter
K .C .S .I., C .I.E . who died February 7th, 1900, aged 59:
the church affords 300 sittings. The registers all date
from 1559. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
£ 25°, including 25 acres of glebe, with residence, in
the gift of the trustee of the Earl of Abingdon, and
held since 1903 by the Rev. A rthur Dudley Wilkinson
M.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. There is a ConÂ
gregational chapel, built in 1895, with 200 sittings. The
Rev. Dr. Buckler left .£100 (of which the present°interest
is ^ 7 17s. 4d.) to be expended in the purchase of Bibles
and Prayer Books for the poor; the R^v. John Slatter,
£ 1 10s. yearly for the poor; Mr. William Sellwood,
£4 u s . annually for the parishes of Besselsleigh and
Cumnor alternately, to be laid out in the purchase of
foul-weather jackets ; Mr. G . Noble left two £ 5 notes to
be lent to poor persons, one at a time, and to be repaid
at the rate of 10 groats per q u a rte r; Mr. Carey Godfrey,
the interest of ^100, to be laid out in rewards for the
Sunday school; Mr. H. Hall, the yearly interest of
£ io o . to be divided amongst four industrious persons
not receiving parish re lie f; Mrs. M. Peacock, the inÂ
terest of £500, £3 of which towards the school and £12
to be divided amongst three poor widows who are not
on the parish ; Mr. W. Slatter, the interest of ¿100, to
be divided between the school of this parish and the
Blue Coat School at Oxford. The poorâs land of 7
acres and three cottages produce £22 yearly.