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P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .

Ormerod A rth ur Latham M .A., M.D. Palmer Capt. W alter Benjam in R.N.
99 Holywell street, Oxford
The Anchorage. Woodstock road,
Orpwood Mrs. 21 Leckford road, St.
Summertown, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Palmer Rev. W m .Jackson M .A. V icar­
Osborne Stanley Bertram , 19 St.
age, Church Enstone, Enstone
M argaret’s road, St. G iles’, Oxford Palmer Charles Herbert J.P. Bozedown house,W hitchurch ; & Reform
O ’Shaughnassy L t.-C o l W. F. Kidclub, London S W
more End ho. Kidm ore end, Rdng
O 'Shea James M.B. 26 High street, Palmer George Henry, 97 D ivinity rd.
Cowley road, Oxford
C hipping Norton
Osier Sir W illiam bart. M.D., Hon. Palmer John W illiam , Home lodge,
Blenheim, Woodstock
D .Sc., F .R .S . 13 Norham gardens,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Palmer Lester, The Aloes, Eweline,
Osmond Mrs. 1 Queen’s terrace,
W allingford
Stockmore st. Cowley St. John, Palmer Misses, Hook End house,
Checkendon, Reading
O strehan J. E. D. Bank house, Corn Palmer Mrs. 15 Calthorpe rd.Banbury
market, Thame
Palmer Mrs. 19 London rd. Bicester
O ’Sullivan Mrs. 15 Bardwell road, St. Palmer Mrs. Millstream cottage, Mill
Giles’, Oxford
lane, Rotherfield Peppard, HenleyO 'Sullivan M rs.Church house,Brighton-Thames
well Baldwin, W allingford
Palmer Mrs. 12 Parks road, St.
O ’Sullivan Mrs. 14 Lonsdale road,
Giles’, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Palmer Wm. 50 South Bar st.Banbury
O ttley Rev. Robert Lawrence D.D. Palmer William T . 2 Calthorpe villas,
St. Aldate’s street, Oxford
Prospect road, Banbury
Ovenell Frederick, 20 Hamilton road, Pannell George, Laurel cottage, AdSum m ertown, Oxford
derbury East, Banbury
Ovenell Henry Edgar, 30 Oaktkorpe Pannell W. C. Bix, Henley-on-Thames
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Parfitt Alfred, 166 D ivinity road,
Ovenell Mrs. 34 Hamilton road, Sum ­
Cowley road, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Parfitt Felix Brodribb, Elmcroft,Derby
Overton J. H. Oxford st. Woodstock
road, Caversham, Reading
O very Rev. Charles B.A. 42 North Parfitt F elix W illiam , Redholme,
Bar street, Banbury
Derby road, Caversham, Reading
O vey Richard Lockhart J.P. Hernes Parfitt John Brodribb, Kilm ar, KidRotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thms
more road, Caversham, Reading
Owen A lbert Lloyd, 101 Kingston rd Pargiter Fredlc. Eden M.A. 12 CharlSt. G iles’, Oxford
bury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Owen A .S ., M .A.K eble college,Oxford Park Miss, 10 Kingston road, St.
Owen Edwin P. 98 High st. Thame
Giles', Oxford
Owen George Gunn, 18 Stanley road, Parke Mrs. Ckislehampton house,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Chislehampton, W allingford
Owen J. N. S.,B .A .A ll Saints’ .school, Parker Rev. Edward S. A ., O.S.B .,
Bloxham , Banbury
M .A. 8 & 9 Beaumont st. Oxford
Owen Miss, 6 Crouch street, Banbury Parker A rthur Reid, 71 Argyle St.
Owen Sidney George M.A. Christ
Chester street, Oxford
Church, St. Aldate’s st. Oxford
Parker Benjamin, 13 D ivinity road,
Owen Sidney Jam es M.A. 5 BradCowley road, Oxford
more road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Parker C. J. Ivy ho. Yarnton, Oxford
Owens Frederick George, 55 Fairacres Parker Herbert, 13 New street,
road, Iffiey road, Oxford
Owens William, 15 Stanley rd. Cow­ Parker James, 21 Turl street, Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Parker Joseph Townsend, 7 Oakthorpe
Oxford R igh t Rev. Lord Bishop of
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
D.D. (Charles G ore), The Palace, Parker Miss, Cilfan, Highfield,Oxford
Cuddesdon, Wheatley
Parker Miss, 34 Queen street, Hen­
Packford Benoni, 189 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Parker Miss. 43 St. John street, St.
Packford Mrs. 43 Marston street,
G iles’, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Parker Miss, 53 Woodstock road, St.
Paddon Christopher,21 Portland road,
Giles’, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Parker Miss Mary, Bull ring,D edding­
PageH. 6Norman av.Henley-on-Thames
ton, Oxford
Page J.W ., J.P.Nth.Newington,Banbry Parker Mrs. 47 Chalfont Toad, St.
Page John E. Milton, Banbury
Giles’, Oxford
Page Miss, Ivy cot. Bodicote, Banbry Parker Mrs. 256 Iffley road, Oxford
Page Miss, Monksfield, Priory avenue, Parker Mrs. 56 Oakthorpe road,
Caversham , Reading
Summertown, Oxford
Page Miss A. M. The Elm s, Bodicote, Parker Percival Charles, 30 Beech
Croft road, Summertown, Oxford
Page Misses, 12 Oxford rd. Banbury Parkin George Robert LL .D .T he Cot­
Page Mrs. St. M ary's, Manor road,
tage, Goring, Reading
Goring, Reading
Parkinson Mrs. Orchard dene, Bix,
Page Wm. New st. Deddington, Oxfd
Page-Turner Hugh Gregory, Waver- Parr Rev. Willoughby Chase M.A.
ley house, Bicester
The Vicarage, Filkins, Lechlade
Pain 0 . W. 41 High street, Witney
Pain Robert James, Fenton, South Parrott' G. R. Rose vil.M arston,Oxfrd
View avenue, Caversham, Reading Parrott Herbert, Greylands, Kidmore
Paine Thomas S. Jessamine cottage,
road, Caversham, Reading
Tiddington, Wheatley
Parrott Miss, 203 Iffley road, Oxford
Painter Mrs. 52 Middleton road, "Parsons Rev. Bertram M.A. Vicarage,
G rim sbury, Banbury
Yarnton, Oxford
Painter Mrs. Mostyn, South View Parsons Alfred. Sheep street, Burford
avenue, Caversham , Reading
Parsons H J.Manor ho.Elsfield,Oxfrd
Paintin H. 14 Regent st. Cowley,Oxfrd Parsons John E. H .,B.A . The Cottage,
Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
house, Brown’s lane, Woodstock
Parsons Mrs. Brookside, Stadhampton,
Palfrey Hy. Jas. 8 Parker st. Oxford
Palin Mrs. 7 Staverton road, St. Parsons Nathaniel, 3 Walton crescent,
Giles’, Oxford
St. Thomas’, Oxford

[ o x f o e d s h ir e .

Parsons Sidney, 25 Western rr„i
Grandpont, Oxford
Parsons W illiam, 18 Thorncliffe rd
Summertown, Oxford
Partridge William Henry, 4 Victoria
road, Summertown, Oxford
Patey Charles, 5 Merton st. Oxford
Paton Robert, 161 Iffley road, Oxford
Patten Rev. Basil Arthur M.A in­
to ry, M ixbury. Bracklev
Patterson Rev. 'M elville Watson M A
6 Northmoor road, St.Giles’,Oxford
Paul Capt. Robert R.N. The High­
lands, Tadmarton, Banbury
Paul W illiam Young J.P. I0 Church
street, Chipping Norton
Pauling Asaph, 18 Warnborough rd
St. Giles’, Oxford
Pawson Albert Henry, Howe Combe
W atlington, Wallingford
Paxman George, Stradsett, Kidmore
road, Caversham, Reading
Paxman Mrs. 13 Polstead road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Payne Rev. Arnold Hill M.A. 31
Warnborough road. St. Giles’,Oxfrd
Payne Rev. E. J. Undy A .K.C.L. St.
Mary’s priory, Cogges, Witney
Payne Rev. Julius D., M.A. Vicarage,
Payne Charles W. 71 Kingston road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
Payne George Septim us, 32 St. Mar­
garet's road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Payne Joseph, 46 Botley rd. Oxford
Payne Mrs. Sutton, Eynsham
Payne Robert Baylis, Froxfield, St,
Peter’s hill, Caversliam, Reading
Payne Thomas, 8 Southfield road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Payne Walter, 123 Bullingdon road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Payne Walt. Worthington Augustine,
36Thorncliffe rd.Summertown,Oxfrd
Payne W. H. 80 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Payne-Sm ith Rev. W. H., M.A. Christ
Church, St. Aldate's street, Oxford
Payne-Smith Miss, Rogate, Headington Quarry, Oxford
Payze Percy Owen, 68 St. Mark’s rd.
Peacock Matthew H., M.A., B.Mus.
153 Woodstock rd. St. Giles',Oxfrd
Peacock Thomas J. Calderwood, St.
Peter’s aven. Caversham, Reading
Peake Rev. Edward M.A.Choir house,
Brewers street, St. Aldate’s, Oxford
Pearce Rev. Stephen Spencer M.A.
Combe, Woodstock
Pearce Frederick Charles.The Laurels,
High street, Thame
Pearce Sydney Henry J.P. Highfield,
Pearce-Towl Alfred, Elmcot, Wolvercote, Oxford
Pearman H .M .yBlack Hall rd. Oxford
Pearse Rev. John Harvey M.A. St.
John’s Mission house, Marston st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Cooper, Luddesdon
house, Wellington street, Thame
Pearse Airs. Rose mount, Charlbury
Pearson Rev. Alfred E. 72 Aliddleton
road, Grim sbury, Banbury
Pearson Rev. C vril Greenwood M.A.
Cuddesdon, Wheatley
Pearson A. Hearne B.A. 59 Banbury
road, St. G iles', Oxford
Pearson A rthur M.A.Sherwood house,
59 Banbury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Pearson Frank Loughborough, Swanston, W hitchurch, Reading
Pearson Henry D. Assenden Farm
house, Bix, Henley-on-Thames
Pearson Martin Knight, 15 The Lejs,
Chipping Norton
Peat tie William Dean, 3 Davenan
road. Wolvercote, Oxford
Peck George Wilson, Ingleside, Kid­
more road, Caversham, Reading
Peck Herbert H. 2 Hop gardens, Henlev-on-Thames